The Female Boss Falls in Love with Me



It's like this, Boss Fu. This morning, I --    


Fu Jie said, Don't try to cover it up, is there any meaning to it? As the General Manager of the Xin Dream's Merchant Shop, I am very disappointed with your performance!    


At this moment, Huang Xing felt that all the justifications were pale and powerless.    


After hanging up the phone, Huang Xing paced back and forth in his office. He wished that all of this was just a dream. He could understand the difficulties Fu Jie was having after her extreme display of strength. As the head of the building, once he heard or saw his appearance in the fitness centre, it would naturally lead to a series of bad thoughts. There is also the issue of impact.    


Huang Xing became more and more aware of the seriousness of the situation. Perhaps he didn't want to sit on the massage chair during work time, but under Shen Yaru's courtesy, he was forced to give in. He didn't want Shen Yaru to take off her shoes and put them on for him, but Shen Yaru showed too much enthusiasm.    


He had completely underestimated the supervision Fu Jie had over the entire mall!    


Even if she wasn't in the mall, she would still be informed of everything that had happened through all sorts of petty people and all sorts of channels.    


Of course, not all those who loved to report were despicable people. However, in Huang Xing's eyes, he was even more despicable than a villain.    


In this afternoon, Huang Xing's heart was in turmoil. He seemed to be silently waiting for the storm to come.    


Fu Jie rushed back at five in the afternoon. When he returned to his office, he sent his secretary to Huang Xing's office.    


When the secretary saw Huang Xing, a trace of a special charm was revealed on his face: "Boss Huang, Boss Fu asks you to come over."    


Huang Xing nodded and asked tentatively, "How is she feeling?"    


The secretary frowned and shook his head. "It doesn't look too good. I still dropped something when I got back."    


Huang Xing's heart was covered in cold sweat. To be exact, the mere arrival of the secretary had made him feel that things were not going well. Normally, when Fu Jie called him, she would just give him a call. However, he had sent a secretary over this time, which meant that Fu Jie was really angry with him.    


Huang Xing said to Fu Jie's secretary, "Okay, you can go back first. I'll be there shortly."    


The secretary said, Then I'll leave first, Boss Huang.    


After the secretary left, Huang Xing wandered around the office. He wanted to call Fu Jie first to find out more about her, but after thinking for a while, he decided against it.    


He had to face what he had to face.    


Three minutes later, Fu Jie's office door.    


When the door was opened, Huang Xing saw Fu Jie sitting at the desk with a frown on her face. She looked just like a cold beauty.    


He practiced his facial expressions on the outside for a while. It was unknown what kind of situation he had to face Fu Jie in in order to make the situation more peaceful. In the end, he walked in with a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. He was extremely perturbed in his heart.    


Fu Jie seemed to have sensed Huang Xing's arrival. She tilted her head and a sharp light shot out from her eyes.    


'Boss Fu '. In public, Huang Xing and Fu Jie always use the role of dutiful.    


Fu Jie slightly raised her eyelids. From the corner of her mouth, she said the two words that sounded extremely threatening: Boss Huang.    


Huang Xing habitually pulled over a chair to sit down, but Fu Jie suddenly coughed lightly and slapped her hand on the desk: "You still want to sit down?" What qualifications do you have to sit on it!    


Huang Xing was shocked and didn't dare to look straight at Fu Jie's cold expression. Boss Fu, we shouldn't be so hostile, right?    


Fu Jie harrumphed, "Armageddon?" I have the heart to expel you! Do you know what you're doing? You're digging your own grave! You're not only digging your own grave, you're digging mine!    


Huang Xing held onto the handle of the chair, unsure if he should sit down. It's not that exaggerated, right?    


Fu Jie said angrily, "It's not that exaggerated?" Boss Huang, do you still know what you do for a living? You are the General Manager of the Xin Dream's Merchant Shop! Besides me, you're the boss! Thousands of people in the mall are pointing at you and me! And Yu Mengqin, Boss Yu, don't you feel the weight of responsibility when she gives you and me such a big stand? I've been busy all day long, but you've been wandering around like a roaming crane. Go for a walk, I can just think you're inspecting the work! But as for you, you go to the gym equipment during work hours to massage, and also let -- and let -- a small shop assistant put on your shoes and take them off for you. How big is your score? Are you the Emperor? Even the officials are not as corrupt as you!    


She stated Huang Xing's several heinous crimes in one go, causing him to break out in a cold sweat.    


But this was only the beginning.    


Fu Jie continued, As the general manager and leader, instead of being a good example, you took the lead in corruption. Do you know how your actions will affect the managers and employees below you? Based on this alone, it wouldn't be too much to fire you!    


To be exact, Huang Xing didn't expect Fu Jie to be so angry! In his memories, Fu Jie had never been so impulsive before. Or maybe it wasn't an impulse at all.    


Huang Xing also wanted to try and defend himself. After all, what happened today was indeed unexpected. However, Fu Jie didn't even give him a chance. She passionately recounted his crimes, the disappointment, the anger, and the words she said.    


After about twenty minutes, Fu Jie gradually quieted down. Taking a deep breath, she coldly said, Prepare yourself for the management meeting.    


