Perfect Super Natural Power

C311 The Reality of Cruelty

C311 The Reality of Cruelty

Because of his training, even if he did not sleep every night, his mental state would not be affected. This was what he found out after planning the commercial with Meng Haoxuan.    


Later on, he also thought about whether he would be like this because he had fainted due to exhaustion. After learning about the power of his body, he recuperated accordingly and formed an immune system. Of course, no one could tell him that it was true.    


To him, he was completely self-taught in the field of cultivation. Although his cultivation had been improving, he didn't know anything.    


He really wanted to have a Master Teacher to guide him, but that was just a thought. He did not know how to find such a Master Teacher to help him, so he could only focus on cultivating his mental cultivation method, hoping that his cultivation would improve further, so that the super system of Xiaolv would be able to create a new manual.    


Because it was fine even if he didn't sleep tonight, after he came to the ward and sat for two hours, he told Chen Yan and the others to go back.    


Chen Yan and the others wanted to stay, but they couldn't stand Lu Yonghao's persuasion, so they went back to their residence.    


Lu Yonghao sat alone beside Chiang Huayue. He looked at the sleeping Chiang Huayue quietly and didn't know why, but the more he looked, the more he felt that Chiang Huayue was so beautiful. He remembered every single detail about living with Chiang Huayue, which made him feel very warm.    


Suddenly, he felt that if he married Chiang Huayue like this, they would be very happy in the future!    


However, he thought of Ye Hui. If he and Chiang Huayue were together, then what about Ye Hui? Ye Hui loved him, and he and Ye Hui felt very good together. More importantly, when the two of them were together, they were very passionate, but he and Chiang Huayue did not break through to the last layer. Perhaps, when they were together, it would be different?    


He didn't know what he was going to do. After thinking about it, he stood up and prepared to go out to buy some food to eat, as well as to let himself take a breather.    


After buying some food from the grocery store beside the hospital, Lu Yonghao returned to Chiang Huayue's room. At this moment, Chiang Huayue had woken up. She looked at Lu Yonghao and asked curiously, "Why are you here?"    


"My dear wife is hospitalized. Can I not be here?" The moment he said that, it made Chiang Huayue's expression turn unnatural. Chiang Huayue had thought of the matter between him and Ye Hui, which made her nervous. She was no longer able to flirt with him like she did with Lu Yonghao.    


Lu Yonghao noticed that something was wrong with Chiang Huayue's face. He couldn't help but to ask with concern, "Wife, what's wrong?"    


"It's nothing, I'm just a little tired. Can you go back first? I want to be alone." Chiang Huayue said seriously.    


He never would have thought that Chiang Huayue would say something like this to him. Although they moved to their new home with Chen Yan and the other girls and couldn't be as intimate as they were when they rented together, at least their relationship was still very good. But now, Chiang Huayue's attitude was completely different from his.    


He was thinking, has something happened to Chiang Huayue? But what happened to Chiang Huayue, how could Chen Yan and company not know! Besides, with Chiang Huayue's personality, she should've told him about it, but she didn't. Furthermore, Chiang Huayue's current attitude towards him was too weird.    


Suddenly, Lu Yonghao's entire body froze. A flash of lightning flashed in his mind, and he felt as if he was struck by lightning, because he remembered one thing, that was, when he and Ye Hui were getting close in the office, there was a sound coming from the outside. At that time, he didn't think much of it, but now that he thought about it, he felt that something was wrong.    


However, the problem was that he was no longer an ordinary person. After his training, his five senses had been enhanced, so that even if his hearing had become abnormal, it would at least not be able to produce hallucinations or anything like that.    


"Could it be that Chiang Huayue was there at that time?!" Lu Yonghao couldn't help but think this in his heart. He looked at Chiang Huayue beside him. If Chiang Huayue was there at that time, and if she had seen what had happened between him and Ye Hui, her current attitude towards him would have been acceptable.    


After Chiang Huayue finished her sentence, she realized how heavy it was and said to Lu Yonghao, "Yonghao, don't misunderstand. I'm just really uncomfortable and want to be alone."    


"Wife, if you want some peace and quiet, of course I have no problems." He said, "There's food here. If you want anything to eat, take it yourself. Also, if you have any problems, you can call me. I'll stay at the hospital."    


With that, Lu Yonghao didn't stay in the room any longer and directly left.    


