The Female Boss Falls in Love with Me



After calming down a little, Huang Xing had a question in his mind: Why did Wu Qianqian want him to watch the Variety Channel from the day before yesterday? Was it just to increase this tiny viewership rating?    


Impossible! There must be another reason!    


Huang Xing searched out the location from his computer and used the playback function to turn on the variety channel's 17: 30 program.    


Without waiting for the buffer, Li Rong knocked on the door and entered the office. She laughed and said, "Director Huang, what are you busy with?"    


Huang Xing replied perfunctorily: "I'm busy with a very important matter."    


Li Rong moved closer like a thief to take a look. She smiled and said, "Go and watch the show. Is that important?" Director Huang, your professional image in my mind is completely ruined!    


What do you know! Huang Xing frowned and cursed. He waved his mouse and refreshed himself. He thought to himself, "This speed is really slow."    


Li Rong pouted and said in a hurt tone, "Director Huang, what happened? I was just joking with you, why are you doing this to me?"    


Huang Xing said, do what you have to do!    


Li Rong was disappointed. Just as she was about to leave the office, Huang Xing suddenly said to her: "Assistant Li, immediately call the company to inform everyone. All managers and employees, including those who are not on duty, including the Customer Service Center, all come to the company for a meeting!" There was something very important to do!    


Li Rong had just been treated coldly and was in the middle of a ruckus. She couldn't help but ask, "Why should I listen to you?"    


Huang Xing frowned and repeated: "Now, immediately!"    


Li Rong snorted. Before she left, she said, "Director Huang, you're not usually like this!"    


Only then did Huang Xing realize that he had lost his composure. His heart was in a mess. Earlier, he had always been giving Li Rong bad face, causing her to feel wronged.    


The page finally called. Huang Xing couldn't help but be surprised! The variety channel was currently broadcasting a talent show hosted by Wu Qianqian and another male host. The male host was introducing with excitement, "Maybe everyone still doesn't know that today is the birthday of my partner, Miss Wu Qianqian. Let's take this opportunity to wish Miss Wu Qianqian a happy birthday …"    


So it was like this!    


What a weird Wu Qianqian!    


Huang Xing got Wu Qianqian's birthday number based on the broadcast time of the program.    


He logged on to the bank and entered the password. The balance on the card was RMB 2.05 million.    


This meant that Wu Qianqian wasn't lying to herself.    


Huang Xing was so touched that he wanted to cry. To be more precise, he found Wu Qianqian only because he wanted to give her a try. He didn't even have one percent confidence in finding Wu Qianqian. After all, they weren't very familiar with each other. But he didn't expect that Wu Qianqian would make over two million in one go.    


Huang Xing dialed Wu Qianqian's number to express his gratitude. Half an hour later, Li Rong ran in to tell Huang Xing that all the company's staff were already marketing a collection.    


Other than the two million that he had accidentally borrowed, there was another three million. Huang Xing came to the marketing department with heavy steps.    


At that time, the hall was filled with discussions as they tried to guess what kind of meeting would be held this time around. After Huang Xing walked in, the discussion came to a halt.    


Huang Xing got the person in charge of the Departments to report the situation of the department's personnel to him separately. Then, he looked around and said, "Actually, the reason I called everyone here today was not to have a meeting." Instead, he would discuss with everyone how to help the company overcome its difficulties.    


When these words came out, all the managers and employees were stunned. Cao Aidang took the lead and asked: "What's wrong with the company now?"    


Huang Xing took a concept prototype out of his pocket and said, The company is fine. Now I can tell you, the company is going to do concept mobile phone investment, concept mobile phone, I have this kind of, personality, fashion, very market potential. The market is still largely empty. The success or failure of a conceptual mobile phone directly relates to the common interests of the company's owners. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that this investment could increase the income of our managers and employees by half or even double. But for now, there is a bit of a temporary situation, and there is a gap of about three million dollars in this investment. I mean, we can all give a hand and help the company at a critical moment. Our company has a few hundred people now, and if everyone were to pay ten thousand each, that would be equivalent to several million. When the time comes, the company will return the profits to everyone …    


At this time, the Employees could no longer remain quiet. Everyone was looking at each other and discussing softly. Moreover, there was a lot of doubt.    


Wu continued to add fuel to the fire, raising his voice and saying, "This is a merger of the company's interests and personal interests. I hope you can trust the company, trust Boss Fu, and help the company to overcome this crisis." I, on behalf of the company and Boss Fu, bow to everyone!    


Huang Xing bowed deeply, expecting a miracle to happen.    


But in reality, a miracle did not happen.    


Some of the more active employees began to stand up and talk about their financial difficulties. Now that the prices were so high and the wages so low, other than the daily expenses, how could they have any other savings? Even Li Rong stood up and began to sing a different tune, crying on behalf of the staff. Huang Xing felt awkward standing where he was.    


A few of Fu Jie's relatives and trusted aides started to come forward to call for an agreement, but the result was not obvious.    


Huang Xing then suggested that the company sign an agreement with each borrower, which would approve the repayment date and the repayment rate. After doing his best to mobilize everyone, Huang Xing asked everyone to vote by hand.    


However, there were less than twenty people who raised their hands.    


