Magic Little Rural Doctor

C338 Blood-eating Fox

C338 Blood-eating Fox

Europe, Northern Ireland, Lake Ney.    


Northern Ireland is known as the green kingdom, natural scenery beautiful, fresh air, with a vast green grassland and countless green mountains and rivers, it is really a beautiful place.    


Located in the heart of Northern Ireland, Ney Lake covered an area of 392 square kilometers. It was the largest lake on the British Isles, with a suitable climate and no wind or waves.    


At this moment, in the lake that reflected the sunset, a small boat floated by. On top of this small boat sat a man.    


This man was dressed in a Chinese tunic suit and had a head of silver hair. He looked exceptionally young and handsome, so handsome that he seemed almost devilishly charming. He gazed into the distance, looking at the setting sun with squinted eyes, thinking about something.    


In front of him was a goblet with half a cup of wine that was as red as blood. Under the contrast of the setting sun, it seemed somewhat eerie and cold.    


"It's time for dinner!"    


The man came back to his senses and downed all the wine in his cup in one gulp. He then placed his crystal wine cup to the side and stepped out of the small boat.    


Around the boat was the blue lake of Nei Yi Lake. It was unfathomable how deep it was, and it was more than ten kilometers away from the nearest island. No one could reach the shore.    


However, this man seemed to have not considered this and just stepped out of the boat. At this moment, something strange happened!    


A misty bloody mist appeared behind the man. One could faintly see the outline of a huge wing within it. As he waved it, the bloody mist churned. It was extremely frightening.    


Just like that, the man started to walk leisurely on the surface of the lake. With every step he took, the mist of blood behind him would surge endlessly. With such a resonance, before he even took a single step forward, his entire body would appear a hundred meters away like a god.    


About 10 kilometers away, there was a small island with a luxurious villa on it. In front of the villa was the endless Ney Lake.    


Within the villa, countless servants came and went, carrying all kinds of food. However, this food was somewhat strange and was dripping with blood. Moreover, these servants didn't feel anything.    


"Master is back!"    


It was unknown who shouted, but the servants immediately turned their gazes towards the lake. According to the time, it was Master's dinner hour, and Master was always punctual.    


Sure enough.    


Not far from the island was a black dot. Angele could see it moving closer and closer.    


In just a few blinks of an eye, the black dot turned into a human figure shrouded in blood mist and appeared on the shore. Then, it leapt into the air and the blood mist on its back churned and churned before condensing into a pair of giant bat wings that spanned ten meters and hovered in the air.    


"Welcome, master!"    


Seeing this scene, the servants' eyes were filled with worship. They were so excited that they immediately kneeled on the ground and shouted loudly. The scene was quite spectacular.    




The charming man nodded, step by step, he descended from the sky. This made many servants turn red in the face, and the fervor in their eyes seemed to be able to burn them to ashes.    


At this moment, a lady in a bewitching red dress walked up. She wore a smile on her face, and her eyes were filled with fervor like that of a servant. She bowed and said, "Master, dinner is ready!"    


"Very good!"    


The charming man smiled. His slender white fingers hooked onto the girl's chin as he softly said, "Tonight's fortune belongs to you!"    


"Thank you, master!"    


The woman's eyes were filled with surprise and joy. She quickly knelt on the ground, her entire body trembling in excitement, as if this luck was godlike and she was unable to control it.    


"Let's begin!"    


As the charming man's voice fell, the entire island's sky suddenly darkened. Around the villa, dark red lights lit up, shining on the ground like rivers of red blood.    


At some point in time, a huge table had appeared in the empty space. On the table, there were trays of blood and food, giving off an indescribably sinister feeling.    


When the charming man saw this, his eyes flashed with joy. He deeply inhaled the bloody scent and with a face full of satisfaction, he lightly sighed, "This is what you call enjoyment!"    


After saying that, he casually waved his hand and a plate floated over. He held it in his hand and tilted it, and the blood-red meat was placed in his mouth. He started to chew, and traces of scarlet red remained in the corner of his mouth.    


Under the demonic man's devouring, all the food on the table was quickly eaten up by him, leaving only a mess behind, not a single thing left.    


After he swallowed the last piece of flesh, the bloody mist behind him churned. Suddenly, a streak of red lightning flashed through the mist, emitting an earth-shaking explosive sound.    




The huge sound wave spread out in all directions, shaking the servants until they were knocked to the side. The sturdy glass in the villa also exploded, turning into a pile of debris.    


"Haha, good, very good. I've finally managed to cultivate my Blood Thunder of Wrath!" The evil man laughed, his crazy voice spreading in all directions and echoing on the island for a long time.    


"Congratulations Master!"    


