The Female Boss Falls in Love with Me



Huang Xing didn't know if Yu Mengqin was testing him, or if she was really prepared for this.    


Seeing Huang Xing hesitate, Yu Mengqin asked, "What, don't you have confidence in yourself?"    


Fu Jie tried to smooth things over for Huang Xing, saying, "It's because Director Huang has no experience in this field, but I think that Director Huang's ability is outstanding and should not be a problem." Was Boss Yu really going to let Director Huang handle the new business?    


Yu Mengqin said, Why not? Dream Group's greatest courage was the courage to start a new person. I have a good impression of Xiaohuang, I think people are very accurate, this is a creative talent. I'm just afraid that I won't let you off, right?    


Fu Jie said, No. I support any decision Boss Yu makes.    


Yu Mengqin said, That's good. I will bring Little Yellow in person after the new year.    


Fu Jie froze for a moment, jokingly said: "Boss Yu can also take me, I also need Boss Yu's cultivation urgently."    


Yu Mengqin said, "You've already succeeded. Do you still need me to bring you around?" Listen to me, Paid, and I'll keep an eye on you.    


Fu Jie nodded slightly.    


Twenty minutes later, Yu Mengqin stood up and said, I still have things to do later, so I won't keep you guys tonight. Maybe another day.    


Fu Jie said, "Thank you, Boss Yu."    


Afterward, Fu Jie drove back with Huang Xing.    


In the car, Fu Jiewei frowned and said in surprise, "Director Huang, don't you think the pie dropped by the heavens is a little big?"    


Wu Tie said, "It was indeed a bit surprising." Maybe Boss Yu really wants to support you so that you can become her one day.    


Fu Jie giggled. Stop teasing me. Become her? I don't have that kind of ambition, she's a big shot who could cause an earthquake in China for three days with a stomp of her foot, how could I, Fu Jie, have that kind of ability. However, I have a feeling that Boss Yu is doing this mainly for you!    


Huang Xing was stunned: To me? Who am I, to me?    


Boss Yu is trying to dig you out, Fu Jie said thoughtfully. Shang Chao, the reason she asked you to be the main character, is actually to tactfully take advantage of me. It's like she's giving me a smoke bomb. Her real purpose is to recruit you.    


Huang Xing laughed, "Boss Fu, you really know how to make association." For a small fry like me, isn't the cost of this Smoke Bomb too high? Do you think I am worth so much money just because I have a Yu Xing building and an investment of over a billion yuan?    


I was thinking about that too, Fu Jie said. Boss Yu was a big shot. He would never go back on his word even if she said that he wanted to buy the Yu Xing building. However, I still couldn't believe that she could work with me if I met her by chance and didn't have a good relationship with her. If all of this is true, I, Fu Jie, would go bankrupt just to get this vote. It was because of Boss Yu's trust!    


Boss Fu, you're really loyal, Wu said.    


Fu Jie said, "It's not that I'm loyal, it's that Boss Yu's pie is too tempting."    


When she returned to the company, Fu Jie called a meeting between the mobile phone department and finance staff to discuss the next step of investment. The concept of mobile phones will certainly continue to do, but after three consecutive bombings, they have already occupied a large area of the market. Next, the concept of machine production should be properly compressed to improve the quality. However, due to the low price of concept machines and the successful example of Xin Fen Company, many merchants have started to emulate the concept machines in production and operation, which has a great impact on the market. Therefore, the concept of mobile phones can not take the brand route, can only be posted, do speculative business. After all, once the brand, will greatly increase the cost, and the time put into the market, will also be greatly restricted and affected.    


At the meeting, Fu Jie took out a few samples of the design of the new machine for everyone to review. After everyone had expressed their opinions, Fu Jie left behind two designs of the model and said that she would like to put them into research and development immediately.    


That night, Fu Jie, who had worked hard all day, took Huang Xing to the club and played pool.    


When she sat down to rest, Fu Jie breathed a sigh of relief. She mentioned to Huang Xing: "Tomorrow, come with me to Luoyang to meet the merchant who wants to order 5000 sets of machines."    


Huang Xing was surprised for a moment and asked tentatively: Are there no suitable people to be your assistants among this new batch of employees?    


Fu Jie shook her head. Maybe I'm asking for too much. Forget it. I'll think about it after the new year.    


Huang Xing said: "I will continue to pay attention. If there is anything suitable, I will recommend it to you."    


Fu Jie said, "Alright." First, let's talk about the one in front of us. Just hurry up and prepare the company's information. The colourful page, tomorrow we will take the train to Luoyang.    


Huang Xing said, Take the train? Not driving?    


Fu Jie said, Why don't you open it? Do you know how tired you are driving? It was still easy riding a car.    


Huang Xing nodded. "Alright, I'll book a ticket and a hotel when I get back."    


Fu Jie said, We don't need to decide on the hotel yet. It wasn't too late to decide.    


Huang Xing said, "Isn't it too late?"    


Fu Jie smiled mysteriously. What's late? I'll call the merchant and see if he's sincere.    


