Lonely Soldier King

C145 A Surge in Strength

C145 A Surge in Strength

"No matter how much trouble the other party has caused, at this time, it's not the time to be idle." Liu Yi walked out with large strides.    


Previously, he only caught a Grand Vampire Duke, and because the Diamond Protection had just absorbed the vampire blood essence, he couldn't absorb it again for a period of time, so Liu Yi temporarily let that Grand Vampire Duke go and kept him.    


But now it was different. In Liu Yi's hands, there were a total of three Vampire Dukes, and the Diamond Protection had completely digested the blood essence that it had absorbed in the past.    


Right now, he was temporarily unable to raise his cultivation level, but the secret guards still had the possibility of increasing their strength rapidly.    


Liu Yi brought up the vampires that he had captured at the beginning, then began to extract the blood essence from his body.    


This Vampire Duke had been raised for such a long time, and more importantly, the blood of the Vampires could be sealed by Liu Yi. The many days of predicament had caused this distinguished Vampire Duke to be dispirited.    


In one breath, Liu Yi extracted the blood essence from Liu Yi's body. Immediately, the Vampire Duke kicked off his legs and died.    


Liu Yi didn't care in the least that this little guy had sucked up so much human blood before. It was quite comfortable to die like this. After extracting the blood essence of the Vampire Duke, he called the diamond guardians over.    


There were a total of twenty Diamond Guardian Guards. At this moment, two of them were sent to the United States by Liu Yi. The remaining eighteen people quickly arrived in front of Liu Yi.    


These diamond guardians had already tried to absorb vampire blood once. The feeling of their power soaring was still something that they yearned for even now. When they saw the blood essence in Liu Yi's hand, they immediately became excited.    


However, they didn't dare to be too presumptuous in front of their leader, Liu Yi. Their eyes were all shining as they stared at the blood essence.    


"This is the blood essence of the Vampire Duke. The energy contained within it is much more powerful than the energy of those Vampire Dukes and Counts. Therefore, in order to absorb this blood essence, there might be great danger. You must prepare yourselves." Liu Yi waved the Grand Duke's Blood Essence in his hand.    


"Leader, we've already made all the preparations." The eighteen diamond guardians all had firm resolve.    


"Alright then. Who wants to try absorbing the blood essence first?" Liu Yi nodded. Just as he finished speaking, a diamond guardian stood up.    


The Vampire Duke's blood essence was countless times more powerful than the ones from before. Liu Yi personally went to check and carefully delivered the essence blood to every diamond guardian.    


These diamond guardians were the core of the Nirvana mercenary group, especially at such a critical moment. Liu Yi did not want to lose any of his diamond guardians. In theory, these diamond guardians who had already reached the peak of Heaven Stage were more than enough to absorb the Vampire Duke's blood essence.    


However, this was only a guess, and no one could be sure. Liu Yi carefully observed the situation of every diamond guardian.    


The blood essence of the Duke was sucked into the diamond guardian's body. The powerful energy contained within it immediately caused the diamond guardian to reject it. The two completely different energies collided together in an instant.    


The tearing pain made these firm diamond gateways start to wail.    


"At a critical moment, as long as they can withstand this energy impact, they will definitely be able to fuse with this drop of the Duke's blood essence. At that time, the power of the Diamond Protection should be able to increase by another level, directly raising them to become an Emperor level powerhouse." Liu Yi became increasingly nervous.    


No matter what occupation it was, it was extremely difficult to advance to a higher realm. Whether it was the ancient Chinese martial arts cultivators or the vampires or the Adepts. If he wanted to improve his realm, he would have to spend many years of arduous cultivation.    


Now Liu Yi's method of increasing the power of these diamond guardians is actually a shortcut. Furthermore, in this world, Liu Yi was probably the only person who could do that.    


Using the blood essence of a vampire to raise one's cultivation level was something that even if someone wanted to do it, they wouldn't be able to do it. For one thing, if they were to hunt for the blood essence of the vampires, they would immediately be hunted down by all the vampires. The power of darkness was so great that one could already imagine it just by looking at the strength of this Vampire Prince in front of them. If an ordinary person went to hunt for the blood essence of a vampire, they would become the target of hunting. The second reason was because of the method to refine the vampire's blood essence. However, Liu Yi's unique cultivation technique was something even stronger than Liu Yi. Even people like Liu Yi would not be able to extract the vampire's blood essence.    


Just these two points limited the usage of the shortcut of raising one's realm with Vampire Blood.    


