Super Golden Eye

C1048 The Old Madman Had a Backup Plan

C1048 The Old Madman Had a Backup Plan

The duty of a soldier was to obey orders. Once the captain gave the order, the Special Combat Soldier behind him would not care so much about you. It immediately rushed forward, wanting to take Hsu Yunfei and the others away by force.    


Hsu Yunfei acted as if he did not see them. He just kept looking for the phone number. Originally, it was Little Wang who helped him do all these. Now that Little Wang was lying on the ground, he had to do it himself.    


Faang Yang's position happened to be in the middle of the two. He was the first one to be affected. Initially, he had come to find Hsu Yunfei to denounce him. But now, it seemed like there was still a story behind this!    


The Special Combat Soldier who rushed up first placed his hand on Faang Yang's shoulder. "Please cooperate with us and come with us!"    


"Sorry, I'm very busy. I don't have time to play with you!" Being put on someone else's shoulder made Faang Yang very unhappy.    


Fortunately, he knew that these people were following orders and did not want to make things too difficult for them. His shoulders shook and a wave of Dark Strength directly dislocated the shoulders of the two Special Combat Soldiers!    


"Ah!" The two of them cried out in pain, immediately making everyone look in their direction.    


Realizing that one of them was injured, the few others pointed their black muzzles at Faang Yang. They shouted in an unfriendly tone.    


"Hold your head with both hands and squat down! Quick! Don't resist, or else, bear the consequences! "    


Faang Yang said lightly," I hate people pointing their guns at me the most! So, I will give you some punishment! "    


As soon as he said that, all the Special Combat Soldier only felt a blur in front of their eyes, and they had already disappeared without a trace.    


Immediately after that, they heard a dull sound of "Bang bang ~" After the sound, the Special Combat Soldier in the room fell down almost at the same time!    


When the last Special Combat Soldier fell, Faang Yang's figure appeared at the previous position. He glanced at the national emblem on their uniforms and said, "You should feel fortunate that I can control my anger."    


Faang Yang finished off all the Special Combat Soldier in the meeting room. Hsu Yunfei's phone had also been connected. "Shea Kaihua, I want you to go to Jiangbei City immediately. The meeting room on the third floor of the building came. Right now!"    


On the phone, Shea Kaihua was obviously a little anxious. "Chairman Xu, I'm not feeling well right now. Can you do it a little later? How about tomorrow? "    


Hsu Yunfei was not polite at all. "When will you come? That's your business. If you do not appear in half an hour, then prepare to be court-martialed! "    


"After Hsu Yunfei finished speaking, he did not give Shea Kaihua a chance to speak and hung up the phone. Then he made another phone call.    


"Everyone, stay alert. Without my order, no one is allowed to enter the scene of the accident and destroy it! Transfer a small team over to be in charge of defense. "    


Hsu Yunfei made arrangements. Huang Ping did not stay idle either. First, he called an ambulance, then gave an order to his own troops. The entire city was under martial law, and all exits were locked down.    


After making the arrangements, Hsu Yunfei looked at the Black Tortoise Special Combat Soldier lying on the ground in disorder, and said to Faang Yang, "Are they alright?"    


Faang Yang replied, "They are fine. I just want them to calm down temporarily. They will wake up in an hour or so. They might feel some pain in their necks."    


"That's good." It was obvious that Hsu Yunfei did not expect this to happen. "No matter what, they are still soldiers. They are just following orders. It is not their fault.    


Little Fang, we came here because we received the news that someone wanted to make a big fuss out of this accident.    


Old Wu was worried that if the other party seized the initiative, you would be in a very passive position. That's why she discussed with me at the last minute and came over to take control of the situation.    


Our previous idea was to make the scene of the incident appear in public so that everyone could understand the truth.    


I didn't expect that someone would leak the news and be chased over so quickly. It's fortunate that you're here. Otherwise, things would have been really difficult to handle."    


Faang Yang had already known that Hsu Yunfei wouldn't really want to harm him, but after hearing what he said, he was also very surprised.    


"Elder Hsu, you are the official in charge, right? How could you be so passive? Could it be that you are the fake chairman? "    


Hsu Yunfei smiled bitterly and said," I knew it, you brat would definitely ask. Actually, it was nothing much. In the past, I did grab him.    


But when I was seriously ill the last time, in order to not record the team's normal training and carrying out missions, I gradually distributed some of my authority. That's why today's situation has occurred."    


Of course, Faang Yang knew what Hsu Yunfei's illness was like the last time. It was obviously a cliché method of power struggle." Then what should we do next? "    


Hsu Yunfei sat down and drank a mouthful of tea." Wait! If Shea Kaihua did not arrive in half an hour, he would be in trouble! We must dig deeper into today's matter! "    


Faang Yang could not help but say," Then what about our company and Construction Team? They are still under your control."    


Hsu Yunfei patiently replied, "That is not control, but protection! Who can guarantee that people will not arrange for a second or third accident?    


Furthermore, you can guarantee that among your people, there is no Erwuzi? There was no need to worry. They were only temporarily restricted in their activities. Once this matter is resolved, they won't be affected at all."    


Faang Yang thought about it and agreed. "There is indeed no other way."    


Judging from the location and timing of the other party's installation of the explosives, it was obvious that they had a very good understanding of the progress and details of the project. The influence of the pure explosion had been maximized.    


There were thousands of people in the engineering department of Yangming Group and the construction team of Soong's International. Everyone shared the same heart with Yangming.    


The Soong's International was in a heated fight. It was understandable for them to plant their own spies in the enemy's hands.    


Faang Yang sat down in the meeting room and drank tea with Hsu Yunfei and Huang Ping. Shea Kaihua panicked. He knew very well that Hsu Yunfei would never joke with him!    


Shea Kaihua did not dare to delay. He immediately dialed a number." Hello, Old Li, there is a change in the plan. Madman Xu is not under control, and he asked me to see him in half an hour. What should I do now?"    


It was Lee Yi on the other side of the phone. When he heard Shea Kaihua's words, he could not help but be stunned. "How do you do things? How did something that was almost guaranteed to happen become like this?    


According to what I said, although the old madman brought the Red Star Special Forces, he did not have many people with him. You brought the entire Black Tortoise Special Forces with you, how could you fail?"    


Shea Kaihua himself also felt a little depressed." Now is not the time to talk about this. In fact, the person I sent didn't come back and received a call from him. It seems that the old madman still has some tricks up his sleeve.    


The old madman told me to come to his place within half an hour. Hurry up and give me an idea. I don't want to be court-martialed by him! "    


Lee Yi said helplessly, "Since you did not succeed, what else can you do? We can only listen to him. Let's go over first. When the time comes, say that the information is wrong.    


In any case, no one else knew about the old madman transferring people out of Imperial Capital. Even if they knew that we were looking for an excuse, they wouldn't be able to find a reason to do so. I'll report this to the higher-ups."    


Shea Kaihua smiled bitterly and said, "Old Li, I didn't succeed this time. I'm afraid that the old madman has already thought of me.    


If I go by myself, I'm afraid there won't be any good results. Why don't you talk to the higher-ups first and say something nice to me? "    


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