Top Immortal Emperor in the City



The next day, when Heng Yanlin woke up, when he opened up the tent, the snow outside had almost buried his tent.    


Heng Yanlin walked out and stretched his body. He had been listening to the sound of snow falling on the tent all night, and was actually enjoying the sound, thus he slept extremely well this time.    


Heng Yanlin squinted his eyes. When he looked outside, it was already a vast expanse of white, and the trees were covered with a thick layer of snow. That kind of pressure, if the wind blew a little, the snow would fall.    


The footprints from last night, as well as the footprints from the wolves and the bonfire, were all concealed.    


Heng Xiulin tidied up a little, and after putting away all the tents, he looked around, and then towards a direction and quickly ran ahead.    


After a while, Heng Xiulin's footsteps started to slow down, and the current him was already slowly moving deeper into the Greater Khingan Range. Furthermore, the place Heng Xiulin chose, was a place where there were very few traces of people, so in this kind of place, searching for the medicinal ingredients was undoubtedly much more useful.    


It was just that last night, there was a layer of thick snow that covered this area and covered everything underneath. Looking at it now, it was completely white and it was simply impossible to find medicinal plants like this.    


With Heng Yanlin's current realm, he would also be able to obtain a certain level of consciousness. As long as he swept his gaze to his side, he would be able to confirm whether or not there were any medicinal herbs.    


However, the current Heng Yanlin had not covered a lot of space with his divine sense. Adding on to that, those medicinal ingredients did not have any Spiritual Energy, so it would still take a certain amount of time for his divine sense to spread outwards.    


However, compared to an ordinary person, this was much better. After all, if it was an ordinary person, they would only be able to look at this kind of snow without being able to do anything. Only an experienced person with a lot of experience would be able to identify where there were medicinal ingredients.    


Seeing that, Heng Yanlin did not hesitate any longer and directly opened his mind, following that, the scene all around him immediately appeared in his mind. At this time, Heng Yanlin directly closed his eyes, and then slowly walked forward.    


As he walked, the surroundings seemed to appear in Heng Yanlin's mind. Under the accumulated snow, there were some small grass that were being pressed down, and some other insect ants, etc. After sweeping through them, he did not find anything.    


A young man who was carrying a big bag on his back walked forward. The strangest thing was that, he had not opened his eyes from beginning to end, but Heng Yanlin had never bumped into a small rock, or perhaps a tree.    


After a long while, Heng Yanlin suddenly opened his eyes, and his gaze swept underneath a small tree. At that place, he seemed to have found a medicinal herb, but he was not sure what kind of herb it was.    


Seeing that Heng Yanlin did not hesitate, he walked over with large strides, and then slowly swept away the snow on the ground, and when the situation was right in front of him, Heng Yanlin immediately sighed.    


In front of him was a stalk of Ginseng, which was tens of years old. With a few tens of years of supply of Barbarian Ginseng, he would be able to sell it for a good price, but Heng Yanlin did not lack this amount of money.    


If he kept it, it would be hard to grow it into a 100-year-old ginseng. Then someone would pick it and sell it, and the money would be exchanged for the lives of his family, or maybe this ginseng would save some people.    


When Heng Yanlin arrived, he would always have some merit. Cultivators fought for everything, and no one would complain if they had too many merits.    


At that moment, Heng Yanlin brushed off the snow and covered the medicinal ingredients again, so that the ginseng would not be bitten again. Then, he stood up and continued to walk forward.    


After walking for more than an hour, Heng Yanlin suddenly stopped, turned left, and stopped under a tree to the side. After that, he brushed away the snow on the ground with his hands and an extremely bright red grass appeared in front of Heng Yanlin.    


That grass was extremely strange. Even though it was winter and the ground was covered in snow, three flowers had grown from the roots of the grass.    


"Flowery Grass!"    


Seeing this, Heng Yanlin's face immediately lit up. He never thought that he would actually be able to find such a medicinal herb in such a place. As the name implies, this herb seemed to grow within flowers.    


Three flowers formed a shape under the roots, wrapping themselves around the herb in the middle. If they were older, then seven flowers would grow out and surround the herb.    


However, even though there were only three flowers in the flower herb, it was still worth three hundred years, and this quantity was enough for Heng Yanlin to accept it. Heng Yanlin did not stand on ceremony as he directly extended his hand and picked all of the herbs in the flower herb.    


When Heng Yanlin picked the medicinal ingredients, the flowers below instantly wilted. Heng Yanlin was not surprised by this, after he picked the ingredients, he continued to walk forward.    


Having just obtained a stalk of medicinal herb, Heng Xiulin was extremely happy in his heart. In the period of scouting, he seemed to have become much lighter, but after a while, Heng Yanlin found another stalk of medicinal herb.    


This time, the medicine was the Impermanence Dew. Although the age was not as much as the flower grass from before, the hundred years of medicine was enough for Heng Yanlin to use. Heng Yanlin was in a great mood to see this.    


