Perfect Super Natural Power

C327 Negotiate for Cooperation

C327 Negotiate for Cooperation

Zhao Yunmann sat opposite of Lu Yonghao. She looked at Lu Yonghao and felt that he was very handsome, but when she thought about what happened just now, not only did she feel that Lu Yonghao was handsome, but also mighty and caring. More importantly, Lu Yonghao still had the ability.    


"What are you looking at?" Lu Yonghao couldn't help but ask when he saw Zhao Yunmann staring at him blankly.    


"Look at you!" Zhao Yunmann almost blurted out her thoughts, but in the end, she forced herself to hold it in and said with a smile, "No, I just thought about what just happened. I feel very loving."    


Lu Yonghao couldn't help but laugh and said, "Why do I think that? It's no big deal, anyone with even a bit of a snack would do that. "    


"Who said that!" Zhao Yunmann objected vehemently, "In this society, you can say that the world is cold. Didn't you hear about helping an old lady to get a defendant? If something happens, many people will have a cold and detached attitude. "    


"Do you really believe this kind of thing?" Lu Yonghao laughed and said, "TV is always talking big. There is no mistake, there are a lot of people who don't save their own lives in reality, but this kind of person has existed since ancient times. It's not like it only exists today, but there is one thing you must remember, this world still has a lot of good people."    


Zhao Yunmann couldn't help but laugh. "I know. To be honest, despite your young age, you seem to be as long-winded as my father."    


If it was a normal day, Lu Yonghao would use the word 'nagging' to joke around. But now, he didn't have such thoughts anymore, because from what Zhao Yunmann said, he suddenly remembered that the main reason why he came to eat with her was to contact Zhao Yunmann's sales brother.    


With that in mind, he couldn't help but ask, "Oh right, did your dad sleep early?"    


"No, I don't usually go to sleep until around 12. All the men in my family sleep like this, they sleep very little, only six or seven hours a day. Unlike me, I can go from early to late at night if I can."    


Hearing Zhao Yunmann's words, Lu Yonghao suddenly became excited and suggested, "Since that's the case, why don't we eat some later and go to your house to pack up our stuff?"    


"What?" Zhao Yunmann cried out in disbelief. "You said you're not eating anymore and want to go to my house?"    


"That's right!" Lu Yonghao couldn't help but laugh when he saw Zhao Yunmann's exaggerated reaction. Honestly speaking, it was quite nice to see a beautiful woman with such an incredulous expression on her face.    


Zhao Yunmann said in a speechless manner, "Brother Lu, you can't be right? If we still have to pack up our food, then... "Then …"    


"I have a reason." Lu Yonghao didn't hide anything and directly said honestly: "It's like this, my company has some things that we want to discuss with your brothers. Since they aren't sleeping, I want to go and talk with them, I don't know if you've heard about our company, but one thing is for sure, our company is facing a serious challenge right now, time is money!"    


Your company is now very famous, and I have heard of some related matters. It seems that you are competing with some other company for the mobile phone Wireless Reading, and you made your Quick Read become an independent subsidiary of the Zhengyuan Group. Not only that, you have also attracted the venture capital of your group's competitors, and in these few days, you have come up with quite a few measures. She was very concerned about Lu Yonghao and naturally, she knew about Lu Yonghao's matters.    


Lu Yonghao smiled and said, "Since you know something about my situation, I wonder if you would be willing to take me to see your dad and your brothers?"    


However, after thinking about it, she felt that she shouldn't reject Lu Yonghao because this would make Lu Yonghao unhappy. Therefore, she nodded and reluctantly said: "Alright, but you owe me a favor. You must treat me to a big meal next time."    


"No problem." Lu Yonghao said without thinking. Then, after informing the staff at the restaurant, he packed up the large amount of food that he was cheering on and headed to Zhao Yunmann's home.    


When Lu Yonghao and Zhao Yunmann arrived at the Zhao household, Elder Zhao was reading the newspaper. As for Zhao Yunmann's two brothers, one of them was watching TV while the other was in the room.    


When Lu Yonghao and Zhao Yunmann arrived, Zhao Yunmann's brother who was lying in the room also came out to check on the situation.    


"What are you guys doing?" The Zhao Family people looked at Lu Yonghao and his partner, who came back with their big and small bags, and were filled with confusion.    


Zhao Yunmann explained, "Dad, Second Brother, Brother Lu said he wants to see you."    


"Looking for us?" Zhao Qingshu asked doubtfully.    


Lu Yonghao quickly explained, "I just wanted to discuss something with Yunjun and stopped by to see you. Elder Zhao, you won't disturb me, will you?"    


"What are you talking about?" Elder Zhao chuckled. "I'm glad that you came to see me."    


