The Female Boss Falls in Love with Me



Ouyang Mengjiao said, You were a security guard in Beijing, right?    


A year, Huang Xing said.    


Ouyang Mengjiao asked, It's in Xinghe Garden. Right?    


Huang Xing was stunned: "How did you know?"    


Ouyang Mengjiao stressed, I live there.    


What? Huang Xing was even more confused: Are you from Xinghe Garden? No wonder I felt that Boss Yu was familiar when I saw him.    


Ouyang Mengjiao laughed. "That's right!" Do you remember how you left the security team?    


Huang Xing shook his head speechlessly. It was hard to look back on the past.    


Ouyang Mengjiao bit her lips and grabbed Huang Xing's hand. She said emotionally, "Actually, I'm the little girl that you saved that year."    


What? Her words restored a lot of Huang Xing's memories.    


That year, as a security guard in Xinghe Garden, he was on a night shift. Around twelve o'clock, he suddenly heard a short cry for help from outside. It sounded like a girl. Huang Xing walked to the door instinctively and saw a white business car with a golden cup. Two men were discussing something in secret. Huang Xing even vaguely saw a girl's foot struggling in the car. Huang Xing realized that it was very possible that a girl had been kidnapped by these two men, and this girl was also very likely to be the owner of Xinghe Garden. It was unknown where he got the courage from, but Huang Xing didn't have time to think too much. Before the golden cup carriage started up, he rushed up and engaged the two men in a close melee. Finally, he dangerously saved the girl from the car. Unexpectedly, the girl ran into Xinghe Garden out of fright. Due to the light, Huang Xing couldn't even see the girl's face clearly.    


Unexpectedly, two days later, when Huang Xing was on duty at the entrance, he was beaten up by a group of young men who drew dragons and painted tigers. Huang Xing was beaten until he was injured internally. Later, he came home to recuperate and never returned to Beijing. Although he did not know the identity of those thugs, anyone could guess that they must be related to those kidnappers. After all, he had ruined their good fortune and caused them to hold it in and take their revenge. From then on, Huang Xing, who hated evils, restrained himself when in trouble. He understood one thing, many times, you have to pay a price for doing good deeds.    


Ouyang Mengjiao suddenly burst into tears. She held Huang Xing's hand and continued, "Actually, you know, kidnappings happen almost every day in Beijing. It's either out of grudges or for the sake of money and sex." They kidnapped me to extort money from our family. But I was too young and too insensible, often playing outside, singing and skipping, drinking, and coming back late to give those people an opportunity to take advantage of. Actually, I wanted to thank you, or even thank you. But I was frightened, and then when I wanted to thank you, I knew you were gone. When I heard you were beaten up, I cried for the whole night. I thought you were beaten up to save me, but as for me …    


The more Huang Xing heard, the more surprised he was.    


Ouyang Mengjiao continued, Later, my parents adopted a prison policy towards me for my safety. No matter what, there would always be people following me. I want to change my life, my condition. So I thought about running away from home. I don't want to run away from home. I just want to change my environment and live a normal life in a place where no one knows me. I heard from your security team that your home is in Jinan, Shandong Province, so I set my sights on Jinan. In that case, one day, I might even meet you and express my gratitude to you. Just like this, I had a chance. I was interviewed at the Xin Yuan Company and became a clerk. Although my status is very low, I feel very confident. At least I wouldn't be worried about being kidnapped every day, or taken in secret by paparazzi. No one here knew me. At the same time, I'm also secretly asking about you. But what I didn't expect was that when I was so discouraged that I couldn't find you, you actually came to live in a rented room with me … I was both surprised and surprised, but also a little disappointed. Because Zhao Xiaoran has appeared beside you. Watching you and Zhao Xiaoran become like a pair, I gradually realized that your place in my heart is one of a kind. Apart from my father, you are the second man I have a strong impression of. Then I especially hoped that one day you would belong to me, Ouyang Mengjiao. It was silly at the time, knowing it was almost impossible. So I have never met you, but silently watched you, became a watchman behind.    


When Huang Xing heard this, he found it unbelievable. He kept having the feeling that Ouyang Mengjiao's words were like a fantasy story. But it wasn't fiction.    


Ouyang Mengjiao sighed and said, "Do you understand now?"    


It's kind of like listening to a book, Huang Xing said.    


Ouyang Mengjiao leaned on Huang Xing and said anxiously, "Let's work together." You already know that our Dream Group is going to do a great job in Jinan.    


Huang Xing said, Your business is your business. I still have my own business to do.    


But I need you!    


What do you need me to do for you?    


Every aspect, Ouyang Mengjiao said. Have you forgotten how happy we are together?    


Happy? Was the current Ouyang Mengjiao still the same Ouyang Mengjiao from before?    


Yes, that's right! Ouyang Mengjiao stressed.    


Actually, at this moment, Huang Xing was very conflicted. Now that he had a showdown with Fu Jie, it was impossible for him to return to Xin Edge Company. He also wanted to make use of the Dream Group's platform to do something big. However, he could feel that he was unable to leave the shadow of the Fu family. It was as if he had entered a quagmire and was unable to extricate himself.    


It was a dilemma.    


At this moment, Huang Xing's cellphone suddenly rang.    


When he answered the phone, it was actually Hao Mei, who he had not seen for a long time.    