Although the Spiritual Energy was not enough, it was still a rare place with many medicinal ingredients. In this way, Heng Yanlin could directly feel that he had come to the right place, and in this kind of place, it was likely that he would have enough medicinal ingredients to prepare all of his formulas.    


After collecting the ingredients, Heng Yanlin did not linger, and continued to walk forward, and the more Heng Yanlin walked ahead, the more ingredients he would encounter.    


After a while, Heng Yanlin felt that countless of medicinal ingredients had appeared at his side. Seeing this, Heng Yanlin was naturally overjoyed, and after that, without stopping, he began to move his body away from the accumulated snow, in order to check what kind of medicinal ingredients were there.    


As for the medicinal ingredients that were useful to him, and those that were of an advanced in age, Heng Yanlin would collect them immediately after. There were a few that weren't useful and of a low age, but Heng Yanlin didn't even move from the spot.    


There were a few medicinal ingredients that were actually useless to Heng Yanlin, but they were gathered after hesitating for a while, so he decided to use them. Although he had no use for them, he might not be able to use them after that.    


In this kind of place, it was always a good thing to have a few years' worth of medicinal ingredients in one's hands. In the future, if there were any accidents, these medicinal ingredients would be enough to save someone from a difficult situation or increase one's cultivation.    


Just like this, he continued sweeping through the list of medicinal ingredients. In just a short period of time, Heng Yanlin had already packed dozens of medicinal ingredients, and his harvest was extremely good. Heng Yanlin also secretly heaved a sigh of relief in his heart.    


When Heng Yanlin was searching for the medicinal ingredients, he also encountered a few funny things. When Heng Yanlin was collecting the medicinal ingredients, not knowing where the wild wolves came from, but they had actually been following him from far away. Because they had been following him since he smelled his scent the entire time, and because he was too weak, they were not able to pose any threat to Heng Yanlin, Heng Yanlin did not notice.    


When the wolf sneaked behind Heng Yanlin, and saw his back to him, it couldn't wait and immediately pounced on him. When Heng Yanlin turned around, the wolf was immediately shocked.    


Last night, when Heng Yanlin's Profound Spirit Qi spread out, it was compared to a normal person's, the security was different, so it could only remember Heng Yanlin's Spirit Qi, but it did not know, that the person it followed for so long, was actually the person from last night.    


Seeing that, the wild wolf immediately fell, while Heng Yanlin was not releasing his Qi, so it was still able to stand. It immediately turned its head, and immediately fled with its tail between its legs.    


Seeing this situation, Heng Yanlin immediately pointed his finger and killed the wild wolf. After that, Heng Yanlin immediately walked forward and tied up the wild wolf's hind legs, and then tied them up behind his backpack.    


At this time, the sky had already darkened. Originally, Heng Yanlin was still worrying about what he would eat tonight, but the wild wolf had appeared right in front of him.    


Heng Yanlin dragged the corpse of a wild wolf and slowly walked towards the front, then leisurely searched for medicinal ingredients. The group of wild wolves behind did not even see Heng Yanlin move, and saw that their own kind was already dead, and was still being dragged by Heng Yanlin. They immediately growled, and quickly ran.    


Before, they had felt that as long as he made a move, they could be easily killed. But they had absolutely not expected that Heng Yanlin did not even make the slightest movement, with the only thing he made being a slight movement, and he died.    


In this sort of situation, how could they not be afraid? The two of them already viewed this place as a forbidden area. After all, there were so many large areas here. They could not stay here any longer.    


Heng Yanlin did not care about what the group of wild wolves wanted to do, since it would do whatever they wanted,.    


Heng Yanlin walked forward, but after walking for a long time, the sky started to darken, and there was still no water flowing. Seeing this, Heng Yanlin sighed, but did not try to force anything, and directly set up camp.    


Heng Yanlin brought a pile of firewood, ignited the fire, and set up the pot. After making some snow inside, he waited for it to melt, and then, taking advantage of this time, Heng Yanlin directly set up the tent. Then, he threw the things that he did not need into the tent, making it much easier for him.    


Soon after, Heng Yanlin started to handle the wild wolf. Although there was no water flow, it was the same as the boiling water from the snow. Heng Yanlin skinned the wild wolf clean, and after he dug out all the food in its stomach, he started to burn all the things that were annoying to it.    


After confirming that it was washed clean, Heng Yanlin took out a clean stick and strung the wild wolves over it. Then, he placed them on the fire and started to roast them.    


Speaking of which, Heng Yanlin had not eaten this wolf meat when he was on Earth, but now he could satisfy his appetite. It was only because Xiong Heng Yanlin did not know what to do, and if he knew, he could actually give it a try.    


Thinking about it, Heng Yanlin shook his head again. The bear's body was simply too big, and he did not know how to kill it, so killing it like this was a pity. Thinking about it, Heng Yanlin immediately gave up on this idea.    


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