It's over, Huang Xing thought. Borrowing money from employees was originally a bad idea. If it was used inappropriately, not only would it fail to raise money, but it would also cause turmoil in the company. Huang Xing really couldn't bear to see Fu Jie make such an impulsive choice for the five million. That's why he was forced to do it. He hoped that a miracle would happen.    


For a time, several hundred people began to fall into a complicated discussion.    


Huang Xing had a feeling of not being able to control his body every day. At this time, Li Rong walked over and whispered three words into Huang Xing's ear, giving him hope once again.    


The three words were: credit card.    


Huang Xing remembered that last month and the month before that, the company had sent several credit card operators over. Most of the company's managers and employees had filled in the registration forms. There were even many managers and employees who had managed to obtain credit cards from several banks. And most people have credit cards now.    


Thinking about this, Huang Xing quieted the crowd down and changed the topic: "I know, everyone's income is not high and they are under a lot of pressure." It was indeed difficult to put out such a large sum of cash to help the company. Now we change a way, most of you have a credit card right? The less the amount, the more the 35,000, the more the 35,000. I hope you can lend your credit card to the company for a few months to help it respond to emergency situations, and the company will repay the debt on time every month. When the funds flow is normal, the credit cards will be returned to you, and I promise you that the company will give you a certain reward and compensation …    


Li Rong was the first to step forward. She immediately took out three credit cards from her purse and said, If the company is in trouble, everyone will be responsible. I have 3 10,000 overdraft quota, contribute to the company's emergency!    


Several of Fu Jie's trusted aides also began to show their credit cards in response.    


This was immediately followed by the response from the vast majority of the staff.    


This was out of Huang Xing's expectation.    


Perhaps influenced by the environment, two-thirds of the company's managers and employees actually contributed their credit cards.    


After roughly calculating, it was more than enough to gather three million. As everyone fought to raise their credit cards, Huang Xing's eyes lit up. He bowed deeply to them again and said, Thank you, thank you.    


Huang Xing did not know if it was due to his luck, or some other reason, that he managed to raise the five million for Fu Jie. When he called Fu Zhenxin again, she had already found Fu Jie at Shun Jing Street. Huang Xing let Fu Jie answer the phone. Fu Jie answered the phone and asked anxiously, "Director Huang, what happened?"    


Huang Xing asked: "Boss Fu, you really went to Shun Jing Street?" Are we really going to find that Ji Dahai?    


Fu Jie emphasized, This is not something you should be concerned about. I know what I'm doing.    


Wu Tie said, "I've raised the money. Five million. Come back, Boss Fu."    


Do you need to comfort me in this way? Fu Jie asked. Director Huang, I think --    


Huang Xing interrupted her: Boss Fu, I am so unworthy of your trust? This five million is very heavy, we can only win.    


Fu Jie was stunned for a moment. "You mean, really, really raised five million?"    


Maybe more, Huang Xingqiang said.    


Half an hour later, Fu Jie and Fu Zhenxin drove back to the company.    


General Manager's Office.    


When Huang Xing put more than 200 credit cards in front of Fu Jie, Fu Jie was shocked.    


Perhaps because she was too excited, Fu Jie walked over and gave Huang Xing a big hug. Huang Xing lightly patted her back and said: "Now can you be at ease?"    


Fu Jie said incoherently: "I told you, you are a lucky man!" Since you, the company has not been able to cross the threshold. You've done another great deed this time! I'll give you five, no, ten cents if you make a profit on the concept phone!    


Huang Xing was surprisingly calm. He said lightly: "Do your job well. This vote has created too many people's expectations and benefits."    


Fu Jie nodded deeply.    


Fu Jie was a person of great importance. She was very touched to see that during the company's time of distress, many Employees had generously extended their hands to help her. She immediately drafted a thank-you letter that was more than two thousand words long. She told Huang Xing to print out a few hundred copies and ensure that it was distributed to every employee. This thank-you letter also made Huang Xing feel relieved.    


At five o'clock in the afternoon, Fu Jie wanted Huang Xing to meet with Wu Qianqian to thank her for her generosity. But when Huang Xing called, Wu Qianqian said she had flown to Chengdu.    


Since she couldn't get an appointment with Wu Qianqian, Fu Jie naturally wanted to thank Huang Xing, who had a total lifespan of 5 million, for letting him come over to her place to drink and celebrate in the evening. Huang Xing originally agreed, but he suddenly received a call from his ex-wife, Zhao Xiaoran.    


Over the phone, Zhao Xiaoran said, I want to talk to you.    


Huang Xing said, what is there to talk about? Let's hurry up and get the divorce certificate. There's no point in delaying any longer.    


That's what I want to discuss with you.    


Huang Xing said there was no need to discuss it. It's very simple. Once we go to the Civil Affairs Bureau and settle the formalities, you and I will settle it. As you know, I, Huang Xing, am completely broke and I don't have any assets in common. The furniture you bought when you married at home can be moved away if you like.    


Zhao Xiaoran said, Let's talk when we meet. I'll be waiting for you at Niu's Manor. I've already ordered.    


Huang Xing countered with a question, "Dismissed meal?"    


Zhao Xiaoran didn't say anything. She just said that she wouldn't be able to see him.    


Huang Xing said, "Alright." It was just that the meal was a bit late.    


After work, Huang Xing took the bus to Niu Shi Manor. Zhao Xiaoran had been waiting in the box for a while.    




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