With that, he greeted Lu Yonghao and sat down.    


While Elder Zhao was greeting Lu Yonghao, Zhao Yunmann was very obedient. She arranged the corresponding food and took out the dishes and wine from the room.    


Looking at the dazzling array of food, Zhao Yunzhao couldn't help but laugh and say, "Yonghao, since you've come, why don't you buy so many dishes? You really know a lot about the personality of Chinese people."    


Although Zhao Yunzhao was just teasing him, Zhao Yunmann was unhappy. She spoke up for Lu Yonghao, "Brother, I have no such thing, Brother Lu and I are having dinner, but he thought about the company's matters, so he stopped eating. He is not as mundane as you think. Furthermore, he is a great character, is there a need to be so courteous to us? "    


"Aiyo, you still haven't gotten married yet, but you've already turned your elbow. When you get married, won't you be selling us out?" Zhao Yunzhao teased, making Zhao Yunmann unhappy. "Big Brother, what are you saying? You only know how to mock people."    


Zhao Qingshu laughed, "Alright, you two stop messing around. Little brother Lu is here, so don't let him see us as jokes."    


Lu Yonghao said, "No. Brother Zhao and Yunmann have such a good relationship. I can't wait to admire it."    


Zhao Yunjun, who was pouring wine beside them, turned to Lu Yonghao and said, "Yonghao, you're still looking for me at this late hour. Is it because of the new era's mobile phone sales that you guys are reading about?"    


To be honest, Lu Yonghao had to admit that all the people that did business were smart. Before he even opened his mouth, Zhao Yunjun already knew the purpose of his visit. He said, "You guessed right.    


Zhao Yunzhao, who was at the side, couldn't help but to become suspicious, "Yonghao, I've heard that new century mobile phone of yours has pretty good functions. Since we don't have a solar cell phone now, it's reasonable to say that it will sell well, right? Why did you have to trouble yourself to talk to Yunjun about the sales? "    


Zhao Yunjun laughed and said, "Big brother, you don't understand. Although mobile phones are good, but once they are out, it doesn't mean that they can be sold. They still need to be managed, otherwise, how can people like us survive?"    


"That's the theory." Lu Yonghao said: "Although our Quick Read reading phone has unique features, and has passed the test of quality, but to make it popularized, there still needs to be a process. More importantly, as you all know, our company is currently facing a strong competition, if we can seize the initiative, I will naturally not be slow."    


Zhao Yunjun said, "Yonghao, this is not a problem. In fact, even if you didn't come to find me, I would still have come to find you because I feel that your company's new century mobile phone is very marketable. As long as you supplement your sales channels, you will definitely sell a lot."    


"Fine, since second brother doesn't have any objections, why don't you go to my company tomorrow morning to discuss the details of the cooperation?"    


"No problem." Zhao Yunjun nodded.    


Zhao Qingshu, who was at the side, spoke up at the right time, "Yunjun, business is business, but don't forget the love of Little Lu."    


"Dad, don't worry. You don't need to say it, I will do it. Moreover, Yonghao and I are working together to make things convenient for me. Of course, I won't mess up my conditions."    


Lu Yonghao laughed, "Second brother, don't say that, business is business, as long as you earn money, I will definitely make you pay. Right now, to me, what I need to do is to pave the way for my future, sell my phone, but more importantly, it's Wireless Reading."    


"Actually, I feel like you're being very respectful towards your relatives. I believe that the company definitely lacks manpower. How about this, let my dad go to your company to do something. He's so bored at home." Zhao Yunzhao spoke at the right time. His words were immediately echoed by Zhao Yunmann, "That's right Big Brother Lu, is there any suitable position? If possible, let my father do something."    


"Naturally." Lu Yonghao answered directly, "But for the specifics, I'll have to go back to the company tomorrow to get a better understanding. For now, I really can't say for sure."    


Zhao Qingshu originally wanted to say that his children would trouble Lu Yonghao, but since Lu Yonghao agreed, he didn't say anything more. He said to Lu Yonghao: "Little Lu, there's no rush in this matter. You're managing such a big company and you have to face competition from other companies. You should do your own business first."    


"Elder Zhao, you're being too courteous." Lu Yonghao said: "When I first entered Quick Read, I was under your care."    


Zhao Yunmann, who was at the side, couldn't help but laugh, "Big Brother Lu, you're still saying that my dad is courteous. Big Brother Lu, you're still saying that my dad is courteous, aren't you? Well, we're all on the same side.    


"Right, right!" Lu Yonghao replied, then he picked up the glass of wine in front of him and said to Zhao Qingshu, "Come, Elder Zhao, let me toast you first."    


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