Perfect Super Natural Power

C312 Refractory Heart Disease

C312 Refractory Heart Disease

Lu Yonghao was very annoyed, he had been smoking in the corridor the whole night. For him, smoking was the only thing that could make his mood a little better, but it was only a little better.    


Emotions were the most complicated things in the world. The ancestors then said, "Ask what is love in this world, and it will lead to life and death. It is like flying from heaven to earth and flying from the north to the north."    


Dawn came. Although it was only early in the morning, there were a lot of people passing by. The place where Lu Yonghao sat was filled with smoke, which made people cast weird glances at him.    


Seeing this, Lu Yonghao didn't sit at the side anymore. Instead, he stood up and walked outside.    


The early morning breeze was very cold and made Lu Yonghao shiver. Lu Yonghao could not help but shiver, because he was no longer the same person as before, and the current him, after training, had become stronger in physical fitness, cold, hot, and other external factors, basically could not affect him anymore. The reason was very simple, his body had the ability to adjust itself because of the circulation of his power.    


Lu Yonghao looked at his body's functioning and found that everything was normal. This made him suspicious. Since his body's functioning was normal, there was no reason for him to be disturbed by the cold!    


As he thought about it, Lu Yonghao couldn't help but think of a little story he read while browsing through Buddhism on the internet. The story was about finding a buddhist master by himself, and he asked this master, why do I keep seeing things that don't exist, which make my life restless.    


The Master asked the man to look at the flag, then asked him what he saw. The Master asked the man to look at the flag, then asked him what he saw. The Master continued to ask, but he still said the flag was moving. Then the master told him that it was not the movement of the flag but the movement of the wind, just as he himself always saw something missing that made his life unsteady. The reason was that his heart was in turmoil, and as long as he could keep his mind as one, he would naturally no longer be affected.    


Thinking about this little story, Lu Yonghao realized that he was cold because of his messy heart.    


He couldn't help but think of his previous thinking about the Daoist principles of "the earth, the earth, the heavens, the heavens, and the natural".    


These words were the highest law in "Laozi" and were the foundation of all living things. One of the most important characteristics of the world is nature. The world has its own laws, and we do not need or need to create new and complex regulations to restrain ourselves. As long as we follow the rules, everything will go according to its original direction.    


"Laozi": "By the rule of a saint, the heart is hollow, the abdomen is weak, the will is strong, and the bones are strong. Try to be ignorant and without desire. The wise man did not dare to do so. If you do nothing, you will be cured. " And he said, "Absolute Saint abandons wisdom, the people reap a hundred times the benefits; the people repent the righteousness; the people return the filial piety; the robbers forsake the interest. All three were not enough. "This is why all elements are: humble, unselfish, and without worry."    


So Laozi designed the ideal blueprint for the people: from the monarch down to the common people with the natural, quiet lead. There is no dispute without desire. Therefore, this father does not agree with the Confucius' complex and benevolent way of thinking, because people themselves know how to do this. Humans' instinct is to survive, without interfering with each other, and their hearts are calm and without distracting thoughts, so there will be no conflicts. "A lot of the golden laws are bound together, but a lot of them are unfavorable." Dao "is the right path, desire and greed are the factors that lead us away, so the people of the monarch and official need to clear their hearts and have no desires to walk in the right path for a long time."    


Thinking this way, Lu Yonghao thought of Mencius' saying, "When the poor are good, the strong will help the whole world." Some scholars believed that this was a type of hidden spirit, but it wasn't. It was just a difference between a small world and a large world. When a person is poor or incapable, we should think about our own situation first. Safe living and happy work, in the environment of poverty and evil cultivation of the body, improve their own literacy has reached the goal of governing the world. No matter where he was, his heart was filled with the world, his heart with the country. The only difference was the area of effect. So what Mencius said was still an advocate for entering society.    


The birth advocated by the Taoists was a pleasant life away from politics, where there was "no bamboo, no hard work". Hidden, like the long jubilant, the Boyi. "The long, the long, the long, the long, the long, the long, the long, the long, the long, the long, the long, the long, the long, the long, the long, the long, the long, the long, the long, the long." There were also people like Dongfang Shuo who hid in the government. Any whim is unfettered by the world. in the pursuit of a respect for the freedom of individual life. Take Zhuangzi as an example: "Those who take wealth as their foundation, cannot let Lu; those who take obvious actions as their foundation, cannot let their name be given; those who have power as their parents, cannot let others have relations with them." "The fear of doing something, the sorrow of abandoning it, and nothing, in order to see where it does not stop, is the people of the Cave of Heaven." Zhuang Zi was contemptuous of wealth, power, and so on. He believed that he would lose his sense of freedom and self-satisfaction. Disregarding the way Zhuangzi lived in the secular world.    


