The Female Boss Falls in Love with Me



When Huang Jinjiang saw Huang Xing, his expression became unnatural. He wanted to go straight to the club without making any noise, but Huang Xing glanced at the woman beside him and asked with a tone of indifference, "Change?"    


Huang Jinjiang, of course, knew what Huang Xing meant, but he pretended to be confused as he took off his sunglasses and said, "Yes, I did." The sunglasses that he used to wear had accidentally fallen off, so he could only change them. This one is resinous.    


Huang Xing thought you were so f * cking shameless. Just as he was about to speak again, Fu Jie walked over and stretched out a hand saying, "Director Huang, we meet again."    


Huang Jinjiang, overwhelmed by the favor, bowed down and shook hands with Fu Jie. He didn't want to let go of her hand again: "You are, you are Boss Fu of Xin Yuan Company right?" Aiya, look at me, I didn't even have the time to thank you, your company was so generous last time, and gave our unit several official cars. Have you brought your business card? I'll arrange it properly for you another day.    


There was no need for Director Huang to be so polite, Fu Jie said.    


Huang Jinjiang suddenly whispered something into Fu Jie's ear. Fu Jie looked at the young girl in front of her in shock.    


He thought that this small action was done in secret, but it was even more suggestive. The sexy young woman immediately asked, What are you whispering about?    


Huang Jinjiang quickly said, No, I didn't say anything.    


Fu Jie walked down a step and smiled. "I didn't expect Director Huang's daughter to be this old. She's so beautiful!"    


When he said this, Huang Jinjiang's face turned red and Huang Xing also froze for a second. The sexy lady laughed even more exaggeratedly, until her stomach hurt: Haha, there are already a lot of people who think so.    


Fu Jie asked in surprise, "Oh?" Isn't it?    


Before the girl replied, Huang Jinjiang quickly urged her: Wenwen, let's go.    


The girl called Wenwen said to Huang Jinjiang, "Why are you in such a hurry?"    


Huang Jinjiang walked over, grabbed Wen Wen's arm and walked inside. Fu Jie smiled strangely as she watched the incompatible couple enter the club.    


As the two started to walk back, Fu Jie told Huang Xing that Huang Jinjiang had whispered in her ear that it was her daughter.    


Who would believe it!    


Huang Jinjiang or Huang Jinjiang, both want to be a small child, but also want to build a memorial archway. She had clearly wrapped up two milk. No, it should be more than ten milk. Yet, he had to pretend to be a father in front of others and claim her to be his daughter. Was this the defeat of the human race, or was it the demise of morality?    


Fu Jie said: often walk by the river, there will always be a day wet shoes.    


But Huang Jinjiang has been walking by the river, but the more he lives, the more beautiful it becomes.    


Fu Jie said, "It's not that we don't want to report, it's just that the time is not right yet." Just you wait, one day, God help you punish this hypocrite.    


Heavens? Huang Xing smiled bitterly: "God didn't open my eyes."    


When they returned to the residential complex and went upstairs, Fu Jie was about to open the door and enter when Huang Xing suddenly said, "Boss Fu, I'm taking a day off tomorrow."    


What's the matter? Fu Jie asked.    


Huang Xing said, "I'll go find Zhao Xiaoran. There are some things I can't delay any longer."    


That's fine, Fu Jie said. Don't get into conflict.    


Huang Xing nodded.    


The next morning, Fu Zhenxin ran over to call Huang Xing to work. Huang Xing said that you should go, I have something to ask for a day off. What did Fu Zhenxin ask about? Huang Xing told her the truth.    


Fu Zhenxin was worried about what happened last time, so she volunteered to go with Huang Xing.    


Huang Xing felt it was inconvenient, so he politely declined her good intentions.    


Around 9: 30, Huang Xing caught a bus and rushed to Sea Flowers's shopping mall.    


He headed straight for the Chamber of Commerce.    


But in actuality, Zhao Xiaoran wasn't there. Her colleague told Huang Xing that Zhao Xiaoran had applied for leave and would not be able to come today.    


Huang Xing was very angry, so he dialed Zhao Xiaoran's number and started questioning her: "Zhao Xiaoran, what do you mean, we clearly said yesterday that we would go back and settle the paperwork today, what's the point of you hiding anything?"    


Zhao Xiaoran said, I'm sick. I didn't think I'd get sick.    