However, such a shortcut, strictly speaking, could be considered an opportunistic method. This way of raising one's realm would be much more difficult than other methods of increasing one's realm. It was because he knew this that Liu Yi was so worried.    


Those diamond guardians were already wailing in pain.    


Normally, even when they were caught in a hail of bullets, they never would have coldly humphed. But now, they could no longer control themselves and were wailing in pain. One could imagine how much pain they were currently experiencing.    


That drop of Vampire Duke's blood essence was like a bomb thrown into a pond.    


After the energy from this drop of blood entered the diamond guardian's body, it exploded and began to attack their various veins and dantian. The violent energy was like a surging river as it continuously washed through their muscles and veins. The feeling of swelling and pain filled all of their nerves.    


In addition, as their veins couldn't bear the pressure, this violent energy had already begun to gradually attack their entire bodies.    


However, although this energy was very powerful, it was completely rootless. After crazily attacking for a moment, it was gradually suppressed by the diamond guardians' energy. Just as these powers were about to be tamed by the diamond guardian, an unexpected scene occurred.    


Those tamed blood essences started to frantically devour the blood inside those diamonds' protective bodies.    


The drop of blood became the size of a fist in an instant. It seemed like it could assimilate the diamond to protect the blood in his body. This unforeseen event caused the blood vessels on every part of the diamond guardian's body to burst open.    


The diamond guardian, who had just absorbed blood essence, was now bleeding profusely. In just a few seconds, the diamond guardian had turned into a bloody figure.    


If it wasn't for the help of external forces, these diamond guardians' absorption of the Vampire Duke's blood would have been a complete failure. It was likely that even their lives wouldn't have been saved.    


Liu Yi's expression instantly changed. After a brief inspection, he found the reason for the change.    


When Liu Yi extracted the blood essence, although he removed the vampire characteristics from the blood essence, he didn't expect that the vampire Great Duke's blood essence would have that vampire's bloodlust characteristic, and was already deeply imprinted in every cell of the vampire Great Duke.    


At this moment, these blood essences were being absorbed by the diamond guardian. Upon encountering the diamond guardian's blood, the imprint hidden within this drop of blood essence entered into the vampire's blood essence, causing it to instantly explode.    


Thus, these diamond guardians' blood were assimilated by this drop of blood essence.    


"Not good. If I let this drop of blood essence wreak havoc, my diamond guardian, even if it survived, would become as bloodthirsty as a vampire." Liu Yi frowned as he placed his palm on the back of a diamond guardian.    


With how bloodthirsty the blood was, if they were able to devour all the blood from the diamond guardian, then the blood would replace the blood from the diamond guardian. Then, under this bloodthirsty desire, the diamond guardian would be completely assimilated into a vampire.    


A person bitten by a vampire would eventually turn into a vampire as well, that was the logic.    


Liu Yi placed his palm on the back of a diamond guardian and injected his internal energy into the diamond guardian. The diamond guardian knew that the leader was helping him absorb the drop of blood essence, so he did not resist. Without the Diamond Protection's resistance, Liu Yi's inner strength easily spread throughout the diamond guardian's muscles and veins.    


His inner strength wrapped around the blood that had been assimilated by the blood of the Vampire Duke. Then, he squeezed into a corner and merged with that drop of blood to form a fist-sized ball of blood.    


There was no longer any energy in the blood, only pure bloodlust. Such blood was already useless if it was left in the diamond guardian's body. Liu Yi then slowly pulled the blood out of the diamond guardian's body.    


The energy contained in this drop of blood had been completely absorbed by the diamond guardian. The drop of blood in Liu Yi's hand was the purest vampire blood essence. If such a drop of vampire blood were fed to ordinary people as poison, a group of low-level vampires would immediately be formed.    


However, it would be a waste if he were to use the pure vampire blood essence like this.    


After pulling out a drop of blood essence from the diamond guardian, Liu Yi immediately felt that this pure blood essence seemed to have other miraculous uses. But right now, there were more than ten diamond guardians waiting for him. This was not the time to study this pure blood essence.    


Drawing the blood essence out of the diamond guardian was not a difficult task. Very quickly, Liu Yi pulled out all of the vampire blood essence from the diamond guardian. These fist-sized drops of blood were then refined by Liu Yi's hand, turning into crystal-like blood diamonds one after another.    


Without the blood essence, the diamond guardian quickly recovered.    


Liu Yi carefully examined the body changes of the Diamond Guardian. What made him disappointed was that a drop of the Vampire Duke's blood essence was unable to make them become Emperor Stage powerhouses. At the moment, these diamond guardians were still stuck at the peak of Heaven Stage.    