Taoism gives people a spiritual liberation and paradise. Therefore, many scholars of Confucianism seek spiritual consolation in Taoism when they suffer repeated political setbacks and are frustrated    


Thus, when he returned to the original question, many scholars would go into seclusion due to the improper situation and their adherence to morality. In essence, they were influenced by the Taoists. The world is not enough, we are unable to save the world, so we choose to retreat into the forest, no longer in this muddy world. Returning to the "Dao" that he should follow, he had no desire to clear his heart, and was enjoying himself. People are always alive to think worry, worry, worry about danger, harm, too tired. Scholars who are held back by the secular world, scholars who are crushed by reality are willing to pursue the inner path of Confucianism, because Taoism seeks the tranquility of the heart, the freedom of life, and the calmness of the spirit. Confucian teachings with their benevolent, righteous and courteous, instructing the scholar for officials for the good, for the nation for the people. The Taoists provided them with the comfort and protection of their spirit when they were exhausted.    


Originally, the night's boredom had caused him to be in low spirits, but at this moment, he felt that he was in high spirits. He turned his head to look at the situation, only to see that his face was glowing, and not only had he regained his elegance, but also had a sense of tranquility and distance.    


Previously, he had comprehended some buddhist knowledge and it also had an impact on him, and now it was even more so, this made him feel that this martial art was too mystical, it could actually affect a person's mental state and spirit, no wonder the ancients always had the theory of longevity or the heavenly dao, now it seemed that it was not impossible.    


Thinking of this, he walked towards a breakfast shop near the hospital. He did not eat breakfast there, but bought some breakfast and then rushed towards Chiang Huayue's hospital room.    


Like Lu Yonghao, Chiang Huayue was also annoyed the whole night. She chased Lu Yonghao away, but she wasn't happy at all. Her mind was full of thoughts about her and Lu Yonghao, and her head was about to explode.    


She didn't know why, but she felt happy when she saw Lu Yonghao walking in early in the morning with breakfast in his arms. However, when she thought about the matter between Lu Yonghao and Ye Hui, her mood turned sour once again.    


"You're awake!" When Lu Yonghao came in, he said gently, "I thought you weren't awake yet."    


She didn't say anything because she didn't know how to face Lu Yonghao right now. To be precise, she wanted Lu Yonghao to be by her side, but she didn't know what to say to him, because as long as Lu Yonghao was there, the scene of Lu Yonghao and Ye Hui having a clandestine love affair would appear in her mind.    


Seeing that Chiang Huayue didn't say anything, Lu Yonghao, who put the breakfast aside, said, "Wife, actually, I didn't leave last night, but I've been sitting outside in the aisle. I thought about it for the whole night and felt that I need to say something to you."    


Chiang Huayue actually knew about Lu Yonghao being out all night because the nurse came to her ward to examine her. Because of this, the nurse mentioned to her that she was curious about what Lu Yonghao was going to tell her after hearing Lu Yonghao's words. She asked, "What?"    


"How can you say that?" Lu Yonghao said, "Let's start with Chen Yan's parents coming to Beijing. You know that she and I were once a couple, and although we broke up, there was a misunderstanding. In fact, I still have some feelings for her, and she has some feelings for us."    


Chiang Huayue didn't expect Lu Yonghao to say such a thing. This attracted her attention. She didn't interrupt Lu Yonghao, but lay on the side and listened carefully.    


Before this, I rented a place to live with you, and then I worked in Zhengyuan Group. Because there was pressure from outside in the group, I was able to seriously invest myself into the company, and that made my life very relaxed, relaxed, and fulfilling, but after Chen Yan and I progressed once again, I impressively had the thought of recombining with her, but in reality, during this period of time, I had always been together with you, and had been very happy. Similarly, in the company, I also liked Director Lee, and what I couldn't deny was that my relationship with you was pretty good.    


Listening to Lu Yonghao's explanation, Chiang Huayue did not say anything. She finally understood why Lu Yonghao had made her and Chen Yan feel a sense of estrangement. So it was like that. Because Lu Yonghao had no other choice, he chose to treat her coldly.    


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