The Female Boss Falls in Love with Me



After a while, Fu Jie and Yu Mengqin came out of the bathroom, chatting and laughing.    


Huang Xing had never seen Fu Jie this nervous before. When she chatted and laughed with Yu Mengqin, her face was full of restraint. After they left, Fu Jie respectfully handed Yu Mengqin a business card with half bowed body. Yu Mengqin smiled and said that she still had something to do, so she quickly walked away. Huang Xing stared at her back, as if he was deep in thought.    


Fu Jie emotionally pulled Huang Xing's arm, said, Boss Yu is Boss Yu, said a few words, let me enlighten.    


Huang Xing's thoughts were always on Yu Mengqin. He always felt that this person was familiar with her. She came from Beijing, and he had worked as a security guard in Beijing for a period of time. Many questions lingered in Huang Xing's mind, causing him to not hear Fu Jie's words clearly.    


Fu Jie saw that Huang Xing did not say anything, moreover, he was staring at Yu Mengqin's back blankly, so she casually asked: "What are you looking at, Director Huang, could it be that you are interested in a middle-aged woman like Boss Yu?"    


Huang Xing then came back to his senses and said untruthfully, "About that, I just feel that Boss Yu has quite the temperament."    


Fu Jie frowned slightly and said, "Of course." Boss Yu was in his forties, and he did not look to be in his thirties. Beautiful and graceful. You can't be --    


She didn't finish the sentence, but of course Huang Xing understood what she meant and quickly replied, "No, no." I don't have that hobby. Oh yeah, Boss Fu, what did you say just now?    


Fu Jie said: I just said, Boss Yu's few words, let me enlighten suddenly. When it came to corporate governance, she said only eight words.    


Huang Xing asked: "Which eight words?"    


The army, the school, the religion, the family.    


Huang Xing said, "What do you mean?"    


Let's go, Fu Jie said. We'll talk in detail in the car.    


In the car, Fu Jie explained the meaning of these eight words, saying that if a company wanted to be invincible, they should work hard on these eight words. To have the executive power of the army; to study like a school; to have a strong faith like a religion; to have a warm atmosphere like a family. Why is the army so strong? That was because its execution culture was very good, the orders were quick and accurate, and its subordinates were absolutely obedient to their superiors; how could students constantly improve their own abilities? It was because he was constantly learning and receiving new knowledge, and so were the employees of the company. Only by constantly learning could he keep up with the development of society; why did religion thrive for thousands of years? Because believers share a common faith, a faith that gives them endless spiritual strength all the time; how can families unite and be indiscriminately one another? Because the family was very warm, because of kinship, because of love … If a company or enterprise could use these four kinds of power in a flexible combination, it would be invincible and invincible.    


Huang Xing carefully thought about it and felt that these eight words were indeed accurate.    


Actually, I always thought there were a lot of problems with the company, but I didn't know exactly what they were missing. The words Boss Yu suddenly enlightened me. What our company lacks is the executive culture like the army and the learning atmosphere like the school. Of course, most of them were the Employees's lack of faith, and lack of that warm family-like feeling. I, Fu Jie, have always believed that the company could expand its skills in the field of communications, but as for the Employees, I do lack this kind of education and guidance. I now know how terrible it is for a company to have no faith.    


Huang Xing nodded. I agree with you. I always feel that there is a lack of cohesion in the company. Especially regarding the high mobility of the company's personnel, I think it is not just a matter of money, but also related to the company's atmosphere and faith. What we lack is a corporate culture that can be trusted and trusted by our employees.    


Fu Jie said, "Yes." With this hint from Boss Yu, we will have a great deal of focus in managing the company in the future. Even though I insisted on hiring a retired soldier to manage the company, I was actually aware of the company's lack of executive power. However, at that time, Dan Dongyang would only follow the rules and would not be able to apply some of the good things and experience of the army flexibly. That was why this reform failed. Fortunately, you managed to turn the situation around in time. Your next step is to continue to build on the strength and feasibility of the system manager. Also, in terms of learning, with Teacher Liu Jinming here to help us, I believe there won't be much of a problem.    


