Super Talisman Master

C501 A Blood Oath!

C501 A Blood Oath!

After the news of the battle between Qin Chuan and Xi Yu had spread to the whole of Shanzhong City, Qin Chuan and the new Invincible had become the hottest topic in Shanzhong City. There would definitely be people talking about the battle between Qin Chuan and Xi Yu. It could be said to be quite lively.    


However, these topics had nothing to do with Qin Chuan. After he returned to the hotel, he started to rest. He waited until his abdomen recovered before he walked out of the room.    


Seeing Qin Chuan come out, Shi Jue, who was eating, immediately called Qin Chuan over. He said to Qin Chuan, "You are now the hottest topic in Shanzhong City. Almost everyone is talking about you. Some busybodies have already started to arrange the candidates for your next match, one against five."    


Hearing Shi Jue's words, Qin Chuan grinned and asked, "Are these netizens all so free?"    


As he spoke, Qin Chuan had already sat down beside Shi Jue. He looked at the Holo-Brain screen in front of Shi Jue and saw the unfamiliar names arranged on it. He asked curiously, "Who are these people?"    


"These are Foundation Establishment Period experts who have been in the arena of Shanzhong City all year round. They can be considered the more famous ones." Shi Jue introduced them to Qin Chuan. "You have defeated Xi Yu, which means you are standing at the top of Foundation Establishment Period. Even if five Foundation Establishment Period warriors joined hands, they might not be a match for you. After all, Xi Yu had participated in the Thousand Challenges by himself in the past. And you have also passed the fifth stage. You are stronger than Xi Yu. The opponents you have to face will naturally be stronger."    


What Shi Jue said made a lot of sense. If they were to randomly arrange five Foundation Establishment Period opponents for Qin Chuan in the arena, although Qin Chuan could easily win the battle, the excitement of the battle would surely decrease. The audience's experience in watching the match would definitely be bad, and it wouldn't be as effective as the training that Qin Chuan wanted. Therefore, Qin Chuan's opponents would only become stronger and stronger in the future!    


"Then I still need to study the information of these people." Qin Chuan looked at the screen and recorded the names of these people. He planned to study their fighting style when he had time later.    


Just as Shi Jue was about to make a copy for Qin Chuan, the doorbell of the room suddenly rang. Qin Chuan looked at the guest on the door and couldn't help but smile.    


Shi Jue looked at Qin Chuan in surprise and asked, "You asked him to come?"    


"No, he was willing to come." Qin Chuan laughed and said, "Please come in."    


As Qin Chuan finished speaking, the door slowly opened. Xi Yu, dressed in plain clothes, walked in from outside the door. He looked at Qin Chuan with a complicated look and asked, "Does the promise between us still count?"    


"Of course." Qin Chuan smiled and said to Xi Yu, "Come and take a seat."    


Xi Yu walked to the sofa and sat down. He said to Qin Chuan, "I am willing to accept your conditions. You help me repair my foundation. I will work for you for ten years."    


Hearing Xi Yu's words, Shi Jue looked at Qin Chuan subtly. He did not expect Qin Chuan to recruit Xi Yu.    


In Shi Jue's eyes, although Xi Yu was not a talented genius, such a genius was even rarer than the former. He was also stronger. If Qin Chuan could really help Xi Yu restore his foundation, with Xi Yu's accumulation over the years... I'm sure I'll be able to become a Golden Core Stage warrior and rise quickly amongst the Golden Core Stage. He would become a very powerful helper for Qin Chuan.    


Qin Chuan didn't respond to Xi Yu immediately. He turned his eyes to Shi Jue and asked, "Big cousin, that thing should be able to repair his foundation, right?"    


Shi Jue took a deep look at Qin Chuan and said, "Yes, but are you sure you want to do this? That thing could not only repair his foundation, it could also improve his talent. It can make him even more outstanding. That thing is like a miracle pill to those who are at a lower realm. Its effect is in all aspects!"    


Hearing Shi Jue's words, Qin Chuan smiled and replied, "I think he deserves such an investment."    


"Since you have already made your decision, then I will not say anymore." Shi Jue looked at Qin Chuan meaningfully and said, "But you have to be careful. Don't expose your wealth. If you don't have a good countermeasure, then... I advise you to think twice before doing anything. "    


Shi Jue didn't hide his words from Xi Yu and said it very naturally. He reminded Qin Chuan to be careful of Xi Yu. If Xi Yu betrayed Qin Chuan because of greed, Qin Chuan might suffer a fatal blow!    


Xi Yu sat on the side quietly listening to the conversation between Qin Chuan and Shi Jue. He was very curious about the "thing" that Shi Jue and Qin Chuan mentioned. He really wanted to know what it was that had such a magical effect. He did not have any objections to Shi Jue's kind reminder of Qin Chuan. After all, he and Qin Chuan had only known each other for less than half a day. It was normal for Qin Chuan to be cautious. It would be strange if ___ trusted him unconditionally.    


Since Qin Chuan intended to use the flesh of the Consul to repair Xi Yu's foundation, he would naturally think of a countermeasure. He turned his gaze to Xi Yu, "If you want me to help you repair your foundation, you need to swear a blood oath. You must not do anything that will harm me for the next ten years. You must listen to my orders and arrangements. If you disobey, you will be punished by the heavens! "    


Qin Chuan paused for a moment and said, "Of course, I will not let you do anything that will cost you your life."    


"I have no objections." Without any hesitation, Xi Yu opened his mouth and bit his finger. He started to swear with blood.    


"I, Xi Yu, hereby swear that if Qin Chuan helps me restore my foundation, I will follow him in life and death. Within ten years, I will do whatever Qin Chuan asks me to do. I will not do anything that will harm Qin Chuan. If I disobey, I will be punished by the heavens!"    


As Xi Yu swore the oath, the blood on his finger suddenly turned into a cloud of blood mist and rushed towards Qin Chuan. Qin Chuan did not stop it, allowing the blood mist to rush towards him and merge into his body.    


Qin Chuan closed his eyes and felt it carefully. He opened his eyes and looked at Xi Yu. He smiled slightly, "From now on, you are my partner. From now on, you don't need to do anything. You just need to focus on repairing your foundation."    


As he spoke, Qin Chuan took out a palm-sized piece of meat from his storage ring and placed it in front of Xi Yu. He said to Xi Yu, "This is for you to repair your foundation."    


Xi Yu looked at the piece of meat in front of him and felt the astonishing energy contained in it. A rare trace of excitement could not help but appear in his eyes.    


"The method of using this leg meat is very simple. Just swallow it directly, but you must remember to eat it multiple times. You only need to eat a piece the size of a fingernail each time. If you eat too much, you will die from overeating."    


Qin Chuan felt that this reminder was necessary. If Xi Yu ate too much and died from overeating, he would suffer a huge loss.    


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