Huang Xing said, "Stop pretending!"    


Zhao Xiaoran said, "I'm sick, why aren't you coming to see me?"    


Huang Xing snorted coldly and said, "Does your illness have anything to do with me?" You should go to Huang Jinjiang!    


Zhao Xiaoran raised her voice. Who said it has nothing to do with you? If my illness is serious, who will get an divorce certificate from you? So in order for you to leave me early, you have to hope that I will get better soon.    


Huang Xing said ruthlessly, "Zhao Xiaoran, you are sick, and you are not clear about what's wrong with you!" Do you think there's any point in dragging it out?    


Zhao Xiaoran said, I didn't delay. If I tell you. Would you believe me if I had your child?    




Huang Xing was shocked.    


However, Huang Xing was skeptical of Zhao Xiaoran's words. She had been living for a long time, so even if she was pregnant, it wouldn't be his. Therefore, Huang Xing said to Zhao Xiaoran, "I believe that you are pregnant with a child, but I don't believe that the child is mine!"    


Zhao Xiaoran retorted, Am I so unworthy of your trust?    


Huang Xing said, You know it yourself. Don't think that I, Huang Xing, am a fool. You have enough of roaming around outside. If you have a bastard, others won't want you anymore and you want to use me as a scapegoat?    


Then how can you believe that the child is yours?    


Huang Xing said, "I don't believe it no matter what." Zhao Xiaoran, we'd better make the best of our time and think of you as a child.    


Zhao Xiaoran suddenly said excitedly, I don't agree with divorce.    


You have no choice, Huang Xing said. If you insist on getting a divorce by way of a lawsuit, I'll go all the way. Alright, since you said you're sick, then I'll believe you once. I'll give you a week. If I don't hear from you within that week, then I'll see you in court!    


After hanging up the phone, Huang Xing suddenly felt like he had become a true man in front of Zhao Xiaoran!    


However, he had some concerns regarding the child Zhao Xiaoran mentioned. Although he didn't believe Zhao Xiaoran's words, what if she didn't lie to him, what if that child really was the Zhao Family's flesh and blood … Counting the time, Zhao Xiaoran had been out for several months. If the child was his, then it should be more than half a year, right? Huang Xing was unable to believe Zhao Xiaoran's words just because of this.    


Coming out of Sea Flowers's shopping mall, Huang Xing directly took a taxi home.    


Three days later, Xin Duo company's first batch of New Concept Mobile Phone was still fresh in the oven. All of the company's work revolved around the concept of a mobile phone. Because this kind of mobile phone is still in a relatively blank state in the market, and the price is cheap, so the moment it enters the market, it causes a good reaction. In less than a week, the first batch of phones had been sold by more than half. Orders and phone calls were endless.    


Xin Edge Company was extremely busy, especially the mobile phone department and the finance department. When Fu Jie saw how popular the new computer was, she was overjoyed. Looking at the sales report that was handed over from the finance department, Fu Jie was in her office, calculating the fourth step of the third step.    


Huang Xing also received a copy of the financial report and came to Fu Jie's office to share the joy of success with her. However, he found that Fu Jie was holding onto the financial report and studying it. Fu Jie shook the report in her hand and said to Huang Xing, "You came at the right time. Have you read the sales report for the past three days?"    


Huang Xing sat down and said, I've seen it.    


Fu Jie said, "I'm finally a little relieved." The second and third batch will soon catch up. If nothing goes wrong, we can make a net profit of more than fifteen million this year.    


Huang Xing nodded his head: It was all Boss Fu Hui's unique ability that decisively grasped the business opportunity.    


Fu Jie raised her hand and said, In the military medallion, half of the credit goes to you. The concept of a mobile phone came from you. In addition, the later stages of capital mobilization were all for you to do your best to turn the tide. If everything goes well and we end the year with a bonus, I'll reward you with a house!    


What? Huang Xing was surprised and felt that happiness came too suddenly.    


However, he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. Now that he lived with Fu Jie, he could see her almost every day. If Fu Jie really gave him a house, then wouldn't he be far away from her?    


Therefore, Huang Xing jokingly said: "Why don't you give me the award set for me!"    


