Lonely Soldier King

C123 Extreme Method

C123 Extreme Method

Liu Yi didn't know anything about the five families of the Boston consortium meeting up. Even if he did, he wouldn't say anything. After all, the five families seemed powerful, but in his eyes, they were nothing.    


It wasn't that Liu Yi looked down on the five clans, but rather that they were afraid of causing a chain reaction. Liu Yi had brought his men with him to kill them all.    


None of the brave ones had a good ending!    


There are times when you made the right bet. You can reap a lot of benefits, but if you lose the bet, then you will end up in an irrevocable land.    


It was a pity that Liu Yi's strength had not reached a terrifying level yet. Since he was fearful, he could only choose to take revenge by taking money from the casino.    


At 4 PM sharp in the afternoon, Liu Yi arrived at the casino floor of the MGM Hotel. It looked like he was here to gamble, but he wasn't. Liu Yi wasn't here to gamble, but was here to accompany him.    


As for the reason for the bet, Liu Yi had promised to pull her father back, so they had arranged to meet at the casino's entrance.    


Thus, he first went to the casino. Liu Yi was waiting there, ignoring the two security guards at the door who were staring at him.    


These two days, the security guards in the casino of the MGM Hotel were a bit nervous because the day before yesterday, the boss of the MGM Hotel suddenly issued an order that no one should be disrespectful to a person wearing a golden mask, let alone disturb the person wearing a golden mask.    


None of the lower security guards were ordinary people. They were extremely skilled, but they were merely excellent. On another level, they were still ordinary people in the end, which resulted in them being unable to come into contact with people on another level.    


As a result, upon receiving the boss's order, a low-level security guard immediately questioned their captain, who was also the person responsible for the entire casino's security.    


The security guard was very strong. He was a special ability user with extensive contacts. He had once lived with a mercenary group in Africa, so he naturally knew about the situation there. He was even more familiar with the legends of the mercenary world.    


A man wearing a golden mask. A devil. A butcher. A madman.    


There were all sorts of greetings, but it wasn't important. What was important was that the person wearing the golden mask was very terrifying, and behind him stood the number one mercenary group, the Burning Heaven Mercenary Group.    


The security guard knew Liu Yi's identity, so he naturally knew the meaning behind the boss's order. Therefore, he faced the question from the lower level security guard and lightly said, "He's not someone you can offend. Even if he's the boss, he can't afford to offend him."    


It was a simple sentence that explained everything!    


The truth was, the day Liu Yi entered the casino, he won so much money. If it was placed on an ordinary person, it would be impossible for him to leave safely.    


The one in charge of the security also received a request, but he did not give a positive answer. Instead, he coldly looked at the person who came to ask for a favor, and then said coldly. "Even if you lose 10 billion at your table, we wouldn't dare to provoke that person. If we did, the entire casino would be finished."    


Compared to the entire casino, a single gambling table was nothing. The boss behind that table was nothing.    


As a result, the matter was left unsettled. It was very interesting.    


After listening to his superior's warning, the security guards at the entrance didn't dare to be careless at all. They closely observed their surroundings in case of any unexpected situations. For example, if someone approached him wearing a golden mask, they would definitely stop them immediately to avoid offending him.    


Fortunately, the accident didn't happen. Liu Yi didn't say anything when the father and daughter duo arrived. He gave a meaningful glance at the middle-aged man who looked cultured, but was dressed poorly, then stepped into the casino first.    


Three hundred million!    


Liu Yi traded a total of three hundred million chips, then tossed them to the middle-aged man, Lise's father, Lille!    


"Take it and bet. If you win, it's your call. If you lose, you're not allowed to step even half a step into the gambling den. If not, I'll throw you out of the window from here." Although Liu Yi's voice was calm, he couldn't conceal the coldness in his voice. It let people know that he wasn't joking, but was serious.    


To deal with a gambler, you have to give him the stimulation, push the stimulation to the limit, and let him go crazy. If he wins, then once his craziness passes, he will face two choices; one is to continue gambling, and the other is to wake up instantly and never gamble again.    