Huang Xing asked: "Boss Fu, do you trust Liu Jinming that much?"    


Fu Jie stressed, "Teacher Liu is the number one Training institutions of Chen Anzhi International. He has the best overall quality, and is more than enough to train in our company."    


Maybe he's not suitable for Xinyuan Corporation, like Dan Dongyang, Wu said.    


Fu Jie said, You mean, put the parts of the Audi onto Santana and use them. Is it this concern?    


Huang Xing said: Boss Fu, you are praising him too much, perhaps he is not the Audi, but Ao Tuo. Haha, I'm not saying bad things about him in front of you.    


I hope your feelings are wrong, Fu Jie said.    


Huang Xing mocked himself: I hope so.    


While she was waiting for the red light, Fu Jie opened the window. The gentle breeze blew in, causing a few strands of her hair to dance gracefully. Under the sunlight, she seemed especially lively and lively. Fu Jie took out two pieces of gum from her storage box and handed one to Huang Xing. Huang Xing was immediately shocked and stealthily let out a sigh as he thought to himself, "I don't have bad breath." Chewing the gum, Huang Xing was in a dilemma when Fu Jie said, "Right, Director Huang, write a plan for me when you get back. According to the eight words that Boss Yu said, we'll need to make some improvements in management. After you're done, we'll study it."    


Huang Xing put forward his own view: I think our top priority is to establish the corporate culture of the company. Then write the corporate culture into the employee handbook. I recently wanted to write a staff handbook that would guide employee training, including company profiles, corporate culture, and company rules and regulations, as well as basic training, such as professional ethics. This way, the staff's pre-job training can be formalized, rules can be followed.    


Fu Jie's eyes lit up. "This idea is not bad. It can be implemented."    


Huang Xing continued: "Then there are some details." For example, we can work on kinship.    


What do you mean? Fu Jie asked.    


Huang Xing said: "If we want to create a warm atmosphere that is similar to a family, then we must understand the warmth and coldness of the Employees. We must treat the Employees as a member of our family." I think we can start with the birthday of the employees, every month a day, the company for the birthday of the employees to have a birthday together, the whole company. It won't cost much, but the staff will feel warm. Besides, it is also possible to carry out some small competitions in literature and painting, or conduct some competitive activities between different teams and departments to cultivate the collective views of the staff.    


Fu Jie thought for a moment. Well, these ideas are good. Okay, Director Huang, do what you want. Think of a few more ways to create the atmosphere in the company.    


Huang Xing nodded. I will do my best!    


After dinner, Huang Xing started to draw up the plan for the company according to Fu Jie's intention.    


It was unknown if it was because the effect of the room next door was not good, or because the child's laughter was too loud. Huang Xing found it hard to calm down, sitting in front of his laptop and frowning as he typed each word with difficulty.    


When it was around ten o'clock, Fu Jie suddenly knocked on the door and checked on Huang Xing's progress. Seeing that Huang Xing had only written a few hundred words, he couldn't help but frown. However, she couldn't bear to discourage Huang Xing, so she only reminded him of a few important points. Huang Xing felt that the fragrance on Fu Jie's body made it harder for him to calm down, but he was stuck in a dilemma. He wanted to write his plans peacefully but didn't want to miss out on his beauty.    


Fu Jie saw that Huang Xing was having a hard time holding his breath, so she said something. Go out for a walk and look for inspiration?    


Huang Xing closed his laptop and said, "Okay."    


The two of them closed the door and went downstairs. They walked around the district's perimeter walls and then left the district.    


Fu Jie suddenly said with interest. Do you want to play billiards and relax? Huang Xing said self-deprecatingly, I play billiards very bad, all by chance.    


Fu Jie said, you can learn.    


Huang Xing nodded and said, "Then I'll learn from Boss Fu?"    


Not far away from the residential district, there was a Sanyang Club. It was very luxurious and high-end, occupying an area of over a thousand square meters. It had all sorts of projects, including swimming, fitness, boxing, fencing, and billiards.    


