The Female Boss Falls in Love with Me



Zhao Xiaoran, who hadn't been here for a long time, suddenly looked as if she had aged three to four years. Although her clothes were still gorgeous, she didn't look too good.    


After sitting down in front of her, Huang Xing acted as if he was facing a stranger he had just met. Zhao Xiaoran pointed to the dishes on the table and said, "They are all your favorite dishes."    


Huang Xing wanted to say, "Do you still remember this?" But he didn't say it out loud. He only replied insinuatingly: My hobby has changed.    


Zhao Xiaoran smiled faintly. So fast?    


Not as fast as you, Huang Xing said.    


Zhao Xiaoran poured two cups of white wine and handed one to Huang Xing. "Drink one." First.    


Huang Xing took the cup and finished it in one gulp. I think we're at the end of our tether.    


Zhao Xiaoran did not hesitate and drank her own glass of wine in one gulp. Then, she quietly stared at Huang Xing.    


Lucky, Huang Xing said. Didn't you invite me here just to congratulate me?    


As Zhao Xiaoran refilled her glass, she said, Of course not. Do you remember when we first met, when you were so simple, like a big boy, you were walking and eating an apple, and I was walking in front of you and dropped the book you were holding, and you went over and helped me pick it up.    


Huang Xing interrupted her: That's enough, I don't want to hear it. What I want to hear is when to go through the formalities.    


Are you in such a hurry? Zhao Xiaoran raised her glass to her mouth, stuck out her tongue and took a sip. "How far have you and your company's Fu Zhenxin progressed?"    


Huang Xing was confused and frowned: "Things that have nothing to do with you, can you leave them out?"    


Even if it's a friend, you should tell me, Zhao Xiaoran said.    


I have a right not to say anything, Huang Xing said.    


Zhao Xiaoran laughed self-deprecatingly. "Yeah, you are no longer the Huang Xing of the past. I always treat you like …" Okay, let's talk about reality. Have you really thought about divorce?    


Huang Xing wanted to spit on her face. At that time, Zhao Xiaoran was the first one to propose divorce, but now, for some reason, she asked me if I had thought it through. It was so funny! I'm as determined as you are, Huang Xing said impatiently.    


But I'm not as determined as you think.    


Huang Xing was shocked: "Zhao Xiaoran, what exactly do you mean?"    


Zhao Xiaoran was silent for a moment. Suddenly, she looked at Huang Xing with tears in her eyes and said word by word, "I want to come back."    


Huang Xing was shocked. Can you still come back?    


Zhao Xiaoran nodded mechanically. After experiencing so much, I now understand that the only person who is truly good to me, other than my parents and my grandmother, is you, Huang Xing. Unfortunately, I didn't treasure it.    


Huang Xing felt that Zhao Xiaoran's transformation was a little strange. He suspected that she had already been dumped by Huang Jinjiang. It was only when she was disappointed that she remembered his good points. Actually, Huang Xing had already predicted that such a day would come. To those so called "girls" in the government, lovers and Little Mi were merely clothes. They would immediately throw them away and change after they got tired of wearing them. Unfortunately, Zhao Xiaoran didn't realize this. In other words, it was already too late when she realized that she was just one of Huang Jinjiang's clothes.    


Huang Xing said, "Is there any use in saying all this?"    


Zhao Xiaoran suddenly grabbed Huang Xing's hand and emphasized, "What I said was all true!" You have to believe me!    


Huang Xing asked: "So what if I believe you?"    


I know I've done too many stupid things. I've let you down. But you know, in my heart, the most important person in that position is always you.    


Huang Xing waved his hand and said, "Enough! Enough!" Was … Huang Xing wanted to say, "If you get dumped, then come back and have fun with me. I, Huang Xing, won't take this lying down." But he felt it was too cruel to say it, so he swallowed the rest of his words back into his stomach. After all, when husband and wife fell in love, that unforgettable love became hatred. However, it was fated to become Huang Xing's lifelong memories.    


Zhao Xiaoran, however, read what Huang Xing wanted to say. She let out a self-deprecating sigh and said, "It looks like you saw that I was dumped." You must be very happy, aren't you?    


Don't talk about anything else. Talk about things that are related to us all.    


Zhao Xiaoran said, What I said has to do with you and me.    


Huang Xing said: "What does it have to do with anything!" The only relationship between you and me right now is to seize the opportunity to get a divorce! I can't afford it.    


Zhao Xiaoran countered with a question: Are you anxious to remarry after finding a new home?    


Huang Xing gritted his teeth and repeated: "I already said, my business has nothing to do with you!"    


Zhao Xiaoran said: The couple is good, after this baptism, I think our feelings will be stronger. I'll do my best to keep our marriage going and sew up the cracks. I know you still love me. Can I come back to you?    


Huang Xing felt it was laughable. Where did the once arrogant and cold Zhao Xiaoran go? Perhaps she took the wrong medicine today?    


Zhao Xiaoran held Huang Xing's hand. The strength of her hand showed that she really wanted it back. However, her return this time wouldn't bring any surprise to Huang Xing. Instead, it would be a burden.    


