The Female Boss Falls in Love with Me



Sha Meili didn't miss the opportunity to unlock the lock. She pulled Huang Xing's hand and walked over.    


Opening the back door, Sha Meili pushed Huang Xing in and rushed over herself.    


In the relatively small space of the carriage, they were insanely entangled.    


He seemed to have forgotten everything.    


In the process, Huang Xing constantly chanted a name in his heart, and that name was Huang Jinjiang. He felt that the more he repeated it, the stronger the revenge pleasure became.    


To be exact, Huang Xing's mind had been clouded by the desire for revenge.    


He would face irreparable consequences. The hard-won love with Fu Jie will be ruined.    


However, at this moment, he did not have the time to care about this. In his mind, there were only scenes of Zhao Xiaoran and Huang Jinjiang cheating. Those fragments transformed into numerous sharp blades that deeply pierced his heart. It made his heart struggle and shout again and again. It was only at this moment, when he was having an affair with his enemy's wife, that he truly experienced the boundless pleasure that revenge brought him.    


However, just as the fun of revenge continued like a raging fire, the phone inside Sha Meili's clothes suddenly rang, breaking the crazy tacit understanding between the two.    


She didn't want to answer, but the bell continued to ring. Helpless, she could only quieten down. She took her phone and saw that it was actually her daughter, Huang Mengying!    


On the phone, Huang Mengying screamed in panic, Mom, Mom, come and save me, come and save me!    


Startled, Sha Meili asked anxiously, "Meng Ying, what's wrong?"    


Huang Mengying cried out, "I'm at my classmate Sun Hong's home …" Ah...    


Bang! The phone was suddenly hung up along with Huang Mengying's groans.    


Sha Meili instantly realized the seriousness of the situation. She suddenly hit herself in the face crazily, then quickly put on her clothes, grabbed her phone and sat in the driver's seat.    


Huang Xing cursed in his heart as he hurriedly put on his clothes and sat in the front passenger seat.    


Sha Meili said as she started the car, My daughter might be in trouble. Otherwise, I find the consequences unthinkable.    


What did your daughter say on the phone?    


Sha Meili said, It seems like she didn't have much of a chance to call me, so she hung up immediately. I heard a bang, as if the phone had dropped to the floor. At the same time, I heard the sound of my daughter's pain. I think my daughter must have been beaten, bullied, or even.    


Huang Xing comforted her, "Don't worry, I'll accompany you."    


Sha Meili nodded, stepped on the accelerator, and sped down the road.    


It seemed that she cared a lot about her daughter. Along the way, she seemed to have gone crazy. She didn't care about the speed limit red lights, and quickly drove back to the city.    


Stopping at the entrance of a small district, Sha Meili said as she unbuckled her seatbelt, "It should be here, at Meng Ying's classmate's house." She was on the phone. She was at Sun Hong's. This should be Sun Hong's home. I remember coming here with Meng Ying a few years ago.    


Huang Xing probed, "Do we need to call the police?"    


Sha Meili shook her head. The police tend to make things worse. Let's wait and see.    


The two of them quickly ran into the district and stopped in front of the second unit of Building 11. Sha Meili looked up and said, It's up there! It seemed to be the third floor. No, no, fourth floor!    


The two did not take the elevator. Instead, they walked up the stairs while listening for movement. As expected, when they neared the fourth floor, they vaguely heard the sounds of girls laughing. On the surface, this sound seemed normal, but if you listened carefully, it seemed to contain another kind of moaning and crying element.    


The sounds coming from the fourth floor's door became clearer.    


Sha Meili knocked on the door repeatedly, and from inside came a bunch of naughty girls' questions: Who is it?    


"It's me," Sha Meili answered vaguely.    


'Mum, Mom 'was immediately followed by a series of miserable wails.    


Sha Meili was stunned! It had been confirmed that his daughter was inside, and she seemed to be suffering some sort of special injury. In desperation, Sha Meili pounded on the door and shouted, Open the door, open the door for me, open the door quickly.    


From inside came the voice of a girl: You're Huang Mengying's mother, aren't you? Go home and wait. We'll have a good time with your daughter.    


Sha Meili tentatively asked, "Are you, are you Sun Hong?"    


The girl said, I'm not Sun Hong, but Sun Hong is also here.    


Sha Meili shouted anxiously, "Sun Hong, Sun Hong, I'm your Auntie Sha." What's wrong with Meng Ying? Quickly tell Auntie to open the door. Quick.    


However, there was no response from the inside. They only heard Huang Mengying crying and shouting, her voice choked with sobs. From time to time, he would let out an "ah" sound.    


Sha Meili continued to plead for the door to be opened, but no one paid any attention to her. In desperation, she turned her head to look at Huang Xing and saw him frowning slightly with a thoughtful look on his face.    


