Top Immortal Emperor in the City



"What nonsense are you talking about? How could it be me?!"    


Wang Jiayi's face was ashen, he stared straight at Heng Yanlin, and said that, he had never thought that even though he was acting so stealthily, he could still see through it, and the most crucial point was, he had already erased all of the Evil Qi on, so how could see through it?    


Wang Jiayi was not clear in his heart, but he knew that he could not admit to this matter no matter what. Once he admitted to it, then he would be finished.    


"Oh, really? How did that bureau chief's baleful aura appear? And how did you coincidentally appear to help the bureau chief remove all of his baleful aura? "    


Heng Yanlin raised his eyebrows and sneered. Even though he did not know the specifics of the process, it did not stop him from understanding that not long after the bureau chief's baleful aura entered his body, the other party had appeared next to the bureau chief and helped him settle the matter.    


If there was no one to remind him, coupled with the fact that he was sent here and the other party helping him deal with it, there would be no one who would link the two together. After all, they were all in the dark.    


And right now, the bureau chief had received Heng Yanlin's reminder, adding on to the fact that they met, it was exactly as Heng Yanlin had said. It was a bit too much of a coincidence, causing a trace of doubt to arise in the bureau chief's heart.    


Not to mention the rest, he was completely fine. Why would there be such a strange thing? Normally, when he went in and out of the cave, he didn't go to such a strange place. Then, just like that, a baleful aura seeped into his body.    


Furthermore, it was a coincidence that Wang Jiayi had appeared. Not long after he met with this strange situation, he appeared, he would normally take a bus to and from work, and at that time, he had only invited someone out to eat with him, and that was when he met Wang Jiayi.    


It was because the things that happened to him scared him to death. Thus, before he could even say a few words, he was already convinced.    


But after hearing what Heng Yanlin said, he realized in shock that all of this was simply too much of a coincidence, so much that he himself began to suspect it.    


"What do you have to say for yourself? Was it you who brought me here?"    


The bureau chief looked at Wang Jiayi and said gloomily. Anyone who was tricked by someone and then pretended to be a good person to trick you would not have a good temper, the bureau chief in front of him was just like this.    


So when they looked at Wang Jiayi, their expressions became unfriendly.    


The most crucial point was that he himself did not say anything about it, and only Wang Jiayi knew that Wang Jiayi and Wang Jiayi were enemies, right? How could he possibly tell him about it? Therefore, his heart was already filled with limitless tendencies toward Heng Yanlin.    


"Don't listen to his nonsense. If I was the one who did this, why would I still save you? What do I want? During this period of time, have I accepted any of your money?"    


Wang Jiayi looked at the bureau chief and anxiously said, while Ruan Yichen who was at the side also had an extremely ugly expression on his face. He did not expect that the situation that he had planned for would be messed up by Heng Yanlin right now.    


Originally, when he took out his threat towards Mu Shishan, Mu Shishan had clearly been frightened, but Heng Yanlin had appeared out of nowhere, which caused his efforts to fall short! And now, the bureau chief was beginning to suspect them.    


Actually, you know best whether it is true or not. Regarding the construction site in Shilan Group, your companions have already mentioned about it, and it was you who did it. And then, you also said that you were going to deal with a single person.    


"As for what you said, it's not for nothing. Right now, why don't you call him over to negotiate with my Shilan Group and have him pressure you? After all, you have been thinking about that construction site for a long time, and compared to you meeting the bureau chief, it's been a long time since you met him.    


The corners of Heng Yanlin's mouth curled up slightly as he looked at Wang Jiayi and laughed coldly. The idiots in this world were also everywhere, and even he himself had been exposed, do you still want to quibble?    


That's right, the other party just said that he had such a method up his sleeve, and furthermore, he had to continue dealing with Heng Yanlin. Wasn't that the precedent set by him?    


Furthermore, it was just as Heng Yanlin had said, he did not have any plans for him, but right now, standing here, who would dare say that they were not planning something?    


Thinking of this, the bureau chief's face turned cold. He had never thought that the other party would actually think of him and fall for his trick!    


"All of you are doing very well. To actually use such a method against a public servant, you must be tired of living!"    


The Chief was so angry that he jumped up and down, pointing at Wang Jiayi, he scolded him.    


Wang Jiayi's face darkened, but since his current state was already seen through, and they had teamed up to say what they had just said, there was no way they could refute even if they wanted to.    


"How did you notice? The killing intent on his body has clearly been wiped clean. You shouldn't be able to tell."    


Hearing this, Heng Yanlin immediately sneered, and spoke with extreme disdain.    


