The Female Boss Falls in Love with Me



Clearly, this woman was doing her best to tease him.    


Right now, he was holding that exquisite yet not enough red apricot in his hand. He wanted to put it to his lips, but he felt that this scene was very comical.    


Eat it?    


In the midst of her confusion, Sha Meili leaned forward and urged, What, you don't dare to eat it?    


Why wouldn't I dare! Huang Xing raised his head and gently put the red apricot into his mouth. Suddenly, an indescribably sour feeling assaulted his sensitive taste buds.    


How sour!    


Huang Xing said bitterly: "Acid." His cheeks were sore.    


Sha Meili put a hand to her mouth and laughed. Eating sour food is good for the body. It is good for metabolism and secretion of gastric juice. Moreover, it can also improve the resolution of taste buds.    


Oh? Huang Xingqiang bit down on his teeth. The bitterness was so strong that it invaded his lungs: 'The taste buds have resolution too?'    


Everything has a resolution, Sha Meili stressed. For example, my resolution to you is that you are a good man.    


What logic!    


Following that, Huang Xing ate a few pieces of the Salmon, using the fresh fish meat and the spiciness of the horseradish to clean up the sour taste left in his mouth.    


But in reality, with a table full of dishes, how much could two people eat? On average, he did not eat three or five mouthfuls of each dish, so he was basically full. By then, the two bottles of red wine had almost finished their drinking. Sha Meili called for the waiter to clean up the dishes on the table. When the waiter saw this scene, he was stunned. He must have cursed at the two of them in his heart.    


Then the two of them began to drink tea.    


A pot of tea cost five hundred and eighteen yuan, and it could be used for an unlimited amount of water.    


To be exact, Huang Xing was disgusted with the life of a rich person. A meal, two, several thousand yuan. It was too extravagant.    


Huang Xing's hands couldn't help but tremble as he picked up the small, transparent teacup. The color of the tea was indeed very pure and transparent. From the looks of it, the tea was quite good. But it would cost several tens of dollars to drink it. What else could it be if it wasn't a scam?    


The way Sha Meili drank her tea was very much like the ancients. She sat up straight, bent her arms, took a very careful sip, and then nodded her head like a scholar. Try it.    


Huang Xing also took a sip and did not say anything.    


He felt that tea was tea. No matter how good the tea was, it was just water.    


The commoners drank tea. They drank lonely tea. A few dollars, several tens of dollars, a catty of tea could last for half a year. The rich drink tea, drink vanity, drink taste, drink free egg pain. Without worrying about food or drink, rich people always feel that when they sit down to savor tea, it is as if they have suddenly become proficient in Chinese culture.    


Sha Meili put the small teacup to her mouth and focused on smelling the fragrance. It was very fragrant. After finishing the red wine and drinking the tea, the two cultures blended into one another and it was truly wonderful.    


Huang Xing couldn't help but say to her: "You look very cultured."    


Sha Meili shook her head. Culture is what people use to brainwash others when they have nothing better to do. It was later extended as a political tool. China's tea culture has a long history. Can you imagine, how idle and relaxed our ancients were? By the way, have you heard how tea was invented?    


I don't know, Huang Xing said.    


Sha Meili said, It is said that in which dynasty, I have forgotten, there was a child who was very playful and very naughty. One day he took a pile of leaves from outside and sneaked them into the boiling water his mother had just boiled. When the mother found out, she was so angry that her child's buttocks turned red. Just like that, a nice pot of water was made undrinkable by him. However, when the father came over to take a look, he felt that the water was emitting a special fragrance. The smell was bright and clear. He couldn't help but take a sip. The moment he drank it, his whole body felt comfortable. This pot of boiling water broken by a child's mischief was the previous self of the tea. Later, tea materials have been unceasingly excavated and expanded, until now, there are thousands of tea varieties.    


Huang Xing couldn't help but give her a thumbs up: Cha Sia, you really are an expert at making up stories.    


Sha Meili smiled and said, "This is what a friend of mine told me." Whether it was real or fake, it was all a type of culture.    


The two of them sipped their tea until it was about one thirty. Huang Xing looked at the time and felt that it was time to go back to the mall, so he declined: "Cha Sia, it's getting late, I have to go back to work."    


Sha Meili had challenged him: a dignified general manager, do you still need to work?    


We have to take the lead, take the lead.    


Sha Meili's face was flushed. It was obvious that the red wine she had just drunk had started to take effect. 'Why don't you go to my house and rest for a while?'    


Huang Xing was extremely embarrassed. Not to mention that time didn't allow it, even if time did, he wouldn't be able to handle her headstrong daughter.    


Sha Meili seemed to have seen through Huang Xing's thoughts. She tilted her head and said, "Don't worry, Meng Ying won't be able to return home in the afternoon." I know her. She was gone at least all day. She had a good group of playmates.    


Huang Xing refused: "That won't do." Cha Sia, I will definitely visit you another day. There's a lot of work for me to do in the afternoon.    


