The Female Boss Falls in Love with Me

C235 Beauty in the winery

C235 Beauty in the winery

After Tao Fei took the menu, when she flipped to the first page, she could not help but look at her surroundings. First, she wanted a Salmon! likes to eat Salmon s!    


Huang Xing was a little shocked, he had never eaten with Tao Fei before, he actually knew that he liked to eat Salmon s and fish. While secretly sighing with emotion, a sliver of emotion blossomed in Huang Xing's heart.    


Tao Fei continued to order a few more dishes, all of which Huang Xing usually liked to eat.    


Huang Xing felt that this girl Tao Fei was clever enough, she was meticulous enough to understand the thoughts of a leader. He had a bright future ahead of him!    


Logically speaking, for a small meal like this, as Tao Fei said, they should give the menu to Huang Xing and let him order. But the inconceivable thing was that although she did not do so, he only ordered Huang Xing's favorite dishes. To be able to do this, it meant that this secretary was truly at the top of his class.    


Tao Fei put down the menu, then asked Huang Xing: Boss Huang, do you want some?    


Huang Xing smacked his lips: I'll drink some.    


Tao Fei said: Then Boss Huang can drink by yourself. I don't want any more, I still have work to do in the afternoon.    


Huang Xing thought for a moment, then said: Come and drink with me. Drinking alone was boring.    


Tao Fei looked troubled as she said, "But — according to the rules, you are not allowed to drink alcohol during and before work, you are going to be punished."    


Huang Xing asked: If I don't say anything, who would dare to punish you?    


Tao Fei said while grinning: That's true. Then Boss Huang, shall we drink something white?    


Huang Xing was startled, he had never heard of Tao Fei drinking white spirit, it seemed like he was really secretive! But then again, as a secretary to the general manager, not being able to drink was a bit abnormal. It was only because he had underestimated Tao Fei that he didn't bring her to the usual winery. Of course, this did not mean that he had ignored Tao Fei, but rather, it was a form of protection for her.    


Huang Xing nodded his head: It's white so be it!    


Tao Fei asked for a bottle of the 288 bottles of Lai Mao Wine, and separately poured a full cup for Huang Xing and himself.    


The dishes were served one by one. It could even be said that they were both delicious and delicious. Especially the Salmon that Huang Xing liked the most, it made him praise it even more. The Salmon s were cut very delicately, they were extremely beautiful, with a picture of fruits, vegetables, and fresh flowers. The fish was red in color and had distinct texture. It looked like a genuine Norwegian imported Salmon. To be exact, the Salmon was a very luxurious and expensive Japanese dish, but it also had a lot of business. The Japanese had not done much good in the past few thousand years. Their greatest contribution was to make the Salmon grow big. With the horseradish s, eat one piece. Not only was there no fishy smell, but it was also unbelievably fresh and delicious.    


However, Tao Fei was not in a hurry to enjoy the delicious seafood on the table. Instead, she scooped a few Oyster Prawns in front of her and peeled them off with her delicate hands. After peeling it off, she didn't rush to eat it. Instead, she put the prawn onto a plate.    


Huang Xing raised his wine cup and said, here, take a sip.    


Tao Fei quickly put down what she was doing, wiped her hands with a tissue, raised her cup and respectfully said: Boss Huang, I toast you!    


Huang Xing frowned: "Didn't I already say that you don't need to be like this?    


Tao Fei nodded her head, smiled and said: "Boss Huang, thank you for your care and nurturing. I am very happy to be your secretary.    


This girl really knew how to speak!    


Huang Xing said: No way! This sentence should be mine to say! Tao Fei, you are a clever girl, especially when you want to be my secretary, you can always think of my thoughts and rush me. Just say that the dishes you ordered on this table are all things I usually like to eat. So, I have to thank you.    


Tao Fei's face blossomed with surprise: Really? Boss Huang? Oh, I'm so happy! Come to Boss Huang, in order to express my gratitude to you, I will do it as a form of respect!    


Huang Xing wanted to stop her, but he was unable to. Holding the cup with both hands, she poured a small cup full of white wine into his mouth in the blink of an eye.    


F * ck me! Huang Xing was stunned! Although the wine cup was not big, it was at least 1 tael 3 or 4 full. She was a little girl, yet she was able to finish the glass of wine within three seconds without taking a breath. Moreover, after drinking it, her expression was very calm, as if she didn't feel the pungent taste of alcohol at all.    


Expert, could it be that I've met an expert from the distillery today?    


Moreover, this expert was a girl! A girl who looked very weak!    


To be exact, Huang Xing was afraid of this cup of wine. If he could get rid of them in two bites, there shouldn't be a problem. However, this was not a small challenge. Huang Xing faced his wine cup and repeatedly evaluated in his heart whether or not he would be able to successfully take down the wine cup.    


Tao Fei seemed to have seen through Huang Xing's thoughts, and said: "Boss Huang, you can drink as you wish."    


Huang Xing said. If you do it, how can I do it? Huang Xing was going all out this time, how could he lose to a silly little girl in terms of aura while drinking?    


After drinking the wine, Huang Xing felt that his stomach was burning up, and his mouth was also brimming with the acrimony of alcohol. He opened his mouth wide to adjust for a long time before he managed to recover.    


Tao Fei smilingly extended her thumb towards Huang Xing: Boss Huang is indeed powerful! How about this, today I will declare war on you!    


What? Declaration war?    


Huang Xing was stunned!    


She dared to declare war on him, was she drunk?    


Although he wasn't some God of Wine that could sweep away thousands of enemies, he had basically never broken off his training these few years. He had truly reached the realm of 'drinking one and a half kilograms of white wine and drinking beer at will'. This little girl actually didn't know how high the heavens were and how deep the earth was, she actually wanted to declare war on him!    


