Top Immortal Emperor in the City



After completely wiping away the three experimental bodies, Heng Yanlin heaved a sigh of relief. He then kept all the steel needles and placed them at the side.    


Heng Yanlin then walked over to experimental body # 1, condensed a trace of Spiritual Energy on his fingertips, and then used it to engrave the Spiritual Energy into the depths of the experimental body's brain. Then, he carved the rest of the experimental body into the Spiritual Energy.    


After he finished his work, Heng Yanlin directly snapped his fingers, and those few people who had their eyes closed immediately opened their eyes at this time, causing the hearts of everyone around him to tighten.    


The eyes of Number One and the others were simply too strange. Although they were not dead fish, there was not a trace of emotion in their eyes. Some of them were cold and lifeless.    


At this time, even Commander Wu and Geng Yongqiu were extremely shocked. From a scientific point of view, they who had already become vegetable, how could they open their eyes?    


But just as Heng Yanlin had snapped his fingers, the three of them immediately opened their eyes. Even though it was somewhat unbelievable, it had truly happened right under their noses.    


"Commander Wu, come over here for a bit."    


Heng Yanlin turned his head, and looked at Commander Wu, and then beckoned for Commander Wu to come over, upon seeing this, Commander Wu did not hesitate, and immediately fell with big strides, arriving in front of Heng Yanlin.    


"From now on, you will be number 1, number 2, and number 3."    


Heng Yanlin was too lazy to give them any names either, as he directly added the previous number. The expressions of the few people by the side were a little strange, as they didn't know what Heng Yanlin wanted to do.    


However, the reaction of the experimental body, which had already turned into a vegetable, caused everyone to jump in fright.    


"Yes, I'll be number one (2, 3) from now on!"    


Hearing Heng Yanlin's words, the three people at this time, directly revealed those words that did not contain a single trace of emotion from their mouths. At this time, their eyes were directly looking at Heng Yanlin.    


The soldiers by the side subconsciously raised their weapons when they heard these three people's words. If it wasn't for the fact that these three people didn't have any intention of attacking them, they would have already started to get impatient and prepared to shoot.    


He had fought with these three men before, which resulted in these soldiers still having some fear in their hearts when they saw these three men. Thus, having this kind of reaction was completely normal.    


Heng Yanlin turned a blind eye to their reactions. They had already wiped away their divine sense, so what kind of waves could they possibly cause?    


"In the future, this person will be your master. You will all listen to his orders, understand?"    


After the three experimental subjects heard this, their bodies suddenly trembled, and after that, they turned their heads in a daze, and said to Commander Wu who was at the side: "Master!"    


Commander Wu was at a loss for words when he saw this scene. Even though he had experienced many storms, he was still a little frightened by the scene before his eyes. This was to directly erase someone's consciousness and then have them recognize him as their master? Isn't this too weird and too overbearing?    


"This ?"    


Commander Wu was not used to it in the end, so he turned his head to look at Heng Yanlin, waiting for his response.    


"The consciousness of these three people has been erased, I just entered a message for them, from now on they will listen to your orders, if you want to order them to do anything, just order them to do it, but if they can understand your orders, you need to test them yourself and see how far you can go."    


Seeing Commander Wu turning to look at him, Heng Yanlin immediately waved his hands, and said.    


Hearing Heng Yanlin's words, Commander Wu slightly nodded his head, only thinking about how the three of them addressed him, his heart still felt a little awkward. He immediately looked at the three of them, and spoke in a probing tone.    


"Call me Chief from now on, don't call me Master."    


"It's the head!"    


Hearing Commander Wu's words, the three experimental monsters immediately responded. With such an obedient appearance, if not for the extremely stiff tone, Commander Wu would have thought that they were all alive and well.    


Seeing the high level of consciousness of the three people, even Geng Yongqiu had a hint of astonishment in her eyes. She never thought that after Heng Yanlin had erased their consciousness, the three people would still retain such high levels of intelligence.    


The soldiers who were watching from the side felt chills run down their spines when they saw this situation. They had never seen something like this before, but seeing it happening right in front of their very eyes made their hearts tremble.    


Just think of your original body, which originally belonged to you, directly getting rid of you, and not just killing you out of the blue, but erasing your consciousness, then making you listen to a person's orders with more loyalty than a dog. This made them feel a chill just thinking about it.    


Fortunately, this person was from their faction. The two people whose consciousness had been erased earlier were merely experimental individuals who had lost control. Therefore, when they thought of all this, they quietly sighed in relief within their hearts.    


If they were the enemy's people, they would definitely be unable to sleep and eat in peace. If they were to be captured in the future, they would suffer this sort of thing.    


Although Commander Wu was currently afraid and shocked, thinking about how this man had just killed so many of his soldiers, his heart calmed down a little. Then, looking at the experimental monster in front of him, he said.    


