Lonely Soldier King

C112 Make a Fortune

C112 Make a Fortune

Liu Yi did not know whether or not it would happen, he only knew that after killing the four giants of the Dolontes family and all the [S] class experts, the ten diamond guardians would have nothing to do, and cleaning up the battlefield did not need Liu Yi, so he could quietly watch the battle between Liu Hong and the bodyguards.    


A family's villa was naturally not sealed, there were many paths for them to escape. Liu Hong was like a violent slaughter, the bodyguards were shocked and knew that they were no match for him. The loyalty they had in their hearts was erased, and their desire to survive was intense.    




The surviving bodyguards all had the same thought and decided to take action.    


However, just as they were about to run away, a voice rang in their ears: "Do you want to run? You all have no chance. The only chance for you all to survive is to kill that person.    


It was Liu Yi's words, and he used his true qi to condense it into a sound line and sent it into the ears of the bodyguards. The content was not wrong as well. They only wanted the bodyguards to kill Liu Hong. Otherwise, they would be beheaded the moment they escaped from the mansion.    


This was simply cold-blooded!    


There was no helping it, Liu Yi was just like that. He was a bit cold-blooded, but wasn't he just giving Liu Hong an opportunity to gain experience? As long as he caused more killings, his strength would increase in a short period of time.    


Everyone knew that there was nothing Fen Tian couldn't do. It was just as he said, only by killing the person who entered the villa would they have the chance to leave. But the moment they stepped down from the villa's door, they would be killed by Fen Tian.    


The desire to live made those people crazy. They continuously tried to stop Liu Hong. Immediately, the pressure on Liu Hong increased by many times. He was even careless, and there were many wounds on his body.    


Liu Hong was facing dozens of people by himself, all of whom were powerful and equipped with firearms. Liu Hong was an ancient martial artist, but he was only at the Xuan Level. He was not strong, so how could he be safe after killing more than 30 people?    


It was painful, but Liu Hong gritted his teeth and endured it. His battle intent continued to rise, causing him to forget about the pain. The only thought in his mind was to kill!    


It had to be said that Liu Hong was a person with a lot of potential, especially after knowing that Liu Yi had put a lot of thought into this matter.    


Twenty minutes.    


Liu Hong used only 20 minutes to kill the remaining 33 people in the villa.    


After killing the last person, Liu Hong turned around to look at the person he had killed and revealed a comforting smile. Then, his eyes darkened and he fainted.    


He fainted due to exhaustion. If not for his willpower, Liu Hong would have fainted long ago. Now that the mission was finally completed, he felt a sense of helplessness in his heart.    


Liu Yi, who had been using his Spiritual Sense to observe Liu Hong's condition, naturally discovered that he had fainted. When he saw Liu Hong's last hint of a smile, he couldn't help but feel slightly annoyed. However, in the end, he still felt happy for Liu Hong.    


Liu Hong had succeeded!    


Liu Yi was deeply gratified that he did not let him down!    




Liu Yi and the rest quickly retreated, but as he retreated, another group of people entered the manor. This group of people were from the Burning Heaven Mercenaries, and their goal was to sweep the battlefield.    


This clearing of the battlefield was different from the usual clearing of the battlefield. The main purpose of this clearing was to plunder the treasures of the Dolontes family, as well as some valuable items.    


Money wasn't everything, but not money.    


The daily expenses for the ten thousand members of the Burning Heaven Mercenary Group were astronomical, not to mention the fact that the training of the secret guards burned most of the money. Each person's daily expenses were even more shocking, without money, the strength of the secret guards wouldn't be able to improve quickly.    


Therefore, after destroying the Dolontes family, Liu Yi wouldn't let go of any of their wealth, including their family headquarters and their family businesses.    


The industry could not be taken away, but the liquidity from those industries could be taken away, as well as their family's projects and properties. These were all valuable things.    


Cash is taken away directly, projects and properties are sold through special channels and cash is taken out.    


