Magic Little Rural Doctor

C363 Xiao Xuan's Disappearance

C363 Xiao Xuan's Disappearance

"The Zhou family has begun to take action as well …"    


As Chen Long strolled along the street, he thought about his next plan.    


"The news I got from Wu Peisheng is that the Zhou family is out in full force. But we only met Zhou Hong and Zhou Jing father and son at the Yao family. Where are the rest of them?"    


"Maybe the Yao family is just a convenient target to tame. Could it be that their real goal is the tomb of the Saint Realm expert?"    


Chen Long's eyes lit up. The fog in his heart gradually dissipated and all his meridians became clear, "That should be the case. According to this speculation, there should be a large group of Zhou family troops stationed at the mausoleum!"    


"I wonder if the Yao family's failure will affect the Zhou family's layout. But even if it doesn't, it is still a joyous thing to see them getting in the way!"    


Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Chen Long's face. In any case, he had already taken the blame for the incident between him and the Zhou family. If he made them unhappy, then he would be delighted!    


At that moment, Chen Long suddenly heard his mobile phone ring. He took it out and saw that it was a familiar number. However, he could not recall who it was.    


He kept looking at his phone, but the other side was also very patient. Chen Long had no choice but to press the answer button.    


"Hello, who is this?" Chen Long asked.    


"Dao Lord, it's me, Wu Peisheng!"    


"So it's you!"    


Hearing this familiar voice, Chen Long came to a realization, "Why are you looking for me?"    


"Yes, the spy from the Wu family just sent me a message. I'm sure you'll be interested!" Wu Peisheng said mysteriously.    


"Tell me about it!"    


"Didn't I tell you before that the Zhou family was going all out to go to Yangzhou? But just yesterday, the Zhou family's head, Zhou Yinghua, secretly returned to the Zhou family headquarters!"    


Gone back?    


Fortunately, they did not touch it!    


Chen Long heaved a sigh of relief. If the Zhou Family Head was here, it would not be just Zhou Hong and his son. At that time, things would not be so simple.    


"According to the news from the scouts of the Wu family, Zhou Yinghua returned to his family because a powerful warrior came from abroad. He rushed back to welcome them!"    


"Innate? Do you know who it is? " Chen Long asked curiously.    


"I know. According to reliable sources, it's very likely to be someone from the blood fox!" Wu Peisheng said seriously.    


Blood Fox's man?    


Why did he end up hanging out with the Zhou family again?    


Chen Long was surprised, but soon after, he calmly asked, "Do you know what their goal is?"    


"I'm not sure, but I heard that it was to explore some place. I don't have a high position in the Wu family, so I didn't get any concrete information!" Wu Peisheng said apologetically.    


"En, it's alright. This is enough. You must pay attention to the actions of the Zhou family. Report to me at any time!" Chen Long ordered.    


"No problem, I'll contact you as soon as I can if anything happens!" Wu Peisheng said respectfully.    


After that, Chen Long hung up the phone and combined with Wu Peisheng's information, he was lost in thought again.    


"Wu Peisheng doesn't know much about the inheritance of the sage realm expert. I think the blood fox should be even more unlikely to get it. Then, the blood fox's people must be here for Ye Hu's matter!"    


"The night fox must have left behind some information. With a little investigation, we can definitely find the place where it died!"    


"That place is within the primordial forest of the Phoenix Mountain. It's still a long way from Phoenix Village, but I can't let my guard down. I should call and tell him about it!"    


Thinking of this, Chen Long once again took out his mobile and dialed Bai Sha's number. But no one answered for a while, which caused Chen Long to be shocked. He then hurriedly dialed Chen Ke Er's number.    


"Hello, Xiaolong?"    


Hearing that familiar voice from the other side of the phone, Chen Long finally let out a sigh of relief. It seemed that the blood fox wasn't moving that fast, and should still be fine.    


"Why aren't you saying anything?" Chen Ke Er complained.    


"Hehe, I just want to hear a few more words from you!" Chen Long giggled.    




"Haha, Ke Er, did you miss me?"    






"Well, there is... "A little!"    


Subsequently, Chen Ke Er felt a little shy and she hurriedly added, "Just a little, don't think too much about it!"    


"I'm not thinking too much. As long as you miss me, even if it's just a tiny bit, I'm satisfied!" Chen Long stirred his emotions.    


Far away in Phoenix Village, after hearing Chen Long's words, Chen Ke Er's heart was instantly filled with sweetness, and she said emotionally, "Xiaolong, I … I miss you! "    


"Haha, I knew it! Come and kiss me!" Chen Long teased.    


"Go to the side if you're going to die. You're not being serious every day. When are you coming back?" Chen Ke Er said in embarrassment and anger.    


"I'll be back in a few days. Is there anything at home?" Why didn't she pick up the phone when I called Big Sister White Sha? " Chen Long asked.    


"Sister Bai Sha, we're interviewing a rookie right now. The phone may be muted!" Chen Ke Er replied.    


"So that's how it is!"    


Chen Long immediately calmed down, and then reminded, "I'm just asking casually, let me tell you, I was watching TV in Yangzhou and said that a group of outlaws escaped to our side. You guys be careful. Be careful and be on the alert!"    


"Really?!" Chen Ke Er was shocked. "I will make the arrangements!"    


"Hmm, my family's darling is so smart, I can rest easy now!" Chen Long laughed.    


"Stupid, is there anything else? I'll be hanging up without you, I still have a lot of things to do, and the cosmetics factory is in the process of preparing it! " Chen Ke Er complained.    


"It's gone, it's gone. Go back to work, but pay attention to your body!" Chen Long asked with concern.    