"Stand up and walk a few steps in front of me."    


When Commander Wu's words fell, the three experiments immediately stood up, they stood up from the seats, and the ropes on their bodies were immediately snapped at this moment. It was evident that these things were not enough to bind the three of them.    


The soldiers by the side swallowed their saliva at this moment. Although they knew that what they had just used was of no use, they still felt their hearts tremble when they saw that the rope was broken as though it could not withstand even a single blow. These three fellows were truly too violent.    


Although Commander Wu felt that these three guys had heaven-defying strength, with Heng Yanlin by his side, he was able to suppress the fear in his heart.    


With Heng Yanlin's strength, if he wanted to hurt these three people, even if their consciousness had not been erased, with Heng Yanlin's presence, it was impossible for the three of them to hurt him.    


Thus, when Commander Wu saw the three of them walking towards him, there was a hint of happiness in his eyes. With such a heaven defying strength in front of him, some missions would be a lot easier to arrange, and even if he died, it would not be a pity.    


Thinking to this point, a hint of pity flashed across Commander Wu's eyes. Of the two people Heng Yanlin had killed before, if they were able to survive, he would have added two more helpers!    


The strength of these two individuals was extremely valiant. Therefore, if these two people were included, they would be able to guarantee a perfect completion rate when they go out on a mission.    


"Sigh, those two experimental monsters just died too late."    


When Heng Yanlin heard him, he looked at him directly, but did not say anything. Commander Wu was not blaming him, he was just saying it like that.    


However, Heng Yanlin did not speak, and Commander Wu seemed to have thought of something, his eyes suddenly lit up, and then, he opened his mouth and said, "Oh right, since Heng Yanlin has that kind of ability, why don't we get some prisoners or something, then inject some gene medicine into them, and erase your consciousness, what do you say?"    


If this was possible, then Team One would definitely be loyal and powerful soldiers would appear in the army.    


In any case, they were only death row prisoners, so there was no need to conduct any experiments. If they were able to exert their remaining heat in the end, it would be a pretty good result.    


After Heng Yanlin heard this, he looked at him helplessly, then shook his head and said, "This matter will happen once or twice, there's no problem, but if you want to use this to create a team, that's fine, since you're in a mood to do so, why not go and experiment a little more, and see if you can produce a better gene medicine?"    


Originally, Heng Yanlin did not think too much about it, but since it was mentioned, he decided to help. It was just like what Commander Wu said, to directly create more of these experimental monsters, Heng Yanlin definitely could not agree to it.    


These five experimental monsters, they did not know that such a result would occur, causing the five people to start killing immediately. This was already because they had lost a lot of consciousness, so it was not a problem for Heng Yanlin to erase their consciousness.    


However, if it was like what Commander Wu said, and wanted to create such a thing, then it would be a matter of heaven's wrath. Even if these people were ferocious, they could be done as long as they were killed.    


Pulling out all of these people and erasing their consciousness, then treating them as puppets would definitely harm the heavens and the earth. This kind of thing, Heng Yanlin had to follow and comply with it a little.    


The five people from before were purely an accident. Heng Yanlin never had such thoughts, which was why there were so many differences in their natures.    


Hearing that Heng Yanlin had directly refused this matter, although Commander Wu was a little disappointed in his heart, he still heaved a sigh of relief. At the very least, Heng Yanlin's intentions were very clear.    


If Heng Yanlin was allowed to use such reckless methods, he reckoned that things would not be so peaceful in the future. However, with Heng Yanlin's strength, there didn't seem to be a need for him to do so.    


However, what he had said just now was not Commander Wu's attempt to probe Heng Yanlin. He only felt that if there was such a team, then he would be able to obtain some protection in the future for some of the more dangerous and difficult missions.    


However, this wasn't something that he could decide alone. When this matter was reported to the sect, it would probably be rejected in the end.    


"There are some orders for this experimental body that I don't understand. When the time comes, you can have a few people follow them and complete the task together. As a result, some of the orders will be executed perfectly well."    


Heng Yanlin looked at the three experimental monsters, and directly suggested this to Commander Wu. As the leader, Commander Wu could not do this personally, but he could send some people to do this mission together, so he was not afraid that this mentally retarded experimental monster would do some unexpected things.    


Hearing Heng Yanlin's words, Commander Wu nodded his head immediately, accepting Heng Yanlin's suggestion. He naturally understood Heng Yanlin's meaning, if the mission was too complicated, and only send the three of them out, at that time, the mission would have an unexpected change. If he wanted to control them, he would not be able to do so.    


"These experimental monsters can temporarily listen to the orders of others, right?"    


Commander Wu suddenly thought of this question and asked Heng Yanlin. Only after Heng Yanlin nodded in agreement did he relax.    


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