The Female Boss Falls in Love with Me



Liu Jinming showed his generosity at the meeting, saying that he will definitely establish himself at Xinben, and strive to do well in all kinds of training to improve the marketing level of all the staff. His words were passionate and firm, as if he was the company's savior. The moment he arrived, the company's performance would be multiplied several times over.    


'I am first in Training institutions Chen Anzhi ', this phrase seemed to become his catchphrase.    


After Fu Jie finished introducing Liu Jinming, Fu Zhenxin took the opportunity to ask, "Boss Fu, who will be in charge of the Training Department?" Who was his boss?    


It was also true that Liu Jinming's arrival meant that the company would have to add another department, which was the Training Department. Even though he was the only one in this department.    


Fu Jie thought for a moment, then said, "Then let me handle it directly. I'm his boss."    


Fu Zhenxin retorted, "How can I do that!" What kind of arrangement was this? The Training Department was considered an ordinary logistics department in a company. It belonged to the General Manager's Office and was under Chief of Staff's charge.    


Fu Jie frowned and said, "You're right." Fine, then Teacher Liu will be assigned to the main office. Director Huang, arrange an office for Teacher Liu and brief him about the company's basic situation so that he can get used to it as soon as possible.    


Liu Jinming interrupted with a smile, "I don't need to get used to it." I am the first in the Training institutions Chen Anzhi, my adaptability is very strong! Tomorrow, just before tomorrow, I'll be able to make my training plan.    


Fu Jie said, "Alright!"    


To be exact, Liu Jinming's entry into the office made the managers and supervisors more experienced. The vast confidence he exuded caused everyone to feel ashamed of themselves. Including Huang Xing.    


Subsequently, Fu Jie talked about the management and management of the company, and the next step of marketing priorities was deployed. They also gave Huang Xing more authority, demanding all managers in Departments to resolutely obey Chief of Staff's arrangements and management, in order to raise the management order of the company to a higher level.    


By the time the meeting ended, it was already noon.    


Fu Jie called Huang Xing to her office and hurriedly said as she put her laptop in her bag: "I have to hurry home. Take care of the company." I can't bear to leave my aunt alone to look after the baby.    


Huang Xing said, "My mom is fine with that, Boss Fu."    


However, Fu Jie insisted on leaving. Before leaving, she instructed Huang Xing to meet with Fu Zhenxin at noon to give Liu Jinming a breeze. At that time, she would arrange another formal welcoming banquet.    


Afternoon Fu Zhenxin and Huang Xing together, a simple wind for Liu Jinming. The place they met up with was a mid-class hotel. They ordered ten dishes and a few bottles of red wine. Liu Jinming obviously showed some dissatisfaction with this welcoming party. In the end, he even asked Huang Xing, "Is this my welcoming party?" Huang Xing wanted to say that Senior Boss Fu would arrange it again, but seeing Liu Jinming so greedy, he said, "I guess so." Liu Jinming asked, why isn't Senior Boss Fu here? 'Senior Boss Fu is not a person who attends every occasion, 'Mr. Liu said.' She has more matters.'    


This was really a huge blow to Liu Jinming. His big fat hands almost crushed the goblet into pieces. He thought to himself, Cold treatment is nothing but cold treatment!    


In the afternoon, Huang Xing started to arrange an office for Liu Jinming. After weighing things up, Huang Xing arranged for him to be upstairs, in the same office as Li Rong. Liu Jinming, on the other hand, didn't care for strangers and started chatting with Li Rong before he packed up his stuff. Huang Xing thought, from the looks of it, this Liu Jinming should be on the same level as Cao Aidang.    


The next day, Liu Jinming went to Fu Jie's office with the written training program. Seeing that Fu Jie was not around, he went to the Deputy CEO's office.    


Sun told Liu Jinming that Boss Fu had a lot of things to do recently, so it was impossible for him to come to the company every day. Liu Jinming could only take a step back and hand over the training program to Huang Xing. Huang Xing looked carefully and could not help but size up the proud and confident Trainer in front of him. He could not believe that this perfect training program came from Liu Jinming. The plan was very systematic and detailed, as well as very operational. It seemed like Liu Jinming wasn't just talking on paper. Although Sun's first impression of Liu Jinming isn't good, but considering that he just joined the company, he needs encouragement. After praising him a few times, Sun said, "Let's carry it out according to your plan."    


Liu Jinming obviously didn't quite believe in Huang Xing's authority. He asked, "If Boss Fu isn't here, can you make the decision?"    


Huang Xing did not expect him to ask this, and said angrily: "Don't forget, Training Department belongs to the General Manager's Office. Not only can I be the master of this plan, I can even be your master!" This week, the company has hired ten to twenty new recruits at the Zhaopin.You should prepare for your pre-job training, which will last for three days.    


Leave it to me! Liu Jinming patted his chest. His face was brimming with confidence.    


You can go back to the office first. I'll give you the list later. Teacher Liu, what you need to do is not only train new employees, but also do ideological work. How much of this batch of new employees can they leave behind, is a test of ability for you.    


I understand that, Liu Jinming said. Rest assured Director Huang, I am the first in the Training institutions of Chen Anzhi International, this batch of new employees, will all become my, Liu Jinming's, disciples.    


After Liu Jinming left, Fu Zhenxin came over and said that this Liu Jinming seemed very confident. A bit too much.    


