The Female Boss Falls in Love with Me



It turned out to be a woman dressed in an unconventional manner. She had a friction and conflict with the cashier and the staff. The woman bought a limited edition high-end purse worth more than 50,000 yuan in the mall, but when she swiped the card, she realized that she didn't bring her credit card with her. She told the cashier to go home and get the card, which she kept for the time being. Who would have thought that the cashier would say that he was afraid that he would never come back. Was this packet of 50,000 yuan too expensive or was he simply unable to afford it? When the woman heard this, she immediately became anxious and said, wasn't it just a fifty thousand yuan bag, taking it down would be like taking something out of my bag. The cashier scoffed. "Bullsh * t! Look at you! You're wearing artificial leather with crocodile stripes. Why are you pretending to be a noble?"    


Just like this, the two of them began to argue with each other, neither of them wanting to give in.    


This attracted the attention of the security guards and staff of other departments. Under the mediation of the security guards, the contradictions between the security guards and the security guards intensified.    


Huang Xing roughly looked at this arrogant woman, but his eyes fixed on the small square leather jacket she wore. Her leather jacket was rather strange. It looked dull, but it also seemed to have a hidden luster. The row of cubes seemed ordinary, but they were actually quite elegant. Huang Xing could tell that what the woman was wearing was not an ordinary set of clothes, nor was it the artificial leather jacket mentioned by the cashier. It was a pure crocodile skin leather suit. The arrangement is neat, the craftsmanship is superb, the natural art is superb, more can reflect the identity of this garment is not cheap. He roughly estimated that the crocodile skin skin clothing the woman was wearing was at least sewn from the skin of seven or eight Gulf Crocodiles (the most expensive type of crocodile skin). Looking at the work done, there were not more than a few people in the world who had mastered the perfect processing technology for crocodile skin. As such, the value of the woman's crocodile skin skin clothing was conservatively estimated at more than a million.    


Only then did Huang Xing notice that the woman was covered with crocodiles. The leather clothes belonged to crocodile skin s, and the old bag in her hands was also crocodile skin s. Her shoes were crocodile skin s boots, and even the accessories on her ears were jade carvings of small crocodiles. Without a doubt, in the world of clothing, crocodile skin s had become the world's most extravagant choice. Many wealthy merchants, celebrities and nobles with a price of over ten million had their eyes set on the crocodile products. Huang Xing understood this very well. Back then, when Fu Jie and Wu Qianqian's colleague, Li Xiaochen, had a discussion about cooperation, Li Xiaochen had asked openly, and the reward she offered was a few pieces of crocodile skin clothing.    


A woman who could afford to wear millions of bay alligator coats would definitely be able to buy a small bag worth 50,000 yuan. The snob of the cashier, offending this rich woman who was worth at least ten million, would result in the loss of incalculable customer resources for the mall. As Deputy General Manager, Huang Xing, the responsibility, of course to try to straighten out the relationship, unfavorable into advantageous. So Huang Xing picked up the bag, which was not too extravagant, and respectfully handed it to the rich woman. He smiled and said, "Greetings, Madam. We are very sorry for the trouble we have caused you." How about this, you can take the bag first, and come over when you're free to pay.    


When he said that, the cashier was stunned. The rich woman was also stunned. She looked Huang Xing up and down before asking, "Aren't you afraid that I will take your bag and run away?"    


Huang Xing laughed, "How can there be so many unreliable people in this world?" At least, I don't think you are.    


The rich woman smiled proudly. Young man, you have good eyes. You are...    


Huang Xing took out a business card and handed it over with both hands. "I am Deputy General Manager, Huang Xing, of this merchant house." The business building has just opened, I hope you will take care of me and forgive me.    


The rich woman glanced at the card, put it in her bag, and smiled. Good prospects, young man. Don't worry, elder sister isn't short on money. I'll use my card to swipe it in half an hour at most. Perhaps, if elder sister is happy, I will turn the world upside down in your mall! Sis likes to shop. No, no, no, what Sis likes is not shopping, but the pleasure of shopping. Do you understand?    


Huang Xing was silent for a moment.    


The rich woman asked, What do you mean?    


To be honest, I don't have any money. My greatest pleasure is watching other people shop, Huang Xing said. Looking at other people shopping, I think of not only the profit of the mall, but also, can share the joy of other people shopping.    


The wealthy lady giggled. "Vice President Huang, you sure know how to talk." Fine, I'll help you. Give me half an hour and I'll let you share this joy with me.    


Finally, Huang Xing looked at the mysterious wealthy lady and majestically left the building.    


Everyone stared at Huang Xing, especially the talkative cashier. He actually said: "Vice President Huang, that bag costs over 50,000 yuan. If that woman doesn't return, wouldn't you have to pay the huge amount?"    


Huang Xing said, "Huge sum of money?" Fifty thousand is a lot of money for us, but for some it's just money for a meal.    


As Huang Xing expected, the rich woman returned after half an hour or so and swiped her card at the cashier counter. Then, she went back and forth between every floor for 20 minutes, brushing off all the clothes worth 500,000-600 yuan. Huang Xing was shocked. He thought, "This rich lady is so generous, what exactly is her background?"    


What Huang Xing didn't expect was that at night, after work, the wealthy lady suddenly called Huang Xing and invited him to go to the Bilin Coffee Shop for western cuisine. Huang Xing did not refuse. To some extent, the most important job for the top management of a mall is not to develop effective measures and sales plans, but to learn to deal with big customers. Just like this rich woman, as long as he was able to stabilize her, how could the business district not have profits?    


When they sat down, the rich woman ordered some dishes, two cups of coffee and a pot of tea. And three decade-old bottles of dry red wine.    


