Lonely Soldier King

C74 The Calculations of Yanzhihov

C74 The Calculations of Yanzhihov

The Yanzhong family was able to become the number one family and the number one consortium of the small island nation, but they were not without basis. The Yanzhong family was able to become the number one family and the number one consortium, was not without basis.    


As the number one family in the small island country, they naturally had quite a bit of strength. They did not have the biggest job in the small island country, the Yin Yang Master, but there were many ninjas. So, according to the information from the Shadow Intelligence System, there were no less than fifty ninjas installed in the small island country.    


That was fifty Ninjas. Don't think that Ninjas were like cabbages, that was something that could be easily obtained. If one wanted to become a Ninja, aside from having good talent, it was also a fortuitous opportunity.    


It could be said that becoming a Ninja was extremely difficult. The requirements were extremely harsh. That was why there were not many Ninjas and they were all controlled by the major powers.    


The fifty Ninjas didn't dare to say that they occupied the majority of the Ninja population, but one tenth of it was still there. And now, the Yanzhong clan had actually mobilized a tenth of their strength to defend their clan, showing their determination.    


Yes, it was because of Yama's determination. He wanted to deal with Fen Tian, to let him have whatever came his way.    


If he failed in the end, he would at most have to pay the price of being an expert of the family. As for the destruction of the entire family, that would be impossible, because their family was very close to the royal family of the island nation. If the family truly reached the point of destruction, they believed that the royal family would come to their rescue.    


The important thing was that apart from the Yanzhong family, the other five families were also about the same. Although they were not as strong as the Yanzhong family, it was still not a problem to mobilize twenty to thirty Ninjas. Moreover, without exception, they all brought the strongest Ninjas from their families over.    


But then again, it seems like their discussion to deal with Fen Tian was done in secret, how could they be sure that Fen Tian would 'visit' them? If Fen Tian didn't 'visit' them, then wouldn't everything they had arranged become a joke?    


Well, I have to admit, the islanders are a little arrogant and overconfident, but they do have a bit of intelligence.    


From the very beginning, when Matsumoto Mitsui had called them to a meeting and told them about Fen Tian, Yanzheng's little mind had sprung to life and he had taken Matsumoto into account.    


It could be said that the fact that Matsumoto Kowloon did not participate in their alliance was within his expectations. In the end, Matsumoto would tell Fen Tian about their alliance, which was also within his calculations.    


He knew that the Burning Heaven Mercenary Group had a very powerful intelligence network under their control. Since the six of them were together, he believed that he could not hide it from Burning Heaven. At this crucial moment, why did they meet?    


Yamazaki had reason to believe that Fen Tian was not a fool. If that was the case, then putting everything together meant that this matter was related to Yi Zhi Electronics. Since this was the case, then Fen Tian would definitely pay attention to this matter.    


Once Fen Tian paid attention, he would definitely go and ask Matsumoto about the situation. Since Matsumoto did not dare to hide it from him, then Fen Tian would eventually know that the five big consortia were going to deal with him. And with Fen Tian's personality, if someone wanted to deal with him, how could he not retaliate?    


He had calculated it accurately. Yanzhong had calculated everything very accurately, had a good understanding of the human nature and the character of Fen Tian, which was why they were able to put up such a big fight.    


"Butler, how is the arrangement?" With a cigar in his hand, Yanzheng looked extremely relaxed as he asked the old man indifferently.    


"Patriarch, don't worry. Everything has been arranged." The steward's face was full of fatigue. It was very clear that, due to his age and the effort he put in, he was unable to hold on any longer.    


"That's good." When Yanzheng heard this, he heaved a sigh of relief and said with a smile.    


"Patriarch …" The butler seemed to be worried. There was a hint of worry on his tired face.    


"What is it?" Yanzhov's words were impolite, but the trace of respect on his face could not be concealed.    


Although his surname was not Yan Qi, he had served the family head for three generations. When he arrived at Yanzheng, he still served him well. It could be said that among the Yanzhong family, apart from a few people, his status was the highest.    


Facing these venerable elders, if it were not for the fact that Yanzhihov was the clan head, he would probably speak respectfully to them. However, he had to maintain the authority of the clan head, so he tried his best to remain calm when speaking to them.    