In fact, as soon as Huang Xing went upstairs, he smelled a strong smell of alcohol. This smell of alcohol came from the room. Seeing that Sha Meili's shout didn't work, he felt that it would be better to take the initiative. So she asked Sha Meili, "Do you have a spoon in your ear?"    


Sha Meili forced a smile and said, "What time is it? You're still in the mood to dig out your ears." Please, I'm here to ask you to help me, not to gloat! Look at my daughter.    


As she spoke, she suddenly stopped, as if she had realized something.    


Looking at the keyhole, Sha Meili probed, You mean, you know how to unlock?    


'Try it, 'Huang Xing said.' I had a cousin who opened a lockpicking company in the past, so I learned a few moves from him. I don't know if I can be of any use to him.' I hope they're not locked in, or it'll be a waste of time.    


Sha Meili fumbled in her bag for a long time and finally found a spoon after spoon. She handed it to Huang Xing and looked at him like he was her savior, feeling uneasy.    


Huang Xing gently put the earspoon into the lock. After repeating this again and again, a "pa deng" sound was heard.    


The door opened.    


Sha Meili and Huang Xing quickly walked in.    


However, the scene in front of them had completely stunned them!    


To be exact, there were four of them, all girls sixteen or seventeen years old. And they were all wearing cheap clothes.    


However, the most economical one was Sha Meili's daughter, Huang Mengying. Her legs and arms were wrapped in transparent tape, and there seemed to be traces of bruises all over her body.    


It had to be said that Huang Mengying's body was very similar to her mother's. Her skin was white and exquisite, and her figure was also very good. However, at this moment, she was like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered. The tears on her face continuously flowed as her body trembled. Furthermore, when she saw Sha Meili barge in, she cried even more fiercely and repeatedly shouted, "Mom, Mom, save me! Mom, save me!"    


The room was filled with a strong smell of alcohol. It was easy to tell that these three or four girls had been drinking before.    


At this time, a chubby girl stepped forward with a very thin lady's belt in her hand. She stared at Sha Meili and her daughter like a tiger. She couldn't help but drink, and her body couldn't even steady itself as she pointed drunkenly at Sha Meili and Huang Mengying, cursing, "Today, both of you will suffer a terrible fate!" None of them!    


Sha Meili was stunned for a moment as she undid the tape for her daughter. She seemed to recognize that this chubby girl was Sun Hong.    


Sha Meili did not understand and asked, "Sun Hong, you are Sun Hong, right?" What was going on today?    


"What's going on?" Sun Hong stretched her neck and snorted coldly. "Ask her, ask your darn daughter!" No wonder I'm flaying her now, flaying her tendons!    


Sha Meili scolded angrily, How can you be like this! "Why is it so …"    


Before she could finish her sentence, the other two girls suddenly charged forward and moved their hands and feet to stop Sha Meili from untying Huang Mengying. They also reeked of alcohol.    


Huang Xing concluded that this was a drunken farce.    


The two girls moved Sha Meili to the side. One of the pretty girls suddenly snatched the belt from Sun Hong's hands. No one had time to react before the belt hit Huang Mengying's body with a "pa" sound.    




With a scream, another bloody wound appeared on Huang Mengying's abdomen.    


Huang Xing realized that if this continues, something big will happen. Without saying anything else, he rushed up and snatched the belt from the girl's hands.    


The quiet girl struggled angrily and scolded Huang Xing: "That's my belt, that's my belt." Give it back, give it back!    


From her blurred gaze, Huang Xing could tell that she drank too much.    


Huang Xing, of course, wouldn't hand over the weapon to her. He said to Sha Meili, "Cha Sia, hurry up and remove the tape. Hurry!"    


Just like that, Huang Xing resisted the attacks of the three rebellious girls while Sha Meili anxiously ripped off the tape on Huang Mengying's body. However, they were entangled too tightly, there was really no end to it in a short period of time.    


The three rebellious girls attacked Huang Xing crazily, hitting him with their heads, biting him with their teeth, kicking him with their feet and scratching him with their hands.    


He'd used all sorts of methods in quick succession.    


Huang Xing couldn't bear to use the belt in his hand as a weapon. He had been passively dodging and defending. However, from head to toe, he was still beaten up by them.    


All of a sudden, that beautiful girl's white dress seemed to be a magic trick as it slid off her body and reached her feet on the ground. She struggled and fell to the ground.    


However, what happened next was even more surprising and terrifying. The other two girls saw that the quiet girl had fallen and quickly changed their target. Sun Hong's huge body sat on the girl's body. The other girl held onto the fallen girl's thigh and slapped her a few times.    


Huang Xing was immediately shocked!    


He could not understand what was going on with these girls.    


Are you crazy?    




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