Super Golden Eye

C1023 The Shadow of Death

C1023 The Shadow of Death

Faang Yang looked back at the surface of the water that had returned to normal and shook his head regretfully. "I'm sorry. It's not that I don't want to save them, but I really have no other choice. Let's go back. "    


Faang Yang reached out to help him up, but he touched a foreign object on his shoulder. He grabbed it out to take a look and found that it was a broken hand!    


When the team member saw the broken hand in Faang Yang's hand, he looked like he was about to collapse. "Ah! This is Geng Yugang's hand! It must be his hand! He wants to kill me!"    


Faang Yang immediately held him down and injected True Qi into his body to calm him down." Don't be agitated, calm down.    


Tell me, what's your name? What exactly happened here just now? Calm down and speak slowly."    


With the help of Faang Yang's true qi, that person advised him to calm down," My name is Zhang Changhai, and I'm in Liu Shuai's group. When he walked over here, he found Geng Yugang.    


After I reported this to Captain Zhou, I went down to pull him. At that time, Geng Yugang was washing his hands by the water. Just as I walked to his side, the puddle suddenly changed!    


Liu Shuai and I didn't have time to react. For some reason, Geng Yugang jumped into the puddle like a devil!    


After that, Liu Shuai and I went to save him. In the end, he pulled me and Liu Shuai into the pond and led us into the water! Liu Shuai was in front, and the water quality wasn't good. If he went down, he would sink to the bottom.    


I grew up at the edge of the water, so my water affinity was a little better. He fired two shots at him, which made his hand loosen a little. Only then did he manage to keep his life. But... but... "    


As Zhang Changhai spoke, he covered his head with both hands. His entire body trembled, and he seemed to be on the verge of collapsing.    


Faang Yang advised him, "It's fine. Maybe they are fine too. They were just washed to the bottom by the water. Let's search together."    


Zhang Changhai looked at the water and suddenly exclaimed, "That's the bodies of Liu Shuai and Geng Yugang!"    


Faang Yang immediately turned around and found that the whirlpool in the stream had disappeared. There were two corpses quietly floating on the water surface. They were wearing uniforms that were very easy to distinguish.    


Seeing the sound coming from Zhang Changhai's throat, Faang Yang was worried that Zhang Changhai would be too agitated. He cut the back of Zhang Changhai's neck with his palm and knocked him out.    


After putting Zhang Changhai on the ground and lying down, Faang Yang slowly went down to the side of the water. He found a long tree branch and pulled the two corpses onto the shore.    


According to the characteristics of the corpses, Faang Yang determined that one of them was missing a hand, and the other one was Liu Shuai.    


Fang Yang first checked Liu Shuai's corpse and found that he must have drowned. His nose and mouth were filled with water, and there were no obvious injuries on his body.    


However, Liu Shuai's eyes were wide open and his face was twisted. It seemed that before he died, he had encountered something more terrifying than death, which made him lose his life very quickly.    


Then Faang Yang went to check on Geng Yugang. He found that Geng Yugang's body was somewhat stiff, and no matter how he looked at it, he did not look like a person who had just drowned.    


This situation puzzled Faang Yang. According to what Zhang Changhai said, the death of Liu Shuai and Geng Yugang should be about the same. Why was there such a huge difference between the corpses?    


No matter what, Faang Yang still found some vines and made two simple towing beds. One had Zhang Changhai on it, while the other had two corpses on it. They walked towards the meeting place.    


When Faang Yang turned around, he found that Captain Zhou and Zhang Sha had already returned! This made him very surprised. "Captain Zhou, I just contacted you. Why didn't you answer?"    


"Did I?" Captain Zhou frowned. He took out the walkie-talkie and adjusted it. There was no problem.    


"Maybe it was a little far away just now. Plus, the signal in the mountains was not stable. You found them? "    


Faang Yang thought that what Captain Zhou said was not a problem. He let go of the rattan bed in his hand. "Zhang Changhai is still alive, but he was stimulated and his mind was a little dizzy. He was knocked out by me.    


As for Geng Yugang and Liu Shuai, they were already dead. However, I heard from Zhang Changhai that the time of their deaths should not be much different, but in fact, I am afraid that is not the case!"    


When Captain Zhou saw the two corpses on the ground, his expression turned extremely ugly, but he still said in a hoarse voice," Little Zhang, perform an autopsy! "    


"Yes!" Forensics Zhang Sha immediately walked over and carefully examined them. She reported to Captain Zhou, "Captain Zhou, Geng Yugang has been dead for more than an hour. In other words, when we were resting, he was killed when he left the team.    


Liu Shuai had just been pinched under the water and died from suffocation. Judging from the fingerprints on his neck, it's very likely that it was Geng Yugang who killed him!"    


These words caused Captain Zhou to be in a dilemma again, but he did not have the decisive words from before." What is going on? Why did this happen? "    


Zhang Sha also did not know how to say it. "I am sorry, Captain Zhou. I can only make these judgments based on the knowledge I have learned. As for why this happened, I really don't know."    


Captain Zhou was silent. He looked at Faang Yang. He now somewhat understood that the matter might not be as simple as he thought. There might really be a problem that could not be solved normally.    


Faang Yang also understood what he meant. He thought for a while and said, "Sorry, I can't explain it clearly now. Now was probably the best time.    


The opponent was very cunning and ferocious. His means were hard to guard against. Even if he wants to leave the mountain now, it won't be easy."    


Although Zhang Sha was a forensic doctor, she was a girl after all. Her mental endurance was not strong enough. She had already collapsed a long time ago." Then what should we do? Can we still go back? "    


Captain Zhou heard what Faang Yang said. "In other words, we have to find the murderer first and subdue them. Only then can we have a chance of survival, right?"    


Faang Yang nodded. "Yes, but the process will not be so easy. And... I can't guarantee your safety. "    


"I'm a police officer, so I have the ability to protect myself."    


After Captain Zhou finished speaking, he took off the weapons on Liu Shuai and Geng Yugang and put them on himself. He looked at Zhang Changhai, who was still unconscious. "When will he wake up? Can he still fight?"    


"He was too emotional just now. It should be about time now." As Faang Yang spoke, he tapped Zhang Changhai's Qi Sea acupoint with his finger and injected some True Qi into it. Soon, Zhang Changhai woke up faintly.    


He opened his eyes and looked around. Zhang Changhai's eyes were fixed on Captain Zhou's face. "Captain Zhou! I'm not dreaming, am I?"    


Captain Zhou said in a deep voice, "How can it be a dream? You are alive and well. Pack your things. We are about to leave. "    


Zhang Changhai struggled to sit up from the ground. He looked weak. "Yes! I have no problem!"    


Captain Zhou saw Zhang Changhai stand up shakily. He found his belt and put it on. He looked at Captain Zhou firmly.    


Finally, everyone surrounded the dead Liu Shuai and Geng Yugang. Each of them had grief and indignation on their faces. Captain Zhou's tone was complicated.    


"Both of you are the true guards of the people! I am sorry, this operation was my fault, I am the one who harmed you!    


If I can get out alive, the two of you old men will be my old men. I will take care of them just like how I treat my own family! Keep going!"    


Faang Yang wanted to cremate the two of them, but he really did not have that much fuel, so he could only work together and bury them on the ground.    


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