Super Talisman Master

C380 Breakthrough

C380 Breakthrough

In the cultivation room, Qin Chuan was sitting cross-legged on the ground, quietly circulating the Lightning Swallowing Formula, crazily absorbing the Spiritual Force in his hands. In just a moment, he had already absorbed the two Middle-grade Thunder Spirit Stone into dregs.    


In a short two hours, Qin Chuan had consumed up to a hundred Middle-grade Thunder Spirit Stone. If it wasn't for Qin Jue's unlimited supply, with Qin Chuan's current wealth, it would be very difficult for him to afford to consume them.    


Although it was a bit of consumption, the harvest was still shocking. Qin Chuan's cultivation had smoothly advanced from the Early Period of the Foundation Establishment to the Middle Period of the Foundation Establishment!    




Qin Chuan finished his cultivation and slowly opened his eyes. He opened his mouth and exhaled a mouthful of foul air. He stood up and stretched his body a little. He smiled and said to himself, "I really didn't expect that this matter would be a blessing in disguise. It actually allowed me to break through to the Middle Period of the Foundation Establishment smoothly."    


During this period of time, Qin Chuan didn't put in much effort in his cultivation. Everything happened naturally. The reason why he was able to break through to the Middle Period of the Foundation Establishment smoothly this time was because of this. In Qin Chuan's opinion, there were two reasons. One was naturally because he had overdrawn his strength this time, causing his body to desire strength. He yearned for the feeling of being filled with power from head to toe. When he cultivated, he couldn't help but want to absorb more power. Just like that, he broke through the bottleneck and entered a higher realm. Another reason was that Azure Dragon Cang Hao removed the restriction in his body, allowing him to cultivate without any obstacles. Under the combination of all these factors, his realm naturally rose.    


To Qin Chuan, it was naturally a good thing that he could raise his strength to a higher level before entering the mysterious Carefree Secret Realm. This way, he would be more confident in his future trip to the Carefree Secret Realm.    


"Congratulations." Qin Jue slowly walked over and looked at Qin Chuan who had just broken through. She said, "Your cultivation speed is faster than I imagined."    


It had only been a few months since Qin Chuan broke through to the Foundation Establishment Period. To be able to break through to the Middle Period of the Foundation Establishment so quickly was already considered a genius.    


"Thank you." Qin Chuan chuckled and said, "After breaking through to the Middle Period of the Foundation Establishment, I should be able to protect myself in Carefree Secret Realm."    


Qin Jue's expression changed slightly when she heard Qin Chuan mention Carefree Secret Realm. She said, "I know you promised Qin Family that you would represent Qin Family in Carefree Secret Realm. Actually, this matter won't do you any good."    


"I know that it won't do me any good, but I don't have a choice, right?" Qin Chuan smiled faintly. "When it comes to working for the Qin Family and death, as long as you aren't a fool, you should know what to choose."    


Qin Jue was silent for a moment, then said, "Actually, even if you don't agree, you won't die."    


"Compared to betting whether Qin Chongxiao will kill me, I prefer to take the initiative."    


"Qin Chongxiao, is this what you call him?"    


"Yes, Qin Chongxiao. A name has no other meaning."    


Qin Jue felt a little sad. She knew that Qin Chuan did not agree with the Qin Family. She didn't treat the people of the Qin Family as her family, but when she heard Qin Chuan calling Qin Chongxiao by his name, she couldn't help but feel sad when she heard ___ calling ___ by his grandfather.    


"Do you know what the key that Qin Family wants you to snatch represents?" Qin Jue looked at Qin Chuan with a complicated look and said, "That key controls the opening and closing of Carefree Secret Realm. Who has that key? It is equivalent to controlling Carefree Secret Realm! You should know the meaning of the Carefree Secret Realm very well. "    


" So that's how it is. " Qin Chuan nodded in understanding. He initially thought that the key could open some kind of treasure. However, he didn't expect that it would be able to open the entire Carefree Secret Realm. He had to admit that... The Qin Family had a really big appetite.    


After knowing the importance of the key, Qin Chuan started to think about another problem. Since the Qin Family knew how important the key was, the other families must also be very clear about it. When the time came, some fights would surely break out in order to fight for the key.    


"Can someone be killed in Carefree Secret Realm?"    


Hearing Qin Chuan mention this question, Qin Jue could not help giving Qin Chuan a deep look. Of course, killing is allowed in Carefree Secret Realm, but it is best not to be seen by others. Otherwise, some people might not let you go after you come out."    


Qin Chuan nodded and said, "I understand. Anyone who kills will always be killed."    


Seeing Qin Chuan's calm look, Qin Jue could not help but ask, "Qin Chuan, have you killed anyone before?"    


"No." Qin Chuan frankly shook his head and said, "I have killed demons, but I have never killed anyone."    


Qin Chuan had never killed anyone before, but if he really wanted to kill someone, he would never be soft-hearted. The cultivation world was so cruel, and he was soft-hearted to others. That was the same as being cruel to himself. Qin Chuan understood this principle.    


Qin Jue heard this and looked at Qin Chuan faintly, "I hope that you will return from Carefree Secret Realm, and you will still be the young man I am familiar with."    


Qin Chuan grinned and said, "Don't worry, I will always be Qin Chuan."    


The Military Department moved faster than Qin Jue had imagined. The award she had applied for was soon approved. They were all satisfied. As for the modification to become a warship unit... After some discussion, the Military Department finally made a decision... Temporarily transforming Tenth Legion into a half-warship unit, the complete modification would be completed in the next three years.    


After getting the approval from the Military, Qin Jue did not feel surprised. Currently, most of the warships produced by the military were supplied to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd legions of Mount Jie far away. In addition, the warships were also supplied to other legions and local troops. It was relatively difficult for the military to completely modify the Tenth Legion with hundreds of warships in one go. First, they would transform the Tenth Legion into a half-warship unit. Then, they would transform the ___ into a complete warship unit step by step. Qin Jue could accept it.    


To Qin Jue, the most difficult part was to apply for this stage. As long as she took the most crucial step, the rest of the matters would naturally be simpler.    


As for the reward, the Military Department did not provide the Qin Family with the best quality Thunder Spirit Stone. Instead, they took out three high grade Thunder Spirit Stone and one high grade Spirit Stone. Qin Jue was not surprised. She could also accept it. As for Qin Chuan... He had already prepared himself for nothing. It was definitely a pleasant surprise to be able to obtain three high grade and one high grade Spirit Stone.    


In terms of sword techniques, the Military Department had given him three choices. They were the Army Destroyer Sword Technique, Slaughter Sword Technique, and Absolute Sword. Qin Chuan could only choose one of these three sword techniques. After a simple understanding, Qin Chuan decisively chose the Absolute Sword.    


Now, he already had a sword technique. The problem that needed to be solved by Qin Chuan was another one. He needed a good sword that was suitable for him.    


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