Become a Billionaire in One Day



"Town Lord Cheng, do you have any other concerns?" Chen Yang saw that Cheng Guofu didn't say anything, so he asked again.    


Cheng Guofu laughed, "Young lad, to tell you the truth, someone has already set their eyes on Tu Wa Zi Village, and that person is the boss that I want to meet today. He runs a delivery company and is preparing to set up a logistics hub near Tu Wa Zi Village, his initial investment is also 20 million, shouldn't you consider some other place?"    


"Express company?"    


However, no matter what identity the other party had, Chen Yang would never give in, because he had a relationship with Tu Wa Zi Village, and it could even be said that his investment in Tu Wa Zi Village was not entirely for the purpose of earning money.    


"Town Lord Cheng, I must have this land. If I must take this land, what should I do?"    




Hearing that, Cheng Guofu smiled faintly, "Tomorrow at noon, we will hold a bidding ceremony in the conference hall of this hotel. At that time, there will be a leader attending. If you want to win, you have to rely on your ability!"    


Although Cheng Guofu's tone was very calm when he spoke, he was already extremely happy in his heart. He never would have thought that there would be someone queuing up to ask for it in such a desolate place like Tu Wa Zi Village!    


Ding ling ling!    


At this moment, Cheng Guofu's phone rang. He looked at his phone and saw that it was from his secretary.    


"Town Lord Cheng, the boss of that express company is about to arrive. It won't take more than five minutes."    


The moment he heard that, Cheng Guofu quickly said, "Wait at the door for me, I'll be going now."    


Chen Guofu hung up the phone, turned around and said to Chen Yang, "Young man, the guest that I have to receive has arrived. You guys wait here, I'll be right back."    


After saying that, Chen Guofu hurriedly left the room.    


When Cheng Guofu arrived at the entrance of the hotel, a woman in uniform, who was in her thirties, walked over. She pointed to the distance and said, "Town Lord Cheng, they seem to have arrived!"    


Hearing that, Cheng Guofu followed the uniformed woman's finger and looked over. Sure enough, he saw a white BMW slowly driving over and finally stopping in front of the hotel.    


Seeing this, Cheng Guofu straightened his clothes and immediately revealed a smile as he walked forward.    


The car door opened and four people got out. Three men and one woman. Two of them were middle-aged, one was a young man, and the other was a girl in her early twenties.    


At this moment, in the hotel's private room, Chen Yang was standing by the window. When he saw the people at the door through the window, his heart skipped a beat. He didn't expect that the boss of the delivery company was his former boss, Sunn Cann!    


That young man was Sunn Cann's son, Sunn Qian. As for the woman, she was his ex-girlfriend, Yang Shuihua!    


Yang Shuihua wore a light yellow long skirt and had long hair. She had an elegant smile on her face and looked rather like the Lady Boss.    


"Damn, enemies often cross paths with each other. I didn't expect to meet them here!"    


Chen Yang said in his heart.    


"Brother Yang, do we still need this land?" Zhao Tai also saw Sunn Qian and Yang Shuihua.    


"Does that even need to be said?"    


If he hadn't been determined enough to take this land before, then at this moment, he was definitely going to win!    


Downstairs, Sunn Cann was wearing a suit that didn't fit him properly. He quickly walked in front of Cheng Guofu and grabbed his hand.    


"Aiya, Town Lord Cheng, there's a traffic jam on the road. Sorry to keep you waiting!"    


"What are you saying, Boss Sun? You took the time out of your busy schedule to come to our Qianling Town, so I, the mayor, have a lot of face right now!"    


As Cheng Guofu said this, he turned around and looked at Sunn Qian, who was behind Sunn Cann, "This should be the Sun family's young master. Indeed, a tiger father doesn't have a dog son. Truly a valiant man, a genius!"    


When Sunn Cann heard this, he laughed, "Town Lord Cheng is too kind. How could my son have the virtue to be praised like that by Town Lord Cheng!"    


Although he said that, Sunn Cann was still very satisfied with his precious son. Although he usually spent lavishly, he did not embarrass himself in terms of looks, like a typical handsome guy. Sunn Cann had high hopes for him, this time in Qianling Town investment, he planned to give this place to Sunn Qian as a distribution, a huge investment of 20 million was enough to show how much he valued it.    


"Director Sun, this time I still need to introduce you to an important guest. I believe you will all be very interested!"    


Sunn Cann's brows twitched, "Oh? There were still guests? "Where is it?"    


"He's in the room upstairs. Come, let's go up and chat."    


With that, Town Lord Cheng brought Sunn Cann and the others upstairs.    


Cheng Guofu's wishful thinking was very good. Although 20 million was not a small amount, with a competitor right now, the price would naturally skyrocket. The higher the price, the greater the oil price.    


When Cheng Guofu and the others reached the top floor, he opened the door of the room and said, "Young man, let me introduce you. This is Boss Sun …"    


Before Cheng Guofu could finish his sentence, he closed his mouth because he found that the room was empty.    


"Town Lord Cheng, where is the customer you want to introduce?"    


Sunn Cann asked curiously.    


"Cough, maybe he left ahead of time."    


Cheng Guofu's face revealed a hint of awkwardness. Of course, the most important thing he felt right now wasn't awkwardness, but depression. He had already thought of a plan to let them meet each other and raise the price.    


"It's fine, let's go. Anyway, it has nothing to do with what we have to discuss today. After this meal, we can sign the contract."    


Sunn Cann laughed and said. However, he noticed that Cheng Guofu's face was not looking good, so he asked again: "Town Lord Cheng, what's wrong? Is there a problem? "    


"Director Sun, there's something I need to tell you. According to what we previously said, we could sign the agreement tonight. However, it might change a bit now."    


Sunn Cann frowned and asked: "What happened?"    


"There's still a auction tomorrow. We can only sign it after the auction ends."    


Hearing Cheng Guofu's words, Sunn Cann laughed, "So that's the case. Then it's okay, bidding is just a formality, I don't believe that anyone would want this money from me, even if they did, they wouldn't be willing to pay such a high price. Since we signed the contract today, it would save us another trouble tomorrow."    


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