Lonely Soldier King

C106 Destroy 3

C106 Destroy 3

"S-class genetic warrior!" Jin Wei didn't mind the fact that the S-class genetic warrior's fist was coming at him. With a disdainful smile on his face, he coldly said. So what if you have reason? "    


If he hadn't reached Heaven Stage, Jin Wei might have turned pale with fright, but after breaking through Heaven Stage, his whole body was full of power. Facing the full power of an S ranked genetic warrior, he no longer had to fear, but was instead very relaxed.    


Jin Wei opened his palm, and even withdrew his zhen qi layer. He did not have a shred of defense, but his open palm still firmly received the incoming fist. The momentum caused his palm to feel slightly numb, but after taking a deep breath and raising his strength, he firmly controlled his fist.    


He squeezed with force and received the fist. His five fingers were like iron hands, squeezing the genetic warrior's fist until it made a cracking sound.    


Card... Card...    


A few muffled sounds meant that the S-class genetic warrior's fist was crippled.    


"It feels so good to be full of power!" Jin Wei smiled happily and said.    


Indeed, at this moment, Jin Wei was in a very good mood. The breakthrough in his realm had washed away his previous anger and made him feel extremely good. However, Jin Wei did not want to let go of the S-class genetic warrior.    


Anyone who had anything to do with the Dolontes family was going to die!    


So, the S class genetic warrior's head was cut off by a blade made of zhenqi!    


This was a very dignified way of dying, and it was because Jin Wei was thankful for the way of dying, an S-class genetic warrior.    


If it wasn't for this rational genetic warrior, Jin Wei might not have had the chance to break through to the Heaven Stage. In the end, he still had to thank this genetic warrior for his breakthrough, but since this genetic warrior was a member of the Dolontes family, he must die in order to have such a dignified way of dying.    


After killing this rational S-class genetic warrior, Jin Wei didn't stop, but walked forward. He remembered that there was still an illogical genetic warrior lying limp on the ground and didn't die.    


A burst of zhenqi shot out, killing a genetic warrior!    


Only then did he return back to his previous office. He then jumped out of the window, grabbed the rope and slid down, all the way down to the ground floor. With a shake of his hand, a surge of true qi followed the rope and then the iron hook on the platform fell off, and the entire rope returned to the hands of the golden guard.    


"Mission accomplished!"    




Jin Wei's performance was all in Liu Yi's eyes. Even if the distance was a little too far, Liu Yi's strength could be seen with Spiritual Awareness.    


At the same time, Jin Wei's performance was seen by Liu Hong. He used distant glasses, and fortunately, the glass in the corridor of the building was colorless glass, allowing Liu Hong to see everything directly, including the two battles.    


"What do you think?" Liu Yi asked.    


After Jin Wei's mission was completed, Liu Yi left with Liu Hong. However, Liu Yi did not return to his room with Jin Wei; instead, he asked Liu Hong about his departure.    


Observing others' battles would undoubtedly increase his experience. This was also why Liu Yi wanted to bring Liu Hong over to see, rather than letting Liu Hong gain experience from missions.    


There was no helping it, even though Liu Hong's current strength was a bit high, he had never participated in a proper battle. In front of a battle to the death, Liu Hong's strength was insufficient. That was why Liu Yi brought him up onto the rooftop.    


There was no helping it, Liu Hong was his younger brother, if it was anyone else, Liu Yi wouldn't have to put in so much effort, he could just let them gain combat experience by themselves, in the end, they would be able to survive, they would become real warriors, and if they died in battle, then that would be their bad luck.    


Reality was just that cruel. The strong survived while the weak ate!    


"Very strong!" Liu Hong nodded solemnly and said. Although the combat style of an S class genetic warrior was a bit monotonous, it had a lot of power... The Ancient Martial Arts cultivators who have reached the high level, regardless of speed, explosive strength, or methods, have all reached a balanced state. If one had a bit of experience, without making any mistakes, it would be enough to surpass one's rank and kill the enemy. "    


Liu Hong was very clear about what his older brother wanted to know. However, he knew very well that this so-called thinking was not the same as what he had felt after watching the battle.    