"Yes …" "Yes." The butler nodded without feeling flattered. The strength of his abilities will often exceed everyone's expectations. In addition to the fact that he has a very strong intelligence network in his possession, I believe that our arrangements will fall into his line of sight. "    


"The butler answered after a short pause." And since our arrangements have already fallen into his line of sight, then he has the right to choose. If he thinks that his power is unable to shake us, then he can choose not to come, and if he is confident, then we will be the ones at a disadvantage. "    


This was definitely a problem worth pondering over. The so-called "one foot to heaven, one foot to hell", one mistake, their Yanzi family could be destroyed. As an old housekeeper serving the third generation family head, his loyalty was clear.    


"Haha …"    


"Yanzheng laughed out loud. How could he not have realized this problem? After all, if he was a fool, he would not have been able to inherit the position of the clan leader." Housekeeper, you can rest assured that I won't do something that I'm not confident in. "    


"Hmm?" The butler couldn't help but frown. He was still a bit worried, but at the same time, he was also a bit dissatisfied. It seemed like he was blaming Yanzheng for being too arrogant.    


He had watched Yanzheng grow up, and the butler was very clear on what kind of person he was. He was indeed a little arrogant.    


"Butler, don't worry. Although I'm arrogant, I'm still very clear about Fen Tian's strength." Yanzheng seemed to have seen through the butler's thoughts and said with a smile.    


"Then why did you …"    


"Haha …"    


Yanzheng chuckled but did not explain. He had a mysterious look on his face.    


"…" The butler was surprised but didn't say anything for a long time. He frowned and pondered for a long time. He seemed to have understood the key to the problem. There was a smile on his tired face as he said. "The patriarch is …"    


"Yes." "Yanzheng did not allow the butler to finish his words, interrupting him and saying those words afterwards." "You just need to know. Don't let this get out."    


"Yes sir!" The steward answered with a serious tone, and his smile became even wider.    




Yashkov was no fool. He had his schemes, and he was sure of them, but no one dared say they were the victors until the mystery was fully unraveled, not even Liu Yi.    


However, it was not important. The important thing was that the bottom of the bottom would be revealed soon. Liu Yi would not stand on ceremony with the five consortia since they had already laid out their 'dragnet' and were waiting for him to go.    


However, Liu Yi was alone after all. The Shadow Intelligence System didn't have much combat power, and since he didn't have any members from the Burning Heaven Mercenary Group, he could only go alone. If he went alone, he was destined to only go one place, and not all five families could move at the same time.    


As the saying goes, grievances always have a leader, and debts always have a master!    


The main culprit for dealing with Liu Yi was the Yanzhong Family, so naturally, this creditor would choose them. As for the other families, Liu Yi didn't have any way to let them off, but it was a bit late.    


That evening, Liu Yi had eaten a delicious dinner cooked by Yukiko Morita. After that, he drove a car from the garage and set off for Anyun City, the home of the Yanzi family and the headquarters.    


The current head of Yamazaki, Yama, lived there, including the retired elders of his family.    


Anyun City was not close to Tokyo, and even driving would take some time. However, since it was evening when Liu Yi departed, it was not too late. When he arrived near the headquarters of Yanzheng, it was not too late.    


After parking the car in a secluded place, Liu Yi didn't act in a hurry. Instead, he stayed inside the car and smoked two cigarettes. It wasn't until the early hours of the morning that Liu Yi opened the car door and stepped out.    


A light breeze blew, giving off a very cool feeling. The stars in the distant sky flickered, forming a sharp contrast with the quiet darkness. It was a bit out of place.    


"High Moon Black Wind Killing Night!"    


Liu Yi mumbled.    


Well, the night was very dark and quiet and had breezes, but it didn't seem like the night of the murderous moon or the black wind at all, but was that important?    


From Liu Yi's point of view, as long as he wanted to, then even the best night would be the night that the moon rises and the black winds kill, because he was the creator of slaughter. Once moved, no matter how good the night was, it would turn into a night of murder.    


