Carefree Battle God

C176 Big Miss Gossip

C176 Big Miss Gossip

Ouyang Shuang pointed at Chen Fusheng and said angrily, "Damn you, Zhang Fu! Now you think I'm being lenient, don't you?"    


"Alright, from now on, whatever you want to do is fine. I don't care about you anymore!"    


As she said that, she lifted her foot and stepped over Chen Fusheng's foot in her high heels.    


Luckily, Chen Fusheng was quick, he quickly extended his leg and dodged the little girl's fatal blow.    


Just look at the little girl's angry attack. If she really stepped on it, it might even break her bones. Isn't that a bit too cruel?    


"You actually dare to hide? "You're getting bolder and bolder now. Stand still and don't you dare dodge!"    


Ouyang Shuang didn't step on it and felt very uncomfortable. She quickly held Chen Fusheng's arms, not allowing him to move again. Then he lifted his foot again, ready to step on it.    


Chen Fusheng was too speechless, but he couldn't do anything to her, so he took the chance to pull her arm and put her behind him.    


"Eldest Miss, stop messing around for now. Look at what's being played over there."    


Ouyang Shuang followed the direction Chen Fusheng was pointing in and saw the content on the big screen. She quickly covered her eyes and couldn't help but shout in surprise, blushing.    


It was Lee Qingfeng's turn to speak now. The suited man received Chen Fusheng's order and used virus to black into the club's computer. He then played the action films of Ye Yovlan and Ma Hai that were stored in his phone in public.    


"Little slut, have you missed me recently?"    


On the screen, Ma Hai was standing behind Ye Yovlan with a vulgar smile on his face.    


Ye Yovlan, who was lying on the sink, covered her mouth with her hands and kept nodding her head.    


When everyone saw the scene on the big screen, they were all petrified.    


The heck, why are all the exchanges so gaudy now? Are you afraid that everyone will be bored, so you made some small movies to keep everyone entertained?    


Su Mingyue had been gracefully eating her steak, but after witnessing this scene, all the knives and forks in her hand fell to the ground. She could not believe her eyes.    


However, when she recognized that the woman on the screen was Ye Yovlan, although she didn't say it out loud, she still felt a sense of revenge.    


When they were still in university, Ye Yovlan had always been discrediting their reputation behind their backs. Now, it was finally her turn …    


Lee Qingfeng, who was on the main platform, was talking about the company's future development and expected profits for the next quarter.    


When he was halfway through, he suddenly realized that the people below the stage were all staring at his back. Moreover, there was an ambiguous expression on their faces, which made him a little confused.    


But soon after, he heard a burst of familiar breathing sounds. He quickly turned his head around and found that on the big screen, Ye Yovlan was laughing wildly.    


Lee Qingfeng was stunned at first, then a surge of hot blood rushed to his head. His heart was filled with killing intent!    


"You damned bitch! I will definitely kill you today! "    


Without waiting for a reply, he threw the speech away and ran off the stage, grabbing Ye Yovlan by the neck.    


"Pa Pa Pa!"    


He grabbed Ye Yovlan's hair and slapped her face one by one with his right hand, giving her a set meal dozens of times.    


At this time, Lee Qingfeng could no longer care about his image as a noble young master.    


Almost everyone in the upper class had arrived at the perfectly fine Qingzhou Chamber of Commerce. They had all personally witnessed him being cuckolded. This was simply killing someone to their heart's content!    


"Hubby I know, I know my wrongs, don't hit me again!"    


Ye Yovlan's face was swollen like a pig's head, and her hair was a mess. The image of a noble lady that she pretended to be previously had been completely destroyed.    


When she saw the content on the big screen, she knew that the odds were against her.    


Lee Qingfeng was the young master of a first-rate family. To him, face was more important than life. If he was exposed today, it would be impossible for him to be his girlfriend in the future.    


She only had one thought in her mind, and that was for Lee Qingfeng to show mercy and not kill her. However, she noticed that even though there were many people around to watch the show, no one went up to help.    


If he still didn't open his mouth to plead for mercy and let Lee Qingfeng keep hitting him, wouldn't he be beaten to death today?    


"Hubby, I was wrong hubby, I really know I was wrong."    


"Stop hitting me, if you keep hitting me I'm going to die. I beg you, please let me go!"    


Ye Yovlan's voice became weaker and weaker as she pleaded. In the end, she fell limply to the ground.    


Lee Qingfeng's eyes were red and his rationality had been pushed down by his anger. Therefore, even though Ye Yovlan had been knocked unconscious by him, she kept punching and kicking him.    


At this time, Han Tian, who was at the side, could not watch any longer. He quickly pulled on Lee Qingfeng's sleeve and advised, "Qingfeng, the fight is almost over. We can't keep fighting."    


"Do you really want to kill her in public?"    


Lee Qingfeng gritted his teeth and kicked her in the face again while cursing, "Even if I beat this bitch to death today, it will still not quell the hatred in my heart. Up till now, I have never been so humiliated! "    


Han Tian continued, "Alright, alright. I understand your feelings, but you can't be too impulsive."    


He laid beside Lee Qingfeng's ear and whispered, "Killing a slut is easy, but you can't do it yourself, and you can't do it in this kind of situation."    


"There are some matters that must be dealt with in private, otherwise, it would be very troublesome even for your father. Do you understand what I'm saying?"    


Lee Qingfeng nodded and said gratefully, "I understand. Thank you, Uncle Han."    


With that, he waved to the bodyguards behind him, telling them to take Ye Yovlan away first. After tonight, he would casually dispose of her. In the future, there would no longer be such a strong character in Qingzhou.    


When Chen Fusheng saw this scene, he could not help but sneer.    


This could be considered as getting what he deserved. After all, Ye Yovlan usually bullied her own wife like this.    


This was originally a good exchange, but with this incident, everyone left unhappily.    


Chen Fusheng followed behind Miss Ouyang into the parking lot. Just as he was about to start the car and leave, he noticed that Su Mingyue had also started the Porsche.    


Chen Fusheng rolled down the window and said to Su Mingyue with a smile, "Miss Su, be sure to be careful when driving."    


Su Mingyue also replied with a smile, saying that she had to be careful as well.    


However, Miss Ouyang, who was sitting in the front seat, suddenly said, "Zhang Fu, are you done yet? Why aren't you driving? What are you waiting for?"    


Chen Fusheng could only smile bitterly. He stepped on the accelerator and the car left the parking lot.    


At this time, Ouyang Shuang asked coldly once again, "Zhang Fu, tell me the truth, have you fallen for that Miss Su?"    


Chen Fusheng was stunned for a moment, then said awkwardly: "Miss, why are you asking this? It's definitely nothing!"    


"He is the chairman of a company, and I am just a little bodyguard of Ouyang family. How would I dare to like him?"    


"Besides, Miss Su is already married."    


Ouyang Shuang pouted and continued to ask, "So according to what you're saying, as long as she's not married, you still like her?"    


Chen Fusheng was puzzled. What's wrong with this girl today? She wasn't such a gossipy person in the past.    


He could only smile and say, "Eldest Miss is really considerate towards her subordinates. Even the inner world of us bodyguards are so considerate?"    


"Stop pulling my leg here."    


Ouyang Shuang didn't even give him a chance to change the topic. She continued to aggressively ask, "You still haven't answered the question I asked just now. Now tell me!"    


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