"…" Liu Yi didn't say anything, but he nodded, then shook his head.    


Nodding his head in agreement, he shook his head.    


"Liu Yi did all of this because Liu Hong was only half right and half wrong." However, you didn't say the difference between a rational gene warrior and an illogical gene warrior. Their strengths are definitely not at the same level as them, but several times, perhaps even dozens of times. "    


"In addition, not every ancient martial arts cultivator is like the secret guards. It can be said that the secret guards increase their strength. Other ancient martial artists would not have such combat strength on the same level." At this point, Liu Yi glanced at Liu Hong. Seeing the latter listening intently, he nodded his head in satisfaction and continued. "In the end, it's still a matter of cultivation techniques. There are some cultivation techniques that can allow a warrior to jump ranks, but there are also some that cannot. The cultivation techniques cultivated by the secret guards are exactly one that can be used to fight those who can jump ranks."    


It wasn't Liu Hong's fault for giving Jin Wei such a high evaluation. It was entirely because he had just come into contact with this world that he hadn't heard of. He hadn't seen any ancient martial arts cultivators and instinctively believed that every ancient martial arts cultivator was like this.    


However, Liu Yi had already explained it clearly to him, which made Liu Hong feel that it was a little realistic. That was because in his subconscious, the world was fair, and since it was fair, it was naturally balanced.    


But when he thought about it, Jin Wei's cultivation technique could be used to fight those heaven-defying existences. As for himself, the cultivation technique he practiced was the same as the secret guard's; he could also fight those above his rank. Then wouldn't he also become a heaven-defying existence one day?    


"As long as one has sufficient experience, cultivating diligently won't be as difficult as becoming a secret guard!" Liu Yi seemed to have seen through Liu Hong's thoughts and gave him some encouragement. However, very quickly, his tone became much more serious. However, in my request, you don't want to be like the secret guards, but to surpass them, or even surpass me. "    


Encouragement, this is another encouragement, but also to Liu Hong a goal to strive for.    


Liu Hong had already experienced the secret guard's power. Liu Yi was a mysterious existence, but how could the person who created the secret guard be inferior to him? Thus, Liu Yi was even more powerful.    


"…" Liu Hong did not say anything, but his clenched fist showed what he was thinking.    


Seeing Liu Hong clench his fist, how could Liu Yi not know what he was thinking? However, he did not continue. What he had said before was enough. He patted Liu Hong on the shoulder before turning around and leaving.    




In the blink of an eye, three days had passed!    


During these three days, every direct member of the Dolontes family lived in terror. Especially the ones who held the power of the four giants, they lived in rage and fear every day.    


With the Dolontes' family's influence, it shouldn't be considered small in the country. Although it was comparable to the large families of the top financial groups, it was still above the middle level. How could its power be small?    


However, with such a powerful force, they couldn't find out who did it, and they didn't even know where the killers were hiding. The killers came and left like they were on a mission.    


If he knew who his opponent was, or where his murderous intent was, no matter how powerful he was, the Dolontes family would not be able to deal with him. At the very least, he could ask for help.    


Their Dolontes family had money, and not just a small amount of it. If they were to encounter any difficulties, they could also use money to make a result, not to mention that this group of people had terrifying powers. Even their direct line members were protected by S-class genetic warriors.    


With the tyranny of the government of M Country, how could they let them stay in the country? It was undoubtedly a ticking time bomb placed beside the pillow that could explode at any time.    


Therefore, as long as their Dolontes family found the killer, changed, or had someone deal with them from behind, they would be able to plan things out and take revenge.    


However, no matter how hard the Dolontes family tried, they couldn't escape. One by one, all the members of the direct line died. In just three days, all fifty members of the direct line died, along with their protectors.    


On the first day, twenty direct line members of the Dolontes family died. There were traces of a fierce battle, and after a thorough investigation, the traces of the fight were the S rank genetic warrior's fight with the enemy. This fight was not organized, and it was clearly caused by the S rank genetic warrior losing his master's control.    


This meant one thing, and that was that the killers killed their master, who was a member of the Dolontes family, before they killed the genetic warriors and the bodyguards.    


