Perfect Super Natural Power

C320 Break Through the Heavy Encirclement

C320 Break Through the Heavy Encirclement

Cui Zhengpu was in his office handling the company's documents when the phone rang. The moment he pressed the button, the secretary's voice came in, "Director Cui, Meng De help is looking for you."    


"Send him in." Cui Zhengpu replied and then stopped.    


Meng Haoxuan walked in from outside. He looked at Cui Zhengpu and said, "Director Cui, what's the matter?" Haven't you read the news yet? "    


"What news?" Cui Zhengpu asked doubtfully.    


"Go ahead and search for Quick Read reading on the web." Meng Haoxuan sat down and directly said.    


"Quick Read reading?" Then, he started to search for Quick Read on the internet. After searching, he found a lot of news about Quick Read reading, and just by looking at the title, his entire face started to become abnormal.    


After browsing for a while, Cui Zhengpu couldn't help but frown. Although he already knew that Lu Yonghao wouldn't fall just like that, he didn't expect Lu Yonghao to be so capable, not only bringing in money, but also from their Zhengyuan Group's competitor, and the amount of money was quite large.    


"This guy!" Cui Zhengpu shouted, he had no choice but to admit that Lu Yonghao was indeed capable, with him doing this, even though Wei Qing had been building up his influence for a long time, but now the focus of the news was all on reading Quick Read.    


Meng Haoxuan noticed Cui Zhengpu's unpleasant expression and said, "He probably already had a plan. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been able to get such a large investment so quickly."    


"Maybe." Cui Zhengpu said: "But even if Quick Read Reading obtains such a large amount of capital, so what? It has to be known that their opponent has the absolute support of the entire company. The next step is to see who has the ability."    


Meng Haoxuan laughed, "Then Director Cui, do you think Lu Yonghao can create a new world in the future?"    


"It's hard to say." Cui Zhengpu said conservatively, "You have to understand that Lu Yonghao has the ability, and now that he has brought in the funds, he can completely compete with Wei Qing, and according to my calculations, Quick Read will have the upper hand in the battle between the two armies."    


Hearing Cui Zhengpu's words, Meng Haoxuan Yu said with a profound tone, "Is it because of Lu Yonghao?"    


Facing Meng Haoxuan's speculation, Cui Zhengpu couldn't help but laugh and say, "Yes, when the funds are about the same, the competition between the two companies is like comparing the strength of a leader. And on this point, even though Wei Qing is the president, my intuition tells me that Lu Yonghao has a better chance of winning."    


Meng Haoxuan could not help but turn silent. From Cui Zhengpu's words, he could hear Cui Zhengpu's approval of Lu Yonghao. In fact, not only Cui Zhengpu, even himself, but he also felt that Lu Yonghao was quite a capable person.    


While Meng Haoxuan was still thinking, Cui Zhengpu suddenly asked, "Haoxuan, if you're Lu Yonghao's opponent now, how do you think you're going to deal with him?"    


"It's hard to say." Meng Haoxuan said honestly: "I don't know much about Wireless Reading, so I can't make a judgment. But looking at the current hype, I feel that there's only one way to steal Lu Yonghao's limelight."    


"What method?" Cui Zhengpu asked curiously.    


"It's very simple, before this, the other party had already activated the media, before Quick Read reading. The entire media focus is now on Quick Read reading, while Wei Qing wants to attract attention only if he can use the appropriate strong measures, such as the super strong changes like free online games back then."    


When Cui Zhengpu heard this, he could not help but feel disappointed because he did not have a concrete plan. That was equivalent to saying for free. He said: "If that's the case, then let's not bother about this anymore. Let them fight."    


Meng Haoxuan couldn't help but become curious and asked, "Director Cui, are you saying that you don't want to deal with Lu Yonghao anymore?"    


"It's only temporary." As long as Liu Tie is in the Zhengyuan, I want to deal with him. But now that he has gone to the Quick Read realm, he is so far away, and furthermore, if I help Sun Tie now to deal with him, it would be fine as long as I can, but if I can't do it and he bites me, then it would be too much of a loss. As for Wei Qing, with Yan Zhengyuv paying with all his power, it might not be that easy for him to kill his way out.    


"Is that so?" Meng Haoxuan only felt that Cui Zhengpu had some far-reaching plans, but he wasn't the kind of person who didn't have EQ. From Cui Zhengpu's appearance, he knew that Cui Zhengpu didn't want to talk about the relevant matters, so he didn't ask, but directly talked about the main Large Item's related matters with Cui Zhengpu.    


