The Female Boss Falls in Love with Me



Thinking of this, Huang Xing couldn't help but clench his teeth.    


Tightly, the teeth buzzed. The scene of Huang Jinjiang and his ex-wife, Zhao Xiaoran, even appeared in his mind.    


As such, when his eyes landed on Sha Meili again, it further deepened his desire for revenge. He had sworn that he would take back what he had lost; he would take back what he had hurt.    


Sha Meili, of course, didn't realize that this valiant man in front of her who was going to replace Huang Jinjiang to compensate her had such a mindset. She even believed that he had lost to her because of her skirt, and he could not reject her charm and charm.    


"You like this picture so much?" Sha Meili made a joke that wasn't a joke.    


Then she walked over and pressed her hot body against his.    


Huang Xing took the opportunity to hold her hand. That soft and smooth feeling made it hard to believe that this was the hand of an old woman who was close to forty years old. "Tonight, I am him …"    


He omitted the rest.    


What he wanted to say was that I was his enemy tonight and had come for revenge.    


However, Sha Meili, who did not know the truth, naively believed that he was just making fun of her.    


"Damn it!" Sha Meili pushed him on the shoulder. "He's my husband, and you're not my husband."    


Huang Xing said, "But your husband can't give it to you. Tonight, I can give it to you twice as much!"    


Sha Meili blinked her eyes, and wrote a single word on Huang Xing's chest with her finger, before stabbing it down with her last stroke, "Then I'll see how you perform." "Don't let me down."    


"Don't worry!" Huang Xing expressed his opinion.    


Sha Meili's words seemed to have stirred the hearts of the people.    


But from Huang Xing's point of view, this was a warning from a wolf to a sheep, and also a confession before his revenge.    


Naturally, they began to entangle themselves, then entangled themselves on the sofa. The bed was comfortable. Huang Xing did not let him, but kept staring at the photo of Huang Jinjiang beside him. He wanted him to watch helplessly as he put on a green hat in his house.    


Just like when he put it on himself.    


However, at this time, a series of hurried knocks on the door disturbed the intense feelings between the two.    


Huang Xing suddenly sat up from Sha Meili's body and stood up near her. His first reaction was Huang Jinjiang returning.    


He grabbed his clothes and reflexively tried to cover himself. However, an evil thought suddenly appeared in his mind. He had witnessed the affair between him and his ex-wife Zhao Xiaoran in Huang Jinjiang's office. Why didn't he change his plan and let him see with his own eyes that he and his wife were in his house …    


That would be the real thrill of revenge!    


Therefore, he simply put the clothes aside and looked at the panicking Sha Meili, who was putting them back on one by one.    


Sha Meili was so anxious that she wanted nothing more than to wear her shirt and pants together. She also wished that she had learned the Seventy-Two Transformations of Sun Wukong. With a light wave of her hand, her clothes returned to her body. However, she suddenly saw that Huang Xing had stopped moving. She frowned and urged him, "Hurry up and get dressed. What are you waiting for? He, he, he must have come back."    


Huang Xing deliberately said, "I'll come back when I get back." "What's there to be afraid of?"    


Sha Meili was instantly angered. "Do you still want my family to —"    


Huang Xing coldly snorted and said, "He betrayed you, are you afraid of betraying him?"    


Sha Meili emphasized, "That's not the same thing! At least, he's never been in front of me — Well, I won't tell you, get dressed and hide! "Faster!"    


Then she walked around to the door, buttoning it, and peered through the peephole.    


She suddenly patted her chest as if she was relieved.    


"It's from the gas company!"    


Sha Meili stressed and waved her hand, indicating for Huang Xing to quickly put on his clothes.    


Huang Xing was stunned for a moment, then quickly put on his clothes.    


It was a false alarm.    


To avoid unnecessary trouble, Sha Meili told Huang Xing to hide in his bedroom. Then he opened the door and let the person in.    


A tall and thin young girl greeted Sha Meili with a smile. "Hello Auntie, I'm really sorry to disturb you so late at night."    


Sha Meili frowned and complained, "Why did you come so late to collect the gas fee?"    


The girl flipped through the book in her hand and explained, "Yes, auntie. I came over earlier today, but you weren't there. The leader told me that I must collect the gas bill today. "I'm sorry to bother you, Auntie."    


Sha Meili impatiently urged, "You've already taken off your clothes and gone to sleep here. Knocking on the door gave me a fright! I warn all of you, if you come back so late to collect fees, I'll complain to you! You're disturbing the people, you know that? Look at how much it is. " While complaining, Sha Meili took out a crocodile skin girl's bag from the shoe cabinet by the door. She unzipped it and took out a hundred yuan bill.    


The girl looked troubled, "Auntie, can you change? I, I, I can't find it. "Last month, you shared 12 yuan. Please help me find some change, Auntie."    


