The Female Boss Falls in Love with Me



However, after thinking about it again and again, Huang Xing still couldn't bear it anymore …    


Today was Saturday, so he was off duty. When the two of them arrived at the company, what they saw was a new scene. The Employees was dressed in beautiful attire, filled with a hundred different kinds of clothes. Only a few wore overalls.    


Actually, this was a new policy that Huang Xing had just launched: seven days a week, six days to work. If Employees came to work these six days in his work clothes, it would be a little too cruel. They were both in their youth, a stage where they loved beauty. After some consideration, Huang Xing issued the new policy, which allowed him to dress more freely on Saturdays. As soon as this policy came out, it was immediately well-received by many employees.    


After the roll call this morning, Huang Xing announced Chu Yinan's and Li Rong's appointment announcement.    


The newly appointed Assistant Li and Chu Deputy Manager made their inaugural speeches. It seems that the two of you have been well-prepared. Chu Yinan's speech was powerful and passionate. Li Rong's speech was simple and straightforward. After the applause, Huang Xing made a summary speech in front of the team, asking the managers and employees to cooperate and report on their work. And put the burden on Li Rong and Chu Yinan, and put forward the concrete hope and request.    


Although it was a weekend, the work was proceeding in an orderly manner.    


That afternoon, before getting off work, Huang Xing called Li Rong to his office and further communicated and emphasized on the matter of going to the International Convention and Exhibition Centre to attend the job fair tomorrow. Li Rong seemed a little unhappy as she complained, "I've been looking forward to the weekend. Let's go to work on Saturday, and go to the job fair to work overtime on the weekend. Isn't that a bit too inhumane?"    


That's the job, Huang Xing said. But I can work overtime for you tomorrow.    


Li Rong pouted and said, "This is going to kill me. Work continuously!"    


Huang Xing had her under his command: What have you been fighting for? He had just come to report and completed the admission procedures!    


Just as Li Rong was about to speak again, Fu Zhenxin, who had been fiddling with her phone while sitting at her desk, suddenly walked over and started criticizing Li Rong. "Assistant Li, what's going on with you? Why are you so rebellious right after work?" If you feel you can't do it, you can call the resignation report and the payroll company can still settle with you for the next two days, even if you haven't done anything for the company yet.    


Li Rong stood up and awkwardly said, "Boss Fu, I-I'm just joking with Director Huang." I don't think so!    


Fu Zhenxin frowned. "If you don't think so, then what do you think?" Director Huang works overtime every weekend. Have you ever seen him complain? Also, joke with the Leader at work, you're joking! An assistant has to act like an assistant, okay?    


Li Rong didn't dare to look into Fu Zhenxin's eyes and said, "Understood."    


Huang Xing thought to himself, what's wrong with Fu Zhenxin, she ran over and scolded Li Rong without saying anything. However, it was inconvenient for him to say anything. He could only tactfully help Li Rong out, saying, "Assistant Li, this way, you can go back first. Tomorrow morning, type the amount of time required in advance, that is, sooner or later." The traffic jam in the morning was more severe.    


Li Rong nodded, greeted Fu Zhenxin and Huang Xing, and was about to leave. However, just as she reached the door, she seemed to have thought of something and came back.    


Huang Xing asked, Is there anything else?    


Li Rong said, There's something I want to report and advise you about.    


Li Rong's voice was very low. She kept staring at Fu Zhenxin from the corner of her eyes. What did she just say? She offended this ferocious Deputy General Manager again. Why would a woman make things difficult for her? Li Rong said in her heart.    


Huang Xing said, Tell me. Sit down and talk.    


Li Rong elegantly pulled over a chair and sat across from Huang Xing. Gently biting her lip, she said, "I remember that when I was interviewing at the talent market, I had an employee company's method. It was worth learning from." We recruited people in the talent market, and we even need to notify them one by one to interview us. I think, why don't we just make an 'interview notice', at the recruitment site, if Job seekers's comprehensive conditions are not bad, then give him an interview notice directly. The notice stated the company's address, route and contact details. This way, the company would not only appear formal, but also save a lot of trouble.    


Huang Xing thought about it for a moment and couldn't help but say, "Good idea!" Interview notice, why didn't I think of it? In terms of hiring, I'm still a bit old-fashioned! You're right, this way, not only will we save time and effort, we can also let Job seekers know at a glance that the recruitment aspect of the company is very particular, very formal, under the same conditions, Job seekers will definitely choose to come to our company for an interview. Furthermore, on the contrary, I feel that we should not only promote the 'interview notice', but also make the 'entry notice'. After Job seekers's interview has been successfully confirmed and accepted, we can send him or her the entry notice. The notice stated that the procedures and precautions required for entering office were clear at a glance, making Job seekers feel that the company was in an orderly and rule-based manner.    


Li Rong couldn't help but clap her hands and applaud. Leaders are leaders. I threw the brick and it attracted your jade out!    


Huang Xing felt that what she said was weird.    


Fu Zhenxin immediately interrupted, "Assistant Li, how can you say that?" You brought in the leader's jade? It should be the leader throwing bricks and drawing your jade!    


Li Rong stuck out her tongue and quickly corrected herself, "Yes, yes." It was Director Huang who threw the brick, drawing my jade.    