This hospital was the hospital where Qi Tian and Zhao Yunmann were. It wasn't Lu Yonghao's first time here, so he was already familiar with the hospital. He asked people in the hospital where they picked Chiang Huayue up and found out that Chiang Huayue was hit on a street near Quick Read Reading.    


After confirming this point, Lu Yonghao called the customer service for Quick Read Reading and asked the manager of the company whether Chiang Huayue came back at night. Although Chiang Huayue was only a secretary, but she was also the secretary of the chairman of the company, and she was pretty, and she was usually with him and other important members of the company. Thus, people in the company naturally knew her.    


After Lu Yonghao's investigation, he found out a shocking piece of news. It was that Chiang Huayue did come back to the company at night.    


After getting this news, Lu Yonghao was almost certain that it was Chiang Huayue who had made the noise when he was intimate with Ye Hui in the office.    


What do we do now?    


Lu Yonghao said in his heart and sat on the seat beside him.    


All of a sudden, Lu Yonghao was in a mess.    


Just as Lu Yonghao was lost in his thoughts, a surprised shout came from the side: "Brother Lu!"    


Lu Yonghao looked towards the direction of the voice and saw Zhao Yunmann walking over.    


Zhao Yunmann was very happy to see Lu Yonghao, because she thought Lu Yonghao came to specifically look for her. It was a very simple reason, and it was the middle of the night, and Lu Yonghao was not in the ward, but sitting on a seat in the corridor. Lu Yonghao didn't come to specifically look for her, was he full?    


"Alright!" When Lu Yonghao saw Zhao Yunmann, he greeted her politely.    


Zhao Yunmann sat next to Lu Yonghao and chatted with him. She had been working hard recently, so when she saw Lu Yonghao, who thought he was looking for her, she was naturally in high spirits. That was why she talked so much.    


Lu Yonghao didn't think too much about it. Under Zhao Yunmann's words, he just agreed to it casually, but after a while, he started to chat with Zhao Yunmann. He forgot the worries he had just now.    


The two chatted for a while and Zhao Yunmann went off to work. Lu Yonghao quickly said, "Go do something, we'll talk next time."    


"That's not good!" Zhao Yunmann felt a bit embarrassed. She thought Lu Yonghao came to see her on purpose, and now that she was leaving after chatting with Lu Yonghao, she really couldn't accept it. She was thinking that it would be better for her to ask someone in the team to leave.    


"There's nothing wrong with that. How about this? Since you feel that it's not good, then you can treat me to a meal next time."    


"Sure!" Zhao Yunmann agreed directly.    


Lu Yonghao smiled and said, "That's good then. Alright, go back to your work."    


Seeing this, Zhao Yunmann didn't say anything else. After a few more words, she went back to her work.    


Watching Zhao Yunmann leave, Lu Yonghao suddenly realized that if he and Zhao Yunmann were to end up like this, it wouldn't end well!    


Suddenly, he thought of what Sister Qi had told him before, "Yonghao, it's not that Sister Qi said you, but you should pay attention to some things. Yunmann is a very innocent girl, I hope she won't get hurt."    


"Knowing and doing things are two different things. Sometimes, don't think that things are as easy and simple as you think. That's just wishful thinking."    


Lu Yonghao took out a cigarette from his pocket. He thought that the next time he met Zhao Yunmann, it would be best to keep a distance from her.    


However, what made Lu Yonghao happy was that after chatting with Zhao Yunmann, he had another achievement, and that was that he knew what he had to do.    


He felt that now that things had come to this point, even if Chiang Huayue hadn't seen him getting intimate with Ye Hui, he still needed to tell her everything that had happened. If Chiang Huayue didn't hate him because of this, then he would see what had happened. If Chiang Huayue looked down on him because of this, then his relationship with Chiang Huayue would naturally end here.    


Thinking about this, Lu Yonghao couldn't help but think about it. Honestly speaking, he and Chiang Huayue had been together for a long time, and they already had feelings for each other. Now that they separated, it made him feel awkward.    


However, when he thought about how he would have to make a final decision in this regard, he felt that it wasn't bad. If Chiang Huayue really wanted to cut him off like this, then he …    


Although he tried his best to look calm, he realized that he really didn't want to accept this fact. He realized that he also liked Chiang Huayue, otherwise, he wouldn't care so much!    


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