Lonely Soldier King

C151 Li Xianning

C151 Li Xianning

Only now did that black-clothed person take off his disguise, revealing her true appearance. She was the beauty of the ancient Martial Alliance, a Saint-rank expert.    


Liu Yi watched all of this with surprise. The floor of the secret chamber was made of fine granite. This vine could actually grow on top of a stone, and at such a great speed at that. This was simply something out of a myth.    


"What do you want?" Liu Yi asked cautiously.    


At this moment, his heart was filled with fear for this beautiful woman. If the other party wanted to assassinate him or the Words Mercenary Group, he wouldn't have needed to do all of this. He wouldn't have needed to create such a huge net of vines to hide everything.    


"Me." The face of the Saint rank beauty turned red, and she started to look a little bashful. After hesitating for a moment, she gritted her teeth and said, "I want you to marry me."    


"What? What did you say?" Liu Yi's chin almost fell to the ground.    


An expert of the Saint rank sneakily came up to him just so that he could marry her. He was afraid that anyone who encountered such a situation would instantly become a spartan character.    


"I said that you must marry me and personally come to my house to propose, or else I will kill you." The Saint Stage beauty's eyebrows slanted inwards as her body emitted waves of killing intent.    


"Wait, at least I have a reason. Why must I marry you? There are a lot of women around me, and I'm not that hungry. Although you look pretty, there are a lot of pretty girls in the world." Liu Yi shrugged.    


At this moment, he realized that if he had been able to deal with the situation skillfully, he probably wouldn't need to fight today.    


"You must marry me. Moreover, after marrying me, you cannot be with other women. If I find out that you are with other women, I will kill them and then you." The attitude of the beauty Saint Ruler was very domineering.    


However, this did not seem to be the main point. Liu Yi looked at this classical beauty, the overbearing sabre in his hand was placed to the side.    


"Please, beauty, I don't even know your name. Since you took such a huge risk to force the marriage, you should at least let me know the reason why." Liu Yi chuckled.    


Beautiful ladies who delivered themselves to his doorstep, he didn't want them for nothing. Liu Yi didn't care about this at all, but the point was that he didn't want to be so confused all the time.    


"Because if you touch mine and don't marry me, I'll kill you." The beautiful woman, a Saint-rank expert, was very resolute.    


Hearing the explanation given by this beauty, Liu Yi's breath almost went astray.    


"Isn't it just touching Mimi? Beautiful lady, it's already the 21st world. The other party doesn't even need to take responsibility for a one night stand. I'll be taking responsibility for this." Liu Yi said helplessly.    


"Lecher, if you continue speaking so brazenly, I will kill you." The Saint Stage beauty glared at Liu Yi and whispered, "My name is Li Xiuning, remember."    


"Li Xiuning, not bad. Your name is not bad." Liu Yi clapped his hands. This beauty had a classical appearance, and even her name had a classical flavor to it. However, the key point was that he could still think of a way to get rid of an ordinary woman. Now that he had been entangled by a Saint-rank expert, even if he wanted to, he couldn't get rid of her.    


It felt good to be chased down by a beauty, but to be chased down by such a powerful, intelligent, and jealous beauty was an indescribable feeling.    


Even though Liu Yi had seen countless girls, he still felt powerless in the face of such a powerful Saint-rank beauty.    


"This girl couldn't have really grown up in that small mountain village, right? Even her thoughts are still those of the feudal era." Liu Yi looked Li Xiuning up and down. It was absolutely impossible to raise such a classical woman in the modern capital.    


Liu Yi's stare made Li Xianning blush. Even the snow-white skin on his neck started to turn pink.    


The air seemed to be filled with a lustful smell.    


At this moment, the vine that was used to isolate Li Xiuning began to tremble slightly. Moreover, from its appearance, it seemed to be extremely excited. However, neither Liu Yi nor Li Xiuning noticed this. Their gazes were fixed on each other.    


At this moment, Liu Yi's mind was blank. He didn't know why he was doing this, but this wasn't what he was thinking. Right now, all he wanted to do was hug this beautiful girl in front of him and ravage her.    


Desire, an undisguised desire, appeared on Liu Yi's body.    


Even with Liu Yi's self-control, he was actually unable to restrain himself.    


When he lost his consciousness again, Liu Yi started to have a bad feeling, but it was already too late. His consciousness went crazy.    


Li Xiuning was not much better than Liu Yi. Although she was a Saint-rank expert, she was still as immature as a piece of white paper in other aspects other than her martial arts. At this moment, the desire within her body made her at a loss.    


She really wanted to get close to the person in front of her. A faint voice told her that getting close to the person in front of her would make her feel better. However, the teachings and etiquette she had received since she was young supported her last belief in Li Xiuning.    


"You can't go near him. Men and women shouldn't go near him. You will feel better if we don't get married and approach him."    


Two thoughts kept turning in Li Xiuning's mind. One moment, this belief held the upper hand, and the next, this belief held the upper hand. However, she couldn't control her steps as she slowly moved towards Liu Yi.    


In comparison, Liu Yi was even more crazy than her.    


Li Xiuning had only taken two steps when Liu Yi had already rushed over and pulled him into his arms.    


The moment their physical bodies came into contact, a refreshing feeling surged through their entire bodies. The last bit of determination in Li Xiuning's heart vanished. At this moment, Liu Yi had already torn apart Li Xiuning's clothes, revealing his exquisite clothing. Both of his hands had turned into tattered rags, then disappeared, revealing the white and tender skin within.    


Liu Yi opened his mouth wide and bit down from the top. Li Xiuning, who had never experienced anything like this before, suddenly groaned. Liu Yi was not a new brother. If he was conscious, he would definitely be able to be more gentle. However, at this moment, the two of them were like a madman. They tightly embraced each other, wishing to merge into their own bodies.    


Soon, Li Xiuning was completely naked. His beautiful body seemed to be emitting an alluring glow all the time. Liu Yi howled in a low voice as his clothes were torn apart by him. Then, his two naked bodies rolled together.    


Desire played out here.    


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