"You too!"    




After hanging up the phone, Chen Long let out a sigh of relief. China had very strict control over these mercenary groups, so they probably wouldn't dare to act against the civilians.    


However, just as he hung up, another call came in. When he saw that it was from Yao Qianxing, it seemed to be very urgent. This caused Chen Long to be alarmed. Could it be that the Zhou family had already sent someone?    


Before Chen Long could say anything after pressing the answer button, Yao Qianxing's anxious voice resounded in his ears.    


"Master, something bad happened!"    


"What is it?!"    


"Xiao Xuan is gone. We couldn't find her at many places, and we couldn't get through to her on the phone either!" Yao Qian Xing asked anxiously.    


"Wait for me, I'll go back immediately!"    


After hanging up the phone, Chen Long did not waste any more time. He immediately activated the earth shrinking sacred art and turned into a ray of light, rushing towards the Yao Family.    


Very soon, the main door of the Yao family home appeared in his line of sight. A few people were walking back and forth at the entrance, looking very anxious.    


At this time, Yao Qianxing also noticed Chen Long's figure and hurriedly said, "Master is back!"    


Chen Long took another step forward, appearing in front of everyone as if he had teleported. His ghost-like speed left everyone in shock.    


So fast!    


It was even faster than a God Realm cultivator!    


Amidst the shock, Yao Yicheng and Yao Shuang also hurried to salute, "Great Master Chen!"    


"What the hell is going on?" Without wasting any time, Chen Long directly asked.    


Seeing Chen Long's gloomy face, Yao Yichen revealed a bitter expression. However, he knew that this matter was urgent. If Master Chen's companion went missing, it was very likely that he would bring disaster upon the Yao family!    


Without further delay, he hurriedly replied, "Master Chen, the situation is like this. Today at noon, Miss Xiaoxuan said that she wanted to go out for a walk, so I sent two people to guard her. But I didn't expect that she would disappear right under their noses!"    


"He's gone?"    


Chen Long narrowed his eyes and a heavy pressure was emitted from his body, causing the hearts of the people from the Yao family to sink.    


Seeing this, Yao Qian Xing waved his hand, beckoning two people over: "Master, it was those two who followed Xiao Xuan out today!"    


Chen Long looked at him coldly and asked, "It's the two of them?"    


These two people wore black clothing and had large bodies. They emitted the aura of inner strength experts. Compared to protecting Xia Xiaoxuan, this should be more than enough.    


Facing the thin Chen Long, the two of them trembled in fear. Their ice-cold gazes made them feel as if they had fallen into an icy cave. Their legs went limp and they almost fell to the ground.    


"The two of you, explain everything that happened today to my master in detail. You can't afford to make any mistakes!" Yao Qian Xing shouted.    


"Yes …" "Yes!"    


The two of them nodded and said.    


"There's no need to go through all that trouble. I'll take a look for myself!" Chen Long said in a cold voice.    


Look at it?    


The crowd was baffled. They did not understand what Chen Long meant.    


Xia Xiaoxuan was brought out by Chen Long, and he had already guaranteed her safety. With such an incident, how could he have the time to explain these side effects!    


He immediately stretched out his hands and pressed them down on their heads with lightning speed.    




Chen Long shouted and spread out his soul consciousness along his arm, invading both their memories in an instant.    


The two of them trembled and a hint of confusion immediately appeared in their eyes. They slowly closed their eyes, as if they were asleep.    


"Master, you …"    


"Shut up!"    


Just as Yao Qianxing was about to speak, he was stopped by Yao Yichen, who swallowed his words back into his stomach. He looked at Yao Yichen and shook his head. He could only remain silent.    


The current Chen Long didn't know what was happening outside. He was looking through the memories of these two people when he suddenly saw a familiar figure. He quickly projected his divine sense inside.    


In the next moment, it was as if he had become these two people, standing on the street. In front of him, was shockingly the already missing Xia Xiaoxuan!    


However, he also knew that these were only the memories of these two people. They could not change anything. Even though he was anxious, he could only continue to read.    


He saw Xia Xiaoxuan walking out of the Yao family's home, casually walking down the streets of Yangzhou. Her eyes were full of nostalgia, but from time to time, they flashed with sadness. This made Chen Long's heart ache.    


Just like this, moving and stopping, Xia Xiaoxuan arrived at a busy city surrounded by a steady stream of people who blocked Chen Long's line of sight from time to time.    


In the next moment, Chen Long lost sight of Xia Xiaoxuan. This startled him, and he quickly froze the scene, slowly falling backwards.    


One second!    


Another second!    




After carefully retreating for seven seconds, when the two's figures intersected, he saw that Xia Xiaoxuan was caught between the two, and in the next second she disappeared within the sea of people.    


The two of them looked no different from normal people, but the fierceness in their eyes was clear. With Xia Xiaoxuan's physique, she definitely wouldn't be able to contend against them.    


"That's them!"    


Chen Long was infuriated. He withdrew himself from the memories of the two men and opened his eyes abruptly. The two men whose souls had been searched fell backwards.    


"Send these two to rest, then bring the paper and brush over. Hurry!" Chen Long ordered sternly.    


"Hurry, hurry!"    


After hearing Chen Long's words, the Medicine Hall immediately became chaotic. However, their efficiency was also extremely high. Within ten seconds, a piece of paper and a piece of paper appeared before Chen Long.    




Chen Long slowly let out a breath of air. He picked up the pen and quickly drew on the paper. His speed was extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, two lifelike men appeared on the paper.    


"Right now, immediately send people out and search for these two people. They must survive. If they dare to capture Xiao Xuan, I will make sure they pay the price!"    


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