Fu Jie was stunned for a moment before she said, "That set is too small. It's only two rooms." Based on the contribution you've made for Xin Fang Company, I will at least reward you with a set of three rooms and two rooms. Oh yeah, I'm going to give you a car too. I can't let Chief of Staff not have a means of transportation, right?    


Huang Xing said, "Boss Fu, you don't need to spend so much money." In fact, I --    


Fu Jie interrupted Huang Xing. This was still a form of hope. What we need to do now is to protect and escort the second and third batch of concept phones. We can print some colorful pages, hire some part-time staff, and go out to advertise.    


Huang Xing nodded. I'll do it right away.    


Fu Jie said: Furthermore, arrange a celebration for tomorrow. I will also thank the Employees for his trust, so everyone can be at ease. It won't be long before they can repay all their credit cards.    


Huang Xing said, "Alright, I'll arrange it." Right, should we invite Wu Qianqian over?    


Fu Jie pondered for a moment. "We can't return Wu Qianqian's two million for now. We still need to invest a lot later on." So maybe it's a surprise to her when we get around to asking her out on her own, and remember to bring her two of our company's concept phones.    


Huang Xing said, Fine. At least, he could give her a peace of mind.    


At the end of the week, Huang Xing had two arrangements. First, to meet Wu Qianqian and ask her to express her gratitude personally. Second, to consult a lawyer. If Zhao Xiaoran continued to delay, she would have to pick up the legal weapon.    


But who would have thought that on Friday afternoon, Zhao Xiaoran would call and say that she had thought it through and would return to her hometown tomorrow to settle the divorce formalities.    


On Saturday morning, Huang Xing and Zhao Xiaoran met at the promised location and took a bus back to their hometown. However, when they arrived at the Civil Affairs Bureau, they discovered that the staff members were not working at all!    


Was he fooled by Zhao Xiaoran again?    


Maybe it was because he was too busy these days and spent all his weekends at work, so he let Huang Xing downplay the concept of a rest day. Yesterday, when Zhao Xiaoran had called, he hadn't realized that it was the weekend.    


The moment they left the Civil Affairs Bureau, Zhao Xiaoran even turned her head and snickered. She said to Huang Xing, "Did you see that? Our relationship as husband and wife hasn't come to an end yet!"    


Huang Xing was fuming. He shouted at Zhao Xiaoran, "Have you had enough fun?"    


Do you remember what you said when you got married? You said you would be good to me for the rest of my life. Let me live a happy life.    


Huang Xing shouted, "Enough! Enough!" You remember that? You still have the face to say that?    


At least, until I get divorced, I'll still be your wife. This is an indisputable fact.    


Huang Xing said, "In name, in name!" Zhao Xiaoran, I think you're disgusting!    


Zhao Xiaoran pulled Huang Xing's arm, "Do you dislike me that much now?"    


Huang Xing said, "More than revulsion!"    


Zhao Xiaoran said, I can change, I really can change.    


Huang Xing coldly snorted, "Dogs can't stop themselves from eating feces. You know this better than anyone else."    


Zhao Xiaoran laughed self-deprecatingly. I admit, I hurt you. I'm scared. After experiencing so much, I now understand that the person I care about the most is you, Huang Xing. We're all part of each other. Let's mature together and give each other a chance, okay?    


Huang Xing picked up a cigarette and said, Okay. I'll give you one last chance. We'll meet at the Civil Affairs Bureau's entrance next Monday at ten in the morning. If I don't see you after ten, you'll get a notice from the court.    


Zhao Xiaoran frowned. Why did he have to go this far?    


You should ask yourself, Huang Xing said.    


Zhao Xiaoran said, Why don't you come back to my house with me at noon and we can sit down and chat, okay?    


Huang Xing said, "I have nothing to talk to you about!"    


Zhao Xiaoran said, My family still doesn't know about us. My grandmother is sick and bedridden, and she has been saying that she wants to see you. She didn't have many days left.    


The mention of Zhao Xiaoran's grandmother actually touched Huang Xing's nerves. He was a kind and benevolent old man. At that time, his parents in the Zhao Family were strongly opposed to the matter between him and Zhao Xiaoran. Only the old lady from the Zhao Family was particularly interested in his son-in-law. To a certain extent, the fact that he and Zhao Xiaoran were able to combine their powers was inseparable from the efforts of the old lady.    


But now, Zhao Xiaoran had actually brought out the old lady. What was her intention?    




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