The Female Boss Falls in Love with Me



Huang Xing frowned and smiled bitterly. He thought that once Li Rong took over her position, the matter between the two of them would disappear. Although he didn't succeed in getting Assistant to the General Manager for Li Rong, he didn't mistreat her by being his assistant. However, he hadn't thought that she would still be affectionate to him once she had entered the job. Could it be that she had some other purpose?    


Li Rong almost naughtily said: "Don't worry Director Huang, I will definitely do my job well in front of you." From today onwards, I am yours! Whatever you want me to do, I will do it!    


Huang Xing said in embarrassment: "No way, no way!" You belong to the company, not to me, Huang Xing!    


I'm your assistant, Li Rong said emphatically.    


She shook Huang Xing's arm and looked at him coquettishly.    


Huang Xing wanted to calm down, but he couldn't. That night's stormy sea of consciousness appeared in his mind once more. To be honest, Li Rong's skills in bed were quite impressive.    


However, Huang Xing didn't know why, but he always felt that Li Rong's action was similar to carrying a double-edged sword on her back. The sword could be used for one's own purposes, but it could also hurt one's life by accident.    


Li Rong then said, I've entered the post today, do you want to celebrate with me?    


Huang Xing declined: "We have dinner tonight, so we have to eat with our customers."    


Li Rong said, That's great. I'm your assistant now. Shouldn't you bring me along as well? I can hold the liquor for you, toast you, deliver the client for you.    


Huang Xing quickly said, "Don't." Your main job now is to familiarize yourself with the environment as soon as possible and to help me with recruitment and personnel. It's time for me to take you to more work.    


Li Rong pouted. Smoke! Alright, I'll listen to you!    


Huang Xing had just finished his work, so he wanted to take the time to make a display board, but Chu Yinan rushed over to the company.    


The moment Chu Yinan arrived, Huang Xing suddenly realized a serious problem. As for Chu Yinan's position, at that time, the order was to market a Deputy Manager to work with Cao Aidang. Huang Xing has always wanted to talk to Cao Aidang in advance, but because of the many things on his hands, he ran aground. Now that Chu Yinan had entered the office, the problems of her position and office location were brought out clearly.    


In order to be safe, Huang Xing let Chu Yinan stay in the office to fill in the registration, he went to Cao Aidang's office first.    


Cao Aidang was humming a tune as he lay leisurely on his swivel chair. Huang Xing was worried that his huge body would cause the chair to suddenly collapse. Seeing Huang Xing come in, Cao Aidang turned off the functions of the swivel chair and said to Huang Xing: "Aiyo, Director Huang, what business do you have with me?"    


Huang Xing walked over and sat down opposite Cao Aidang. He said straightforwardly, "Cao Manager, bring you a Deputy Manager."    


Cao Aidang immediately straightened up and frowned. "What?" No, Director Huang, what do you mean? Senior Boss Fu just blocked Dan Dongyang, and you learned this move so quickly. You want to block me?    


Wu Tie said, "Let's see what you're thinking!" You, Cao Manager, are smart and capable. With such a heavy chassis, who could stand up to you?    


Don't be sarcastic, Cao Aidangqiang said. You mean I'm fat? You don't have any profanities in scolding people?    


Huang Xing explained: This is a metaphor! It means that you are deeply rooted in the company. Cao Manager, this is Senior Boss Fu's intention. He wants to cultivate some new backbone, so it's equivalent to giving you an assistant. When Deputy Manager came, your work became much easier, right?    


Cao Aidang said: Easy? I don't want to be relaxed. Director Huang, you go and tell Senior Boss Fu that it's enough to have me in the marketing department. I don't want other people to get involved. Now the personnel and performance of a team are so stable, and if I let in Deputy Manager, I'm afraid he will mess things up for me!    


On Cao Aidang, Huang Xing felt that the word "dictatorship" was extremely extreme.    


He wanted to cover the sky with one hand and dominate the world with one hand.    


Huang Xing felt that this matter was a little tricky. Cao Aidang was a person with an arrogant character, so he thought highly of himself. Besides Fu Jie, no one could subdue him. Furthermore, he was only an acting chairman who hadn't been in office for long.    


However, there was no turning back for this matter. As for the position and treatment, he had already discussed it with Chu Yinan. If Cao Aidang didn't accept it, not only would he be unable to continue his work, even Chu Yinan wouldn't be able to. He forgot to communicate with Cao Aidang in advance. Now, this arrangement was completely destroyed by him and it was hard to find other solutions.    


Huang Xing continued to work for Cao Aidang: "Cao Manager, for the development of the company, you, the company's elder, should enhance your awareness. If the person gave it to you, it's your subordinate, you have the final say in marketing!"    


Cao Aidang was a little angry: "What?" Am I trying to increase my awareness? You mean, I don't realize it?    


Huang Xing wanted to hit him!    


I didn't say it. I mean, just a little bit more. The company is booming right now and we need a lot of reserve cadres. Once the company has made progress in hiring, the new department will be established as soon as the number of employees is up. The new department needs someone to take care of it. I will assign you the person to be my assistant, without any intention of seizing authority from anyone. I just want to train under you and one day I will be able to take charge of myself. Cao Manager, for the sake of the company, please accept it.    


