The Female Boss Falls in Love with Me



At a fast food restaurant near the residential area, the two of them ate a simple meal and returned to the residential area. He went upstairs, turned on the lights, changed his shoes, and sat on the sofa watching TV. Huang Xing sat in front of the computer with Fu Zhenxin for a while before turning it on. Fu Zhenxin came up behind Huang Xing and hugged his waist, saying, "What are you doing? Go and watch TV with me."    


'I've come here to learn about personnel recruitment and try to double the size of the company by this year, 'Mr. Liu said.    


Fu Zhenxin rewarded Huang Xing with a kiss and said with a smile, "You are a real workaholic." It seems like my sister and I didn't misjudge you back then!    


Huang Xing said to her, "Did you take a fancy to me back then?"    


Disgusting! Fu Zhenxin knew she was in the wrong and kept slapping Huang Xing on the back.    


When it was around 11 pm, Huang Xing saw that Fu Zhenxin did not intend to leave, and wondered if she would stay again. For a moment, his mood was a little inflated, but he was in a dilemma. He didn't want to let Fu Zhenxin suffer, but he also didn't want to miss this good time.    


Fu Zhenxin went to wash up, and when she returned, she immediately put on her pajamas. That sexy look really moved Huang Xing's heart.    


Lying on the bed, Huang Xing set the alarm clock. Fu Zhenxin lay in Huang Xing's arms and drew circles on his chest: Take me to the job fair tomorrow, I want to go too.    


Huang Xing was shocked. He smiled and said, "You should get some rest at home. Assistant Li and I, we have enough people."    


I don't trust you, Fu Zhenxin said. I want to keep a close eye on you!    


Huang Xing countered with a question: Am I so unworthy of your trust? Look at you today.    


Fu Zhenxin gently kissed Huang Xing's arm and said, "Just tell me if you want me to go or not. If you do, I'll reward you tonight." No, I'll get dressed and go.    


Huang Xing held Fu Zhenxin tightly, smiled and said, "You dare to threaten me?"    


What's wrong with threatening you? You have an opinion?    


Huang Xing said, "No objections."    


Fu Zhenxin suddenly flipped over and sat on Huang Xing...    


The passion, was always coming to an end in the craziest of requests. The couple had already been tortured to the point of death, but it was as if they had entered a world of bliss. In this world, there were only the two of them.    


When he finally surrendered, he stopped. She still hadn't come out of the other world, her eyes half closed, her body still shaking.    


He leaned over her, enjoying the warmth of her still breathing.    


The next morning, Fu Zhenxin woke up early and went out to buy breakfast. When Huang Xing woke up, he noticed that there was no one beside him. He gathered his strength and grabbed his clothes to sit up. As he recalled the fierce battle last night, Huang Xing felt that his waist wasn't going well. He stretched a little and got better.    


When he walked into the living room, he saw Fu Zhenxin already dressed and sitting at the dining table, playing with her cellphone.    


Huang Xing walked over and gently played with her hair, saying, "Are you alright?"    


That's better, Fu Zhenxin said shyly. It could be … Maybe he's already adapted to you. "Go away."    


She thought for a while and then used the word 'run'.    


Huang Xing said, "So, we can say that every day --    


Fu Zhenxin said, Fuck you, you evil bastard! Take the time to eat. You'll have to go to the job fair later.    


Huang Xing yawned, went to the washroom to wash up, and sat at the table with Fu Zhenxin for breakfast. After the meal, Fu Zhenxin dragged her cheek and looked at Huang Xing, saying, "Darling, I also want to go with you to the job fair."    


The word 'darling' made goosebumps rise all over Huang Xing's body. He laughed and said, "Didn't you say it was easy for you to take a day off at home and finally get to Sunday?"    


But I can't see you working with other women. I'm afraid you're cheating.    


Huang Xing thought to himself, "The tracks are long gone." He said, "Don't worry, my dear, after last night's war to prepare water, how could I have the energy to go astray?"    


Fu Zhenxin said, You are so evil, it's not a problem for you to make ten tracks a day! It's not like I don't know you. It's not like I don't know you.    


Huang Xing smiled bitterly and said, "Am I that evil?"    


I like your wickedness, Fu Zhenxin said.    


Under Huang Xing's persuasion, Fu Zhenxin did not go to the recruitment meeting with Huang Xing.    


However, due to her concern for Huang Xing, Fu Zhenxin still wanted to drive him home. Nowadays, taking the bus was a manual labor. One had to train with many unique skills such as standing, pulling, pulling and pedalling to stand firmly in the crowded bus. However, just as she found the car key and was about to go downstairs with Huang Xing, Huang Xing's phone suddenly rang.    


It was Li Rong. After answering, Li Rong said on the other side of the phone: "Did you wake up to see Director Huang?"    


Early morning, Huang Xing said. What, you got here first?    


Li Rong said, "I'm at the bottom of your district. I'll pick you up and go with you."    


What? Huang Xing asked in surprise: "You actually know which district I live in?"    


Of course, Li Rong said. You and Fu Zhenxin live in the same neighborhood, everyone in the company knows about it!    