There was another possibility, and that was that they would lose the bet, and then they would lose their minds, and then they would wake up and realize that they had lost a lot of money, money he would never be able to get in his life.    


Then he would start to reflect, to weigh up, and finally wake up completely and stop being addicted to it.    




Yes, it was extremely extreme, and this was Liu Yi's method. Of course, this method didn't have a 100% success rate. There were also some people who continued to indulge themselves, but was it even possible to continue to indulge themselves?    


Honestly, Liu Yi didn't need to do that. He said something to Las Vegas and all the casinos refused to let Lille in. He believed that with what he said, it was still possible for all the casinos to ban him and gradually get rid of his gambling addiction.    


However, this method was not very safe, so Liu Yi chose this extreme method. Moreover, he only exchanged 300 million chips for 30, 10 million.    


In other words, if Lille lost, he would only have a thirty bet.    


Lille was a crazy gambler. His eyes lit up when he saw chips, especially when he was in love with dice. He was just a little surprised when he got the chips, and then he ran to the dice table.    


Liz was very confused. She walked to Liu Yi's side and looked at him with questioning eyes.    


"Don't worry, I have my ways." Liu Yi smiled faintly, but it was a pity that he was wearing a smirk that Lexi couldn't see.    


"Call the security guards over, then whisper into their ears." Tell the dealer at the dice table that I want that man to lose... "Don't tell me I can't do it …"    


The security guard smiled helplessly. Towards polite people, he would definitely say that was impossible, but towards this man wearing a golden mask, he couldn't say anything. Because he couldn't afford to offend him, he could only do as he was told.    


To be honest, the security guards had a special status in the casino. Their words were very effective. They whispered a few words next to the dealer's ear, then they moved to the side and quietly stared at the gambling table.    


Thirty blinks passed in the blink of an eye.    


After thirty rounds, the three hundred million chips in Lir's hand were emptied in a blink of an eye. His entire body froze on the spot, unable to recover for a long time.    


Liu Yi didn't bother Lille. He knew that this man was awake and had realized that he had lost three hundred million yuan. He had lost money that he would never be able to earn in his entire life.    




"Lex, my dear daughter!" Lir's voice was choked with sobs. Although the man couldn't shed tears despite the blood, at this moment, Lir was still crying sorrowfully. He held onto Lisbeth tightly and kept mumbling to himself. Father is sorry … "    


Lille was filled with regret. He hated himself for giving up and turning into a gambler, nearly breaking apart a perfectly fine family and letting down his own daughter. He actually wanted to use his daughter to make up for his gambling debts. She was only seventeen years old.    


Do not doubt that a gambler is no different from a drug addict. They have lost all sense of reason, so sometimes they do things that are very hard to understand.    


Obviously, Lille had done the same thing before, selling valuable things in the family, exchanging his wife's dowry for money, gambling on her hard-earned money, and even using his daughter as a bargaining chip.    


He had lost three hundred million chips, which was probably something he would never be able to earn in his entire life. However, Lille didn't feel any fear, even if he couldn't earn it, he couldn't lose his confidence. As long as he had confidence, he would be able to accomplish anything, even if it was just to create a miracle.    


Don't doubt it, there are opportunities in M Country. One moment, you may still be a pauper, but the next, you'll be a billionaire. That's not surprising, especially with your skills, you'll have a higher chance of becoming rich overnight.    


As a senior financial analyst, Lille had skills that others couldn't have. Maybe staying in a company and living a peaceful life was not a problem for him, but if he dared to fight and win, then it was not impossible to become rich overnight.    


So, after waking up, Lille didn't feel despair from the loss of three hundred million, but was the first to apologize to his daughter. There was no helping it, his woman had been in too much trouble all these years, no, there was also his wife.    


"Father, I hope you won't …" "It's a bet." Lex still didn't believe her father, because he had been possessed too deeply.    


"I promise... "No, I swear, I will never gamble again." His eyes were determined, and it was clear that he had really come to his senses.    


