The Female Boss Falls in Love with Me

C191 Extreme luxury

C191 Extreme luxury

Huang Xing wanted to interrupt him, but it was already too late.    


Fan Yuting anxiously said: "He is the General Manager of the Merchant Shop, Boss Huang." The entire mall was his!    


The new clerk was momentarily stunned.    


She was so excited that she could not help but shiver.    


Fan Yuting continued to speak sternly: "Hurry up and apologize to Boss Huang! Call your boss right now and get someone else over! You no longer have the right to stay in the mall.    


The new clerk had a sullen face as she repeatedly said, "I'm sorry." Then, he begged Fan Yuting: "Manager Fan, please forgive me this once." I really, really didn't mean to. I didn't know he was the general manager of our building --    


"There's no discussion!" Fan Yuting said fiercely.    


Huang Xing saw that the situation was getting serious and quickly said to Fan Yuting: Manager Fan, forget it, he's new. It's normal that she doesn't know me.    


Fan Yuting probed: Boss Huang, recently these shop assistants are not very familiar with the rules, it's time to kill them. Especially the shop assistant who came to recruit us, she doesn't put our rules and regulations in her eyes at all.    


Huang Xing said: That requires a lot of attention. Don't fire them too easily.    


Although Fan Yuting was unhappy, she still agreed and said to the new clerk: Consider yourself lucky, Boss Huang will plead for you. Be careful in the future, remember?    


The new clerk nodded. Yes, yes.    


Fan Yuting urged her: Why aren't you thanking Boss Huang quickly?    


The new clerk timidly nodded at Huang Xing: "Thank you, Boss Huang, my lord. Thank you, Boss Huang."    


Fan Yuting waved his hand and said: "Go back to your counter!" Enter the state.    


After the clerk left, Fan Yuting immediately revealed a smile and took credit in front of Huang Xing: "Boss Huang, how about this? I'll sing 'Black Face', causing you to gain more prestige in the clerk's heart. How can you thank me?    


Huang Xing blushed with shame: Don't scare the shop assistant every now and then, although they are hired by the merchant and not our staff, but we have to settle the matter properly, don't let the merchant and mouse see us and avoid us. We should manage it strictly and with emotion.    


Fan Yuting curled her lips, worried that not only would she fail to flatter her, she might even attract more blame. She quickly changed the topic: That's right, Boss Huang, come visit my office.    


Huang Xing said: Let's report back at the meeting on Monday.    


Fan Yuting said 'Oh' in disappointment. Then, she directly went to the elevator and went to Fu Jie's office.    


Fu Jie was drafting something with her chin, when she saw Huang Xing coming in, she put down the brush and asked: Boss Huang, why do you have the mood to come to my place?    


Huang Xing laughed: Reporting to Boss Fu about my work.    


Fu Jie said: Just nice, I had something that I wanted to discuss with you.    


Huang Xing sat across from Fu Jie and said: Boss Fu, please give me your instructions.    


Fu Jie thought for a moment, then said: It's this kind of Boss Huang, I plan to choose some backbone from our Xin Yuan company, and head to Xin Meng Plaza to train for a while. Do you think this idea is feasible?    


Huang Xing took a bottle of mineral water from the side, opened it and drank a mouthful, then said: It's possible, but you have to be careful. If you do not handle this well, the Boss Yu will easily become suspicious, and even suspect that you are trying to take advantage of the situation and monopolize the Xin Meng Plaza. Boss Yu is a sensitive person. She will definitely think of another way.    


Fu Jie said: You must be thinking too much, Boss Huang. Now that the Boss Yu has been handed over to us to take care of, we can't even control some basic personnel? To be honest, Xin Duo Company's current state was not very good. The main reason was because Fu Zhenxin had little experience, and was unable to control the overall situation. There were already a few managers whose minds were extremely unstable, and they even wanted to jump the ladder. If this goes on, Xin Edge Company will be in danger.    


Huang Xing asked tentatively: "What you mean is that you want to use this method to let the manager of Xin Duo company and the Employees see hope and give them a cake to fill their stomach?"    


Fu Jie frowned and complained: What painting cake to satisfy my hunger! You don't use the word properly. This is a big cake that smells alive. The Xin Meng Plaza was now the business center of the whole of Jinan, and many people squeezed their way through the broken doorframe and headed in. You and I are people born of destiny, and I am indebted to the Boss Yu's trust. But we can't give up on Xin Fang Company. We should treat it as a backyard and grow together with the Xin Dream.    


Huang Xing nodded his head: Your idea is very good. To transfer the manager and manager of Xin Yuan Company over to Xin Dream to train for a period of time, and let them come into contact with the big group's business concept and management pattern, and then let them bring them back to Xin Yuan Company, that would be equivalent to giving Xin Yuan company the motivation and potential to develop in the long term. Just like you said, we are all related to Xin Feng. No matter what step we take, we definitely cannot give up on Xin Yue company.    


Fu Jie said: The one who knows me is also Huang Xing. How about this, in the next two days, you will complete the plan, and then take some time to go back to Xin Feng Company and take a look. Help Fu Zhenxin to take a look at her pulse, and turn the steering wheel.    


Huang Xing felt that he was in a difficult situation.    


