The Female Boss Falls in Love with Me



Huang Xing hesitated for a while and then hid in the bathroom.    


It was a very simple and small bathroom. Although it was a bit old, it was still very clean. On the small rack in the bathroom, there were a few pieces of women's clothing.    


Huang Xing's face was slightly flushed. It was not hard to imagine the sexy appearance of a beautiful woman like Hao Mei when she wore these skintight clothes. With a special feeling, he answered Fu Jie's call. Fu Jie's familiar and anxious voice came over the phone, "Director Huang, where are you right now? Why are you not answering my call?"    


Huang Xing didn't dare to face Fu Jie and said evasively, "I'm no longer the chairman of Xinyuan Company." I'm sorry to disappoint you.    


Fu Jie was silent for a moment. "In my heart, you will always be," she said. Sorry, I was too impulsive that day. I think, I think, that we should separate the business from the private. I think I want you to go back to the company.    


I can't go back, Huang Xing said.    


Fu Jie said, I had a good talk with Fu Zhenxin about you today. Well, I'd like to meet you and have a good talk with you.    


Huang Xing countered, "Is that necessary?"    


Fu Jie said, Both public and private, this is necessary. Don't you think so?    


I feel that I, Huang Xing, am too ashamed to face you and Boss Fu.    


Fu Jie said, Is there any point in saying that now? It was already like this. I shouldn't have called you so brazenly, but for the sake of the company, I had to. Of course, it was also for the sake of …    


Huang Xing interrupted Fu Jie: I know that my departure will bring some influence to the company. In order to make up for my mistakes, I have found you someone who can take over from me. In a few days, she would be able to take over. That's all I can do, though I know it won't make up for the damage I've done to the company and to you.    


But you know, there may be someone who can take your place, but not someone who can take your place. I mean, without you, Xin Fang couldn't have done it.    


Huang Xing said, "Xinyuan company can leave anyone, except you, Fu Jie. You are a legal person." I'm just a passerby. A passerby who shouldn't have appeared.    


Fu Jie stressed, "Director Huang, I want to have a good talk with you." Okay?    


Huang Xing shook his head. I'm sorry, I don't have the courage.    


Tell me where you are.    


That's not important, Huang Xing said.    


Fu Jie was silent for a moment, then she mustered up her courage and said, "Huang Xing, before you hang up the phone, I want to ask you a question of the truth."    


Huang Xing said, Tell me.    


Fu Jie was conflicted. "I want to know, in your heart, which one is more important?"    


He hadn't expected Fu Jie to ask that. Of course, he was not mentally prepared enough to respond to such questions. He didn't know how to answer, and Fu Jie said, Now, Fu Zhenxin and I can forgive you, really. There weren't many men who were perfect. I just hope that you aren't playing around with my feelings for Zhen Xin. Can you understand what I mean?    


I, I didn't, Huang Xing said. Actually, in my heart. You have always been a goddess that I can't even compare to, and I didn't dare to hope that I would be able to obtain your favor. However, I didn't expect that I would actually obtain your wrong love. As for Fu Zhenxin, I admit that I like her, but this kind of liking is different from the feelings I have for you. But anyway, I hurt both of you, and it's all my fault.    


Fu Jie said, "How about this, Heaven's Will Tea House. I'll have a good talk with you." I'll be there in ten minutes.    


Huang Xing was about to decline, but Fu Jie hung up the phone first.    


He was at a loss as to whether he should go or not.    


If he didn't go, both of them would feel the shadow in their hearts. If he went, how would he face Fu Jie?    


Heaven's Will Tea House.    


Huang Xing got out of the taxi and saw Fu Jie anxiously pacing at the door.    


She was still her, beautiful and noble. But it was not difficult to see that within her beautiful face was a sense of emaciation.    


Huang Xing hesitated for a moment, but he still mustered up his courage and walked over.    


When Fu Jie saw Huang Xing, she was first surprised, then she actually trotted over and excitedly held Huang Xing's hand, saying, "You're here, Director Huang. The company really can't do without you."    


Huang Xing felt that her words were a bit abrupt, but it wasn't difficult for him to understand Fu Jie's complicated state of mind. Huang Xing pursed his lips, not knowing what to say. He wanted to apologize, but felt that the time was not right. He really didn't know how to face Fu Jie, the woman he loved so much.    


Fu Jie took his arm and led him into the teahouse. He sat down in an elegant room and served tea.    


Huang Xing didn't dare to look Fu Jie in the eye. After mulling over it for a long time, he finally said three feeble words, "I'm sorry."    


A look of desolation passed over Fu Jie's face, but then it softened. Don't say you're sorry.    


Huang Xing drank a mouthful of tea. It was very hot, but he felt it again. Fu Jie stared at Huang Xing as she continued. I think we can separate our feelings from our work. I hope you come back.    