However, Liu Yi could feel that a lot of the energy had already been condensed within the Diamond Protection's body.    


They had all relied on the blood of the vampires to have such great progress. From a cultivation point of view, their realm was unstable, and if they were to fight, their combat power would not be as strong as those experts who had cultivated step by step. But now, after absorbing this drop of the Vampire Duke's blood essence, the energy contained within the blood essence of the Vampire Duke had thoroughly transformed the diamond guardian. But now, after absorbing this drop of the blood essence of the Vampire Duke, the energy contained in the    


Liu Yi gave a simple estimate. With the diamond guardian's current strength, they should at least be able to unleash the strength of an Emperor Stage Mid Rank cultivation.    


In other words, although the cultivation of these diamond guardians did not increase, they already possessed a battle power not inferior to Emperor level experts.    


"This result is just barely satisfactory."    


Liu Yi arranged those diamond guardians and left with the pure blood essence.    


Liu Yi took the pure blood essence and turned around to leave. Taking advantage of this time, he needed to study the pure blood essence of these vampires.    


Normal vampire blood essence was already very precious. Now, this pure blood essence was refined from the blood of a vampire of the Grand Duke rank. There was no need to mention how precious it was. Liu Yi's goal was to use this blood essence to develop some practical secret skills, or to use this blood essence to enhance his own strength so that he could prepare for the upcoming battle.    


The reason the vampire blood couldn't be absorbed by Liu Yi was because the energy contained within the vampire blood was completely different from the energy in Liu Yi's body. But now, that energy no longer existed. Therefore, Liu Yi tried to inject this pure blood into his body.    


Even with the power of the Diamond Protection at the peak of the Heaven Stage, they were unable to resist the devouring of the blood essence.    


Therefore, Liu Yi was quite apprehensive about this action. Logically speaking, this pure blood essence should be able to increase the activity of the body. However, without experimenting with it, he had no way of controlling how strong the devouring ability of this blood essence was.    


Years of life and death experience had finally calmed Liu Yi down. Gradually, he could feel the blood essence being absorbed by him, just like how it was in the diamond guardian's body. As soon as the blood essence entered his body, it exploded like a C4 grenade, faintly shaking Liu Yi's muscles and veins.    


This move immediately caused those diamond guardians to vomit blood. However, Liu Yi's veins were a hundred times stronger than those diamond guardians, so when the blood essence exploded, it only slightly shook Liu Yi's veins and did not cause him any damage.    


Then, the blood essence began to devour the blood in Liu Yi's body. The blood essence of a vampire was incomparably strong. Ordinary human blood could not compete with this blood essence at all. As a result, after being taken in by a vampire for the first time, they would quickly become a lower level vampire. Liu Yi's strength was great, but in terms of blood, he couldn't be compared to the Vampires of the ancestors who played with blood.    


However, even though Liu Yi couldn't resist the devouring power of the blood essence, he was able to control the blood in his body and keep it away from this drop of blood essence.    


The drop of Vampire Blood rampaged inside Liu Yi's body. However, he couldn't find a single drop of Liu Yi's blood. Without the help of blood, the activity of this drop of blood began to decline. It was like a car without oil. Finally, this drop of blood began to hibernate in one of Liu Yi's tendons.    


Liu Yi was very excited as he had already begun to control the drop of blood. Then, he began to control his own true qi to slowly decompose this drop of blood essence.    


As long as he absorbed the essence of this drop of blood, although it would not be able to improve the quality of his zhen qi, Liu Yi's physical body would still be able to achieve a great improvement. This was exactly Liu Yi's plan.    


His zhenqi began to wrap around the drop of blood essence. Then, he formed his zhenqi into a blade and began to cut apart the drop of blood essence. A drop of blood essence wasn't big in the first place, and at this moment, it was cut into countless parts by Liu Yi, almost to the point of disintegrating into a molecule.    


Then, Liu Yi began to try to throw a small drop of blood essence into his own blood. As long as this small drop of blood essence was absorbed by the blood, Liu Yi's plan could be realized.    


However, just as this small drop of blood entered Liu Yi's blood, it once again madly absorbed Liu Yi's blood.    


At the same time, the other blood essences cut by Liu Yi seemed to have received an energy supply in a flash and merged back into a drop of blood essence, crazily rushing towards the place where Liu Yi had blood.    


After being attracted by this blood essence, the blood essence in Liu Yi's body instantly boiled.    


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