"You are actually quite capable in drawing out the infernal energy here, but you are still an unranked character. Do you think that the infernal energy is easy to draw out, and can be easily expelled?" Even if you use a method, there is still a baleful aura around that bureau chief. Anyone with the slightest bit of experience will be able to see it. "    


"Nonsense! The infernal energy around his body has clearly been purged clean by me, how could there still be that! "    


Hearing Heng Yanlin's words, Wang Jiayi was instantly enraged, and immediately said coldly. He was extremely clear about his own abilities, so how could he believe Heng Yanlin's words!    


Whether you believe it or not is up to you. However, you just need to ask that bureau chief if he is really fine after you clearly understand the killing intent. Whether he sleeps everyday or not, his hands and feet will still feel cold.    


Heng Yanlin shook his head, he was too lazy to even talk to this fellow, the difference in strength was too big, the other party had an extremely low vision, he only thought that he was very strong, how could he know that he was just sitting in the well and watching the sky.    


The bureau chief at the side, when he first saw Wang Jiayi being exposed, was actually not guilty at all, or had any sort of strange expression, and only asked Heng Yanlin how he saw through it, causing the bureau chief to be extremely furious. He was the bureau chief, and was even tricked by this fellow, but this guy actually ignored him and asked Heng Yanlin a question!    


This caused him to be extremely furious in his heart, but before he could say anything, Heng Yanlin's words caused his hands and feet to go cold. Heng Yanlin had just said that he still had a baleful aura on him?    


Thinking of that, he immediately panicked. Although he was not clear what exactly that baleful aura was, it was definitely not a good thing because it could be used to kill people. How could it be a good thing?    


The most important thing was that Heng Yanlin was not wrong, although Wang Jiayi had confidently said that he had completely eliminated all of the key points, and although he was feeling a bit tired afterwards, he did not think about it.    


Now that he heard what Heng Yanlin said, how could he not know that it was true!    


"You didn't even purge my murderous aura, I won't forgive you!"    


He immediately wanted to make a call to let the people he knew. He wanted to capture this fellow and interrogate him properly. In addition, he also needed to clear out the baleful aura in his body.    


"You just need to make a phone call. I just want to know what crime you're using to capture me. Could it be that I'm helping you capture ghosts to scare you?"    


Wang Jiayi coldly looked at his opponent, not at all scared by his opponent's actions. How could someone with this kind of ability be afraid of a trick like this?    


"Hmph, I need to say something like that to catch you. I only need to use any excuse to catch you. Whether you are round, flat or not is up to you."    


Hearing this, the bureau chief immediately sneered and said. Although the other party was indeed a little strange, but so what? He didn't believe it.    


This guy had provoked him thrice in the past, which was already enough to incite his anger!    


"Then you can try. If I enter, do you think you will still be able to live?"    


Wang Jiayi was not afraid in the slightest. So what if the other party's power was monstrous? As long as the other party's life was in his hands, he was not afraid of the other party being able to overturn the heavens.    


"What do you mean?" The bureau chief's expression changed, as he questioned Liu Ming with an extremely ugly expression.    


"If I can draw out the baleful aura here once, then there will be a second time. You better figure out what you want to do."    


After Wang Jiayi finished speaking, he ignored the pale-faced Bureau Chief. The feeling of having his life in the hands of someone else was extremely bad, and this was exactly the feeling he was feeling right now.    


However, even if it was not good, so what? He could only endure because he was afraid of what that person said. If it was as he said, that person could still come once, then his life would truly be in danger.    


Heng Yanlin looked at the completely scared bureau chief, he was startled, then looked at Wang Jiayi with a strange expression, although the other party was not very strong, but his move was extremely powerful, to actually dare to threaten him like that.    


Although Heng Yanlin had this method, he did not dare use it, as he was afraid of being noticed by others. However, if it was someone like Wang Jiayi, it would be rather easy to solve the problem.    


However, this thought flashed through Heng Yanlin's mind, and disappeared without a trace, because to him, he had a long road ahead of him.    


For someone like Wang Jiayi, he would be able to suppress the bureau chief for now, but for him, Heng Yanlin could guarantee that he would be hated for that.    


But this is my problem, it has nothing to do with Heng Yanlin, "If you guys want to use your methods, just use it, I'll do it next."    


Heng Yanlin told Wang Jiayi and the others that he was leaving, and then waved to Mu Shishan and the two of them prepared to leave.    


"It's just a construction site. Do you really want to fight us to the death and end up with both sides injured?"    


Ruan Yichen saw that Heng Yanlin was preparing to leave, so he asked coldly.    


"Both of us were defeated? With just you two, or with just him? " After Heng Yanlin heard this, he pointed at Wang Jiayi and then asked, "A person who only knows how to activate his Qi, and can't even remove his Qi quickly, you want to fight me to the end? You think too highly of yourself. "    


Heng Yanlin sneered, and after he finished speaking, he and Mu Shishan left the place without even looking back.    


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