On the other side, Wei Qing and the department members were watching Lu Yonghao's press conference. At this moment, Wei Qing's expression became ugly, he never would have thought that Lu Yonghao would have such great ability. He thought that Lu Yonghao's momentum was gone this time, but with Lu Yonghao doing this, it meant that there would be inevitable competition between them.    


After watching Lu Yonghao's press conference, Wei Qing stood up and said to the crowd: "Just now, Quick Read Reading Chairman's press conference, I believe everyone will know what this represents after seeing it. Now, I want to hear everyone's opinions."    


"Quick Read reading like this will pose a huge threat to our company. In my opinion, the most important thing right now is to develop our company and attract a certain number of users as soon as possible. Then, we can steadily move forward and think of a way to attract more customers."    


"That's right. Now that Quick Read Reading has received a powerful capital injection, we will inevitably enter into the product quality competition. The main channel is the product line, and the product is the king."    


As Wei Qing's voice faded, the heads of the various departments all brought up their own opinions. When Wei Qing heard what the crowd had to say, he frowned, and what they were talking about was just general discussion, what he wanted was to directly let his company take over the limelight, but for the time being, he did not have much of a way, since Lu Yonghao and the rest of them had already obtained a huge sum of money to read Quick Read, not to mention that they might not be able to read Quick Read with all their might, even if they could, Yan Zhengyuv would probably not agree to it.    


Wei Qing thought of Cui Zhengpu, but he did not ponder over it. Instead, he held the whole meeting.    


After talking about some related issues, the meeting finally ended. Wei Qing returned to his office and the moment he sat down, Wei Qing started to call Cui Zhengpu.    


After a few beeps, the call finally came through. Wei Qing, who had interacted with Cui Zhengpu several times, did not beat around the bush. He went straight to the point, "Director Cui, do you know about Quick Read reading?"    


"I found out not long ago." Cui Zhengpu replied.    


"Lu Yonghao is really capable, to actually be able to attract such a large amount of capital. Now that Quick Read Reading and our company's competition has become a foregone conclusion, I've called you to ask if you have any good countermeasures?"    


"Sigh!" Cui Zhengpu sighed, and said with emotion: "Chief Wei, when I called you earlier, I told you not to underestimate Lu Yonghao, look, now that you've verified my words, now that Lu Yonghao can say that the climate is ready, even if I wanted to help you, it would be because I have the heart to do so, but don't forget, no matter what, I am still a member of Zhengyuan Group, and now Quick Read has become an independent subsidiary of Zhengyuan, so I can't interfere anymore."    


"It's not that I didn't take your words to heart, it's just that while I was thinking about how to deal with Lu Yonghao and his Quick Read reading, he already came to this state, and even I was caught unawares by his actions!" It was also because he had been busy with the company's matters and was indeed unable to split up to deal with Quick Read Reading and Lu Yonghao. Otherwise, he would have acted immediately to stop Lu Yonghao's financing.    


Cui Zhengpu said, "Now that Lu Yonghao has brought in the funds, we can only go head to head against each other. But no matter what, you guys have a way, and I believe that with Boss Wei's ability, if he really does that, he will be able to compete with Lu Yonghao. Although I can't help you now, but as long as there's a chance and if it's possible, I will support you to the end."    


Although Wei Qing couldn't get any help from Cui Zhengpu now, but since Cui Zhengpu said so, it was worth it. He said, "Okay, then I will leave it to Director Cui. I hope I can get your help soon."    


However, he was happy because once this press conference was held, everything that was read by the Quick Read was back on track. Furthermore, the threat from Wei Qing's company had allowed him to start a new pace of reading the Quick Read, and now that the Quick Read was read as an independent company with a large amount of funds, he felt that everything was perfect, and the next thing to do was to show off his skills.    


At this moment, the phone rang. He picked up the phone and saw that it was Xu Dongsheng.    


Lu Yonghao knew that the reason Xu Dongsheng called him at this moment was because of the money he had brought in. He immediately picked up the call.    


"Yonghao, well done!" After the call, Xu Dongsheng's praising voice came over.    


Lu Yonghao slightly smiled, and said: "Elder Xu, not bad, now we are only allowing our Quick Read to read back to the starting line, and this is the true start."    


"Very good." Xu Dongsheng praised: "An ordinary person in your position would definitely feel proud, but you didn't, I believe you already have the appropriate plan, and now that Quick Read reading is an independent subsidiary, I don't care, in short, Yonghao, I'll wait and see!"    


Hearing Xu Dongsheng's words, Lu Yonghao was greatly encouraged. He said gratefully, "Elder Xu, don't worry. I will definitely not let you down!"    


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