Strongest Deceptive System

C723 Han Nana's Trouble

C723 Han Nana's Trouble

Very quickly, a lot of special police officers with AK-47 submachine guns got off from the police cars downstairs of the Busan Police Department. They were fast and agile as they arrived outside the file storage room.    


The Deputy Chief said, "It's the special police, our reinforcements!"    


Shang Liang curled his lips: "It's a pity that they came a little later. Michael has already been killed!"    


Upon seeing the Deputy Chief, these special police officers who were on high alert immediately saluted respectfully. The leading special police said, "Reporting to Deputy Chief, our special police officers have received a call from the Busan Police Department and are rushing to reinforce us!"    


"The criminal has been killed!" The Vice Bureau Chief pointed to Michael who was lying on the ground and said, "Carry the criminal's corpse away!"    


"Yes, Deputy Chief!" The leader of the special forces agreed, then called a few special forces to carry Michael's body away.    


The remaining policemen cleaned the scene.    


The Vice Bureau Chief said to Shang Liang, "Mr. Shang, this time, you have contributed a great deal to the successful killing of America user Michael, in order to protect the safety of our Busan. I will definitely report this to the higher authorities and request for your contribution! "    


"Hehe, Vice Bureau Chief, you don't have to be modest. This is what I should do!" Shang Liang laughed, then waved his hand: "Don't forget, I am also an honorary police officer!"    


At this moment, only the policewoman was left standing there with a trembling face.    


"Hmph, get over here!" The Deputy Chief waved at the policewoman, "During work hours, you play on your cell phone and neglect your duties, causing you to fail in your duties. Tell me, how should I punish you?"    


"Vice Bureau Chief, I beg of you, please don't fire me!" The policewoman quickly begged for mercy.    


"Expel you?" The Deputy Chief groaned and said scornfully, "With this kind of thing, expelling you would be considered light!"    


When the policewoman heard this, she let out a "wow" and burst into tears.    


Shang Liang could not help but feel amused seeing how this policewoman was so weak of a heart of glass. Hence, he tried to help her out, "Vice Bureau Chief, I think this policewoman is still young and not very sensible. For my sake, I might as well write it down for her, criticize her and educate her to see the results. After all, as a young person, I have to give her a chance to start anew! "    


Since Shang Liang had already spoken, the Vice Bureau Chief naturally could not refuse his request. He pretended to mutter to himself for a moment, then nodded and said, "Alright, then we will do as Mr. Shang says, considering face."    


Hearing that, the policewoman was overjoyed, and quickly bowed to Shang Liang: Thank you, Mr. Shang!    


After exiting the Busan Police Department, Shang Liang had originally planned to return to his country.    


After all, the treasure that Ye Zhengdao wanted was already on its way back to the capital. The extremely threatening had also died, so Shang Liang had no reason to continue staying in the Korea.    


However, when he thought about how he came to Korea, he realized that it was actually the doing of the Young Master Huang and Alpha. These two fellows were still delusional, thinking that they could get rid of him within the Korea, which made Shang Liang extremely angry in his heart.    


Shang Liang thought about it and decided to visit the Young Master Huang and Alpha in the detention center. He had to make them understand that even if he went abroad, they would still not be able to do anything to him.    


Through his relationship with the Vice Bureau Chief, Shang Liang smoothly entered the detention center for Young Master Huang and Alpha. However, what made Shang Liang surprised was that he did not see the Young Master Huang and Alpha in the detention center.    


According to the Superintendent of the Detention Unit, on the second day that Young Master Huang and Alpha were locked up, some important figures from above immediately sent people over to take them away.    


"The big shots up there?" Shang Liang frowned, "Supervisor, can you tell me who this great character is?"    


"About this …" The Superintendent of the Detention Unit looked troubled. "Mr. Shang, I know that you are an honorary citizen granted by the mayor himself. However, I can't afford to offend this big shot up there. "Therefore, please understand the difficulties we face as subordinates."    


Hearing the Superintendent of the Detention Unit say that, Shang Liang nodded his head, "Alright, since you have troubles, then I won't make things difficult for you."    


Young Master Huang and Alpha exhausted themselves in order to deal with Shang Liang. Although Shang Liang did not spare them a glance, a villain like them was hard to deal with. Shang Liang thought that he had to find the two of them no matter what.    


Just then, Shang Liang's phone rang. He took out his phone to check, and the caller ID showed that it was Han Nana, so Shang Liang pressed the answer button, and said: "Hello, Na Na!"    


"Mr. Shang!" On the other end of the phone, Han Nana's voice seemed to be slightly anxious, "Can you make a trip to the Hanyi Entertainment Headquarters building?"    


Listening to Han Nana's tone, it seemed as if something had happened, Shang Liang frowned: "What's wrong, Na Na, did something happen?"    


"I... I don't know what to say. " Han Nana started to hesitate again.    


"Then wait for me to come over." Shang Liang thought for a while, then said: "Na Na, don't be anxious, I'll rush to the Hanyi Entertainment Headquarters building immediately."    


After Shang Liang hung up the phone, he took out a Maserati from his Item Cart s and drove straight to the Hanyi Entertainment Headquarters building as fast as lightning.    


As the Hanyi Entertainment had just been replaced by the boss, Shang Liang, the new boss, became an influential figure in the world. Therefore, in the Hanyi Entertainment Headquarters building, there was no one who did not know of Shang Liang.    


As Shang Liang entered the Hanyi Entertainment Headquarters building, a worker immediately took the initiative to greet him warmly.    


Shang Liang nodded one by one, walking to the front of the front desk and asked: "Where is Miss Han Nana now?"    


The front desk replied respectfully: "Mr. Shang, Miss Han is waiting for you in the CEO's office."    


"Yes." Shang Liang nodded, then took the elevator to the highest floor of the President Yu's main building, where the CEO's office was located.    


After entering the CEO's office, Shang Liang saw Han Nana, as well as an oily and powdered young man. It was hard to tell whether they were male or female, and even a middle-aged man.    


Once Han Nana saw Shang Liang, she immediately said joyfully: "Mr. Shang, you're here!"    


"Yes." Shang Liang looked at the young man and the middle aged man who were covered in oil powder and asked: "Nana, who are these two?"    


"They are —" Just as Han Nana was about to introduce them, the middle-aged man waved her hand and interrupted Han Nana's words. She stared at Shang Liang and said: "You are the rumored new Hanyi Entertainment Owner, Shang Liang?"    


"Yes, that's me." Shang Liang nodded.    


"Just a mere Rich Second Generation from the heavens, how could he have the ability to take over the position of the Hanyi Entertainment's chief executive?" The middle-aged man said in disdain.    


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