"…" Liszt still didn't believe him. She stubbornly stared at her father's eyes, and only half believed him when she saw the determination in his eyes. She nodded her head to show that she believed him, but she secretly added this sentence in her heart. I hope so. "    


The so-called prodigal son couldn't be exchanged for gold, but how could a prodigal son turn back that easily? At least, Liz didn't believe that her father would turn back. As for whether or not he actually did turn back, she still had to observe.    


Of course, he knew that his daughter didn't believe him. However, he didn't say anything. He didn't use his mouth to explain whether or not he had really woken up. Instead, he used his actions to show that he didn't believe her.    


"Thank you, sir …" You saved my family, you saved me. " "Lil 'Ye, you …" Lil' Ye turned around, bowed deeply in front of Liu Yi, then continued. "I want to spend the rest of my life on that three hundred million …"    


"Repayment?" "No need," Liu Yi interrupted Lir, then shook his head. You don't need to repay it, even if it is to repay it, it is useless because the money that I have lent isn't something that can be repaid just because it is said to be repaid. "    


"Not yet. After a pause, Liu Yi continued." I heard from Liz that you're a senior financial analyst? "    


"Yes." Lille didn't know what Liu Yi was up to, but he admitted it anyway.    


"Fine, I don't need you to repay me the three hundred million, but you have to work for me." Liu Yi smiled, then said. "I will provide you with a large amount of funds to make your life in the financial markets chaotic. However, you must remember that there are not many opportunities to fail, otherwise, you will be killed."    


The purpose of this was very simple; it was to let Lille understand that he wasn't joking. If the investment really failed many times, then he would definitely kill Lir.    


Liu Yi naturally had a deeper reason for doing so. First, he wanted Lille to wholeheartedly throw himself into the game and completely cut off his thoughts of gambling. This could also be considered as him completing his final step of saving Lille.    


"I promise you, you won't have a chance to take my life." Lir said proudly.    


It was undeniable that Lille was confident. Yes, he wouldn't have dared to make such a promise if it had been for a while, because he was a cripple then, and now he was awake, and the pride and confidence of a senior financial analyst had returned to him.    


"I hope so!" Liu Yi smiled and said.    




Liu Yi was greatly relieved that he finally settled the matter with Lily. At the same time, he was also a little proud of himself, because not only did he get a talent like Liszt, but he also got his father in his hands.    


But Liu Yi didn't forget, give Lille another 50,000 yuan, plus the remaining 20,000 yuan on Lily, a total of 70,000 yuan. Thinking about it, it was enough for them to have a good dinner, dress up, and wait for the money provided by Liu Yi to move to Wall Street.    


In M Country, as a financier, you can do anything in there, but if you don't go into Wall Street, you can't say that you're a financier and have no face to say it.    


Wall Street is, so to speak, the holy ground of the financial industry, and you can say proudly, "I work on Wall Street," only by entering it, even for the lowest employee.    


If Liu is going to enter the financial industry, he can't just find a place. Wall Street is a must." Furthermore, the amount of money Liu Yi provided was definitely not a small amount. Not going to Wall Street would simply be like a hero without a weapon.    


Thus, Liu Yi made some arrangements, then let Lille and Lise return, while he himself returned to his room to take a short rest.    


Honestly speaking, Liu Yi wasn't tired at all, but he still narrowed his eyes for a moment. After all, there was a huge gamble waiting for him.    


They never underestimated any of their enemies. Everyone knew that the five families of the Boston Consortium didn't have any Adepts on their side.    


If he wasn't careful, he might fall into the trap. Therefore, in this period of time, Liu Yi was trying his best to replenish his spirit, so that he could deal with the following gamble.    


Time passed, the clock on the wall kept circling, finally, the pointer pointed to 8 PM sharp. Liu Yi was also dressed at this time, wearing a black suit and tie, looking very handsome, only he wore a golden mask, looking a little out of place.    


Liu Yi didn't care too much about their image. If it wasn't for the fact that he valued the five families' combined 100 billion chips, Liu Yi wouldn't even bother to wear a suit. He could just wear casual clothes and come on stage.    


However, for the sake of a hundred billion chips, Liu Yi eventually put on his suit and took Liu Hong and the five diamond guards to the casino.    




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