Hao Mei said over the phone: "Chairman Huang, come back to drink with me at noon."    


Huang Xing was confused: Drinking at noon? Aren't you going to work today?    


Unemployment, Hao Mei said. So please comfort me.    


Huang Xing said: Unemployment? Coincidentally, I just lost my job too.    


Hao Mei was stunned for a moment. "What? It can't be?" What was going on?    


Huang Xing said, Very complicated.    


Hao Mei lamented, "It's fate." Then you're coming at noon. We are both people who have fallen to the ends of the earth, let's have a few drinks.    


Before Huang Xing could reply, the other side hung up.    


Huang Xing suddenly had a special idea.    


These thoughts became more and more profound in his heart. Huang Xing felt that even though he had left Xinben Company, his departure would definitely have a great impact on Xinben Company. After all, his mistake was the one that led to this disaster. Whether it was in public or private, Huang Xing wanted to do his best to make up for it. Hao Mei's departure provided him with this opportunity. To a certain extent, Hao Mei was a very capable personnel commissioner. If he could convince Hao Mei to come to Xinyuan company and take his place, wouldn't that be perfect?    


Thinking like this, Huang Xing's heart felt a lot more open.    


Therefore, even though Ouyang Mengjiao tried to persuade him to stay, Huang Xing still chose to leave.    


In the instant he went downstairs, there was a special sadness in his heart. Recalling the fragments of Ouyang Mengjiao, his heart ached. He hadn't forgotten about her, but he knew that he and Ouyang Mengjiao were fated to meet each other.    


The end between them was either a tragedy or just a friendship. Even though, the identity of Ouyang Mengjiao when she reappeared was enough to shock Huang Xing.    


11 AM, Shunhua Hotel.    


Huang Xing and Hao Mei got a private room on the second floor and chatted while drinking. Hao Mei still looked the same as she always did; she had the air of a heroine. She was dressed in a white outfit. Her body was very beautiful and her chest was very high. It was as if she was expressing her maturity and charm in silence. Her hair was tied up in a bun and she wore earrings.    


Hao Mei confided to Huang Xing that the reason she left was because of her superior's sexual harassment. Hao Mei told Huang Xing that her boss was a pervert who had harmed many Female Employees in the company. A few days ago at a party at the company, he wanted to use the alcohol to harass himself, Hao Mei was angry, and slapped the boss. In this way, the situation could no longer be reversed.    


Huang Xing smiled and Hao Mei asked the reason for Huang Xing's departure. Huang Xing only shook his head and sighed.    


Some things were not only inconvenient to talk about, but also impossible to talk about.    


Later, Huang Xing raised his glass and changed the subject. He suggested that Hao Mei come to Xinliang to take over his position. He would recommend it to Fu Jie.    


But after hearing what he said, Huang Xing suddenly realized that if he did so much damage to Fu Jie, would she still care about him? He couldn't help but laugh bitterly.    


However, he was, after all, a responsible person. He did not want to just leave like this without any change in his expression. He hoped that he could find a suitable candidate to take on the big responsibility for Xinfang Corporation. This could also be considered a form of compensation for the company.    


Therefore, he wanted to shamelessly ask Fu Jie to accept Hao Mei.    


Hao Mei was a rare talent, Huang Xing always thought so.    


Hao Mei was very surprised. Her eyes rolled around as she probingly asked, "yellow brother, why did you bring me over to Xin Edge Company?"    


I'm going to let you take my place.    


Hao Mei was shocked, Substitute for you? I don't understand.    


I'm leaving, Huang Xing said. I want to do some more practical work for Xin Yuan Corporation.    


Hao Mei was meticulous and grumbled in good faith: "What, you don't want to do it anymore and still want to get me into the water?"    


Huang Xing said: How do you know this is mixed water?    


Hao Mei said reasonably, Isn't it? If it wasn't a mix, why did you give up?    


You want to use me as a scapegoat. You think the company doesn't have much potential, and you don't have any room for growth, so you're going to drag me into it, so you can leave in broad daylight, right?    


Huang Xing scratched her nose and said, "You ghost, what kind of person do you think I am?"    


Hao Mei laughed and stopped joking. She asked seriously, "Tell me honestly, why did you choose to leave?" You know, it's not easy for you to climb up to where you are today. If you leave, that means you have to start from zero, do you understand?    


Huang Xing nodded. Of course I understand that, but I have made up my mind.    


Hao Mei couldn't do anything but shake her head and sigh.    


They drank from noon until six o'clock in the evening.    


Huang Xing was brought to her house in a daze. She lived in an old neighborhood. The environment was dirty and messy, but her room was clean and had a special fragrance to it. They did not know how they fell asleep, but after drinking a few cups of tea, they both curled up on the sofa and fell asleep. When Huang Xing woke up, he found that Hao Mei was still sleeping soundly, snuggling up against his body. Huang Xing slightly shifted his body and recalled the scene today. He felt a little headache. He opened his phone and looked at his watch. It was already 11 pm, and there were six missed calls on the screen.    


Among these missed calls, there were two from Ouyang Mengjiao, two from Fu Jie, and two from Fu Zhenxin.    


However, he didn't go back. Instead, he wanted to wait for Hao Mei to wake up and take his leave. However, just as he was thinking of this, his phone's ringtone suddenly rang.    


It was Fu Jie.    


Accept it or not?    




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