Top Immortal Emperor in the City



Heng Yanlin was just about to fly down, but he suddenly stopped at this moment, because he saw a figure that was filled with black energy standing at the side.    


Seeing this, Heng Yanlin's heart sank, this fellow, the person who made this thing, actually appeared here, and was even beside his body.    


At this time, his own body was not protected at all. If the other party had even the slightest bit of thought, Heng Yanlin's body would probably not be able to protect itself.    


Thinking of this, Heng Yanlin looked at the other party with vigilance.    


This guy didn't show up earlier or later, but he just showed up at this time. What was he planning?    


Lv Danxi looked at Heng Yanlin, and upon seeing him return, she became extremely happy, but seeing that the gigantic dragon had turned its head and looked to the side, in her view, there was nothing, and seeing the situation, Lv Danxi looked at Heng Yanlin weirdly.    


She did not know why had done that, but she knew that Heng Yanlin was not making things up.    


Heng Yanlin looked at the figure, and then his eyes turned cold, "What, you're coming over now, do you want to exchange a few blows with me?"    


He had just destroyed the other party's plan, and if the other party was furious, it would be understandable that they would want to get even with him.    


However, if the man thought he was so easy to bully under such circumstances, he was wrong.    


Thinking to this point, Heng Yanlin looked at the Spiritual Energy in his body, and continued to rise. As long as the other party had a plan, he would immediately take countermeasures.    


The figure looked at Heng Yanlin with a gaze filled with bafflement. To him, it was really unexpected that this guy actually had the ability to eliminate this natural disaster.    


Originally, he had thought that this disaster would be something that no matter how powerful his opponent was, it would be impossible to eliminate. He had thought that this disaster would be something that would be impossible to dispel, regardless of how powerful his opponent was.    


Thinking of this, he sighed but did not say anything.    


To be honest, his plan had failed. Previously, he had thought that under such circumstances, these humans were destined to die.    


But, it actually didn't matter, after all, what he wanted to do was to eliminate the evil Qi, and now, seeing that Heng Yanlin had gathered all of his evil Qi and dispelled it, he had nothing else to say.    


It has to be said that this evil aura was very hard to dispel, so he could only use this method. Whether these humans died or not didn't really have anything to do with him.    


Only, when he saw that this trick had been eliminated by Heng Yanlin, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.    


"Don't misunderstand, my goal is not to eliminate these humans, my goal is just to eliminate these things. As long as these things accumulate to a certain degree, I will then gather them and use them to remove the energy within them."    


Your figure heard what Heng Yanlin said and immediately shook his head. He did not mean that, he just thought that it was a good thing to be able to dispel the evil Qi, as for the rest, what did he care about?    


Hearing his words, Heng Yanlin heaved a sigh of relief in his heart. At that moment, his body was right in front of him, if he was destroyed like that, Heng Yanlin would definitely feel annoyed.    


Furthermore, it would be rather difficult to recover later on.    


"Then what are you doing here?"    


Heng Yanlin looked at the other party, and then asked a question. Hearing that, the figure shook his head, and then retreated slowly behind him, "I'm just curious about what kind of person they are, what kind of abilities did they use, to be able to eliminate my methods. Now that I see it, it's time for me to leave."    


After the figure finished speaking, he then casually disappeared from Heng Yanlin's sight, and then disappeared without a trace.    


Seeing that, Heng Yanlin heaved a sigh of relief in his heart, then looked towards the body on the ground, seeing that there was nothing wrong, and that there were no traces of a move, Heng Yanlin finally heaved a sigh of relief, and entered his body.    


After a moment, Heng Yanlin woke up. He then opened his eyes and looked towards Lv Danxi. Seeing Heng Yanlin looking at him, Lv Danxi heaved a sigh of relief.    


At that moment, she had heard the sound of some words being spoken. That voice was actually that person, the one who caused all this chaos!    


In such a situation, she was naturally a little flustered, but fortunately, looking at the situation in front of her, there was nothing wrong, because this person seemed to be afraid of Heng Yanlin.    