That was before, Huang Xing said. Now I'm not the same Huang Xing as before. Zhao Xiaoran, let me tell you, I'm not in a hotel. If you want to leave, you can go back. How about this, tomorrow morning at 9 AM, I will go to your Sea Flowers and wait for you there. We will go together to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get married.    


Zhao Xiaoran grabbed Huang Xing's hand and stood up. "But I don't want to be relaxed!" What I want is you, our warm family!    


Huang Xing snorted and didn't say anything else. For the first time, he felt pity for Zhao Xiaoran.    


However, this kind of pity was not worth others' sympathy.    


Huang Xing felt that it was really unbelievable. He felt that Zhao Xiaoran was using marriage as a play and playing house.    


Once, is oneself so deep love her, in order to give her happiness, oneself has been working hard. But in the end he failed to keep her. Until now, he had finally gained some fame. Thanks to Fu Jie's respect, he had become the second-in-command of the company. She suddenly had a change of heart.    


Huang Xing did not stay, despite Zhao Xiaoran's repeated urging to stay. He hurriedly left the private box and as he left, he tossed a message to Zhao Xiaoran: Remember to wait for me at Sea Flowers tomorrow.    


Then, Huang Xing directly took a taxi back to the neighborhood. Downstairs, Huang Xing saw a scene that happened once in a hundred years: Fu Jie and Fu Zhenxin were playing badminton downstairs.    


The sky had already darkened, but these two beautiful figures were so deep and full of youthful vigor. Seeing that Huang Xing had returned, the two sisters both stopped their actions and came over.    


Huang Xing held a cigarette in his mouth and asked, "Which beauty is eating with me?"    


Fu Jie and Fu Zhenxin volunteered to go, but Huang Xing said, "You haven't eaten yet?" Yes, but I'm hungry again.    


For some reason, Huang Xing's appetite was boosted. He ate all six dishes and two bowls of rice. The Fu sisters were stunned as they stared at him.    


The sensitive Fu Jie didn't miss the opportunity to ask, "What's wrong? Is there something on your mind?"    


Huang Xing said: From tomorrow onwards, I will officially be liberated.    


What do you mean? Fu Jie asked.    


I'll go and get a divorce from Zhao Xiaoran tomorrow, Huang Xing said.    


Fu Jie spoke with sincerity, "I don't know if I should congratulate you or …" But at least you have more options. Choose someone who loves you, who you love, who can help you in your career.    


Huang Xing thought to himself, I wish that this person was you, Fu Jie. However, Huang Xing suddenly hesitated when he saw Fu Zhenxin's beautiful face. If the Fu Sisters allowed him to choose between the two, it would be very difficult for him to make a choice. One was a peerless beauty who could captivate one's soul, the other was a sexy beauty who could already touch one's skin. If Huang Xing chose Fu Zhenxin, then Fu Jie would feel deep regret; if she chose Fu Jie, then she would feel guilt for the rest of her life. Huang Xing was eager to have a polygamous marriage so that he could marry all these beautiful Fu sisters home peacefully.    


However, Huang Xing was shocked by this thought just now. He did not understand what was going on with him. There would always be unrealistic thoughts.    


His whimsical thoughts seemed to have started after Zhao Xiaoran left him.    


After the meal, Huang Xing wanted to take a shower and get some rest. These days, there were too many things to take care of, so he was a bit tired. However, just as he came out wrapped in a towel, he heard someone ringing the doorbell outside.    


Looking through the peephole, it turned out to be Fu Jie.    


Huang Xing said, "Wait a moment." Then, before he could dry his body, he quickly dressed and opened the door.    


Fu Jie had changed into a sportswear and her hair was tied back. She gave off a refreshing and refined feeling. Seeing Huang Xing's wet hair, Fu Jie asked: "Have you taken a bath?"    


Huang Xing said, "Yes, I just finished washing."    


Fu Jie said self-deprecatingly. "Looks like I really came at the wrong time." She didn't enter the room and only asked Huang Xing: Go and play pool for a while?    


Huang Xing said, "Okay."    


It was still the club, still the pool hall.    


Huang Xing loved to see Fu Jie's attentive look when she was playing pool. Moreover, he was also very willing to use the level of his three knives to match Fu Jie's skill in the ball game. After a few games, Huang Xing lost quite happily, and Fu Jie began to patiently teach him how to play pool.    


Huang Xing liked this feeling. He would rather not learn it in his lifetime and let Fu Jie be his billiards teacher for the rest of his life.    


At 9 o'clock in the evening, the two of them were about to leave. At the entrance of the club, a pair of male and female got off a brand-new Passat. The man was wearing sunglasses and looked to be about forty years old. The woman was only in her twenties, with average looks, but she was wearing a short skirt and black stockings. The legend of the 'beautiful lady' had been played to the extreme.    


In reality, that man was none other than Huang Jinjiang. Although he was wearing sunglasses and had his hair trimmed, Huang Xing recognized him immediately. As for that young lady, Huang Xing was both familiar and unfamiliar with her. Strangely, he didn't know her; familiarly, she must have been a copy of Zhao Xiaoran.    


That also meant that Huang Jinjiang did indeed abandon Zhao Xiaoran. At the same time, there was also a vain woman that followed in Zhao Xiaoran's footsteps.    


It was more like a vicious circle.    




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