The Female Boss Falls in Love with Me



Anyway, tonight, Wang Yaxuan said a lot of weird things to him, which puzzled Huang Xing a lot of thinking.    


At around nine o'clock, Huang Xing wanted to take a taxi back, but Wang Yaxuan insisted on driving. Huang Xing knew that with her alcohol capacity, drinking two catties of white wine would not affect her driving.    


At the entrance of the district, Huang Xing reminded Wang Yaxuan to be careful on the way and then went upstairs.    


However, the next few days, the company was extremely busy. More than 120 new recruits took part in the pre-job training led by Liu Jinming. Fu Jie and Huang Xing further studied the department setup of the fifth floor and the distribution of the more than 100 employees. And put forward that these new employees should familiarize themselves with the environment of the company as soon as possible, and put themselves into the operation of the company's big machine as soon as possible. Fu Jie had also mentioned that she wanted to establish the Personnel Department and let Huang Xing recommend the candidate. Wu felt that Li Rong was still not mature enough, so he suggested that Fu Jie wait a little longer.    


Perhaps by the end of the year, everyone had relaxed a little. Liu Jinming's true nature was completely exposed. Indeed, just as Li Rong had said, he was now a fisherman who had spent a lot of time and effort in solving his own practical problems. Especially when more than a hundred new employees joined, it allowed Liu Jinming to gain a platform to hoodwink them. Every day at noon, Liu Jinming would bring a few Female Employees with him to eat. Furthermore, he would frequently bring the Female Employees along to participate in various training activities organized by the outside world under various names. However, due to his poor personal conditions, basically no one was willing to be his girlfriend in the Employees. To Liu Jinming, this was indeed very sad.    


Of course, as the company's hottest sexy, Liu Jinming has never relaxed his pursuit of her." The two of them were in the same office at the right time. It was a pity that Liu Jinming's way of chasing girls was too simple and general, especially his lustful eyes and mouth full of yellow and rosy lecherous teeth. It was really difficult for people to face him calmly. Li Rong had repeatedly reported Liu Jinming's dirty behavior in front of Huang Xing. At first, Wu wanted to have a good talk with Liu Jinming and change his view of love. But thinking about it again, Liu Jinming was already a grown man, and he was actually a virgin. He hadn't even talked about a girlfriend, so he felt some sympathy for him. With so many girls in the company, if one of them could stand out and solve Liu Jinming's personal problem, it would be considered a success. Therefore, even though the company system clearly stipulated that no one was allowed to fall in love, Wu gave Liu Jinming a green light. As long as Liu Jinming wasn't too out of line, he could just turn a blind eye. After all, the taste of being a virgin wasn't pleasant.    


However, what Huang Xing couldn't tolerate was that Liu Jinming schemed and plotted against Fu Jie. Relying on his incorruptibility, he put a lot of credit on himself, and invited Fu Jie to participate in some external organization training and expansion training with him. Fu Jie didn't realize Liu Jinming's crooked thoughts at the beginning, so she gave the opportunity of training outside to Fu Zhenxin. Who would have thought that Fu Zhenxin would scold Liu Jinming's ancestors right after she came back. Liu Jinming isn't bringing you to train at all, he is clearly bringing you to have a romantic relationship with him. He was trying to get close to you, trying to take advantage of you, trying to persuade you to go to the movies with him after your training. This was Fu Zhenxin's high opinion of Liu Jinming. Originally, she wanted to report this matter to Fu Jie after her trip with Liu Jinming, but after Huang Xing explained it to Liu Jinming, Fu Zhenxin gave up on this idea.    


As for Cao Aidang, his methods are better than Liu Jinming's." To a certain extent, Xin Edge Company was a good place to pick up girls, with plenty of monks and little porridge. Cao Aidang at least knew how to bring Female Employees to a bar and enter a KTV. With a basic relationship and a good environment, he could then make his move. As a result, many Female Employees in the company were attacked by him. Actually, the ultimate target of Cao Aidang was Fu Jie. But Fu Jie was too high up in the sky, and he had always been lacking in strength. Therefore, he always had the thought of riding a donkey and reading a song book. Currently, the people he was plotting were mainly Deputy Manager's Chu Yinan, Director's Assistant Li Rong, and the warehouse manager, Si Mengqi. This had created a competition with Liu Jinming. These two bros had been chasing after the United States for so long, it had caused quite a stir for the company.    


All in all, the company seemed to be in harmony on the surface, but they were all messed up by Liu Jinming and Cao Aidang. They all wanted to fish in the muddy water. One was to satisfy his physical needs, the other was to find his partner and marry and have children.    


Huang Xing clearly saw all of this. However, with his abilities, he was unable to reverse this situation. As the saying goes, wherever there are women, there are wolves. What's more, Huang Xing had a guilty conscience. Didn't he always have a close relationship with Li Rong and the Fu sisters? What right did he have to interfere in other people's hunting? It was precisely this kind of guilty conscience that made Huang Xing unable to make up his mind to deal with the chaotic internal situation. However, at the same time, he realized that if this continued, the consequences would be unimaginable.    