Tonight, however, the grand feast of slaughter would be held at the headquarters of the Yanzhong clan.    


As the number one consortium of the small island nation, the area around their headquarters wasn't very lively. On the contrary, it was very quiet, and the route to their residence was filled with electronic eyes. It could be said that once a stranger enters, they will be discovered immediately and unable to hide.    


"Hmph …"    


Liu Yi coldly snorted.    


This snort was not simple. It contained true energy. The true energy seemed to have a life of its own as it flew towards a certain direction. Then, with a 'bang', one of the electronic eyes instantly shattered.    


It was very easy, very easy!    


Liu Yi didn't sneak around. Even though he knew that the Yanzhong Family had installed electronic eyes along the way, he still walked toward the main road without any scruples.    


So what if the people of Yanzhong's family found out? How can the number one family of the small island nation praise me?    


At this moment, Liu Yi's heart was filled with a heroic spirit as he walked forward step by step!    


However, as Liu Yi walked forward step by step, it deeply shocked some people's nerves. First was the bodyguard responsible for the security of the Yanzhong clan. They were already exhausted and drowsy.    


"Little Ye, look, someone …" a guard shouted.    


Liu Yi had used his true qi to shatter one of the electronic eyes, but he didn't shatter all of the electronic eyes along the way. Thus, the electronic eyes installed at the back were able to clearly see Liu Yi's figure.    


"Zoom in, zoom in... "Hurry up …" The man called Little Wild looked at the screen first and then called out anxiously.    


The screen finally zoomed in, and Liu Yi's masked figure appeared on the screen, followed by the person who was called Xiao Yejun. The screen finally enlarged, and Liu Yi's masked figure appeared on the screen, followed with the person who was called Xiao Yejun.    


Report, report immediately!    


Earlier, Yanzheng had instructed that if a stranger entered the area of surveillance, he would be notified immediately. Without a doubt, this person, Ono, had received Yanzheng's order, and now that he realized the situation, he naturally had to carry it out.    


Yanzheng received the news very quickly, but he was not as nervous as Ono. He smiled coldly, waved his hand, and ordered his men out. After that, he leisurely put on his clothes, walked out of the hall and personally took charge.    


The golden mask was the best proof of the name of Burning Heaven. Although the golden mask had also been worn by assassins, the expression of that fiendish mask was absolutely unique.    


So when Yukzukhov received the report and saw the printout of pictures the guards had brought, he confirmed that it was undoubtedly Fen Tian. The reason he was so relaxed was that he lived a long way from where Fen Tian had appeared.    


But was it really very far?    


The time required for a car to travel at a speed of 80 miles was around three minutes. If a car was to walk, it would take at least ten minutes. This was the normal speed.    


Liu Yi's speed definitely couldn't be described as normal, it should be considered abnormal. He was even faster than a car travelling at 80 mph. In less than two minutes, he appeared in front of the entrance of this extremely large manor.    


His foot lightly stomped on the ground, causing the ground to shake. It could be seen how much force Liu Yi exerted.    


The surrounding air was torn apart, producing a faint sound. Next, a vacuum appeared, and the night sky, which was already breezed by a gentle breeze, suddenly began to blow.    


The wind?    


At this moment, all of the Zhen Qi in Liu Yi's body rushed out in all directions, and then the body of the security personnel that was rushing towards him automatically flew backwards, fell to the ground, and then laid down limply, never to get up again.    


Against ordinary people, even if these people were considered special soldiers, in the eyes of cultivators like Liu Yi, they were still ordinary people, a group without any power to resist.    


In fact, even if they were ninjas, as long as their strength had not reached the middle endurance stage, they would only have one end after encountering Liu Yi's zhenqi. Like those people, they would not be able to stand up on the ground. If he was lucky, he would be severely injured and lose the ability to resist.    


Even the word 'terrifying' wasn't enough to describe such a destructive power, but Liu Yi showed no mercy. He had not come here to negotiate in a soft manner, but to kill, and coupled with the fact that he was a member of the Yanzhong clan, Liu Yi would not feel any burden in his heart.    


However, in the next moment, the atmosphere suddenly changed. Liu Yi had no choice but to stop in his tracks.    




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