Super Golden Eye

C1022 Accidents Happen Frequently

C1022 Accidents Happen Frequently

Captain Zhou looked at the sky. "Comrade Fang, do you really want to enter the mountain at night? It hasn't been peaceful recently, and we don't have enough equipment. "    


Faang Yang guessed that Qu Huasong and the others would not be in the church, but were secretly moved into the mountains through the underground tunnel. The sooner they chase, the more hope they have.    


"What you said makes sense. However, speed is important in war. If we delay the best time, I'm afraid that the case will never be solved."    


Captain Zhou thought about it and agreed. Besides, Xu Weiping had just said that he needed to follow Faang Yang's orders completely. It had only been a while, and he did not dare to mess around again. "Alright, then I'll go and prepare."    


Although Captain Zhou had a big temper, he was still very smart. He sent people to collect equipment, food and water. After 15 minutes, they gathered again and went through the underground Secret Passage to the back of the mountain.    


The tunnel was not very long. After walking for 10 minutes, they reached the exit. Through the satellite positioning, they confirmed that they were already in the Eastern Goose Mountain Range.    


"Everyone, don't move yet."    


Although Captain Zhou had a big temper, he was an expert in tracking. After carefully checking the surroundings, he pointed to the northeast direction and said, "A group of people is heading that way."    


Faang Yang could also see that the grass in the northeast direction had clearly been trampled on. And judging from the condition of the broken grass, it should not have been long.    


In the next two hours, they walked and stopped. They had already reached the deep mountains, but they still hadn't caught up to Qu Huasong and his group.    


They were all mountain roads, and it wasn't as easy as strolling in a park. Faang Yang suggested, "Captain Zhou, why don't we let everyone rest here first, eat something, and drink some water."    


Captain Zhou also felt a little breathless. "Alright, everyone rest here. We will leave in ten minutes!"    


The few police detectives all let out a long breath. They did not care whether it was clean or not. They just found a place to sit, drink water, and eat.    


Faang Yang drank some water and said to Captain Zhou, "Captain Zhou, we have walked for so long. We have entered the deep mountains ahead. We have not made any important discoveries.    


Why don't you guys go back first, and I will look for it myself. If there are any losses, I'm afraid it won't be good. "    


Captain Zhou had just reported the situation to the headquarters. When he heard Faang Yang's words, he was a little unhappy.    


"Comrade Fang, I know your level is high, but please respect my work! I am in charge of this case.    


Therefore, no matter what happens, as long as there is still a breath left, the criminal police team still has one person left, we need to investigate to the end! "    


For some reason, although Captain Zhou's words were very domineering, Faang Yang felt very uncomfortable listening to them.    


"Alright, I am just discussing with you. As for how to decide, you have to make your own decision. However, I have to remind you that the enemies you might encounter later on will be far beyond your imagination! "    


Captain Zhou was also very strong-willed. "As a police officer of the people, when you put on this uniform, you have already disregarded your own life and death!"    


This made Faang Yang very embarrassed. Originally, he was thinking for them out of good intentions, but who knew that they would not appreciate it at all!    


Ten minutes was not long. When it was time, Captain Zhou immediately stood up. "Everyone gather! Report!"    


The scattered team members immediately surrounded him. "One! Two! Three! Four!"    


Including Captain Zhou, there were only five people! Another person disappeared into thin air! Captain Zhou's face darkened. "Who hasn't arrived?"    


Zhang Sha said in a crisp voice, "Reporting to the captain, Geng Yugang said he has a stomach ache and is looking for a place to relieve himself. He hasn't returned to the team yet!"    


Captain Zhou immediately pressed the walkie-talkie. "Geng Yugang! Geng Yugang! Please answer when you hear it, please answer when you hear it! "    


Late at night in the mountainous region, it was always colder. The walkie-talkie in Captain Zhou's hand only had the faint sound of electric currents, but there was no echo!    


Captain Zhou shouted again, "Geng Yugang! After hearing that, he immediately returned to the team! Return to the team immediately!"    


Faang Yang sighed in his heart. He knew that what he least wanted to see had happened. If Captain Zhou and the others had listened to him earlier, perhaps it would not have happened so quickly.    


Walking to Captain Zhou's side, Faang Yang said in a low voice, "I'm afraid that we have already been targeted by the place. It's best that we don't split up and give them an opportunity."    


"That's my weapon. I can't just watch and not care about him! If he's alive, I want to see him. If he's dead, I want to see his corpse!"    


Captain Zhou ignored Faang Yang's advice and said loudly, "Split into groups of two. With me as the center, three minutes is the limit. Spread out and search! Execute immediately! "    


"Yes!" The four members immediately formed a team and split up. Captain Zhou looked at Faang Yang and said, "You can wait here for a while. We will be back soon.    


Since we can enter the Dragon Group, we should be able to protect ourselves. Even if it's because of this punishment, I will accept it! "    


After saying that, Captain Zhou turned around and walked in another direction. It seemed like he wouldn't give up until he found Geng Yugang.    


Faang Yang looked at everyone's disappearing figures and could only shake his head and smile bitterly. "It is really the King of Hell who ordered people to die three times more. Who would dare to stay until five? If he wanted to die, no one could stop him. "    


If these people did not separate, Faang Yang might be able to protect them. If he was courting death and insisted on doing things separately, that would be an old man drinking grass and withering grass. He would be courting death!    


Very soon, a call came from the public channel on the walkie-talkie in Faang Yang's hand. "Captain Zhou, we found Geng Yugang. He fell down the mountain because he was worried. He was hurt a little and his walkie-talkie fell off."    


Captain Zhou immediately said, "Everyone, gather at the rendezvous point! Do you need backup?"    


"No need, I'll be there in a few minutes with him on my back."    


A few minutes later, not a single person came back! Faang Yang realized something was wrong. He immediately turned on the walkie-talkie and called, "Captain Zhou, Captain Zhou, where are you now? Please answer when you hear me! "    


However, the walkie-talkie did not respond except for the hissing sound of the electric current. Faang Yang's heart sank. He knew something must have happened!    


After struggling for a long time in his heart, Faang Yang gritted his teeth and still prepared to look for them. Even if he couldn't save all of them, he would save every one of them.    


At first, he could still see the footprints they left on the road, but after walking for two minutes, Faang Yang found that all of the footprints had disappeared!    


Faang Yang immediately became alert. Without batting an eyelid, he pulled out the Dragon Scale Sword and began searching for footprints nearby. He found a new footprint twenty meters to the left.    


Faang Yang turned around and touched the dense forest on the left. After a few steps, he heard a faint sound of "Hua Hua" beside his ear. The sound of flowing water could be heard. It was especially clear in the quiet night.    


Faang Yang listened attentively for a while and found that there was still a weak cry for help. "Help!! Help! "    


"There is indeed someone!" However, in order to prevent any accidents, Faang Yang still jumped onto the top of the tree and looked in the direction of the cry for help.    


He saw a small stream not far away. It was at the corner. Because the corner was too big, a small whirlpool was triggered. No wonder the sound of water was so loud.    


In the middle of the pond, there seemed to be a figure struggling there. Faang Yang hurriedly jumped off the tree and rushed over. He saw a team member struggling desperately to not be sucked away by the whirlpool.    


"Give me your hand!" Faang Yang reached out his hand and grabbed the team member. He pulled him towards the shore and pulled him up.    


After the young team member was saved, he collapsed to the ground like mud and said in a trembling voice, "Two comrades fell down! Quick, save them, please save them!"    


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