Huang Xing raised his head and looked at Fu Jie's familiar and beautiful face. At this moment, it was as if he was looking at a stranger. Boss Fu, can you listen to what I have to say?    


Fu Jie waved her hand. What else do you have to say?    


Huang Xingqiang said, "Today's business is real -- it's not my intention." Well, I had a habit of going to the fitness equipment section before work, but this morning, I, when I went, was a new clerk. She doesn't know me. And then, just don't let me sit. Then, when I went back in the afternoon, she knew me and just wanted to make up for the morning crash. So I was -- I just sat there and relaxed for a while. I didn't expect this Shen Yaru to be so enthusiastic and even helped me take off my shoes. She didn't even wait for me to react ….    


Fu Jie didn't miss an opportunity to interject, "If you can remember the name so clearly, how can you say you don't know it?"    


Huang Xing said: "I really don't know her. She's new here!"    


Fu Jie snorted coldly, "I don't understand what you're saying. It's too chaotic!" Why don't you explain it to everyone in the review? It's no use explaining it to me!    


Huang Xing was extremely depressed in his heart. He went up to Boss Fu and pleaded, "Boss Fu, please consider my prestige in front of your subordinates, alright?" Rest assured, I will clearly explain today's matter to you.    


Fu Jie countered, "Prestige?" You know about prestige? Did you consider your prestige when you ran over for a massage during the office hours and asked the clerk to take off your shoes and put them on? Let me tell you, Huang Xing, this prestige was built by itself, and destroyed by itself. Think about it!    


Huang Xing was helpless.    


He hated that snitch!    


Huang Xing tentatively asked, "Can you tell me who called you?"    


Fu Jie had beaten him into submission. "What? You still want revenge?" I won't tell you. I won't let you try to force your mistakes on others!    


Huang Xing said, "I didn't think of taking revenge. I just..."    


Fu Jie said, "Then don't ask!"    


Huang Xing frowned. All right. Boss Fu, are you done criticizing? If you're done, I'll go back first.    


Fu Jie countered, "I have an opinion, I have an idea?"    


No, Huang Xing said. How could he dare! You are my head!    


To be exact, Huang Xing felt wronged and angry in the face of Fu Jie's reprimand. If it wasn't Fu Jie, but someone else, he would have left long ago! However, it was the way Fu Jie treated him that made him feel even more heartache and despair.    


Returning to the office in disappointment, Huang Xing put a cigarette in his mouth and exhaled the smoke.    


Tao Fei poured him a glass of water and handed it over, but he almost slammed it on the floor.    


"What's wrong, Boss Huang?" Tao Fei asked.    


Huang Xing frowned and said, "Don't ask what shouldn't be asked." Go to work!    


Tao Fei tactfully left.    


Recalling Fu Jie's earlier criticism, Huang Xing's anger became more and more difficult to suppress. On an impulse, he took out a white face and wrote two big words on it: Retired from work.    


He would never again suffer from this vexation!    


At that moment, Sha Meili suddenly called. Huang Xing didn't want to answer it, so he pressed the 'Reject' button. But before long, the phone rang again.    


Huang Xing pressed the "Answer" button and said impatiently: "What's the matter?"    


Sha Meili said from the other side, What's wrong? So angry! Boss Huang, you forgot, we made an appointment at noon to have dinner together and have a picnic. Come out and have a drink or two. Anything that's unhappy will be gone.    


Huang Xing thought for a moment and said: "Alright." Why don't you pick me up?    


Sha Meili burst into surprise: Okay, I'll drive there immediately, to the door of the mall to call you!    


Come straight to my office!    


After hanging up, Huang Xing clenched his teeth. Being wronged and dissatisfied had already caused him to lose his rationality.    


Since Fu Jie had treated him like that earlier, then he would act out a show with her! Although Sha Meili wasn't as pretty as Fu Jie, she was still one of the top women. And rich. I don't believe that you, Fu Jie, won't be jealous!    


Thinking about it, Huang Xing felt a little bit of comfort in his heart.    


This could also be a perverted form of revenge!    


The two kinds of revenge thoughts were tangled together, which made Huang Xing feel a satisfaction that he had never felt before.    


So much so that he smiled, a sinister smile.    


After another twenty minutes or so, the office phone rang.    


Huang Xing picked up the call. A familiar yet unfamiliar voice came from the other side, "Boss Huang, we're having dinner together?"    


It was actually Fu Jie!    


Huang Xing was surprised for a moment. He didn't expect Fu Jie to invite him for a meal after criticizing him. Was this a good dinner or a Hongmen feast?    


To be exact, he wanted to go. But he also felt that if he went there, he would appear to be very despicable. She had just been scolded by Fu Jie, but now they were eating together again in the blink of an eye. How funny!    


So Huang Xing declined: I'm sorry Boss Fu, I had an appointment tonight.    


Fu Jie was startled. "Who did you arrange to meet with?"    


My personal, friend, Huang Xing said.    


Is it important?    


In a special tone, Huang Xing said, Very important.    


Fu Jie replied with an "oh" before hanging up.    


Huang Xing felt that it was cruel to do this to Fu Jie. At the same time, he felt that this method of revenge was rather satisfying.    




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