There was no way to find out who leaked the information, so Huang Xing looked at Fu Zhenxin with a troubled expression. Fu Zhenxin bit her lips and tossed the keys back onto the sofa with a frown.    


Huang Xing said, "Okay, wait for me. I'll go downstairs immediately."    


After hanging up, Huang Xing took out a pair of leather shoes from the shoe cabinet by the door, wiped them briefly, and put them on.    


Fu Zhenxin looked at him from the side and asked, What, that Li Rong still has a car?    


Huang Xing said, "Yes." It was just a QQ.    


Fu Zhenxin coldly snorted, "QQ?" Do you think a car as small as this would be able to drive you?    


Huang Xing casually said that the car was small but there was still room for it. The moment he said that, Huang Xing suddenly felt a little awkward.    


Indeed, Fu Zhenxin began to criticize him. What? You've been in her car?    


Huang Xing didn't know how to reply. Actually, when Fu Zhenxin questioned him in such a manner, she was already a bit sinister in nature. She didn't use the word 'sit', instead, she used the word 'on', making her sentence seem even more enigmatic and unfathomable. After all, not only did Huang Xing get in her car, he even got in her car.    


Seeing that Huang Xing was silent, Fu Zhenxin walked up to him aggressively and asked, "So, you really did do it." Now that you're in her car, maybe you'll meet her some day, in her heart.    


Because of his guilt, Huang Xing rebutted: "Fu Zhenxin, you are making trouble for nothing!" The last time I sat in her car, I went out to do an exhibition board and sat down.    


Huang Xing's anger made Fu Zhenxin shudder in fear. However, she immediately put on a kind look and wrapped her arms around Huang Xing's neck. She smiled and said, "I wanted to make you angry on purpose. If you don't, it will prove that you have something up your sleeve!" Heh heh, looks like you haven't been charmed by that newbie yet.    




Huang Xing was speechless, he thought that Fu Zhenxin was definitely too sick.    


However, although Fu Zhenxin didn't insist on going to the job fair with Huang Xing, she insisted on sending him downstairs.    


Li Rong's QQ was waiting at the entrance of the district, and Fu Zhenxin had also gotten rid of her normal mentality. When she saw this small car, she felt an inexplicable sense of superiority, thinking, Li Rong is like her car, how could she be more noble than me? Li Rong got out of the car. When she saw that Fu Zhenxin had followed her out as well, her expression couldn't help but change as she called out to Boss Fu. Fu Zhenxin crossed her arms and said, "Assistant Li, be careful on the road. If anything happens to Director Huang, I'll wipe it clean and ask you!"    


Huang Xing couldn't help but frown at Fu Zhenxin. He wanted to complain, but he couldn't bear it.    


After the QQ, the car pulled into the driveway.    


Did you bring everything?    


Yes, Li Rong said.    


Li Rong drove directly onto the viaduct and the car quickly arrived at the International Exhibition Center.    


Under the guidance of the staff members, the two of them brought the board and documents to booth 21.    


Compared to the Li Cheng Talent Market, the size of the international exhibition center was many times larger. After all, the Li Cheng Talent Market had its own region's limitations.    


What made Huang Xing surprised was that the neighbor Hao Mei he met on his first trip to Li City's job fair had also come to this job fair. However, this time, they were not neighbours. Instead, they were separated by two recruitment booths. Hao Mei stood up and waved at Wu Tie from a distance. When Huang Xing had finished preparing the exhibition board and qualification, Hao Mei walked over and smiled. "Aiya, Director Huang, what a coincidence." Fate.    


Huang Xing laughed and said, Fate. Do you often come to the exhibition center?    


Hao Mei said, This is the first time I've been here.    


Huang Xing said, Me too.    


Hao Mei giggled. "You are using the same method, haha. We are destined to be together again!"    


Huang Xing was confused and could not understand her words for a while. After touching it for a while, he finally understood what she meant by 'using the same method'. It was the place where the woman would use the same method.    


Li Rong, who was sitting beside him, felt a little awkward when she saw how fervently Huang Xing was chatting with this beautiful woman, but she couldn't get a word in. At this time, Hao Mei finally noticed her presence and asked Huang Xing, "Hey, Director Huang, who are the people you brought today?"    


Huang Xing introduced Li Rong. My assistant.    


Hao Mei was shocked. Assistant? Formidable. But it looks like you're wearing tinted glasses, too.    


Huang Xing rubbed his eyes: "What do you mean?"    


Hao Mei smiled and said, You got a pretty girl who's so attractive. Little sister, you have to be careful. Be careful of your unwritten rules, haha.    


Li Rong felt that her kind of joke was boring, but she wasn't disgusted by it. After all, the meaning behind her words was to praise her appearance. Li Rong stood up and stretched out a hand.    


Hao Mei extended her hand to shake hers. I'm a personnel officer like all of you. It seems that I'm older than you, so you can take my Sis Mei. My name is Hao Mei.    


He took out a name card and gave it to Li Rong.    


Li Rong called out "Sister Mei" and put the business card into her bag.    


After teasing for a while, Job seekers entered the stage one after another.    




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