What nonsense!    


Huang Xing almost laughed out loud.    


Huang Xing looked at the time and said to Li Rong, "I'll give you half an hour. Make me a sample of the interview and job offers. I'll be waiting for you in the office!"    


Li Rong was stunned. We have to do it now?    


Of course, Huang Xing said. Tomorrow. He had to work hard and return home an hour later.    


Li Rong wanted to complain a little more, but when she saw Fu Zhenxin glaring at her, she could only give up. She stood up and replied in a loud and clear voice, "No problem!"    


The moment Li Rong walked out of the office, Fu Zhenxin immediately went up to Huang Xing and said, "Why do I keep having the feeling that this Li Rong doesn't seem to be of a lower class in front of you?"    


Huang Xing said. How could that be? He was such an obedient and creative assistant. He had already made such a good suggestion when he just arrived at the company!    


Fu Zhenxin frowned slightly and said, "You think of her as a treasure. I think she is actually a blade of grass." The grass that was picking flowers and provoking grass! I'm warning you, even though she's your assistant, you better not be enchanted by her. If you dare to overstep your boundaries, watch how I deal with you!    


Huang Xing couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat. He thought, the lightning pool is long gone, it's too late for you to remind me now.    


However, on the surface, he said: "Who would dare?" Look at how you scared him just now, he couldn't even speak properly.    


Fu Zhenxin raised her head and said, "Serves her right. Who told her to have such poor mental fortitude?" Besides, I'm helping her. Leadership is leadership, assistant is assistant, keep your distance!    


Huang Xing laughed and said, "You are really jealous!"    


Fu Zhenxin said, "Who's jealous? Anyway, I'm better looking than her and my position is higher as well. I won't be jealous of her!"    


That's good, Huang Xing said. That's good. Why don't you go home first, and I'll have to work a little longer.    


Fu Zhenxin frowned. No! How can I not worry about leaving you two alone? I'll wait for you.    


Huang Xing laughed and said: "I'm not jealous!"    


Fu Zhenxin realized that she had been tricked. She gently tugged at Huang Xing's ear and jokingly scolded him, "You cunning fellow!" See how I'll deal with you when I get back!    


After about 20 minutes, Li Rong returned to the office with the two notices. Fu Zhenxin quickly retreated from Huang Xing when she heard the sound of footsteps. She quickly returned to her seat and pretended to organize the documents.    


After Li Rong entered the door, she passed a sample of the completed notice to Huang Xing, then smiled at Fu Zhenxin and asked, "Boss Fu still isn't going home?"    


Fu Zhenxin put down the folder in her hands. She wanted to say to him, "Why are you looking forward to my return home?" However, he felt that the vinegar was too strong and overbearing, so he explained: Work overtime. Director Huang has already worked overtime, so of course I have to follow suit.    


Li Rong laughed. "You learned from Director Huang?" This is the first time I've heard that the vice president is studying with the director. Is our company the chairman or vice president?    


Their words made Huang Xing feel that it was rather funny. This Li Rong was indeed a bit casual when she spoke, but there were also people who were unable to find fault with her. In his heart, Huang Xing silently answered Li Rong's question: "The director has a lot of power, but the vice president has a lot of chest." Ye Zichen turned his head to glance at Fu Zhenxin, and confirmed his accurate conclusion.    


Fu Zhenxin was a little angry at Li Rong's question. She couldn't help but say, "I'm older than you anyway!" It doesn't matter who is bigger or who is smaller. You only need to know that they are both older than you!    


Li Rong blushed as she thought how difficult it was to communicate with this Vice President. She had only been joking with him for a short while, but he had actually provoked her into ruthlessly attacking him.    


But she still agreed with him: Yes, yes. Of course you're older than me!    


Huang Xing held back his laughter and said to himself, "You are both older than me in some ways."    


Huang Xing was worried that he wouldn't be able to control his laughter, so he immediately coughed twice to cover up his lust for the two heavyweight beauties.    


After carefully reading the two notices Li Rong made a few times, Huang Xing called her over and pointed out that there were two sentences that were inappropriate. Li Rong humbly accepted the advice and repeatedly said yes. Huang Xing told Li Rong to revise the two notices and print out 200 copies each. Li Rong took the notice and walked out.    


But after a while, Li Rong came back and asked where Huang Xing was going to print.    


Only then did Huang Xing realize that he had already gotten off work financially.    


Huang Xing wanted to call the financial manager and ask her to come back and open the door, but then he realized that the financial manager's residence wasn't close to here. But considering that the interview notice was going to be used tomorrow, he took out a hundred dollars and handed it to Li Rong.    


Li Rong said, "Alright." He took the money and walked out of the office, leaving behind only the sound of high-frequency footsteps.    


It was nearly seven o'clock when the matter was settled. Huang Xing thought about how Li Rong had just entered the job and worked overtime at such a late hour, so he wanted to take her and Fu Zhenxin to have a meal together.    


However, Fu Zhenxin did not agree with this arrangement, so Huang Xing could only make a decision.    


On the way back, Fu Zhenxin drove very fast. Huang Xing turned his head to look at her, as if he was filled with worry.    




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