The woman in red from before came up to congratulate him, her face full of hope. The light in her eyes revealed her true thoughts. She wanted tonight's luck!    


"Hehe, Sally, don't worry!"    


The charming man chuckled and appeared before Sally. He wrapped his arms around her slender waist and with a twist, pulled her into his embrace.    


"Master, you can't go back on your word!" Lisa's big eyes blinked as she whispered.    


"Of course not, but aren't you afraid?" The charming man laughed.    




Lisa's eyes flashed with determination, and she continued, "To be able to become one with the master is Lisa's honor, and will also bring unparalleled glory to Lisa's family!"    


"Alright, the Chilbury Family will gain control of a continent!" The charming man said softly.    


As soon as the charming man finished speaking, the women kneeling in front of him all revealed looks of jealousy and envy. Each of them swore to themselves that they would be blessed, and that not only would they benefit from it, but their families would also be rewarded.    


"Thank you, Master!"    


After saying that, Lisa closed her eyes. She was about to enjoy tonight's fortune, which also meant that she would be one with her master, forever enjoying the endless joy.    


The evil man's lips curled up, and his two sharp teeth slowly extended outwards. When they were completely exposed, he fiercely lowered his head and bit Lisa's tender neck, and began to suck.    




Under the suction of the charming man, Lisa let out a series of screams. Her whole body was trembling, and her eyes were blurred. In her senses, wave after wave of waves pushed her to the peak of happiness.    


However, gradually, Lisa's voice weakened. Her originally rosy face lost all color, and became incomparably pale.    


At a certain moment, the voice suddenly stopped. Lisa's sapphire eyes lost their luster and dimmed, but one could still see the residual pleasure in her eyes.    


"It's over!"    


The charming man raised his head and casually threw Lisa's still warm body into the blood mist behind him. Then he paid it no more attention and looked towards the front, as if something would definitely appear there.    


"Hu hu hu hu!"    


Sure enough, a helicopter flew over from afar and gradually descended. When it was still 10 meters away from the ground, the cabin door suddenly opened and a human figure jumped down from the sky.    


While he was still in the air, he suddenly spread open his arms like a bird's wings. A layer of earthen yellow light appeared around him and he ruthlessly smashed onto the ground.    




After a loud explosion, the soil layer on the ground churned and smoke filled the air. After a long while, it slowly dissipated. Immediately, a large pit of over ten meters in radius appeared before everyone's eyes.    


Next, a man appeared at the edge of the pit. He was a middle-aged man in his thirties. Not only did he have yellow hair, his skin was also yellow. Even his pupils were yellow!    


If any of the upper echelons of North America were present, they would surely recognize this middle-aged man as the "mud fox" of the Blood Fox organization. He was ranked third in the North American underworld and was an existence akin to an emperor.    


Such a person, the charming man didn't even look at him, and coldly said, "Third brother, in a while, you will be in charge of filling up the hole, or else I will bury you inside!"    


"Yes, Big Brother!"    


The third brother Earth Fox felt the chilliness within those words and was immediately frightened. His entire body trembled as he nodded repeatedly. He knew that his elder brother would always keep his word.    


If anyone else were to find out about this, they would definitely be scared to death by this charming man's identity. He was actually "Greed" Blood Fox, the founder of the Blood Fox organization!    


Ten years ago, the blood fox appeared in the North American region and slaughtered the tenth largest gang in North America on the first day. Not a single one of them survived.    


On the second day, the gangs ranked ninth suffered the same fate. Not a single one of them survived. On the fifth day, the top five and top ten gangs on the ranking list were all slaughtered by the blood fox!    


This caused the other gangs in North America to panic. However, after that, the blood fox seemed to have stopped moving. It was said that it was because a strong person had appeared and stopped its actions.    


Therefore, the blood fox shocked the North American dark world within a short five days. People called it "Greedy" blood fox!    


However, no one would have thought that the place where the blood fox organization had lived, which had caused a huge ruckus in North America, was actually on an unknown island in Europe!    


The dark world's heavyweight lifted his eyelids to look at Ol 'Three, and softly asked, "Why have you come to find me?"    


"Big Brother, the Night Fox is dead!" Ol 'Three lowered his head.    




The charming man's expression did not change.    


In the Blood Fox organization, the Night Fox was just one of them. It could only be considered average. If it died, it died. There was nothing strange about it, so he waited for Third Bro to finish.    


"At that time, the Night Fox had set out with an elite team. They had all been annihilated. The opponent was just one person, a young man in his twenties!" Ol 'Three continued.    




The blood fox suddenly raised its head as a red light flashed across its eyes. It was bloodthirsty and cruel …    


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