Originally, the Burning Heaven Mercenary Group couldn't sell anything from the Dolontes family, but who let them win? Destroying the Dolontes family, without proper formalities, could create a proper contract, such as a signed by the four giants of the Dolontes family.    


This method was very easy to deal with, but it also had many flaws. If the government of the M country interfered at this time, then the Burning Heaven Mercenary Company would not be able to move against their properties. However, would the government of the M country dare to step forward?    


From the very beginning, the government of M Country had been paying attention to this matter, believing that the explosive power of the Diamond Guardian was enough to scare them. There was also Burning Heaven, who turned M Country upside down a few years ago, if they did not want to start a war with the Burning Heaven Mercenary Group, then the government of M Country could only turn a blind eye, close one eye, and pretend that they did not know anything.    


In just three days' time, the Dolontes' family had sold all their businesses. The profits were quite good, and with some liquidity and some cash, it was worth a total of 30 billion.    


Three billion may seem like a lot, but the Dolontes family was a medium-sized family in the M kingdom. Their real assets were definitely not just three billion, so it seemed like it was a little too little to get this number.    


However, there was no other way around it. He was anxious to get first place and then there was a problem with the procedures. He could not reveal it to the public and could only secretly sell it to the public.    


However, Liu Yi was very satisfied. To be able to get 30 billion without any damage, it was truly a big profit.    


However, what made Liu Yi most happy was that he didn't get the 30 billion yuan, but it was because of Liu Hong.    


After the massacre, Liu Hong's injuries were not light. When he woke up, it had already been a day and a night. However, compared to before, his aura was much calmer and more restrained, like a sharp steel sword.    


As for his cultivation level, it had increased by a large amount. He had now reached the late-stage Xuan Xuan realm, and although he had not stepped past the Earth realm to create a miracle, this progress could be considered as one of the miracles, considering how long Liu Hong had been in contact with ancient martial arts.    


Strength was always the most important thing. Seeing that his younger brother's strength had increased by a lot, Liu Yi, the elder brother, would of course be happy. However, he did not reveal it.    


Initially, he thought that his brother would praise him a little, but to think that he would end up like this. Liu Hong felt sad for a moment, but afterwards, he was filled with fighting spirit!    


Killing, upgrading!    


Those were the only two thoughts that popped into Liu Hong's mind.    




Now that the Dolontes case was over, it was time for the Kennedy family and several other members of the Boston consortium to take action.    


For those who dared to attempt to annex the Burning Heaven Mercenaries, Liu Yi did not hold back. Like the Dolontes clan, he paid the price of extermination. Of course, the other clans would not exterminate them, because they were one of the top ten consortia.    


In the end, the M Country was made up of large families, especially the top ten large consortia. They controlled 80% of the M Nation and the other 20% were controlled by medium-sized families and small families.    


It was easy to imagine what would happen if one of the top ten consortia fell down. There was no doubt that it would be a disaster.    


However, it would be a good thing for some people if a large corporation fell in their place. Who wouldn't want to stand on the altar and be looked up to?    


However there was one thing that he was sure of. The ten consortia had been in existence for so many years. Normally they would fight in the dark and in the open but if one of them was destroyed it would cause chaos and it was not something the other nine consortia wanted to see.    


At the same time, it was not something that the governments of M countries wanted to see. Then, they would definitely join forces and send out their powerful forces to retaliate and kill him.    


The government of M Country was definitely a special existence. Their relationship was very complicated and was controlled by the family, but not all of it was controlled by the family. At the very least, it was like the force department, the Power Bureau.    


Under normal circumstances, as long as the president wasn't interested in personal gain, the head of the Superpower Bureau would carry out the president's orders. If Liu Yi exterminated the entire Boston consortium, then things would get out of hand.    


At the current stage, since Liu Yi did not have the ability to fight against the country, he had no choice but to take a step back. He could only let the members of the Boston consortium suffer a little bit of damage, and when there was a chance in the future, he could eliminate them all.    


The failure of the Kennedy family to support the Dolonites and the loss of half of their military force left them in agony, but they had no choice because the remaining half of their strength was not a match for the Burning Heaven Mercenaries.    