With the protection of layers upon layers of protection, and then attacking the assassin, it could be seen how powerful the assassin was.    


The next day, another twenty direct members of the Dolontes family died. The situation was the same as the first day. There were traces of a fierce battle, and it was also the previous owner who had taken his men.    


This time, the four giants in charge of the Dolontes' clan were extremely anxious. If they were to continue on with the slaughter, then it wouldn't even take a day for all of the members of the Dolontes' clan to be wiped out, leaving behind only the four giants.    


A family, mainly descendants, had lost their descendants, and their family was not far from destruction. As a result, the four giants gave the order for all the family members to immediately return to headquarters and use their defenses to block the enemy.    


In addition, before the order was given, the four giants sent out their powerful forces from the headquarters to divide into small teams to reinforce the direct line members, in other words, to help them return to the headquarters.    


However, at this moment, the remaining ten members of the direct line had all died when they reached the headquarters. Even the squad that had escorted them back had died.    


At this moment, the four giants of the Dolontes clan were stunned. They were deeply frightened and also extremely angry.    


The fear was that the enemy was too powerful. One could imagine, every member of the direct line had the protection of an S ranked genetic warrior, plus the reinforcements sent out to escort them, there were a total of three S ranked genetic warriors. Just how powerful was this?    


As for anger, they, Dolontes, had no one else, and it was almost as if they were extinct. This was their root, how could they not be angry and crazy?    


The four giants of the Dolontes clan were four brothers. They weren't like the other clans, who fought for power and split up when they were young. They all had similar abilities, and each of them was proficient in their own field.    


From the history of the Dolontes' family, you can see that in the last thirty years, their development has been the fastest. Previously, their family was just a small family, the lowest kind.    


At this moment, the four brothers of the Dolontes clan were all seated together. Their expressions were one of grief, solemnity, and deep fury.    


"Boss, we can't continue like this. We have to find those people and hack them one by one to pieces. Only then can my anger be quelled." The hot-tempered Ol 'Four said loudly.    


"Sigh …"    


Hearing this, the boss let out a long sigh and said with a sorrowful expression. I don't want to do that either, but the other party's movements are too fast, so fast that we didn't even have a chance to react. Furthermore, we don't even know who they are, it's easier said than done! "    


As the head of the family, the so-called 'elder brother as father' was the most authoritative person in the family. Even if his abilities weren't the most outstanding, his words were still the most valuable amongst the four brothers.    


"Recently, our family hasn't offended anyone. Hmm, in the business world, there are many enemies, but those enemies don't have the ability to attack us without anyone knowing." "Ol 'Three muttered to itself for a long time before it finally spoke." "Besides, those enemies still don't have the ability to fight against us. After all, our family has the most genetic warriors."    


"That's right, Ol 'Three is right." The second brother also spoke up. As the smartest person in the family, he always acted as the brain of his family, and his words were second only to his eldest brother. It's most likely the Burning Heaven Mercenaries. "    


"Not yet," the second eldest said after pausing for a while, his brows knitted together. We have undoubtedly offended the Burning Heaven Mercenary Group, and we heard that Burning Heaven returned to Africa, and swiftly suppressed all parties with lightning speed, bringing the Burning Heaven Mercenary Group back together. And the Burning Heaven Mercenary Group is Burning Heaven's hard work, he absolutely would not see anyone acting against his hard work, and he would definitely not be indifferent. "    


"Also, the Burning Heaven Mercenaries should have the ability to eliminate our direct descendants without anyone knowing." The second brother finally said in an uncertain tone.    


This was because they knew that this was a very strong mercenary group, but its strength was only this much. Other than their leader, Fen Tian, no one else seemed to have the ability to fight against an S-class genetic warrior.    


There was a superficial level, and a higher one at the top. In one level, it was impossible to reach another level, and the Burning Heaven Mercenary Group's strength was definitely not at the top. With their strength, they were still unable to reach the level of genetic warriors.    


Of course, aside from Fen Tian, could he possibly wipe out fifty direct descendants of the Dolontes family in three days by himself?    




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