Sha Meili thought for a moment and asked tentatively, "Why don't I ask you out tonight?"    


Where to?    


Sha Meili blinked her slightly dazed eyes. Why don't we go to the suburbs and have a picnic? How about it?    


A picnic? Huang Xing was stunned.    


He couldn't help but remember Fu Zhenxin with this word.    


Back then, Huang Xing and Fu Zhenxin often went to the Yellow River for picnics. That was definitely a romantic experience that they would never forget for the rest of their lives.    


Sha Meili asked in disappointment, What, you don't like it?    


Huang Xing shook his head. Is there a suitable place?    


The southern mountains? Or perhaps, on the banks of the Yellow River? Or, take a look around the surrounding county town to see if there were any suitable places for a picnic.    


Huang Xing thought for a while and said: "It depends. Wait for my call."    


Sha Meili's face bloomed with excitement. "Then, we have a deal."    


Huang Xing didn't say anything else.    


Afterwards, Sha Meili drove Huang Xing back to the mall while driving away.    


In the office, Huang Xing turned on his computer and browsed through a few news stations, but he still felt bored.    


At this time, secretary Tao Fei brought in a plate of fruit, respectfully placed it on Huang Xing's desk, smiled and said: Boss Huang, you should eat some fruit.    


Wu Tie nodded and grabbed an orange. Just as he was about to peel it, Tao Fei came closer and stretched out a slender hand, tentatively saying, "Boss Huang, let me help you."    


Amidst the strong fragrance, Huang Xing noticed that Tao Fei's beautiful hand was covered with a thin layer of gold powder on her fingernails. It was gorgeous and dazzling. Very pretty. Huang Xing frowned and laughed, "Do you want me to eat the chemicals in your hands?"    


Tao Fei seemed to realize something and quickly retracted her hand. I'm sorry, Boss Huang.    


Huang Xing's expression tensed up: Show me your hand!    


Tao Fei was stunned for a moment. Her face flushed red as she reached out her trembling hands in front of Huang Xing.    


It was indeed a pair of sexy hands.    


The skin was delicate, the fingers long and slender, the nails long and thin. Sparse gold powder was scattered on the skin in an irregular manner, giving it a dreamy charm.    


Maybe it was because he drank some red wine, Huang Xing actually touched Tao Fei's fingernails and said, "Employee Code, 13, recite it for me."    


Tao Fei looked troubled. She then stammered, "During the work period, employees must wear work clothes according to the requirements. Do not put on heavy makeup, lipstick, and nails. Pay attention to your image. Be dignified, clean, and graceful."    


Huang Xing didn't miss the opportunity to interrupt her: Isn't this clear as well?    


Boss Huang, I'm just --    


Seemingly gathering her courage, Tao Fei continued, "I just want to look better in front of you!"    


Huang Xing was stunned. What kind of logic was this?    


Huang Xing countered: Does it look good if you apply nails? Secretary Tao, you don't need to do anything to show off in front of me. Do you understand? The eyes of the crowd were bright. And I must correct you a little. The work is for you to see, not for others to see. You have to be sure of that. Otherwise you'll never be able to do your job properly.    


At this moment, Huang Xing's hand had already retreated, but she was still lying flat in front of him, as if she was looking forward to Huang Xing gently pinching her nails like he did just now. Even if Huang Xing was criticizing her, it would at least prove that this young and promising general manager had a closer relationship with her than others.    


Huang Xing seemed to be aware of Tao Fei's worries, so he didn't miss the opportunity to add: "You can leave now." In a little while, go to the finance department and show me the various statements for this month.    


Tao Fei withdrew her hands and said, I'll do it right away.    


Watching Tao Fei leave the office in a hurry, Huang Xing suddenly remembered his former assistant.    


— — Li Rong.    


The current Li Rong could be considered quite impressive. She could also be considered an important figure in the company. He is the manager of the marketing department of the company, and also the direct manager of the four big specialties.    


To Huang Xing, the dispute between him and Li Rong could be considered as very dramatic. Li Rong was a very open-minded girl. In order to achieve her goal, she would use any means possible, even beauty.    


Huang Xing clearly remembered that he had found a few assistant candidates for Fu Jie, among them Li Rong. In order to increase the number of votes won, Li Rong did not hesitate to attract Huang Xing and successfully conquered him with her beauty. Huang Xing had already taken her body, so of course he had to do something for her. Therefore, he highly recommended Li Rong in front of Fu Jie. However, who would've thought that Fu Jie would reject all the assistant candidates? As a result, Huang Xing felt that he was unable to report his situation to Li Rong. By some strange means, Li Rong took a step back and became Huang Xing's assistant. With her outstanding public relations skills and ability to handle matters, Li Rong quickly gained the trust and promotion of the company's leaders, and successfully squeezed into the company's upper echelons.    


… ….    


Huang Xing felt that he really missed Li Rong a little.    


However, coincidentally, just as Huang Xing was indulging in the story of Li Rong, his phone suddenly rang.    


The caller was actually Li Rong.    




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