Super Talisman Master

C378 The Plan Was Messed up

C378 The Plan Was Messed up

1200 kilometers away from the Dongshaan City, a fleet was slowly advancing towards the Dongshaan City. The flag of "Fu" was waving in the wind above the fleet, showing the identity of this fleet.    


In the command center of the main ship, a tall figure was casually sitting on a soft and comfortable sofa. He held a glass of red wine in his hand and looked at the Crystal Screen in front of him with a subtle gaze. Looking at the news report about the Tenth Legion defeating the Male Lion Department, his expression seemed to be a little unhappy.    


"It's just a victory. Is it really worth it to publicize it so openly? It's as if other than the Tenth Legion, the other armies are all useless. They don't know how to fight a war."    


The person who said this was none other than the commander of the Fourteenth Legion, Fu Loong.    


The deputy smiled and said to Fu Loong," You are right. If it wasn't for the fact that the Tenth Legion happened to be in Dongshaan City and was lucky enough to meet them, they wouldn't have had the chance to win this war. "    


Fu Loong glanced at the adjutant and asked, "Who do you think is stronger than the Tenth Legion?"    


"Of course it's the Fourteenth Legion." The adjutant said without hesitation, "Under your leadership, the Fourteenth Legion is invincible!"    


Hearing the adjutant's answer, Fu Loong's face slowly revealed a trace of coldness, "Are you treating me like a fool to coax me?"    


The adjutant hurriedly shook his head and said, "I dare not!"    


"I dare not? I see that you are very bold." Fu Loong coldly harrumphed, "If our Fourteenth Legion is really stronger than the Tenth Legion, do you think that I will be able to slowly advance Yuv here? Giving such a huge contribution to Qin Jue, that woman?! "    


In Fu Loong's original plan, the Tenth Legion would be defeated after a fierce battle with the Male Lion Department. They might even have been wiped out, and the Male Lion Department who annihilated the Tenth Legion would have to pay a heavy price. At that time, he would lead the Fourteenth Legion to the battlefield. He had swept across the Male Lion Department and saved the Dongshaan City. He had also taken revenge for the Tenth Legion. It could be said that he had gained both fame and fortune. However, who would have thought that the development of the matter wouldn't go according to his script? Such a huge change had actually occurred.    


This change happened too suddenly, completely disrupting Fu Loong's plan. It had also caused the Fourteenth Legion to fall into an extremely awkward situation. Everyone knew that the Fourteenth Legion was a resident force of the Eastern Mountain frontline. When the war broke out on the Eastern Mountain front line, Fourteenth Legion should have sent reinforcements as soon as possible. However, due to various reasons, he chose to stay put.    


If it wasn't for the Tenth Legion's interference, he would have led the Fourteenth Legion to the Dongshaan City. In order to protect Dongshaan City and defend against the Male Lion Department's attack, the entire Dongshaan City would be grateful to him. The military would also praise him as long as he could defend the Dongshaan City. No one would bother with his speed, but the Fourteenth Legion had yet to arrive at the battlefield. The war had ended. Not only was he unable to gain any benefits from it. He might even be accused of causing a mistake in the war!    


When he thought about how he had arranged everything so meticulously, and all the benefits had been given to Qin Jue, that woman, Fu Loong could not help but want to get angry!    


The adjutant stood by the side and looked at Fu Loong's gloomy face with fear and trepidation. He did not even dare to breathe loudly, afraid that he would provoke Fu Loong again.    


"Pass down my order, advance at full speed, and head to Dongshaan City!" Fu Loong said with a cold face, "Send out a portion of our forces to the battlefield and help Tenth Legion clean up the battlefield! Remember, the Fourteenth Legion must appear on the battlefield. Do you understand?"    


"I understand."    


The adjutant nervously agreed. He had to do this well!    


Dongshan Camp.    


Qin Jue stood by the window, looking at the busy scene outside the window. Her gaze was rather complicated. Although they had won this battle, her Tenth Legion had been crippled. The full fifty thousand combat personnel only had a little more than twenty thousand combat strength left.    


There were two options in front of her right now. The first was to recruit soldiers. Although recruiting soldiers could fill up the 50,000 combat personnel, it would cause the Tenth Legion's combat strength to drop drastically because of their combat experience. It would take at least two to three years for the ___ to recover to its normal level. This was too long for Qin Jue.    


The second option was to apply to the military to transform Tenth Legion into a battleship force!    


Out of the thirty legions in Star Dragon Federation, only the 1st, 2nd and 3rd legions were battleships. Each of the three legions had over 100 battleships, and they were equipped with strategic weapons that were even more powerful than the Meteor Cannon. Although Tenth Legion was said to be invincible, but if they were to fight with the three legions... They would be destroyed in less than three minutes!    


The first, second and third legions were the most important forces of the military. They were also the strongest forces of Star Dragon Federation. These three forces had always been operating in the Mount Jie, which was at the border between the Demon Clan and the Star Dragon Federation. They were fighting with the immediate forces of the Demon Imperial Court. An opponent like the Male Lion Department was not worth their time at all!    


Currently, the Tenth Legion had been crippled in order to protect the Dongshaan City from the Male Lion Department. If Qin Jue asked the military to transform the Tenth Legion into a warship force with the help of this contribution, it was highly likely that she would pass!    


Once the Tenth Legion was transformed into a warship force, the Tenth Legion's position in the military would be greatly improved. She would also have a greater say in the military!    


Just as Qin Jue was thinking about how to speak to the military, the adjutant Yuh Na suddenly walked over. She reported in a low voice, "General, there is news from the front line that the people from the Fourteenth Legion have arrived. They sent people to the battlefield to help us clean up the battlefield in the name of fighting for the spoils of war."    


Qin Jue's face darkened when she heard Yuh Na's report. During the war, she did not see anyone from the Fourteenth Legion. Now that the war had ended, the Fourteenth Legion jumped out to fight for the spoils of war. This was too shameless!    


"Fight back!" Qin Jue ordered without hesitation, "If anyone from the Fourteenth Legion dares to attack the spoils of war, then beat them up. I will take responsibility if they beat me to death!"    




Yuh Na received the order and left.    


After Yuh Na left, Qin Jue took out her phone and found Fu Loong's number in her contact list and dialed him.    


The phone rang for a moment before it was picked up. Fu Loong's hearty laughter also came over.    


"Hahaha, I haven't had time to contact General Qin yet, but General Qin contacted me first. Congratulations on General Qin's victorious return. Mayor Guo and I have prepared a celebration banquet for General Qin in Dongshaan City. I hope General Qin will give us some face. "    


Qin Jue smiled coldly when she heard him, "Fu Loong, if you don't want to die, you'd better clean your hands and feet!"    


Qin Jue hung up the phone without waiting for Fu Loong's response. She was too lazy to talk nonsense with a bug like Fu Loong!    


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