After saying these words, he immediately left, and Heng Yanlin had also directly woken up at this moment.    


"How is it? Are you alright?"    


Lv Danxi looked at Heng Yanlin, who was in front of her, and asked with incomparable concern. With Heng Yanlin's physical body here, after him, her breathing was so weak that she could hear it, and she was even a little worried.    


Fortunately, under the circumstances, Heng Yanlin seemed alright.    


As long as nothing happened to Heng Yanlin, that would be for the best. If anything happened to Heng Yanlin, if she was here alone, she would probably not be able to go back.    


Hearing Lv Danxi's words, Heng Yanlin immediately nodded, "Don't worry, I will be fine."    


"Is that guy just now the person who caused this chaos? What kind of thing is he? Why does it feel so terrifying?"    


Lv Danxi looked at Heng Yanlin, who was in front of her, and asked curiously. She was really curious about who this fellow was, and what kind of person he was.    


And right now, seeing that Heng Yanlin was safe and sound, naturally, it was difficult to conceal the curiosity in his heart, so he asked Heng Yanlin.    


Hearing that, Heng Yanlin looked at Lv Danxi, and then nodded his head: "This guy, what kind of background does he have, I am actually not too sure, but his essence is not bad, just because of his goal, it would easily affect other people."    


The ruyi scepter affected others? He was saying that the other party was doing something, that he was not actually trying to kill those people, but was instead implicating those people?    


Hearing Heng Yanlin's words, Lv Danxi, who seemed to understand a little, nodded. She was not at Heng Yanlin's level, so facing this kind of thing, there were still some things that couldn't be done.    


That Lv Danxi still had something else he wanted to ask, but at this moment, Heng Yanlin suddenly looked towards the horizon, and then quietly looked towards the horizon.    


But at this time, Lv Danxi did not see anything.    


Lv Danxi was already a little numb to it, she could not see anything that Heng Yanlin could see. Under such a circumstance, she could only look at it quietly, if there was anything else, Heng Yanlin would be able to do.    


From her point of view, it was as if Heng Yanlin was going to level up to the level of omnipotent, so at this time, she was extremely confident in Heng Yanlin.    


At this time, a hint of happiness flashed across Heng Yanlin's eyes. This thing that Lv Danxi could not see, was something that he could indeed see.    


This item was the Ford Golden Light. This item was extremely hard to obtain, and this time, after Heng Yanlin had saved so many people, this Ford Golden Light directly enveloped him within.    


After enveloping Heng Yanlin, that Ford Golden Light had disappeared. Normally, this kind of thing would not have any effect, but at a critical moment, it was a type of thing that could save lives.    


Heng Yanlin understood this kind of thing very well. Although he had not obtained it, now that he had obtained the Golden Light of Fortune, it would be a lie if Heng Yanlin said that he was not happy.    


At this moment, Heng Yanlin was almost dancing with joy. Within Cultivation world, there were very few people who would want to obtain such an item, and even if one was about to fail when facing a tribulation, the existence of such a thing would be able to directly help one through this tribulation.    


If you were in the wild and had some kind of treasure, it would be yours once you had it. It could be said that this treasure did not show any of its abilities.    


However, in the future, this item will actually be a kind of all-powerful treasure. Afterwards, it will be able to obtain all kinds of benefits. If you are lucky, it will actually be able to save your life.    


Therefore, anyone in the Cultivation world who could obtain this kind of golden light would be able to reach a very high level in the end as long as they didn't commit suicide.    


Heng Yanlin was extremely clear about this, so at this time, he was naturally incomparably happy. After sensing the Ford Golden Light, he kept it.    


If he left such things behind, he would be fine even if he forgot about them.    


After all, even if you had forgotten about it, it would still not have forgotten about you. This kind of thing is constantly protecting and protecting you all the time, causing Heng Yanlin to be happy in his heart. He wanted to stay with Lv Danxi and leave together, but when he saw Lv Danxi at his side, he was slightly startled.    


With a strange expression on his face, he looked at Lv Danxi, who was looking at him with a strange expression.    


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