Cao Aidang stroked his head and stretched out his hand to turn on the leisurely function of the swivel chair. His body swayed back and forth a few times before he suddenly said: "No, I don't agree!"    


Liu wanted to stand up and slap the table, saying that if you agree, you have to agree, and if you don't agree, you have to agree. However, he was afraid that this turn of events would make it even more difficult for him to carry out his work. Thus, he endured it. In the end, he still tried to solve this matter peacefully. Huang Xing stressed, "Cao Manager, this is what Senior Boss Fu meant."    


Cao Aidang frowned, "Don't use Senior Boss Fu to pressure me, I don't want to play this game!" There's no discussion about this unless I go!    


He stood up, opened the office door, and walked out.    


Huang Xing cursed in his heart. He doesn't know how to appreciate favors! He thought that one day, I will kill your spirit and make you, Cao Aidang, bow before me, Huang Xing!    


Walking out of Cao Aidang's office, Huang Xing met him at the bathroom door. He was smoking a cigarette, and his face was brimming with the intense pleasure of not obeying the rules. Liu Steel forced a kind smile at him and said, "Cao Manager, let's have another one."    


Ye Zichen took out a pack of Soft Chinese Flowers from his pocket and handed one over.    


Cao Aidang took a look at it and said, "Sure, you can do it. Being a director is different. You're smoking China?"    


Huang Xing laughed and said, "Others gave it to me, how could I bear to smoke it?"    


Huang Xing lit a cigarette for Cao Aidang and sighed softly. Cao Aidang changed from the stubborn attitude he had in the office and asked, "What are you worrying about?"    


Huang Xing spat out a mouthful of smoke. Talk to someone, but you won't take it. How about Cao Manager, you have experience in this aspect, help me see, what other way is there to deal with Deputy Manager?    


After lobbying for Cao Aidang's defeat, Huang Xing was forced to adopt this strategy of seeking peace. It wasn't because he was afraid of Cao Aidang, but because he wanted to be too stable and gradually weaken Cao Aidang's hegemonism in the company. After all, he had yet to grow any wings, so he didn't have the strength to fight Cao Aidang head on. Therefore, in the matter of Chu Yinan's distribution, Huang Xing after the failure, ingeniously transferred this difficult problem to Cao Aidang. Cao Aidang is a bit vain, he doesn't know his surname after just a few words of praise. Seeing Huang Xing sincerely asking him for guidance, Cao Aidang's tone and attitude instantly became amiable.    


Cao Aidang thought for a moment and said: "This question is a bit difficult to solve!" If it really doesn't work out, then I'll just let him be the supervisor!    


No, no. Letting him be the supervisor is like slapping myself in the face. I've already discussed it with her. The position and treatment, etc.    


Little Yellow, you should have discussed this with me long ago. Now that the wood had been made into boats, it was not easy to get hold of. How about, you ask her, how about going to other departments to work for Deputy Manager, e-commerce, Nokia customer service, and the Unicom Department, these departments can digest Deputy Manager without a problem.    


Huang Xing laughed, "Digest?" The use of this word was extremely terrifying. However, I don't think we'll get much exercise in these departments.    


Cao Aidang nodded narcissistically. That's true. None of these managers had any real ability, so whoever was assigned to them would be destroyed.    


Huang Xing took the opportunity to add fuel to the fire, "Only you, Cao Manager, have the ability to bring out elite soldiers."    


Wu Tie said, "Sure, you Little Yellow. Are you trying to trick me?" Let me tell you, don't think about me. I am not worthy of Deputy Manager! No discussion!    


Huang Xing was a bit disappointed to see that this trick still didn't work.    


Was he really going to assign Chu Yinan to another department?    


It was easy to go to other departments, but there wasn't a department manager like Cao Aidang, who wasn't immersed in oil or salt. However, entering another department was tantamount to taking on a useless job. There was no point in doing so, as it would instead result in the wastage of talent. Cao Aidang's marketing is the main body of the whole Xinyuan company. The number of employees accounts for more than two-thirds of all employees. This was also one of the main reasons why Cao Aidang refused to comply with the company's arrangements without fear. He was completely in charge of his own affairs, and would not allow anyone to interfere in his own department.    


Seeing Cao Aidang still not buying his account, Huang Xing was in a dilemma.    


Just as Huang Xing was in a dilemma, a special fragrance suddenly wafted over.    


Cao Aidang was an expert in this area and had never seen anyone before. The moment he smelled the fragrance, he immediately felt the arrival of a beauty. He immediately became spirited and even assumed a very cool posture in advance.    


A few brisk sounds of high heels abruptly stopped at the bathroom door. Chu Yinan, who was dressed gracefully, stopped at the door and shouted 'Director Huang'. She then opened the bathroom door and walked in.    


Cao Aidang stared at the bathroom door as if he was looking forward to the day when the sun was about to rise. Huang Xing considered it a little indecent to smoke in front of the ladies' bathroom door, so he moved to the window. Cao Aidang looked longingly at the female restroom, using all the functions of eyes, ears, nose, tongue and mouth to feel the movement inside as much as possible.    




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