Perfect Super Natural Power

C195 Gossypium

C195 Gossypium

However, Yan Zhengyuv was enraged, he did not object to the first condition that Lu Yonghao had raised, nor did he care, because the reason why he went to Quick Read was only for Chen Yan, but the second condition made him furious, why did he have to do so much? It was all for the sake of chasing after Chen Yan!    


How could he possibly agree to break off his relationship with Chen Yan with just a single word? However, Yan Zhengyuv did not say anything when his father was beside him. Instead, he waited for his father to speak.    


After thinking for a long time, Yan Zhengqun asked, "I wonder who Chen Yan is, as Mr. Lu mentioned?" At this moment, Yan Zhengqun had also placed Lu Yonghao on the same level as himself. Although Lu Yonghao's display of wisdom and strategy appeared somewhat immature, it had to be said that he had matured quite a bit. This made Yan Zhengqun have a feeling of cherishing his talent.    


"Chen Yan is my ex-girlfriend!" Lu Yonghao did not hide anything and continued, "She is the woman I love the most in my life. The reason for all these things to happen is because Young Master Yan's way is too shameless, so I had no choice but to do so. In truth, there is no right or wrong in saying this. It could only be said that the Dragon King's Temple was washed away by a flood of water, and the water was poured over the members of the clan. "    


Hearing Lu Yonghao's words, Yan Zhengqun looked angrily at his son. Now that the truth was revealed, he was humiliated multiple times for a woman. How promising! Even though Yan Zhengqun was furious, he knew that Lu Yonghao was not the one at fault. He immediately said: "No problem. I will agree to all your two conditions!"    


Hearing Yan Zhengqun's words, Yan Zhengyuv naturally couldn't accept it. He immediately opened his mouth and said, "Dad …."    


"Shut up!" Unexpectedly, Yan Zhengqun reprimanded him. He glared fiercely at Yan Zhengyuv and said, "I will deal with you tonight!"    


Seeing Yan Zhengqun and Yan Zhengyuv, Xu Dongsheng jumped out at the right time and said, "Alright, Old Yan, the child is still young. There are still many things that you don't understand. "Since the matter has been resolved, let's go have a meal. It's been a long time since the two of us had a drink. I believe you won't refuse, Old Yan, right?"    


"Hehe, of course not." Although he had some grudges in his heart, he still had to give face to his old friend. Yan Zhengqun then returned to his room to change into a suit before following Xu Dongsheng out of the house and into the car …    


The next day, Yan Zhengyuv came to Quick Read Chinese Website with a depressed mood. Anyone who passed by would be scared and not dare to greet him. At the same time, he wondered what was wrong with the usually smiling young master of the Yan family today, why did he have such a bad face.    


It was only when they saw Yan Zhengyuv packing up did these people understand what had happened. Yan Zhengyuv was about to leave Quick Read Chinese Website, so to speak, and was going to be expelled!    


They were all wondering, who was it that could do such a thing? They were very clear about Yan Zhengyuv's identity. The young master of the Yan family, the son of one of the biggest business tycoons in Beijing, who would dare to offend him so blatantly? Isn't that just trying to stir up some trouble!?    


Yan Zhengyuv packed his stuff gloomily as he scanned the surroundings. According to his thoughts, since he was leaving, he should be able to greet Chen Yan, right? Therefore, even though Yan Zhengyuv couldn't see Chen Yan, he wanted to drag it out until Chen Yan arrived!    


Just as Yan Zhengyuv's eyes were scanning the room, they suddenly shrunk when he saw Lu Yonghao and Chen Yan walking past them together. Yan Zhengyuv was amused and laughed, as if they were close. If not for the appearance of this man, Chen Yan would have already chased him long ago!    


What one could not get was always the best. They had never missed out on this saying. This was also the reason why even though countless people understood it, they still kept rushing forward, trying to get it!    


What he couldn't get was also beautiful. At this moment, Yan Zhengyuv suddenly came up with an idea: find Lu Yonghao and tell him that he wanted to stay. He would be safe in the future and not cause trouble or cause trouble for him! All of this was because he couldn't bear to part with Chen Yan!    


Although Yan Zhengyuv had this thought, he didn't carry it out because he couldn't put down his pride!    


He had always been high and mighty, so how could he do such a lowly thing? And even if he did, would Lu Yonghao agree? His father would definitely be furious and chase him out of the house to seal off all his finances!    


Yan Zhengyuv didn't want to live a life without money, so he didn't want to live it. Although he didn't try, he knew the pain of losing money! With a meal worth tens of thousands yuan, how could he eat without money? The cost of the oil was a few dozen yuan a day. How could he afford to burn it without money? With tens of thousands of clothes, how could he afford it without money?    


