Strongest Deceptive System

C721 Female Police

C721 Female Police

At this very moment, Busan Police Station.    


Inside the file storage room, rows and rows of bookshelves were arranged in an orderly manner. On each shelf, there was a single file.    


The file storage room was very spacious. A man in black was walking leisurely along the corridor. This man came to a corner and casually picked up a case file. He placed it on the floor and unexpectedly —    


He had begun to eat melon seeds!    


The man even spat out the melon seeds onto the file on the floor.    


In the silent storage room of the case file, the sounds of melon seeds being cracked sounded eerie.    


Shang Liang followed the Vice Bureau Chief and arrived outside the case file storage room.    


At the entrance of the case file storage room, there was a small window and a female police officer was sitting there. She was engrossed in playing with her cell phone and had a happy smile on her face from time to time, so she didn't notice that there was a large group of people standing in front of her.    


Shang Liang looked at the female police officer who was so engrossed, and laughed: "To think that after so many years, it was not drugs, nor was it natural disasters, but phones!"    


Hearing Shang Liang's words, the policewoman still had no reaction.    


The Deputy Chief was a little angry and pretended to cough twice. He wanted to remind the policewoman.    


"Hey, can you be quiet? Don't disturb me!" The policewoman didn't even raise her head and directly said, "I still have one more round of King's Pesticides that I haven't fought. I'm about to become a deity, don't affect me!"    


The Deputy Chief looked embarrassed. With a pale face, he said faintly, "As a police officer, is this how you defend your post?"    


"Hey, do you have more —" The policewoman was a bit impatient. She raised her head and was about to say something, but when she saw that it was the Deputy Chief, she was so frightened that her face paled. She immediately stood up and respectfully said, "Hello Deputy Chief!"    


"I'm not good, not good at all!" The Deputy Chief said angrily, "To have a subordinate like you, I'm so angry!"    


The policewoman had an awkward expression as she quietly put the phone on her back.    


"Hmph, I'll deal with you in the future for playing on your phone at work!" The Deputy Chief groaned and said, "Let me ask you, do you know that there are people hiding in the case file storage?"    


Hidden?" The policewoman laughed involuntarily, "Deputy Chief, are you joking with me? Our file room is usually empty except for our colleagues in the homicide department. "" No, no. Moreover, the security of our Busan is so good, there won't even be a major case in a few years. "So, this is basically an idle department. I'm almost bored to death staying here, how can there be any more spies!    


"Stop wasting time with me!" The Deputy Chief snorted and said, "Open the door for me now, I want to search inside. "Let me tell you, if I find out that there's someone hiding there, you can just wait to be punished!"    


"Deputy Chief, there's no need to be so serious!" The policewoman pouted, as if she didn't take the Deputy Chief's words to heart. With a lazy look, she said, "Alright, I'll open the door for you."    


Thus, the policewoman took the key, walked out of the window, and opened the door. She extended her hand in a gesture of invitation and said, "Deputy Chief, please come in!"    


"Yes." The deputy director nodded and waved his hand, "Search inside!"    


Shang Liang said to the Vice Bureau Chief: "I want to go in too."    


The Vice Bureau Chief immediately said, "Mr. Shang, let me accompany you! You are an honorary citizen of our Busan, I want to personally protect your safety! "    


Shang Liang also did not mind, and casually said: "Up to you!"    


Shang Liang anxiously went in to look for Michael, who had the America and superpowers, and did not have the mind to bother with the Vice Bureau Chief at all. The Vice Bureau Chief didn't understand what was going on as he followed closely behind Shang Liang.    


After Shang Liang went in, he looked at the target tracker's display panel. The little black dot was already right in front of him.    


Shang Liang looked around.    


"Vice Bureau Chief, we found something!" At this moment, a police officer ran over and reported to the Deputy Chief, "We found a bunch of melon seeds in front of us!"    


Shang Liang's expression tightened, and waved his hand: "Quickly, bring me to see!"    


The deputy director rolled his eyes and snappily said, "What are you waiting for? Hurry up and bring us there!"    


"Yes, Deputy Chief!" The policeman immediately led the way.    


Shang Liang and the Vice Bureau Chief hastily walked over to a bookshelf in front of them. Sure enough, they saw a pile of melon seeds, which were placed on top of a case file.    


Shang Liang pointed to the melon seeds and said: "Vice Bureau Chief, you see, I am not lying to you right? Inside the case file storage room, there's really someone hiding inside! "    


The Deputy Chief said angrily, "How preposterous! I must punish her severely!"    


Suddenly, a 'bang' sound was heard and a policeman shouted, "Someone is here!"    


The Deputy Chief quickly ordered, "All of you, stay on alert. You must capture this hidden esper alive!"    


The policemen then pulled out their pistols in unison.    


At this moment, Shang Liang saw a black shadow flash by.    


"Mr. Shang, wait for me!" Seeing that, the Vice Bureau Chief was afraid that something would happen to Shang Liang, so he quickly followed.    


Shang Liang could clearly see that the black figure had fled to the door of the case file storage room, and thus said clearly: "Michael, you won't be able to escape! Before we came in, we had already set up an ambush at the Busan Police Department. The moment you go out, you will immediately be beaten into a sieve by countless pistols! "    


Michael seemed to be shocked by Shang Liang's threat and stopped at the door.    


The Deputy Chief scolded, "Quickly put down your weapon!"    


The policewoman at the side had a stupefied expression on her face, not knowing what exactly had happened.    


Michael made a decision on the spot and immediately grabbed hold of the policewoman, and said fiercely: "I will give you two choices, either let me out, or I will take this policwoman's life!"    


"Help!" The policewoman was in a lot of pain because of Michael.    


At this point, all the policemen became even more nervous.    


"Ding Ling Ling …" The system informed the host that he had triggered a random quest to rescue the policewoman from Michael's hands. He had to ensure that the policewoman was safe and sound, and that he would obtain a million Reputation Value by completing the quest. If the mission fails, the Host's Charm will be deducted 100 points! "    


At this time, the system naturally issued out a random quest.    


"Damn, deduct 100 points from my Charm?" "How can this work!?" Shang Liang curled his lips and started to think about what he should do to save the policewoman from Michael's grasp.    


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