Huang Xing shook his head.    


Fu Jie said, I … I talked to Fu Zhenxin. I just want to ask you the truth. Do you like her more, or --    


Of course it's you! Huang Xing blurted out. However, he immediately regretted it again. Speaking of this now could only increase the damage he could inflict on the two sisters. It was useless to anyone.    


Fu Jie bit her lips and said thoughtfully, "Actually, Fu Zhenxin left." She went to Shanghai.    


Huang Xing was immediately stunned: "What?" Why did he leave?    


Fu Jie said, "She, I've arranged to study for two years." She was still young and a little childish.    


Of course, Huang Xing knew that Fu Jie arranged for Fu Zhenxin to study in Shanghai, and that wasn't entirely because of this. More, perhaps, to give himself a way back to the company.    


However, this step was not enough for Huang Xing to take difficult steps. At the very least, he felt that he had no face to face everything that had happened. Especially Fu Jie.    


Seeing Huang Xing at a loss, Fu Jie bent down and looked at him with a sincere gaze, pleading, "Come back and help me." The success of Xin Feng's company today is inseparable from your hard work. The days you've been gone, just a few days, the company is a mess. In my opinion, you're not an irresponsible person, are you?    


Huang Xing touched his forehead and said, "Actually, I already found someone who can take over my position."    


Fu Jie asked, Who?    


I met a manager at the job fair and she just left. I was going to recommend her to take my place. Her ability was above mine.    


Fu Jie's body suddenly shuddered uncontrollably, a special feeling of sadness emerging from her brows. She even reached out a hand in grief, wanting to grab Huang Xing's hand, but she didn't. Fu Jie said softly, "But you know what, I've thought about it for a long time, and I need more than just your ability to work." More importantly, you.    


Huang Xing felt like crying. He did not expect Fu Jie to say that now. Huang Xing shook his head: "I, I, Huang Xing am not worthy of you."    


Fu Jie said, I know what you think. You've been married, and you're still fighting between me and my sister. This was indeed hard to accept. But I have thought that it was you who admitted the relationship between you and Fu Zhenxin. This proves that in your heart, you are not so irresponsible, nor so … You are not a romantic person. You have a sense of responsibility and a sense of responsibility. As for you and Fu Zhenxin, can we just let them drift on the wind? We still have a long way to go.    


I'm not as good as you think, Huang Xing said. I'm a sinner.    


Fu Jie stressed, "You are not! You are not!"    


As she spoke, tears gushed out of her eyes. She seemed to lose control of her emotions as she said excitedly, "I don't care what you've done or what you've done, I, Fu Jie, can't leave you!" I really can't leave you!    


Huang Xing didn't know what to say. He could feel Fu Jie's deep love for him. But this deep love made Huang Xing even more in a dilemma, making him completely apologetic.    


Fu Jie grabbed Huang Xing's hand and stared at him deeply.    


Huang Xing sighed deeply.    


Even if it's for me, can you come back?    


Fu Jie felt Huang Xing's hand shake her hand, but then she let go. Her spirits lifted a little, and she sat closer.    


Huang Xing nodded with great difficulty after about ten minutes.    


Just like that, Huang Xing returned to Xinfang Company.    


At the same time, he returned to Fu Jie's side. A strong sense of guilt made Huang Xing treasure everything more.    


A month later, Xin Feng company's scale expanded, the number of employees reached seven to eight hundred. Fu Jie prepared a Passat for Huang Xing. Xin Duo's company started to sell more and more branches, finally taking the first step towards group development. Fu Jieren is chairman and Huang Xing is general manager.    


And the cooperation between the Xin Feng company and the Dream Group followed one after another.    


A year later, a large scale of businesses rose from the ground. After the discussion between Fu Jie and Yu Mengqin, the name of this large scale company was given to the Xin Dream's Merchant House. Fu Jie, Huang Xing and Ouyang Mengjiao controlled the board together, while Yu Mengqin controlled the board remotely.    


On the first day of business, business celebrities from Jinan came to congratulate him. The headlines from the various newspapers also took a long time to report and analyze the rise of the Xin Dream Merchant Shop.    


Of course, Ouyang Mengjiao's feelings for Huang Xing still couldn't be forgiven. But as time passed, she became more and more aware that Huang Xing, who once lived and ate with her, and was very happy, would never be able to come back.    


On a certain day in October, in the afternoon, after Huang Xing and Ouyang Mengjiao had made the marketing plan for the next step, Ouyang Mengjiao wanted to bring Huang Xing down for a cup of coffee.    


A burst of noise sounded out from a cashier's counter.    


Huang Xing went up to look around and found that there were a few people surrounding the cashier. There were security guards, staff from Chamber of Commerce and even a middle-aged woman who was acting arrogantly.    


Seeing Huang Xing's arrival, the security team leader quickly reported the current situation to him.    




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