In this society, money was everything, so Yan Zhengyuv didn't want to lose money because of Chen Yan! Although he seemed to be extremely reluctant to part with Chen Yan, in front of money, he had no choice but to give up that trace of reluctance!    


There were hundreds of millions of flowers in the world. As long as they had money, why couldn't they pick them?    


It was a pity that reality was very cruel. If he wanted to pursue Chen Yan again, he would need Lu Yonghao to withdraw, but how could he get Lu Yonghao to withdraw? This was a big problem, if he did not get Lu Yonghao out, then everything would not be possible!    


Hey, I heard no, the new manager. Buying the Quick Read Chinese Website is to make use of the Quick Read to develop the software for reading mobile phones, I heard that the main company's Zhengyuan has also planted a sum, and it's not a small sum either. At least four digits or more, it's obviously going to be a huge sum!    


"Mm, I've heard this news too, but I don't know if it's true or not. After all, news that comes from nowhere may not be true at times, and the prophecy of doomsday has not always been passed on. The so-called doomsday has never been seen before, right?"    


"I'm afraid this news is not groundless!" The man looked around and saw no one approaching so he continued, "Isn't my relative related to Boss Liu? I also heard it from him, it can't be wrong! "Boss Liu is the boss of a large company, how could he possibly lie?"    


"Really!?" Our Quick Read is about to collapse, but now that we have been bought, although it's going to change, it's not that bad for us. We just don't know what this new boss is like, if it's someone who's too serious, I'm afraid our life won't be too good either! "    


If we have enough money one day, the two of us can leave the Quick Read. At that time, we can work together to set up a company, and not only can we not earn a lot of money, at the very least, we can eat and drink. There is no need to work all day and all night, we can only take that bit of salary!    


"Hmm, that's right!"    


While Yan Zhengyuv was deep in thought, two men who were passing by him and whispering to each other fell into his ears, not saying a word.    


When he heard these words, Yan Zhengyuv, who was originally deep in thought, suddenly felt that this was a breakthrough, and it was obviously impossible for him to personally step out. Furthermore, Yan Zhengqun had already ordered him not to cause trouble for Lu Yonghao, but since he couldn't do it, and his father was not willing, then it didn't mean that others couldn't!    


Thinking of this, Yan Zhengyuv's eyes lit up. If you won't come forward, then I can't either. But I still have someone else to help me!    


"Hmph, Lu Yonghao, I will definitely make you regret this!" After thinking it through, the frostiness on Yan Zhengyuv's face instantly disappeared and was replaced with a sneer. He looked at Lu Yonghao who was walking past with Chen Yan. A few fierce glints flashed across his eyes.    


Quickly putting away the things on the table, Yan Zhengyuv walked out of the Quick Read Chinese Website with his things and arrived outside the company. He then took out his phone, threw all the things into the trash can, found the number he wanted to call and called.    


"Hello, who is this?" A heavy male voice came over the phone.    


"Hello, it's Yan Zhengyuv." When Yan Zhengyuv heard the man pick up the phone, he continued: "Are you free today? I'll treat you to a meal. "    


"Yeah, it's you." Hearing Yan Zhengyuv's words, the man on the other side of the phone pondered for a moment and said, "Okay, where should we meet? I'll come right now! But hurry, I still have things to do, so I can't take up too much time. "    


"No problem, no problem!" Yan Zhengyuv said, "There's no need to hold you up for too long. I'll go to Keda to wait for you. Give me a call when you get there."    


"En, ok, du … …"    


After putting the phone back in his pocket, Yan Zhengyuv turned around and left. After walking for a while, Yan Zhengyuv turned around and looked at the top floor with resentment in his eyes. One day, I will come back!    


Moreover, as the young master of the Yan family, he believed that he would definitely not reject Lu Yonghao. After all, in the future, all of his father's assets would be inherited by him.    


If he didn't want to be wiped out in the future, then he had to curry favor with Yan Zhengyuv right now. As long as he got the position of Yan Zhengyuv in the future, he would definitely repay him well.    


However, if they angered him, then in the future they would be without exception.    


As long as he was a smart person, he would definitely know the secret behind this. Therefore, Yan Zhengyuv was very confident that this person would help him because he was the young master of the Yan family!    


Thinking of this, Yan Zhengyuv couldn't help but feel proud. As a fuerdai, what's wrong with it? There were people to rely on. There was money to spend. There was a car to drive. There were women to chase. All the glory and splendor of life were gone. That was life!    


At the very least, in Yan Zhengyuv's eyes, this was life, an absolutely perfect life …    


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