However, when she mentioned the word 'declare war', it did draw a lot of associations from Huang Xing. Recalling back when he lived in that small rented house, Ouyang Mengjiao had declared war on him quite a few times. It was just that while Ouyang Mengjiao was on the bed, Tao Fei was on the table. Different environments and different meanings.    


Huang Xing shook his head: Forget it. You? Fighting with me for wine, aren't I bullying you?    


Tao Fei laughed and provoked Huang Xing: What, does Boss Huang not dare? Afraid I'll drink you down and hurt my pride?    


She smiled sweetly, like a budding rose. So sexy, so innocent, so beautiful.    


'What a joke! ' Huang Xing raised his head and said: "Someone that can make me lie down drunk, I'm afraid he hasn't been born yet!"    


Speaking to this point, Huang Xing could not help but be startled. He suddenly remembered someone else.    


Wang Yaxuan!    


That girl's tolerance for alcohol was too overwhelming!    


Huang Xing clearly remembered the awkward situation he had when he was drinking with Wang Yaxuan that year. She had treated white spirits as cold water, drinking them one at a time, until Huang Xing was stunned.    


Could it be that he met another person similar to Wang Yaxuan today?    


Thinking about it, Huang Xing did not dare to underestimate Tao Fei anymore. Just based on the fact that her expression hadn't changed after drinking that cup of wine, it was clear that she had a good alcohol tolerance. But he did not turn his head to shoot, he had already said all that he wanted, of course Huang Xing would not easily admit defeat. He was feeling depressed right now, so drinking alcohol was the best way to ease his depression. Lifting a glass to worry is more worrisome, that's just the imagination in the lyrics, in order to find a rhyme. Once the wine was stuck to the vexed matter, it would quickly dissipate.    


Just like that, one cup after another.    


A bottle of wine was quickly finished by the two of them.    


Tao Fei seemed to be in a daze as she called the waiter to take another bottle.    


Huang Xing, who was still conscious, quickly stopped Tao Fei. Leave this bottle to me, you don't need to touch it again.    


Tao Fei snatched the white wine from Huang Xing's hands with force, pouted her rosy lips and said: What, the Boss Huang looks down on me?    


Huang Xing was startled: "I'm concerned about you!" Drink some more and you'll be drunk!    


Tao Fei said, I have a lot of alcohol! Then she opened the bottle and poured the wine again.    


After a while, the waiter brought a fruit bowl and a salad, which he said was a gift from his boss. Huang Xing thanked him and the waiter left.    


Then, Hua Chenghui that fellow actually brought a bottle of wine to Huang Xing's box. Upon seeing Huang Xing, he laughed: Boss Huang, so elegant! It's better to meet by chance than by chance. Let me toast you!    


Huang Xing said: There's no need for that right?    


Hua Chenghui took a glance at the Tao Fei whose eyes were already blurry from drinking too much, and said softly: Boss Huang, don't worry.    


Huang Xing could faintly understand the meaning behind Hua Chenghui's words, and was hinting to him that between him and Secretary Tao — —    


Furthermore, what Hua Chenghui was holding, was actually a bottle of Maotai! Huang Xing was a little unbalanced in his heart. He, as the supplier of the special shelves in the Xin Meng Plaza, was able to live a comfortable life like this, drinking Maotai. He himself was the dignified general manager of the Xin Meng Plaza, but he could only rely on himself!    


After Hua Chenghui poured the wine, he took the opportunity to raise Huang Xing's wine cup and laughed: Boss Huang, for this first cup, I will apologize to you in all seriousness! I still remember that day. He regretted it so much that his intestines turned green!    


Huang Xing frowned: "You mean, there's still a second cup?    


Hua Chenghui laughed: Three cups of wine! A deep feeling of affection filled his heart! I will do it as a sign of respect!    


After he finished speaking, he poured the wine from the cup into his mouth in one breath, smacked his lips and let out a series of sighs.    


Tao Fei seemed to have seen through Huang Xing's unwillingness. She walked over and took the wine cup from Huang Xing's hands and said: I'll drink for Boss Huang!    


Before Huang Xing could react, Tao Fei had already raised her neck and drained the wine completely.    


Hua Chenghui praised: A powerful fighter must have a strong one, haha! I'm defeated, I'm defeated! Boss Huang, drink well and eat well.    


Perhaps seeing that Huang Xing still did not like him, Hua Chenghui did not continue, and anxiously found a way out.    


Huang Xing looked at Tao Fei who had woken up from her daze and asked anxiously: "Little Tao, can you drink again? If you drink anymore, you won't be able to go back to the mall and you won't be able to work.    


Tao Fei laughed, that smile was like a devastatingly beautiful woman. This smile was as if it was a relief that she had seen through the world of work. Tao Fei took a small step closer to Huang Xing and said: "If I can't go back, then I won't go back. I will stay behind to accompany Boss Huang."    


What? Huang Xing was immediately stunned.    


He could smell another kind of aroma from Tao Fei's body mixed with the scent of alcohol. More refined, more intoxicating. The smell of alcohol was stinky on men, but on women, it had a different fragrance and elegance.    


Huang Xing, who was a little drunk, was also intoxicated by her beauty and her fragrance.    


Tao Fei suddenly made an even bolder move. She practically leaned over, opened her mouth and said: Boss Huang, I can tell you why I want to drink with you today. Boss Huang, do you want to hear it?    




Huang Xing was immediately shocked.    


Could it be that Tao Fei had other motives for drinking with him?    


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