What a luxurious western cuisine. Huang Xing roughly calculated that the few unremarkable dishes on the table were at least 3,000 yuan or more.    


This mysterious rich woman was Sha Meili, around forty years old. Although there were traces of wind and frost on her face, and even some lines at the corners of her eyes, due to her good maintenance, her skin was exquisite and her temperament was noble, making her appear pretty.    


Unexpectedly, this Sha Meili drank too much while drinking. She seemed to drink casually in front of Huang Xing without concealing anything. The two of them drank four bottles of red wine. As she drank, Sha Meili's face reddened, and her emotions surged. Sha Meili told Huang Xing that she married a high-ranking SOE official more than ten years ago. Her son went abroad to study at the age of 14, and she had been living alone for years. Her husband rarely came home, and he often stayed out on the grounds of working overtime and socializing. She wasn't short of money, and the way she spent her time was in the habit of doing hair and shopping. She did her hair almost every day, and she spent her time in some big shopping plaza.    


Huang Xing felt some sympathy for her. Although this kind of woman was physically rich, her spirit was often empty. The absence of a family member and a husband was the saddest thing for a woman.    


As Sha Meili said this, she actually started crying out of grievance. Huang Xing handed her a wet towel and she wiped it, saying, "Sorry, I lost my composure."    


Sha Meili still wanted to drink the six bottles of red wine. Huang Xing obviously didn't dare to let her drink anymore, so he offered to send her home. Sha Meili gave her an address in confusion. Huang Xing thought for a while and took her car key, pulling her into the car.    


Her car was a Audi T.T., white, and extremely gorgeous.    


However, Huang Xing had a nagging feeling that she was very incompatible with this Audi sportscar. It didn't match.    


Huang Xing stopped in front of a certain high-class residential area. He was worried that there would be trouble, so he asked Sha Meili to go upstairs by herself. However, looking at Sha Meili's intoxicated look, he was afraid that he couldn't even find her in front of his house. Huang Xing was forced to send Sha Meili upstairs.    


He opened the door and entered. The luxurious decorations entered Huang Xing's eyes. He was stunned.    


From the looks of it, this house was a hundred and sixty square meters. The furniture was all famous brands, high-profile sky lanterns, a large leather sofa, and a sixty inch LCD TV.    


So luxurious!    


Huang Xing sent Sha Meili inside and poured her a glass of water. He was worried that her husband would suddenly come back and cause unnecessary misunderstandings, so he didn't dare to stay too long. Who would have thought that Sha Meili would suddenly grab Huang Xing's right hand and say drunkenly, "Don't go, don't go, don't leave me."    


Huang Xing said, "Cha Sia, you drank too much. Rest early."    


Sha Meili shook her head. She didn't drink that much. Little Yellow, do you think Cha Sia is pretty?    


Huang Xing smiled wryly and replied perfunctorily: Beautiful.    


Sha Meili giggled. Really? Actually, Cha Sia thinks you're very handsome. I'm telling you, Huang, Cha Sia is very happy today. It can be said to be the happiest time of her life. Because I feel that in this world, you are the only one who understands me.    


Huang Xing was confused: "I know you?" What do I know about you?    


Sha Meili gave Huang Xing a light pat on the face. Foolish brat, you know everything.    


Huang Xing could read some of the teasing elements in her charming expression. Especially her enthusiastic smile, which was so close to her without any defense, made Huang Xing feel a special intimacy towards her. He tried to escape, but he couldn't free his legs. After all, she was a mysterious, enigmatic woman. To a man, a beautiful woman was a magnet. Although Sha Meili was past her prime, the mature charm that emanated from her body was a stunning beauty. Especially when compared to her expensive clothes, she seemed even more precious.    


Sha Meili suddenly wrapped her arms around Huang Xing's neck and said very tactfully: "Don't worry, darling. He won't come tonight."    


Huang Xing naturally understood that the 'he' she was referring to was her husband, the mysterious state-owned enterprise executive that didn't return home during the night.    


Some sympathy, some hatred. It was a pity that such a beautiful young lady could not be comforted by her husband; it was a pity that her methods of stepping out of the wall seemed particularly sophisticated.    


Huang Xing felt that it was very dramatic. He just wanted to maintain the relationship with Sha Meili, an important customer, so as to promote the profit of the mall. However, he didn't expect that this boost wasn't important and instead got caught in the act.    


Sha Meili was already breathing heavily, her body leaning very close to Angele. Huang Xing did not dare to meet her gaze, he squinted his eyes and wanted to escape. Suddenly, he caught sight of a familiar yet unfamiliar picture on a small square table on the side of the living room.    




Huang Xing was shocked.    


How could the person in the photo be him?    


Huang Xing quivered and reflexively pushed Sha Meili away. He pointed at the photo and asked, "Who is he?"    


Sha Meili was stunned for a moment, then burst out laughing: Who else could it be? Who else could it be in my house? He's my husband. What, you interested in him?    


Huang Xing pretended to be calm and said, "No, nothing, I just feel a little familiar."    


A lot of people say that, Sha Meili said. Everyone recognized the face of our young man.    


Huang Xing replied with an 'oh' in a perfunctory manner. He felt like all of this was just a dream. Never in his wildest dreams did he expect to run into his enemy's wife and barge into his house tonight.    


Huang Jinjiang. This name was enough to make Huang Xing hate it for the rest of his life.    


In other words, Sha Meili was Huang Jinjiang's legal wife.    


Looking at Huang Jinjiang, who looked like a righteous man in the photo, Huang Xing felt his emotions churning. At that time, he quietly and secretly stole his wife, let himself in pain and suffering for a long time, did not dare to believe in love. Now, however, he coincidentally met his wife, and was successively tempted by her … Could it be that this was the so-called retribution?    




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