Sha Meili frowned in displeasure, "How troublesome! At this time, you guys are still using such a backward charging method! Set up an account, and when the time comes, our owners will go to the bank to pay for themselves. This way, you won't have to do anything, and we won't have to do anything. "Did you know that you came to my house like a ghost all day long and have already disturbed my normal life?!"    


The girl nodded her head repeatedly, "I'm sorry Auntie. I will definitely report your opinion to the Leader. "    


Sha Meili coldly snorted and said, "If you don't react soon, I will really file a complaint!"    


The girl urged again, "Auntie, help me find some change."    


Sha Meili waved the hundred-dollar bill in her hand and said angrily, "How could I have any change!" Now that he had to swipe his card as soon as he stepped out of the door, there wasn't much use for him anymore! Alright, alright. This 100 yuan is enough for you to pay for gas for half a year, right? "They'll just put it in later. It's only about ten yuan a month, and you still have the nerve to go to the owner's house every day as if you're trying to push for your life."    


The girl forced a smile, "I'm sorry Auntie, but our company has a rule that you are not allowed to accept advance fees from owners."    


Then she continued to explain, "Yes, auntie. There used to be a Collector. Running away with the money. "From then on —"    


Sha Meili said impatiently, "Alright, alright, I'm too lazy to listen to your company's matters. If you don't allow the advance delivery, then I'll give you this one hundred yuan. No, it's eighty-eight dollars for you, okay? I don't want it! You can disappear from my house now, can't you? "    


When the girl saw Sha Meili so aggressive and spoke ill of her, her pride was challenged. Her face was red. However, she suppressed her anger and explained to Sha Meili, "This is also not allowed. Auntie. "We —"    


Sha Meili waved her hands angrily, wanting to walk over to the door to see him off. However, at this moment, a crisp ringtone suddenly rang.    


It was Huang Xing's phone, which was hidden in the bedroom.    


The girl was stunned. Sha Meili's expression changed, but she regained her composure and muttered to herself, "No wonder I can't find my phone. It's in my bedroom."    


After she finished mumbling, she felt it was laughable. She thought to herself, in front of the staff of the gas company, was there any need to hide it?    


In order to make this stubborn girl leave her home as soon as possible, Sha Meili searched through her bag for a while and finally found a piece of 10 yuan and 3 yuan in RMB. After putting down one yuan, he handed the girl the twelve yuan. "Give it to me. Are you satisfied now?"    


The girl smiled and said, "Thank you Auntie." The moment she rushed out of the door, she did not forget to remind her aunt, "Oh right, auntie, in the future, you'd better prepare some change at home. Who knows, maybe you'll be able to use it someday!"    


Sha Meili waved her hand at her fiercely, urging her, "You were dumb in your previous life, weren't you? You talk a lot!"    


After slamming the door, Sha Meili cursed under her breath: This girl really doesn't know how to act!    


Then he shouted to Huang Xing who was in the bedroom, "It's okay, it's okay, you can come out now. It was really a false alarm! "    


Huang Xing walked out holding the phone. Sha Meili looked at his hand and asked, "Whose number is it?"    


Huang Xing said half-heartedly, "A friend."    


Sha Meili asked, "A man or a woman?"    


Huang Xing frowned and said, "Is there any difference?" Then he raised his hand and looked at the screen, thinking about something.    


"Do you really need to go that far?" Sha Meili complained as she placed her hands on Huang Xing's shoulders. She stared at him with her charming eyes and said, "Shall we continue? Now all distractions had been eliminated. "Good things are always hard to come by."    


At this moment, Huang Xing no longer had the mood to play around with Sha Meili anymore, even though his desire for revenge had yet to subside. That call just now was from Fu Jie. To avoid unnecessary trouble, Huang Xing pressed the reject button and didn't answer. In his opinion, revenge was nothing compared to Fu Jie. He would rather never have his revenge in this lifetime than to use such a method to hurt Fu Jie.    


Besides, there were plenty of opportunities for revenge. Why must he be busy today? Something must have happened for Fu Jie to call at such a late hour. He had to get out of here quickly and return the call.    


Therefore, Huang Xing pulled Sha Meili's hands away and pretended to be apologetic. "There's something I need to go back and take care of. I have to go. "    


Sha Meili's face bloomed with a strong sense of disappointment, "What, you want to leave? What's so urgent? "    


Huang Xingqiang said, "That's not something you should know."    


Then he walked to the door.    


Sha Meili caught up with him and regretfully asked, "You're leaving just like that?"    


Huang Xing turned his head and asked: "What, you want me to climb out the window?"    


Sha Meili still tried her best to make Huang Xing stay, so she tactfully threatened, "Maybe, maybe when I wake up from my drinking, it won't be that easy …" "It's settled with me." She tilted her head in an attempt to use her charm and cuteness to hold him back.    


Huang Xing said with a laugh, "You're not drunk at all!"    


Just as he was about to open the door, he suddenly heard hurried footsteps coming from outside.    


The footsteps stopped at the door.    


Could it be that Huang Jinjiang really came back this time?    




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