What should he do?    


They could only rage, but not act. They could only pray that the Burning Heaven Mercenaries would not come knocking on their doors, otherwise, the Kennedy family would be finished.    


Even when the Kennedy family was at its peak, they were no match for the Burning Heaven Mercenary Group, not to mention that half of them were now disabled.    


But then again, with their high status, it wasn't that easy to defeat them. Their family was half destroyed, but they still had indestructible allies. If several families joined forces, they would still be able to fight back against the Burning Heaven Mercenary Company.    


It was best not to use it unless it was absolutely necessary. The best way to resolve it now was to compensate the Burning Heaven Mercenary Group. Just like Islam, they would compensate them a little before ending the matter.    


In any case, from their point of view, the Burning Heaven Mercenary Group seemed to be in need of money. After exterminating the Duolun Family, they would have at least thirty billion yuan in assets.    


As for the fact that half of the Burning Heaven Mercenaries' forces had been destroyed, this grudge was too deep. It was said that it was the turn of the wind and water, and one day, it would be the Burning Heaven Mercenaries' turn to be unlucky.    


With the intention of negotiating, the Kennedy family sent their steward to search for Fen Tian, but no matter how hard they tried to find him, they could not find him. In other words, Liu Yi.    


Sending a steward to negotiate seemed disingenuous, but who told the Kennedy family to be weak? Every direct descendant of the family was a precious treasure. If they came to negotiate, with Fen Tian's bloodthirsty personality, they would slaughter him with a single slash.    


Therefore, sending a steward to negotiate was already the greatest sincerity.    




Liu Yi was very clear about what had happened in the Kennedy family, but he didn't care. He sent the ten diamond guardians back to the five of them, leaving Liu Hong and the other five to head out of New York to head for the country's famous gambling den, Las Vegas.    


Las Vegas is the largest city in Nevada, M. It is famous for its huge tourism, shopping, and vacation industries centered around gambling. Nine of the world's ten biggest vacation hotels are located here, and it is one of the world's most famous resorts, with the titles of "the entertainment capital of the world" and "the wedding capital". From a giant playground to a city of real flesh and blood.    


Las Vegas was reborn in a decade, from a small village a hundred years ago to a giant tourist city. Of the 38.9 million people who travel to Las Vegas every year, the majority come to shop and enjoy good food, while the majority come to gamble. Nevada, once the city of Sin, has matured into a real city.    


The city was not big, with a total area of just 2,936 square kilometers and an average population density of 1,630 people per square kilometre, of which about 70 per cent were white, 23 per cent were Hispanic, 10 per cent were black, and 5 per cent were Asian. Apart from the yellow people who did business in Chinatown, there were a lot of Asian people in the casinos.    


At the same time, Las Vegas is a "capital of suicide" and a paradise for marriage and divorce, in addition to its "World City of Gambling" and "Pornographic Paradise".    


Since 1998, Las Vegas has had 282-292 suicides a year, with 223 of an average 100 thousand people on the road to death, ranking at the top of M countries' urban suicide rate. Most of the suicides were local, with men as the majority, and foreign tourists accounted for 10 per cent of suicides. Most suicides choose to shoot, while some gamblers jump off casino towers. The reason for the suicide was that he had lost too many bets in Las Vegas. A lot of people with problems went to Las Vegas in hopes and fantasies, but the hard-faced Las Vegas couldn't stand up to these losers, so they had to go to God in despair.    


It was not hard to see from these figures that Las Vegas was a dark city, full of people from all walks of life. It was also a gathering place for people from all walks of life, so it was not surprising to call it the City of Sin.    


The purpose of Liu Yi's group was this Sin City. Was there a need to explain?    


At the end of the day, the Burning Heaven Mercenary Group that Liu Yi belonged to was one of the dark forces. It could be classified as a dark force, but since Las Vegas was a city of darkness, then wouldn't the arrival of Liu Yi's group be as easy as fish swimming in water?    




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