Strongest Deceptive System

C732 Jin Min Wu

C732 Jin Min Wu

This sudden situation was something even Shang Liang had not expected.    


Although Shang Liang's current level had already reached the Tai Chi Grandmaster level, he was still only a person after all, and not a god.    


Right at this moment of imminent peril, a black figure flashed past Shang Liang like lightning and extended his arms to steadily catch the little boy that had descended from the sky.    


Shang Liang looked carefully, only to see that the one who caught the little boy was a well-built man, with slightly tanned skin and a male body.    


He is the man known as the biggest card in Korea, Jin Minwu!    


Jin Minwu gently placed the little boy on the ground. After carefully inspecting him, he asked: "Xiaolong, are you alright?"    


Xiao Long shook his head and replied, "I'm fine."    


Jin Minwu nodded. "That's good."    


Jin Minwu shot a glance at Shang Liang, and asked coldly: Are you in cahoots with them?    


Hearing that, Shang Liang frowned, the corners of his mouth raised, and asked: "What do you think?"    


"Humph!" Jin Minwu had a righteous look on his face as he said: "I don't care if you're on the same side as them or not. In any case, whoever wants to hurt Xiao Long, I, Jin Minwu will never let him go!"    


Xiao Xiaolong opened his mouth to say, "Uncle, he's here to save me!"    


"Oh, really?" Only then did Jin Minwu's expression relax slightly, and he no longer looked hostile towards Shang Liang, "Then many thanks! "However …"    


After saying that, Jin Minwu paused.    


Shang Liang asked doubtfully: "But what?"    


Jin Minwu continued: "However, if you want to save him, you have to do your best. If you don't have the ability, then don't do something that doesn't need to be done, in case you mislead others. "    


"Ugh!" Hearing Jin Minwu's words, Shang Liang's forehead couldn't help but have three black lines appear.    


This Jin Minwu was really amazing! He was the one who came to save his illegitimate son, yet he was actually mocked by him. It looks like Jin Minwu's title of being the most famous actor in Korea was not for nothing!    


"It's a good thing that you're fine." Jin Minwu didn't wait for Shang Liang to react and said: "If you get hurt by the criminal, I'll take responsibility. After all, you were injured by the criminals in order to save my nephew! "    


"…" Shang Liang didn't know what to say anymore.    


"However, it's good that you have this kind of heart." Jin Minwu didn't even give Shang Liang a chance to speak as he continued, "In order to express my gratitude to you, I'll give you a hundred thousand yuan.    


After saying that, Jin Minwu took out a bank card from his pocket and handed it over to Shang Liang: "This bank card's password is six zeros, the balance is exactly one hundred thousand dollars!"    


Shang Liang pinched the bank card with two fingers, with a look of disdain, he said leisurely: "Mr. Jin Minwu, you're underestimating me too much! It's only a hundred thousand dollars, I don't care about it! "    


Shang Liang laughed and casually threw the bank card to the side of the road.    


"You!" Seeing Shang Liang do such a contemptuous action, Jin Minwu said angrily, "Are you thinking that it's too little? It's okay, I can give you another hundred thousand dollars. "    


"Mr. Jin Minwu!" At this time, Han Nana got off from Maserati's body and walked over quickly. With an anxious face, she said, "We aren't here for money!"    


"You?" Jin Minwu obviously recognized Han Nana. After hearing Han Nana's words, he could not help but look at him curiously, and asked: "Miss Han, are you very familiar with him?"    


"Of course, he's the new CEO of our Hanyi Entertainment." Han Nana nodded her head, and said: "Mr. Jin Minwu, the newly appointed CEO and Mr. Shang Liang and I have come to your set this time because we have something to discuss with you."    


"So you're the new CEO of Hanyi Entertainment!" Hearing Han Nana's words, Jin Minwu's face relaxed, and she said: "Truly, water and water cannot be measured, and one cannot judge a book by its cover! I'm really sorry for what happened just now, Mr. President! "    


After all, Hanyi Entertainment was a well-known management company, so Jin Minwu did not dare to underestimate it.    


To be able to become the new CEO of the Hanyi Entertainment, Shang Liang was naturally not an ordinary person!    


"Hehe, no problem!" Shang Liang laughed, and waved: "Mr. Jin Minwu, the ignorant are not guilty! Furthermore, the personality of the Mr. Jin Minwu is known for being honest.    


This time, it was Jin Minwu's turn to be embarrassed.    


Jin Minwu scratched his head and asked: "Oh right, CEO Shang, you and Miss Han have specifically rushed to my set, I wonder what are you looking for me for?"    


"I'm looking for you, of course I'm filming." Shang Liang said, "Mr. Jin Minwu, I will get straight to the point. Our Hanyi Entertainment has recently prepared the annual emotional drama "Beautiful Sis's Lover", but due to the sudden replay of the male lead, Wu Yilu, it caused a male lead to a vacant spot. No matter how I think about it, other than Wu Yilu, you are the only one suitable for this male lead. So, I want to invite you to be the role model for this male lead! "    


"I've already heard about it." Jin Minwu nodded, "The grudge between you and Wu Yilu was made up by the magazine media and spread like wildfire. Everyone in the entertainment circle knows about it."    


"Mr. Jin Minwu, please help me take on the male lead!" Han Nana said politely.    


After all, Jin Minwu was a gold star actor from the Korea entertainment circle.    


That was the reason why Han Nana appeared to be in such a state of fear.    


"But," Jin Minwu said hesitantly, "I have never accepted such an emotional series before! Although CEO Shang saved my nephew's life, but one yard is one yard. We're in the middle of a business, aren't we? "    


"Mr. Jin Minwu, actually, you can consider changing the route!" Shang Liang thought for a moment, then suggested: "As a tough guy on a screen, the many years of filming and shaping have long fed up with the audience. Change roles at the right time, maybe it will give the audience even more surprises! Also, as you get older, your physical qualities will gradually decline, and your path to martial arts and drama will become narrower. Mr. Jin Minwu, you have to plan for the long term! "    


Jin Minwu muttered: "CEO Shang, allow me to reconsider."    


Although Jin Minwu said that he wanted to think it over, Shang Liang had already seen through it and had no intention to agree at all.    


It really was a tough nut to crack! Shang Liang thought for a moment and decided to use his trump card.    


Shang Liang glanced at Xiao Long, squinted, and said: "Mr. Jin Minwu, can I have a word with you?"    


Jin Minwu did not know what he meant, but he was suspicious, and thought for a moment, but still nodded and agreed.    


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