'Self-confidence is a good thing, 'Mr. Liu said with a laugh.    


To be exact, this Liu Jinming did have some skills.    


Huang Xing attended his first pre-vocational training class. Liu Jinming spoke passionately about professional ethics, marketing, personal cultivation, eloquence, and many wonderful words. He won the praise of all the new employees. Moreover, his speech was very infectious, and he was also very good at interacting with new employees. After class, he also organized everyone to play intelligence games together. After three days, the new employees had a good reaction to Liu Jinming. The ten or so new employees that participated in the training were all assigned to the marketing department. Not only that, many new employees even introduced their classmates around them to join the application and pre-service training.    


Wu was pleasantly surprised. Liu Jinming's success in getting into office had dispelled some of his previous concerns. After returning home, when Fu Jie asked about Liu Jinming's condition, Huang Xing told her the truth. Fu Jie was overjoyed, and she immediately arranged for Fu Zhenxin to help yellow mother look after the children.    


This time, Fu Jie booked a 3-star hotel and treated Liu Jinming to a very high standard. At the time of the first drink, Liu Jinming said bluntly, I knew Boss Fu wouldn't send me away so hastily.    


Fu Jie didn't understand the meaning behind his words. Huang Xing explained it in a euphemistic manner, and mentioned that Fu Zhenxin and himself welcomed Teacher Liu a few days ago. Teacher Liu felt quite sorry that you weren't there.    


While they drank, Fu Jie and Liu Jinming talked about the training. Liu Jinming expressed his ambitions and said that within three months, he would be able to bring the quality of his employees up to the standard of a large company. These words made Fu Jie's heart burst with joy. She placed her high hopes on Liu Jinming.    


Day by day, Fu Jie came back to Shenzhen as if she was riding on a wheel of fire.    


After sending yellow mother back home, Fu Jie began packing her luggage and prepared to fly to Shenzhen to receive the prototype. Fu Jie was excited. She had been looking at the final 3D prototype map in front of her computer. She had been excited for days. Now that she had finally received news of the prototype being released, she wanted to fly back to Shenzhen immediately.    


Taking advantage of the time Fu Jie was packing up, Fu Zhenxin whispered to Huang Xing, "My sister is leaving. Our spring is coming soon!"    


In his heart, Huang Xing wasn't as optimistic as Fu Zhenxin. He retorted with a question: "Did you treat your sister like the winter?"    


Fu Zhenxin originally thought that Huang Xing would be happy, but she didn't expect that he would actually frown, as if he was reluctant to part with Fu Jie. To a certain extent, Fu Jie had been back for almost twenty days. Fu Zhenxin covered up her relationship with Huang Xing with all her might and almost exposed it several times. Of course, what she yearned for was not only to have sex with Huang Xing, but also to have warmth and romance that she hadn't felt in a long time. She planned to take Huang Xing out to find a romantic feeling in the two days after her sister went to Shenzhen. A young girl who had just started her love affair often had very high standards for romance.    


The sensitive Fu Zhenxin felt that Huang Xing's behavior was abnormal. She pulled his arm and asked, "When my sister left, why did it seem like you lost your soul?"    


Huang Xing said, No, no.    


Fu Zhenxin pressed, "Have you fallen for my sister?" She can affect your heart more than I can?    


Huang Xing smiled bitterly and said: "What are you thinking!" Today, I mainly felt that I had some feelings for this child. Once I leave, I don't know when I'll be able to see her again.    


Actually, Huang Xing understood that 90% of his grief came from Fu Jie. Every time she left, Huang Xing would feel empty inside. Who would have thought that Fu Zhenxin would naively believe Huang Xing's explanation and even call out her feelings? She pulled Huang Xing to Fu Jie's bedroom and carefully sized up the child who had already fallen asleep. Two drops of tears rolled down her face. Fu Zhenxin gently caressed the child's head and said to herself, "Baby, your aunt is taking you back to Shenzhen. I really can't bear to part with you. I must remember you, Auntie …"    


Huang Xing had her: Remember you? Remember what? You won't even change your baby's piss. You think it's dirty.    


Fu Zhenxin frowned as she defended herself. I love children, not their urine. This is not enough to deny my love for the baby.    


What logic! Huang Xing was just about to give her another blow when Fu Jie walked in and complained to Fu Zhenxin: What are you doing? The child is asleep, what are you fumbling for?    


Fu Zhenxin stood up, feeling wronged. "Sis, I can't bear to part with my child," she said.    


Huang Xing wanted to add, "I can't control the wolf," but he felt that this wasn't the time to joke around, so he gave up.    


Fu Jie saw the wetness on Fu Zhenxin's face and her tone softened. "That's right, this child is so cute." How wonderful it would be if we could have such a lovely baby in the future! Don't be sad Zhen Xin, take a good look at the child, maybe later when the opportunity, I will bring him to Jinan.    


After dinner, Fu Jie fed her child the milk powder and then rushed to the airport. But then she realized that there was a serious problem. With her child, she couldn't even drive. So he had to let Fu Zhenxin drive him to his own airport.    


Huang Xing wanted to follow him, but after considering the various effects, he held back from doing so. At 9 o'clock in the evening, Fu Zhenxin drove back and put on a sexy Han suit before coming to Huang Xing's room.    


Once inside, Fu Zhenxin put on her slippers, wrapped her arms around Huang Xing's neck and kissed him crazily.    




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