Huang Xing probed, "You mean to say, let that merchant take the initiative to reserve the hotel for us?" This idea is not bad. Let's see if we can get along with this person. However —    


But what? Fu Jie asked.    


Huang Xing said, "But I think, should we secretly interview them first?" He secretly asked about the power of this phone shop. Otherwise, perhaps what we see, if he takes us there, is not necessarily true.    


Fu Jie nodded her head. "That makes sense. Let's not notify him then. Let's do a private interview first."    


The next morning, Fu Jie called for Fu Zhenxin, Cao Aidang, Liu Jinming and other important Managers to meet at the general manager's office. She proposed that she travel with Director Huang for three days and ask Liu Jinming to temporarily work for Sun Steel and take charge of early name and other administrative matters. He also asked Fu Zhenxin to go to the operator to find out if there were any new policies or new businesses suitable for the company. As for Cao Aidang, Fu Jie gave him a more serious task, which was to get the telemarketers from the marketing department to go out and run the market for three days. Develop the marketing strategy for the next step based on the effect.    


In general, the telephone marketer through the telephone, directly to the individual or the enterprise contact, marketing the company's various businesses and products. When the other side needs it, the marketer will bring the product personally to install, service. Six days a week, they were all in the same mode, calling, calling, calling. Fu Jie was prepared to try to change this simple, monotonous model by making phone calls and going to the market in a firm way, while keeping phone marketers in line with the business of the mobile phone, so that they could increase the scope of their offer.    


At one o'clock in the afternoon, Fu Jie drove Huang Xing to the train station.    


On the train, Fu Jie closed her eyes and leaned against the seat. After a while, she fell asleep and lay on Huang Xing's shoulder. Huang Xing tried his best to keep his body rigid so that Fu Jie could have a comfortable sleeping posture. However, Fu Jie didn't sleep very long. She rubbed her eyes and woke up all of a sudden. She stood up straight and felt a weird smell permeating the air.    


Fu Jie looked down and realized it was a fat man sitting on the opposite seat. He was holding his feet up to her feet and even dragging his shoes. That smell simply tortured Fu Jie to death.    


Just now, Huang Xing had smelled the stench of rotten feet. However, he was worried that there would be conflict, so he endured it. But when he saw Fu Jie being awakened by this smell and how bitterly she pinched her nose, a heroic feeling of saving the beauty surged into Huang Xing's heart. Coughing lightly, he said to the fat man, Hey, can't you put your shoes on?    


The fat man was listening to the music with his headphones on, as if he didn't hear Huang Xing talking to him, he still shook his head and hummed softly. The fat on his face was trembling, as if he was about to lose his face.    


Seeing that he did not respond, Huang Xing immediately raised his voice: "Hey, put on your shoes, they're stinky!"    


But perhaps the fat man was too involved, and still did not respond. In a fit of anger, Huang Xing walked over and tore off one of his headphones and shouted, "Can you put on your shoes? It smells really good. Can you not be so selfish?"    


The fat man was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head to take a look. He frowned, grabbed Huang Xing by the collar, and cursed: "You're forcing me, why do you care?" Can't you say it properly? How dare you pull my earpiece!    


Huang Xing reached out his hand to pat his big hand: "I just said it nicely, but you didn't hear me."    


The fat man frowned coldly and swung his arm. "Then you have no right to pull my headphones!" What are you forcing me to do, do you want me to do it for you?    


When Fu Jie saw that she met a barbarian, she quickly came over and tugged on Huang Xing's arm, saying, "Forget it, forget it. Why are you fighting with him?"    


Men had a special kind of courage when facing women, especially beauties. Huang Xing obviously didn't want to show weakness in front of Fu Jie, so he said to the fat man, "Can you be civil? This isn't your home!"    


The fat man gave Huang Xing a hard shove and said rudely, "I'll treat this place as my home, what do you think?"    


The man's hands were so strong that Huang Xing almost fell back into his seat after he pushed him away. Huang Xing stood forward again and wanted to argue with the fat man. However, seeing that the people in the carriage had been looking in their direction for a long time, they no longer had the mood to argue with this kind of unreasonable person. He clenched his fist and punched towards the fat man's chest.    


After receiving this blow, the fat man immediately sat down on his seat while clutching his chest.    


Huang Xing still wanted to fight back, but Fu Jie pulled his arm and said, forget it.    


The fat man stood up aggressively and wiped his nose with his arm, saying, "Forget it, I haven't done anything yet. I'll kill you today!"    


Huang Xing didn't like how unreasonable Ye Zichen was, so he replied with a question, "Try killing whoever you want."    


The fat man bent down and grabbed his own leather shoes, covering Huang Xing's head. Huang Xing dodged to the side, rounded behind the fat man, grabbed his collar and pulled back, giving him two slaps on the face. The fat man was unconvinced. He waved his four limbs around and had fun with the donkey, but in reality, this guy was just rather big. Fighting wasn't an easy thing to do. Huang Xing realized that the other party was no match for him, so he had more confidence. He quickly pushed the fat man to the ground and gave him a tight slap.    




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