The key thing was that he was unable to face Fu Zhenxin right now.    


Then, Fu Jie stood up, grabbed a handful of Audi s off the desk and said: I need to go out to see a customer for a bit.    


Huang Xing said: Do you need me to accompany you?    


Fu Jie said: What a joke! You are also the leader of the building right now. Isn't it a joke if we go to the same customer at the same time? What kind of client would that be?    


Huang Xing replied: The main thing is that I don't feel at ease going out by yourself.    


Fu Jie said: I will call a manager to follow me. My driving skills are not bad. Maybe a drink at noon.    


Fu Jie shouted from the side, and the secretary rushed over. After Fu Jie passed down a few words, she walked out of the office.    


When Huang Xing returned to his own office, a strong sense of loneliness welled up in his heart.    


He fell into an inexplicable state of contemplation.    


It was only when the phone rang that his thoughts were disturbed.    


Opening it, he saw that it was Sha Meili.    


Not knowing why, but after receiving Sha Meili's call, Huang Xing's entire being felt like he was on stimulants, and his spirit immediately rose up.    


This showed that the desire for revenge deep within his heart was growing stronger.    


After answering the phone, Sha Meili said straightforwardly: Boss Huang, I'm already here.    


Huang Xing asked: "Where am I?" Where?    


Sha Meili said: Second floor. I'm looking at gold jewelry.    


Huang Xing laughed: What, you want me to step in and give you a discount?    


Sha Meili said: Sister does not care about the gold, but about you. Oh, oh, come and help me choose.    


Huang Xing replied. Wait a minute, I'll be right down.    


After adjusting his appearance in the mirror, Huang Xing quickly took the elevator down to the second floor.    


The second floor was filled with gold, silver, and jewellery. Dozens of the country's most famous jewellery brands were lined up on this floor. According to incomplete statistics, the total value of the jewelry stores on the second floor could reach at least 10 billion. Just Tian Yu's small shop alone could bring the total value of the goods to more than 2 billion.    


From this, it could be seen how high the level of Xin Meng Plaza was.    


After all, those who came here to spend money were the upper echelons of the entire province or even the entire country.    


And the Xin Meng Plaza's resources were definitely top-notch in the entire Shandong Province. All sorts of luxury brands or limited edition goods could be bought in Xin Meng Plaza. In other words, this was not a place for ordinary people to spend money. There were hundreds of socks, thousands of shirts, tens of thousands of leather clothes, hundreds of thousands of leather clothes, and even a top luxury crocodile skin product counter. A pair of crocodile skin shoes could be sold for around 300,000; Even so, the business of this luxury shop was surprisingly flourishing.    


As for the gold, silver, and jewelry from the second floor, they might not qualify as a luxury item. After all, compared to the market price, the prices of the jewelry stores were slightly higher, but at most, it wouldn't be higher than one or two times.    


Close to a hundred meters north and south were gold cabinets.    


The golden wall shone brilliantly, splashing light everywhere. After leaving here, it was as if he was walking on a golden path in a dream.    


It was as if his identity had suddenly become more respected.    


Huang Xing looked around, and realized that Sha Meili was picking out gold jewelry from a cabinet. Her style of dressing today was similarly quite extravagant. A short and exquisite deerskin leather suit accentuated her figure. The leather jacket was unbuttoned, and the plump breasts were reflected in the luxurious golden light. Her bag was placed on the glass surface of the cabinet, so Huang Xing could immediately see how expensive this bag was. It was made of crocodile skin and pearl fish skin, with buckles and square marks all made of pure gold. Conservative estimate: 150 thousand yuan or more.    


Huang Xing walked over, as though he had sensed his arrival, and turned his head just in time.    


Huang Xing was immediately stunned.    


Amazing! These two words seemed to not be enough to describe Huang Xing's current mood.    


Her hair seemed to have been done by a professional, her face was covered with makeup, her skin was gorgeous and beautiful, and her lips were a natural shade of red. Beneath this extravagant set of clothing, Sha Meili looked like a famous star in the middle of a storm. So dazzling, so dazzling.    


Huang Xing called out "Cha Sia" and came over to praise her.    


Sha Meili propped up her cheeks with one hand, her eyes quickly blinked, and made an extremely coquettish expression: Oh, you're just dressing up extravagantly?    


Huang Xing laughed: The human body is luxurious.    


Sha Meili burst out laughing: Boss Huang, don't be so happy with me, I'm an old woman, what's the point of being extravagant!    


Huang Xing leaned in closer and asked softly: Where's your daughter?    


Sha Meili said: She went out to have a reunion with her classmates early in the morning.    


Huang Xing slightly nodded his head, but the more he thought about it, the more he felt that Sha Meili's daughter had a very unique personality.    


At this time, the clerk handed over a gold chain that was as thick as a pinky finger to Sha Meili, insisting that he let Huang Xing try it on. It was hard for Huang Xing to refuse such a grand favor, he could only act like a bean for once.    


Sha Meili nodded her head repeatedly: The effect was not bad.    


Huang Xing took off the chain as he asked: Who did you buy it for?    


Sha Meili hastily covered Huang Xing's hands with a hand and emphasized: Don't pick it, don't pick it. From now on, this gold necklace is yours!    




Huang Xing was shocked.    


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