Sales of the third episode of the concept machine quietly went up, far surpassing those of the previous two episodes. After calming his mind, Huang Xing started to ponder about the matter of his divorce with Zhao Xiaoran. Only then could he calm down and make a meaningful decision between Fu Jie and Fu Zhenxin. He kept asking himself, did he really get Fu Jie? Recalling the dubious scene from that day, he indeed felt a kind of heartfelt excitement and gratification. But what was lacking in beauty was that Fu Zhenxin had stirred up such a good matter, giving him and Fu Jie's first time being together, and had stuck a label of 'attempted'. This way, Huang Xing always felt uneasy. As for Fu Zhenxin, Huang Xing had invested quite a bit of emotion into her. She was a kind and sexy girl. If it wasn't for Fu Jie, Huang Xing would have proposed to Fu Zhenxin a long time ago.    


But right now, this problem was quite thorny. The choice between the two sisters and how they would mend it were unavoidable difficult tasks.    


The most dramatic thing was that after a period of time, Huang Xing had mostly forgotten that Zhao Xiaoran had submitted her resume to Xin Fang, but had not expected that Zhao Xiaoran would suddenly drop by one day and appear in Fu Jie's office.    


Huang Xing has been following the development of the situation, sticking to the wall to listen to the general manager's office, but because of the sound insulation effect, he did not reap any rewards. Twenty minutes later, Fu Jie called Huang Xing over.    


The Zhao Xiaoran in front of him was no longer the same Zhao Xiaoran from before. Where did the bright and luxurious clothes go with her? Where was the arrogance on her face? Her sexy lip gloss and eye shadow were gone. There was even a tinge of sallow on his face. She was like a wounded swan, staring pitifully at Fu Jie and at Huang Xing, who was walking towards them.    


Huang Xing saw that the phone in her hand was the one that he got the receptionist to give to her when he was at the Nokia Customer Service Center. He felt a bit sad. His phone was new, but he had already experienced endless vicissitudes of life. He didn't know what Zhao Xiaoran had gone through to become like this.    


When Huang Xing entered, Zhao Xiaoran's body slightly moved and her eyes drooped down. He understood that the reason Fu Jie had called him over was because she respected him. Zhao Xiaoran had no other choice but to come to Xin Edge Company. It was all because of Huang Xing's words that she was able to take Zhao Xiaoran in.    


However, Huang Xing didn't know how to deal with it.    


Huang Xing gave Fu Jie an awkward glance. Fu Jie stood up and said, "Zhao Xiaoran, Director Huang has always been in charge of our company's personnel. Talk to him."    


After Fu Jie finished her sentence, she walked out of the office. Huang Xing was thinking, "How come I have to bet all the problems on me?" He sat down, feeling as if his butt had not landed on the chair Fu Jie had been sitting on.    


Zhao Xiaoran bit her lips and said, "Huang Xing, no, no, no. Director Huang, you can leave me here."    


Huang Xing frowned and asked: "There are so many companies, why do you have to come to Xinyun Corporation?"    


Zhao Xiaoran said: Other than Sea Flowers, I'm most familiar with Xin Feng Corporation. I believe in Boss Fu's character, and I believe even more … "     


Huang Xing couldn't help but cough, showing his doubts towards Zhao Xiaoran's words. He knew that Zhao Xiaoran did not come to Xin Duo company just to find a job, but more importantly to find the lost love. Huang Xing felt that she was too naive at this moment. He was as innocent as a child.    


Seeing that Huang Xing was silent, Zhao Xiaoran became agitated. She leaned forward and said, "I know you hate me now. I know I was wrong." I hope you'll give me a chance. I'll hold on to it.    


To be exact, after witnessing Zhao Xiaoran's current miserable state, Huang Xing wanted to help her and give her a platform. However, when he recalled the scene of her mercilessly abandoning him, he felt unwilling to accept it. Therefore, he was very conflicted in his heart, not knowing how to handle this matter. Huang Xing lit a cigarette and said, Zhao Xiaoran, I can give you a chance. But you have to start at the bottom.    


Zhao Xiaoran was stunned. Ah? The lowest level? A salesman? Are you taking revenge on me?    


I'm not that despicable, Huang Xing said.    


Zhao Xiaoran said, You know, with my ability, it's no problem for me to be a manager in a small company like yours. However —    


Huang Xing snorted: "You're too confident!" Are you looking down on a small company like ours? Then what are you doing here? Yes, our Xin Yuan Company can't even compare to the large scale state-owned enterprises like Sea Flowers. The profit of just a pair of underwear in Sea Flowers is worth more than selling dozens of phones for us. But do you know Xin Fen Corporation? He wanted to be a manager the moment he opened his mouth, but to think that you would dare to ask so much!    


Huang Xing didn't know why he was so angry. Although he tried to suppress it, he couldn't control it when he recalled every detail of the past. He wanted to vent. All the pain and suffering that Zhao Xiaoran had brought him during this period of time had to be vented out.    




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