Top Immortal Emperor in the City



Towards her little sister, she was speechless. It was because her little sister wanted to go up and strike up a conversation with her.    


In her heart, she was slightly anxious as she quickly pulled down her little sister.    


"What are you doing? You're just running over there now? "    


Bai Xue looked at his little sister and was completely speechless.    


Was there a mistake? If he went up like this, the other party would know what his little sister meant.    


At that time, she would be his little sister, and she would be the one taking the initiative. She reckoned that if this man was a little bit more powerful, then she would be his little sister and would be at a disadvantage.    


Thinking up to this point, she naturally would not allow her little sister to go up like this.    


No matter what you say, it is necessary, it is to have a good plan, and not to mention, going up like this, after the meal, he started to talk with Heng Yanlin, it was to talk about these things.    


If that was the case, with his little sister's abilities, he reckoned that she would be deceived by this man even if only after a few days had passed.    


It was most likely shaken off after Heng Yanlin finished playing with it.    


That modesty looked at his little sister and pulled him down. Immediately, he felt puzzled and looked at his little sister.    


"What's wrong? If we don't go, then I'll probably be here to get the contact information. It's all gone."    


Qian Qian looked at her little sister with a puzzled expression. She then directly asked, and her tone was filled with dissatisfaction.    


She didn't want to see the person she was interested in, and she let go of this opportunity. Right now, her little sister was trying to stop her, so she was naturally confused and a little dissatisfied.    


It was at this moment that Bai Xue heard the tone of her little sister.    


She immediately rolled her eyes. Wasn't her little sister a bit too stupid?    


She didn't even bother to look at what she had done. What was she planning to do by running straight over?    


He had said those words to her a while ago, but they were all gone. Would he remember them now?    


Thinking of this, she was filled with helplessness. However, even so, what could she do? She did not even look at the woman beside her. She was her good sister.    


No matter what, she could only tolerate it.    


If you go up like this, then others will know that you have been attracted by him. At that time, you will be in the passive position at the beginning.    


At that time, if the other party were asking for something, it would be difficult for his little sister to stop him.    


She believed that whatever the other party wanted to do, she would agree to it. It was so that she could keep Heng Yanlin here.    


Thus, when he thought of this, he looked at the person in front of him and shook his head.    


In that case, as long as it was Heng Yanlin, she would have some tricks up her sleeve. Her little sister would belong to him, and would definitely be devoured by him.    


"How is that possible? From the looks of it, he doesn't seem to be like that."    


At this time, that Qian Qian also calmed down a bit, and after looking at Heng Yanlin, she started to hesitate, and then, taking it for granted, she started to speak.    


Hearing those words, Bai Xue immediately shook his head helplessly, and then looked at her unhappily.    


"You saw so many things before, but you still didn't know?" Moreover, have you never seen something like this before? "    


Bai Xue looked at his own little sister, and was completely speechless.    


Her little sister had taken a fancy to that guy. She was helping him, taking him down. That meant she was fine with it.    


As for pulling down her little sister at this moment, she would make a move, help her little sister, and then eat that man until he was dead.    


How was it necessary? At this moment, she was taking the initiative.    


That modesty took a glance at the little sister beside him, and then he thought about what had happened before, and nodded his head lightly.    


"Then what should we do? "If we don't go up, then we won't be able to get the contact information. I'm guessing we won't be able to see him even if we do."    


That Qian Qian glanced at the people in front of her and then said with a puzzled expression.    


At this time, if she did not go up, she would probably need to contact someone before they left. She did not even know how she got up there.    


If that was the case, this time, it would be a little bad. When the time came, he would just disappear.    


Bai Xue glanced at that modesty, and nodded.    


"At this time, we naturally need it. We need to move forward, we need to test it out. However, as long as the opponent has a chance, we won't use it. So, let's take the initiative."    


Bai Xue looked at Heng Yanlin, and saw that he was still motionless, and said this.    


Let's not talk about the rest of the matters, but at this time, if they did not make the slightest movement, even if Heng Yanlin left directly, he would probably not have noticed them.    


Therefore, at this moment, she knew if she needed to take the initiative on her side.    


However, he only needed to take the initiative at the beginning.    


As for the rest, there was no need.    


Thinking to this point, she took a glance at Heng Yanlin, and then gently waved at the waiter.    


When the waiter noticed the situation over here, he immediately walked over. Bai Xue spoke softly to the waiter and then nodded at Heng Yanlin.    


After a moment of understanding, the waiter nodded his head and turned to leave.    


After a moment, he returned to the cabinet.    


"Bai Xue, this move, will it work?"    


Qian Qian, who was at the side, listened to what she had just said.    


At this time, after he glanced at Heng Yanlin, he said this sentence and started to feel a little uneasy.    


If that didn't work, then it would be a bit terrible.    


That was to say, she had become a bit cautious and afraid at this moment. This matter had been messed up.    


Bai Xue, who was at the side, rolled his eyes helplessly when he heard this.    


Truly, this little sister of hers, this person was not even in her hands yet, and just like that, she continued to pay attention to Heng Yanlin.    


At that time, Heng Yanlin would be together with his little sister. He didn't know whether or not he would be abandoned or not.    


"Don't worry. Even if they are ugly men, they will betray us. It is just that they do not have the chance. Now that we have given this man an opportunity, he will make his move."    


That Bai Xue, was actually speaking with extreme confidence at this time.    


She felt that she understood that man rather well.    


Therefore, at this time, looking at Heng Yanlin filled her confidence. She believed that as long as she made a move, Heng Yanlin would still be completely devoured.    


When Qian Qian heard these words, she immediately nodded her head. It was already this time, so she only wanted to listen to what her sister had to say.    


What else could they do?    


Moreover, she felt that her little sister was right. Sometimes, if a woman was too proactive, it would be a tragedy.    


Therefore, he was just letting them be. They were his own little sisters, and thus, he had begun to arrange things.    


Heng Yanlin, who was at the side, did not pay any attention to him. He did not know that he was being watched.    


The people that had set their sights on him were a pair of girls.    


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