Top Immortal Emperor in the City



After Heng Yanlin left, he found a car and drove back to the Academy.    


He had left for a long time, but it didn't matter as he was still in name. Even if he didn't go to school, nothing would happen to him. Even if someone knew that he had been gone for a long time, it didn't matter.    


After all, in the worst case scenario, it would just be Heng Yanlin being persuaded to leave. This kind of thing, to Heng Yanlin, was not even considered a threat.    


On the road, one could see many workers who were busy repairing themselves. After a short while, they had reached a good path.    


"Say, luckily it's the people up there. They knew that such a big event would happen here and told us all to leave. Otherwise, who knows how many people would have died if we did not leave this time."    


Heng Yanlin rode in a taxi because he felt that the traffic here would be paralyzed at this time. If he could get in, then he would definitely be able to earn a lot by getting some customers.    


So he made Heng Yanlin get on a car and come over.    


The driver looked around at his surroundings, and then sighed to Heng Yanlin, "My home is right here, and this time we were lucky to have left, or else my family would have all died here. On the television, after seeing the tsunami, it was extremely destructive, but luckily it was just this one."    


Hearing that, Heng Yanlin laughed gently, then nodded his head, towards the other party's words of joy, he naturally understood, if not for the situation at the top, allowing them to leave, this time they were in danger.    


After all, the tsunami that followed had already disappeared. There was no need for the other party to die in the first round of the tsunami. After all, the tsunami that followed had already disappeared in the first round.    


The driver spoke a lot on the way here. Although Heng Yanlin did not say much, the driver continued to talk nonstop, talking about how lucky he was.    


When Heng Yanlin saw this, he did not have much of an idea. The other party did not know, but after that, there was still a huge tsunami, and it was only because it had been eliminated, which meant Heng Yanlin had been eliminated. If not, he would have sunk to the bottom of the sea, where would he be able to speak like that?    


However, the other party would not know about this matter and the upper echelons would not allow it. Even if this matter were to spread to other countries, the commoners below would not know of it at this point.    


Regarding this, the higher-ups would not have told them at all. After all, if they had, these guys would definitely have caused a ruckus. Furthermore, if they had, it would have been of no use.    


After getting rid of the riots in every region and making them worry, those people would not be able to save him. Rather, it would be better to die without knowing what had happened in that tsunami.    


However, luckily, these tsunamis just mysteriously disappeared.    


By the time the car reached its destination, several hours had passed. The traffic over there was completely paralyzed. Even the plane in the airport was disabled.    


It was also fortunate that Heng Yanlin was able to rest for a while on this plane, and not fly back and forth again.    


For those who had just entered the sect, perhaps they would very much like flying around. However, only those who had been flying for a long time knew that flying around was actually quite tiring.    


After the driver sent Heng Yanlin to the place, he didn't charge Heng Yanlin much. Heng Yanlin didn't really feel anything about it and directly gave ten thousand to the driver.    


He didn't even know how much money he had left in the card.    


The driver saw that Heng Yanlin was so straightforward, he did not reject, and directly thanked him, then he drove off.    


Heng Yanlin looked at the academy in front of him, his lips curled up slightly, and walked inside. He did not know if Jiang Siyu had returned, but if he did, he would be able to see how her cultivation was progressing.    


After thinking about it, Heng Yanlin continued to walk inside, but today was a day of rest. The students inside did not have classes, and at this time, everyone was walking out in groups of two or three, and when Heng Yanlin saw this, he directly walked towards the female dormitory.    


Based on his understanding of Liu Xueyan, she should be cultivating right now, and if Jiang Siyu was also there, he should be cultivating too.    


Thinking to this point, Heng Yanlin naturally headed towards that direction. However after a while, Heng Yanlin arrived at the girl's dormitory. What Heng Yanlin did not expect was that there were already a lot of people gathered at the bottom of the girls' dormitory.    


These people were all standing at the side, looking at the object in front of them. It was probably the inside. There was something interesting that attracted them at this moment.    


Seeing that, Heng Yanlin raised his eyebrows slightly, and walked over. Soon after, he saw, in the crowd, a young man.    


At this moment, the ground was filled with rose petals that sprinkled onto the ground. After which, they followed the road and directly extended into the dormitory.    


There were a few women by the side who were extremely envious of everything that was happening before them. Their eyes were filled with envy.    


"Wow, she looks so handsome and she has so much money. If this were a proposal like my proposal, I would have immediately agreed to it."    


A girl at the side looked at the young man, and then said with infatuation. This man, was truly handsome, although she was incomparable to Heng Yanlin.    


But for them, it was already considered very handsome.    


Hearing this, the girl standing at the side looked at her companion with a strange expression. "He is indeed quite handsome, but how do you know that he is very rich?"    


"After that girl heard that, she looked at the man and then said." Can't you see? The set of clothes he is wearing, is one that requires a tailor to customize it, ah, just this set alone would cost hundreds of thousands, and that watch of his, the Rain Zither, and millions, I didn't see his car, but with that outfit, do you think there's any money? "    


The woman seemed to understand all of this very well. However, from her words, one could tell that she herself did not have much money. Thus, she was able to come up with some ideas.    


Her companions did not seem to find it strange that she knew about it. However, after hearing these words, they did not question it. They simply nodded their heads, indicating that they knew.    


"You don't need to think too much. A man like him is at most just playing. If you were to be with him, wouldn't you be dumped then?"    


The girl turned around and continued to look at the man in front of her. Then, she directly said to her.    


"What does that have to do with it? It's just a matter of getting what we need from each other. We're all just playing around, and we all know it very well. We don't need to know that much. We can just disperse when the time comes."    


When the woman heard this, she shook her head in an unconcerned manner before speaking.    


The tone of her voice was filled with the intention of seeing through her words, causing the crowd to look towards the girl speechlessly. Although this was the truth, they still felt somewhat awkward hearing such a woman speak.    


The woman looked at these people and glanced indifferently at them, not paying them any attention. She was already used to looking at them, so she didn't care at all at this time.    


In fact, there was nothing much to pay attention to. Since the other party had said so directly, if they continued to look at him, then perhaps he would jump out and give them a good beating.    


Being treated like that by a woman was an extremely embarrassing and embarrassing thing to do. There was probably no one who wanted to do such a thing.    


Thinking of this, everyone started to look towards that man. This guy, anyway, he was thick-skinned, so there was no need for them to worry. This guy would turn angry from embarrassment.    


When they thought of this, the crowd continued to look. They wanted to see if the lady that the other party was pursuing would come down or if she would be sought after by such a method. This was something that they were curious about.    


In addition, what they were more curious about was the girl the other party was chasing after. Who exactly was it that could cause the other party to put in such effort? She should be an extremely beautiful woman, right?    


Under the gazes of the crowd, the man was filled with love as he looked towards the top of the building. Upstairs, at this time, it was already filled with women as they stuck their heads out and looked at the roses below. There were all kinds of romantic scenes.    


Some among them were extremely looking forward to it. If this man came to find them, they would definitely go down immediately. At that time, there would be many envious gazes that would gather on them.    


It could be said that any random name of the man below would make them and everyone else envious. However, they knew clearly that the probability of this man calling them was too small.    


After all, they already knew what kind of person they were. If men like them were able to have their eyes on them, then they wouldn't have to stay here anymore. There were already people who invited them out.    


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