Super Golden Eye

C561 Want to Make the Headlines Tomorrow

C561 Want to Make the Headlines Tomorrow

"Hahaha, did I hear it wrong? She actually threatened me! " Yachu was stunned for a moment, then he laughed loudly. "I'm not leaving yet. I want to see what you can do!"    


"You're courting death!" Kung Qianqian's temper could only be restrained in front of her family and Faang Yang.    


Little Devil Girl, who dominated the East Sea and was one of the top five experts on the Profound Ranking, had never been teased like this before. With a sway of her body, she had already arrived in front of Joseph. She threw seven punches at lightning speed and kicked eleven times!    


Although Kung Qianqian only wanted to teach Joseph a lesson and did not use her full strength, she still had sixty to seventy percent of her strength.    


Who knew that these seven punches and eleven kicks were like hitting an iron plate! Joseph did not move at all, but Kung Qianqian's own hands and feet were faintly hurting.    


Joseph provocatively waved at her. "Come on? Use some strength. Compete with a hole and use some more strength."    


"Bastard!" Kung Qianqian already knew that this fellow was not easy to deal with, but in front of so many onlookers, she could not lose the reputation of East Sea Little Devil Girl.    


Just as she was about to launch another attack, she was gently pulled back by Faang Yang. "What are you in a hurry for? Why is there a big man like me here? How can you let a girl go up and fight? Leave it to me. "    


Kung Qianqian knew that Faang Yang was afraid that she was not a match for Joseph, so he obediently retreated. However, with Little Devil Girl's nature, she naturally wanted to increase her sense of existence.    


"Silly big guy, didn't you want us to accompany you? Let me tell you, we are all this man's girlfriends! As long as you defeat him, we will all follow you, how about it? "    


Joseph was stunned and looked at Faang Yang suspiciously. "You must be lying to me! This kid is not as handsome as me. How can he have four girlfriends? Besides, don't you only have one wife here? "    


Cao Miaoyu immediately said," We only have one wife here, but there is no rule that we can have a few girlfriends, right? As long as we are not married, who can control us? "    


"Female heroes, please let us go. Don't tell me you want to toy with me to death?" Faang Yang felt that the eyes of the crowd were filled with hatred. If looks could kill, he would have been cut into pieces a long time ago.    


"Hubby! Don't let him down! At most, I'll do whatever you want tonight, okay? "    


Cao Miaoyu was the most open-minded. She smiled sweetly and hugged Faang Yang. She used her pride to rub against Faang Yang's arm.    


It made Faang Yang so angry that he could not take it anymore and shouted loudly. He hurriedly struggled to free himself and glared at her. "You guys can mess around! I'll teach you a lesson when we get back!"    


This was originally Faang Yang's unintentional words, but when he heard Joseph's words, it was as if a family was flirting with each other, and he couldn't help but take two steps forward. His eyes were burning with anger. "Kid, I want to have a duel with you! If I win, these women will belong to me! "    


"Oh? Since it's a duel, why is there only the reward for winning? What if I win? Nothing? Then I'll just stay here and have fun with you?" Faang Yang was about to lose his patience.    


He originally wanted to calm the matter down, but he didn't expect this foolish big guy to bump into him! If Lord Ma didn't show his might, would he really treat you like a sick cat?    


Joseph was extremely confident. "I will definitely not lose!"    


Faang Yang said calmly, "There were a few people who told me this before, but now, the grass on their graves is as tall as a person."    


Joseph stared at him. "If you can win, I will treat you as my master. What do you think? Come on! Kid, you have successfully infuriated me, so you are destined to pay the price for your arrogance!"    


Faang Yang sized up Joseph as if he was picking out goods. "Tsk tsk, such a big lump of meat, it must be very edible. I really don't know if you will be poor as your master."    


"Kid, go to hell!" Joseph's face was gloomy. His heavy fist was like the wind as it went straight for Faang Yang's face. This punch was powerful and heavy. If it hit, it would probably turn ___ into a rotten watermelon.    


This was a downtown area. Faang Yang did not want to cause too much of a commotion and cause too much damage to the shop. The Prophecy Arts that he had just stolen came in handy.    


Faang Yang's telekinesis fused with the Geomantic Omen Power, and with him as the center, it instantly formed a domain with a diameter of about 50 meters. Feeling the feeling of controlling everything, Faang Yang said confidently, "I said, stop right there!"    


Joseph's fist was about to hit its target, as if he could foresee the scene of brain matter splattering everywhere. Unexpectedly, a mysterious feeling suddenly fell from the sky, and his head became muddled. He felt like he was going to fall asleep. His eyes actually stopped staring blankly!    


Faang Yang walked in front of Joseph with his hands behind his back and lectured him like he was lecturing a primary school student, "Do you know whether you are wrong or not?"    


Joseph replied in a daze, "I was wrong."    


Faang Yang nodded with satisfaction. "You know you are wrong. Hit yourself a few times as a punishment. Do it."    


Everyone thought Faang Yang was joking, but who knew that Joseph would really listen to him. He opened his mouth from left to right and fanned his own mouth with all his might.    


Seeing this strange scene, not to mention the people who were watching the show, even Cao Miaoyu and Chen Mo were so shocked that their jaws almost fell down.    


Cao Miaoyu rubbed her eyes with all her strength, "Oh my God, I didn't see wrongly, right? Why did that foolish big guy hit himself?"    


Kung Qianqian's eyes were full of stars. She held her heart with both hands. "Oh, he is so handsome! I want to give birth to a monkey for him! "    


Chu Bingqing was a quiet person and did not know much about the Ancient Martial. Although she was shocked, she did not say anything.    


The only one who knew about this was Chen Mo. After carefully observing for a while, Chen Mo asked curiously, "When did Faang Yang learn hypnotism?"    


"Hypnosis? You said Faang Yang used hypnosis just now?" Cao Miaoyu pulled Chen Mo and asked, "Momo, quickly tell me, is this thing easy to learn? I also want to learn!"    


Chen Mo said seriously, "It is best for ordinary people not to try this thing. Only those with a strong mind and strong willpower can learn it.    


Because this is using one's willpower to control other people's willpower. If it fails, it will create a reaction. If it is light, it will cause one's mind to go crazy. If it is serious, one will die on the spot! "    


Cao Miaoyu was unconvinced and said," You are lying to me again. Right now, there are many counselors who know hypnosis, okay? Could it be that all of them are as powerful as you say? "    


"That is different." Chen Mo explained, "That kind of hypnosis is more about using medicine or props to make the other party enter a hypnotic state.    


Faang Yang, on the other hand, can move at any time and force the other party into a hypnotized state. Such an obvious difference, you can't tell, right?"    


Cao Miaoyu pointed at Faang Yang, unconvinced, "Then how can he learn it? He still dares to use it like this?"    


Chen Mo's expression was a little strange and asked back, "What do you think is impossible for him to do?"    


" Uh... Alright, I admit that you are right. That fellow cannot be measured by normal people." Cao Miaoyu's self-esteem suffered a heavy blow and she no longer had the interest from before.    


Joseph was there fanning his own mouth. Faang Yang pushed the shopping cart to settle the bill, then waved at Cao Miaoyu and the others. "Why aren't you leaving? Do you want to be in the headlines tomorrow?"    


Cao Miaoyu and the other three quickly followed, but still pointed at Joseph who was hitting her. "What about him?"    


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