When Huang Xing followed Fu Jie into the club, he was shocked by the extravagance inside. It was simply a golden palace. Just the main hall alone was adorned with incomparable luxury. There were guests outside, and they were all wearing neat and beautiful formal clothing. They bowed respectfully to welcome the guests. Since Fu Jie had a membership card here, she didn't register it and directly received it from a professional staff member to the billiard hall.    


Here, the billiard hall is divided into two kinds: the public billiard hall and the single room billiard hall. The billiard hall is divided into two types: the public billiard hall and the single room billiard hall. The billiard hall is divided into two types of billiard hall and the single room billiard hall.    


Walking into the 77th billiard room, a refreshing feeling spontaneously arose. It was not a large room, but the layout was very ingenious, with the billiard table in the middle, the beautiful and elegant Miss Billiard standing modestly in a corner, a smile on her face. Around the walls were abstract paintings that ordinary people couldn't understand at all, fixed in square frames with gold trim, red carpets, light yellow curtains, and a very warm feeling.    


Fu Jie told Huang Xing to start the ball first, but perhaps it was due to excessive tension, but Huang Xing actually missed his first shot and didn't even touch the ball. Fu Jie threw the white ball back and let Huang Xing start the ball again.    


Huang Xing put the white ball away and felt really f * cking awkward. After mulling over his emotions for a moment, he struck out with his pole. Finally, the heavens saw and knocked the ball away, but he didn't score. Fu Jie held her billiard club and stared at the table a few times, as if she was studying tactics. Then he bent down, aimed at a certain ball, and shot it out. With a crisp snap, he went into the hole.    


What a cool posture! Huang Xing never thought that such a soft and moving body would be able to strike out with such a firm and decisive strike. Fu Jie's expression was very focused, and her holding the pole was also very graceful. Every swing she took actually made her advance by four steps, which made Huang Xing's face break out in a cold sweat.    


Huang Xing felt the pressure and smeared some powder on the tip of the pole. Then he bent down and hit another pole. Still not in.    


Fu Jie laughed and said, "It seems that your leisure life is not very rich." In the future, you can often come over to practice. Playing billiards is very good for your fitness.    


Huang Xing nodded and said, "Sure, sure."    


Fu Jie received the remaining balls in one breath. She didn't start the game again, but started to seriously teach Huang Xing how to play pool. Like a puppet, Huang Xing was at Fu Jie's mercy. However, he really liked this feeling. When Fu Jie corrected his posture, she was very close to him. He could even feel the slight panting of Fu Jie. The refreshing fragrance made him intoxicated.    


Under Fu Jie's tutelage, Huang Xing had improved quite a bit. After a few tries, he managed to score three goals in a row. Fu Jie laughed and said, "Young children can be taught." Huang Xing mocked himself. Fu Jie said, "This is called being extremely skillful."    


An hour later, the two left the club. Huang Xing suddenly felt that his heart was very open.    


When he went back, it was as if he was writing a poem with a spirit of his own. In a short while, he had come up with a plan. Upon seeing it, Fu Jie nodded her head repeatedly in praise.    


It was already half past twelve by then, but Fu Jie still had no intention of going back. She continued to examine the plan over and over again. Huang Xing looked at the devastatingly beautiful lady beside him quietly and immediately thought of a poem: This girl only exists in the heavens, but descends to the mortal world for me.    


After a while, Fu Jie stood up, stretched her waist, and laughed: Director Huang's writing has reached the acme of perfection, I can't find any fault.    


Huang Xing also stood up and joked, "Then how is Boss Fu going to reward me?"    


Fu Jie stared at Huang Xing and asked, "What reward do you want?"    


Huang Xing wanted to say, "I want you to reward yourself to me." However, he was worried that even if such words were said in a joking manner, it would make the atmosphere awkward.    


Fu Jie saw that Huang Xing didn't reply for a long time, so she said, "I think you're also sleepy. I think it's better if you get a good night's sleep." Good night, Director Huang.    


Huang Xing looked at Fu Jie in disappointment. He wanted to say that I wasn't sleepy, but he felt that Fu Jie was too tired.    


After seeing Fu Jie to the door, Huang Xing wanted to open it for her. Who would've thought that Fu Jie would reach out to pull her hand as well? However, Huang Xing managed to squeeze her hand tightly.    




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